Source: Ravelings (1952) Ad:

Furniture and Hardware

See Us for Fine Furniture
State Road 114, West
North Manchester   Indiana
Phone 377F1

Source: News-Journal, January 13, 1955 Ad:

State Road 114 West at City Limits
FREE PARKING      Phone 377 R1

Source: News-Journal, August 16, 1973, Centennial Section

Bolinger Furniture Since 1952

If you were to design a grouping of furniture labeled Manchester, would your description be similar to the following?

"Reviving the mood of rural...areas, Manchester projects a refreshing image of uncluttered simplicity, setting a tempo of gentle serenity for the restful hours. Unassuming in nature, yet warm and gracious in tone and detail, Manchester reflects a lifestyle of quiet dignity."

Even though the description might fit North Manchester, Indiana, USA, the description was for rural Manchester, England. "Manchester" is a style name for a maple furniture grouping that one company has recently made available to furniture markets.

Alvin Bolinger was closing out his farm equipment business. He decided to reinvest in a furniture store in 1952. Son, Harold, began working in 1955 and took over management of the business in 1957.

Specialty of the store has been and still is colonial bedroom and dining room furniture. "Store items cover about 3 price categories in the medium price range," said Harold. The store formerly had promotional furniture. "I didn't enjoy selling furniture that fell apart," he added.

Harold keeps the store small on purpose. "One either has to grow large or grow on your own capital," he stated. He takes great pride in his ability to scan the markets for highest quality furniture in the medium price range.

His wife and mother also work in the store as does a son during college vacations from Purdue.

Harold loves the wood furniture. He speaks with regret in his voice as he rubs his hand over "wood looking plastics" due to fast dwindling wood supplies in the U.S.