of the North Manchester Historical Society, Inc.



More News from 1900

The articles in this issue of the Newsletter are taken from the North Manchester Journal and give a glimpse of life in North Manchester at the turn of the last century. Sit back, put your feet up, and put yourself in the mind of a resident in the year 1900.

Erie Railroad
Homeseekers excursion tickets will be sold at all stations Feb. 20, March 6 and 20, April 3 and 17, at low rates to various parts in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, also to points in the southern, western and northwestern states. Stopovers will be allowed in homeseekers territory for fifteen days. New York excursions, account of Merchants 


Association on the certificate plan tickets will be sold on Feb 3 to 17 and March l to 4 with thirty days limit. New Orleans and Mobile Ala., excursion tickets sold Feb. 9 to 26, at one fare for round trip good returning March 15. For information call on Chicago and Erie agents or address, W.S. Morrison, traveling passenger agent, Huntington, Indiana.

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A Startling Sight Witnessed in the Town at a Late Hour One Night Last Week

That the Bippus ghost or some other mysterious nocturnal visitor has taken up its abode in Servia seems to be an undeniable fact. Some startling things have come to pass in Servia lately which seem to be explainable by no other means. The latest spiritual demonstration is said to have occurred at a late hour one night about a week ago.

Some belated pedestrians on the street hurrying to their homes saw a most startling sight which made their hair raise in a perpendicular position. Coming down the middle of the street was the figure of either a disembodied soul or a disrobed human. It had the shape of a young lady of surpassing beauty clad in a very diaphanous costume. In spite of the chilly air the apparition continued to flit down the street until it disappeared and those who witnessed this sight stood rooted to the spot unable to move hand or foot or wink an eye, an operation which some of the spectators felt very much inclined to indulge in.

As near as can be learned this ghostly visitor came from the direction of the mill yard, but where it went is still a mystery. Some of those who feasted their eyes upon the sight declare that it was

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  certainly a ghost, while those who are less superstitious claim that there were human agencies at work. Some of them go so far as to say that the ghost was simply a young lady walking in her sleep and her airy costume consisted of a corset which she carried on one arm and a garment whose name and use was unknown to the spectators who were men, which rested on the other arm. At any rate the matter seems to have caused considerable talk and the ghost side has the most adherents because of the "spirituous" odor which is said to have pervaded the atmosphere at that time.

The Huntington Canning Factory Will Move its Business to this City Without Bonus

While some people are rustling around and raising money to locate industrial enterprises one comes to our city without so much as being asked. The Huntington canning factory owned by J.L. Brown and J.H. Mort has made arrangements to move to this city and will operate here with a large force during the packing season. They have leased the packing plant of Jonas Gossnickle and to it will add their own machinery. Already they are out contracting with farmers to raise at least 125 acres of tomatoes. They have contracted over 350,000 cans of tomatoes and to put up this pack will circulate a large amount of money in the community. Mr. Grossnickle retains control of the cider making and apple preserving part of the plant.

The JOURNAL thinks North Manchester very fortunate in getting two such enterprising men located here. The circumstances are somewhat peculiar. Huntington had agreed to raise them $3,000 for the enlargement of their factory there and on the strength of the promise they made contracts beyond the facilities of the factory to fulfill. Later a piano factory demanding some $20,000 or $30,000 came along and the Huntington people after roping in the citizens for the piano factory were unable to raise the money for the canning plant. Messers. Brown and Mort were, therefore, compelled to do something and they chose to come to this city. It now appears that much doubt exists about Huntington getting the piano works and it seems that in their effor to get one factory they lost another.


A Very Small Gain

The Census Shows that North Manchester has a Population of 2398, a Gain of 14.

The census bureau gave out the figures last week for Indiana towns above 2000 and under 5,000 in population, which includes North Manchester. The report will be rather disappointing to our people, who have had their minds set on a very considerable increase in population, as it shows a gain of but fourteen over ten years ago. The census of 1890 gave us 2,384 and that of 1900 shows the population to be but 2,398. According to these figures the town has simply held its own.

It is a very popular and at the same time entirely useless piece of business to register a "kick." Nearly every town and city has found fault with the census figures in their own places, but laughed at their neighbors for doing the same thing. So if there are any disappointed people and no doubt there are, for many thought there must be at least 1,000 more inhabitants in the city the best thing they can do is to grin and bear it. If the enumerator did miss a few people it is hardly possible that he could have overlooked 1,000 or more, hence take the matter coolly.

We will give the figures on a few of our neighbors from which, it may be, some consolation may be derived. Columbia City has 2,975, a loss of 52; Rochester shows 3,341, a gain of 874; Warsaw has 3,987, a gain of 413; the city of Wabash has 8,618 as compared with 5,105 in 1890.


