Source: North Manchester Journal, January 12, 1893

Of Why the Business of Ebbinghous Bros. is so Prosperous and Increases so Rapidly.

The JOURNAL is at all times glad to notice the progress and improvements of our town, and we think it but justice to Ebbinghous Bros. to take a little notice of their business. It is about a year since they thoroughly remodeled and refurnished their business room with the express purpose of making it a first-class shoe store, and their store certainly is a credit to our town. it seems they had not calculated on their largely increasing trade, for before the end of their first year's business in their new room, they were obliged to extend the shelving to the ceiling, that they might have sufficient room for their goods. They have just put in a Bicycle step ladder, thus making it almost as convenient to get a pair of shoes from the top shelf as from one of the lower ones.

We always understood that the shoe business is one that requires years of careful attention, to be well learned, and why it is that Ebbinghous Bro's. business should be so successful from the beginning and rapid increase in prosperity was more than we could understand until we had made some inquiry. We learned that in the buying of their goods they depend very largely on their brother A.F. Ebbinghous, of Wabash, who, if not the best, is doubtless as good a shoe merchant as is to be found in this part of the State.

Buying in connection with their brother and only from manufacturers they get their goods at prices far below the prices at which they could otherwise secure them, and buying cheaper they can sell cheaper.

This talk all sounded well enough but we were not quite satisfied and asked them to let us see some of their special bargains if their shoes were so cheap and if it were not too much trouble.

They told us that they have no special bargains but that all their goods are sold at a moderate profit. They were however always glad to show their goods and give prices. To say that we were surprised is putting it in a mild form. Why, they showed us a man's heavy working shoe at 90 cents, and it is a good honest shoe too, and a man's fine shoe at $1.35 that looks as good as any $2.00 we ever saw. Their finer grade of men's shoes were elegant and as cheap accordingly. We looked at a $3.00 shoe that is a finer looking shoe that any $5.00 custom shoe we ever bought and the boys say that they wear fully as well as they appear.

We also asked them to show us a few of their ladies shoes. Among others they showed was a woman's fine shoe at 95 cents which they informed us is of the grade that is usually sold for $1.25. Another that we were shown was a woman's genuine dongola patent leather tip and cloth top for $1.50. it is a beauty and the boys told us that they are splendid sellers. Some of their finer ladies shoes are absolutely the handsomest we ever saw. In the midst of our conversation we are interrupted by a gentleman coming in who wanted a pair of shoes. He soon found a fit and just what he wanted and on inquiry found the price to be $1.85. He offered $1.75 but was informed that they were obliged to refuse his offer, and that they had only one price, and that pair had to be sold for $1.85. The gentleman could not be satisfied with any other shoes and finally went out without buying.

We told the boys that we thought they had better have sold the shoes for $1.75 as they certainly made more than ten cents on that pair of shoes. To this they replied that their best customers paid $1.85 for those shoes and they certainly did not propose to make better prices to the class of customers to which this man belonged who had just gone out. They said that they sell their shoes at a small margin of profit and all are treated alike. A little boy or girl can buy as cheap as an old sinner. They wanted to show us their boys, misses and children shoes which they told us are as cheap as the men's and women's, but we had no more time to increase our stock of shoe knowledge. We were however convinced that they sell shoes wonderfully cheap and believe it would be to the interest of all in need of shoes to see Ebbinghous Bros. and get prices before buying elsewhere.

Source: Wabash County Directory for 1894, Display Ad:

Before Buying, Remember we Carry the LARGEST STOCK, LATEST STYLES,
and Make the LOWEST PRICES.
Our Motto: --One Price Only-That Always the Lowest.

Source: North Manchester Journal, January 14, 1896, Display Ad:

Good to Remember...Buying "cheap goods" and buying goods cheap are not the same. Remember that you can always own your footwear as cheaply as anyone by buying of EBBINGHOUS BROS., THE ONE PRICE SHOE STORE.

Source: North Manchester Leader, May 28, 1897, Display Ad:

EVERYBODY WISHES to be well dressed. As Shoes are at the foundation of all good dressing, begin at the feet first. For first-class foot wear go to a first-class store, where you will find, most likely, just what you want.
Women's Oxfords, black or brown, latest style, at 95 cts. Men's Fine Dress Shoes, razor, coin or broad toe, at $1.25.

Source: Aurora (1912) Ad:

To Get What You Want is Where They Have It.
Ebbinghouse Bros.

Ebbinghous Store: 135 E. Main ca 1898. Daniel Risser and Enos Thomas and his daughter

Ebbinghous Store, 135 E Main ca 1898; Risser-Thomas

From the front door of the Ebbinghous Store: Looking northward across Main Street ca 1900

Ebbinghous Store-View looking North ca 1900

Ebbinghous Store: Looking north in June 3, 1900

View from Ebbinghous Bros. Store