Source: North Manchester Journal, August 6, 1896

A New Store

This week a new store is being started in this city by Lawrence Bonawitz in connection with the millinery business of his sister Miss Minnie Bonawitz, who has had her place of business heretofore in Baratt's variety store. The room formerly occupied by the People's grocery on south side of Main street has been completely refitted for the new store and presents a very attractive appearance. Mr. Bonawitz will handle a full and complete line of gent's furnishing goods, carrying everything in that line except clothing. He has bought a large stock of goods, comprising all the latest styles, which he is opening out this week and expects to have ready for business by Saturday. The millinery business of Miss Bonawitz will be greatly enlarged and a very complete stock put in, making one of the most complete stores in town. Both are well known here and there appears no reason why they should not do a large business. ...