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A Little Fire Excitement-- Burning of the Shed over Gieks Brick Kiln Relieves the Monotony of a Dull Day

Considerable excitement was caused Tuesday afternoon by the ringing of the fire bell but it was found that the fire was in the shed over M. Giek's brick kiln about a mile south west from town and consequently out of reach of the water works system. For a time the fire threatened to wipe out all the sheds on Mr. Giek's yard and the fire department decided to give all assistance possible by taking out the old fire engine which has not been used for several years.

Quite a lively time was had in getting the old engine started. A four horse team from Jefferson's stable was hitched to it but one of the horses refused to pull and when the whip was applied the front team broke loose and ran down the street. The engine was finally started but before they reached the fire word was sent that it would not be needed. Charley Ulrey was riding one of the runaway horses and for a few seconds the runaway was quite exciting.

Mr. Giek had started the day before to burn a large kiln of brick and the fire caught in the shed over it from the fire in the kiln. For a time it looked as though all the mammoth sheds on his yard would be burned but by hard work of those who gathered at the fire the rest of the sheds were saved. The kiln shed was a very large one and Mr. Geik estimates his loss at $400. As he is in danger of further loss by damage to the burning brick in the kiln it will be rebuilt as soon as possible.

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Good Shows Coming to Opera House

Manager Hatfield of the Opera House, Announces Some Splendid Attractions for the Coming Season

People here are always talking about good shows and they will have an opportunity of seeing some of the best on the road in the next four months. Manager Harfield tells us that he has booked several attractions of the very first grade and if the public are not satisfied with them he hardly knows how they can be suited. The first play of the season will be

"A Woman in the Case," a political satire which is said to be very funny and comes highly recommended by the press. This company appears here next Monday night, Sept. 10.

Sept. 18, E. J. Carpenter's famous 

  production of "Quo Vadis;" Nov. 17, "A Terrible Kid;" Nov. 22, "A Breezy Time;" Dec. 20, Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Mr. Hatfield says that all these companies are playing the best towns in the country. It is his intention to furnish the best shows obtainable in towns of this size and the patronage of the public is solicited with the understanding that he is doing his best to give all patrons satisfaction, but like all other people he is liable to be mistaken in a show once in a while.
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Best Play of the Season

"Hearts of the Blue Ridge" at the 

Opera House Tomorrow Night a Fine Play

Miss Dorothy Lewis, the winsome comedienne, will appear here at the Opera House, Friday evening, April 6, in the beautiful pastoral play, "Hearts of the Blue Ridge," by Mr. Hal Reid, author of "Human 

Hearts," etc., whose standing as a leading writer of the sturdy, big

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  hearted, rugged folks of the Southern hill country is undisputed. Mr. Reid has made the effort of his career in this beautiful pastoral play written for Miss Dorothy Lewis in which she appears as "Missy Carter," the typical, big hearted, fearless little mountain girl. The play deals with a long established feud existing between two families living in the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, and the theme thus afforded makes "Hearts of the Blue Ridge" a deep heart interest story, presented by a strong cast thoroughly fitted to portray the several characters in as nearly perfect naturalness as is possible, and admirers of the domestic style of plays should not miss this dramatic treat.

The JOURNAL believes theatre goers will find this a good play. The company has been playing in the larger cities and has the most flattering

press notices. If our readers will hunt up an Indianapolis Journal of a few weeks ago - March 16 if we remember correctly they will find where this company appeared there with great success. People here have long wanted to see a good show and we believe they will not be disappointed in this one.



End of a Bright Life

Tribute of Respect to a Well Known 

Chester Township School Teacher

John V. Hornaday, whose serious condition was mentioned last week, passed away early Thursday morning. His funeral took place at Fairview church on Friday under the auspices of the I. O. O. F. of which he was a member. The sermon was preached by Rev. Wooten to a very large congregation. The following biography and tribute to his memory was written by Prof. H. S. Hippensteel, a life-long and intimate friend:

John V. Hornaday was born near Columbia City, Indiana, Novem

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  ber 9, 1866 and died at the home of his brother, William Hornaday, March 22, 1900.

The chronicles of men are satisfied with the above brief statement, but the influence of a noble life can be neither wisely nor satisfactorily  passed with such brevity. This young man was well and favorably known the township over and was familiarly and respectfully


spoken of as John Hornaday the teacher. He knew not only the sweetest and richest of life's blessings, but he was also acquainted with the keenest of earth's disappointments and the most intense of human sufferings. Cheerfulness had selected him for a pleasant associate, kindness and benevolence claimed him as their devotee, and ambition marked him as a favored son, but sorrow and disease asserted their claims to him as if to show that one may suffer and yet be strong.

In early life Mr. Hornaday was deprived of a father's care and

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  guidance and from that time he lived for the most part away from the home of his mother with other relatives and friends. Then a mere boy, he firmly resolved to devote himself to some sphere of the utmost usefulness and to efforts to help others. In 1887 he began, as he thought, to realize his purpose by entering upon the work of a teacher. From that time until his death, he devoted all his time, when physically strong enough for any labor, to the work as teacher or student preparatory to teaching.  
  Whether as teacher at Concord, Pleasant Grove, Servia or North Manchester or as a student at Terre Haute, Mr. Hornaday always entered heartily into the church and social life of the community and his influence was always recognized and appreciated. At Terre Haute, he was elected president of the Young Men's Christian Association in 1894 and was sent by this organization to the summer school at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, from which place he returned as a sufferer from the disease which blighted his hopes and destroyed his vitality.

Ambition and zeal for school work has prompted him to teach a part of the time during the six years of suffering. He spent two years 

in the Kansas schools, one more year at Pleasant Grove and he had

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  served part of the present year as the Township Principal at Liberty Mills.

Mr. Hornaday was an efficient and thoroughly conscientious teacher. He filled a school room with the atmosphere of industry, earnestness, and nobility and his pupils will always remember him on account of the interest he took in them. He seemed never to forget that his pupils were soon to fill places in the pursuits of life and he followed them with words of cheer and earnest inquires concerning their success after they had passed from his own school.

Among the teachers his influence was felt in shaping the policies of the schools and in securing efficiency of work. In their councils he was listened to as one whose knowledge and earnestness entitled him to be a leader.


A Factory At Last

The Rex Wind Mill Plant Soon to be Rejuvenated into a Lively Manufacturing Plant

For some time past it has been an open secret that a factory had been secured through the efforts of the Commercial club to take possession of the Rex Wind Mill plant, which has been lying idle for several years past, but the JOURNAL has been requested to say nothing about the matter until the new occupants were ready to take possession of the factory. This bond of secrecy was loosened a day or two ago by G. R. Craft, the secretary of the Commercial club, who informed us that everything had been properly arranged and that the new concern expects to be here by May 15. The new factory comes from Syracuse, Ind., and is known as the Syracuse Manufacturing Co., although, we are informed, some change may be made in the title after

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  its location here.

The Syracuse Manufacturing Company is composed of Messrs. Win Runyan, W. A. Rapp and D.C.Lamb, and they have been in business at Syracuse for several years in the manufacture of various woodwork novelties such as fire screens, parlor easels, hall trees, grill work, child's folding beds, etc., in which they have built up a very large business, which has of late been largely in excess of the capacity of their factory at that place. Some time ago they became aware of the advantages of this place as a good location for their business and the fact that the Rex plant was lying idle. They made overtures to the Commercial club which have finally resulted in their location in this city.

In order to secure the concern about $3,000 was raised, by voluntary contributions of the business men, which was used in buying the Rex plant which has been turned over to these gentlemen under condition that they operate a factory in it for a period of ten years, and employ not less than an average of thirty hands during that time. As they have had nearly that number on their pay roll at Syracuse 

  for some time and intend to largely increase their business, there seems no doubt about their complying with the requirements and that the location of this factory here will be of great value to the town.

The JOURNAL welcomes these gentlemen to our city. They are very business-like appearing men and leave the impression with all who have made their acquaintance that they thoroughly understand their business, and will be valuable additions to the business interests 

of the town. As stated above they expect to have their business moved

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  here and be in operation the 15th of next month. Besides the members of the firm they will bring with them half a dozen families. The remainder of their employes they expect to secure here. The factory promises to furnish employment to quite a number of people and will therefore be a very welcome thing indeed to our town.


School Report

Report of public schools for first month ending October 12, 1900:

Enrolled first day ................................. 564 

Enrolled last day.................................. 586 

Number belonging last day ............. 569 

Days attendance . .......................... 10756 

Days absence .................................... 319 

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  Cases of tardiness ............................... 8 

Minutes lost by tardiness ................... 57

The best record is shown by Miss Baer's room in central building. She has had no tardiness and only six days absence. I trust parents will pay more attention to the matter of sending children at proper time. We should have no tardiness.

H.S. Hippensteel, Supt. 

There were some very wild reports in circulation last week in regard to a fourteen-year-old pupil in the Laketon school administering a severe whipping to Prof. Kerr who had called the boy to account for disobedience. >From a gentleman who is in position to know the facts in the case we learn that the affair has been greatly exaggerated. It seems that the boy had failed or refused to do some of his school work and Prof. Kerr told him to stay in after school, but the boy jumped up and attempted to run out when the Professor grabbed him and a souffle(sic) ensued in which both fell down. The boy was afterwards reproved, but the affair was magnified into a great slugging match which resulted in not less than half a dozen pairs of black eyes for the Professor besides various other pugilistic embellishments. While the story may be the means of getting the Laketon schools into bad repute people who know Prof. Kerr will be slow to believe that a fourteen- year-old school boy could so easily do to him what Jeffries done to Sharkey.
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