Source: The Manchester Republican, February 12, 1874

J.B. & J. HARTER is the well known style of one of our leading drug houses, and an enterprise ranking with the best establishments in the country. This house was established in 1865, but the proprietors have been identified with our business interests for the past 25 years and residents of the town since its earliest location in 1836. They are at the head of a business that will compare favorably with those of like character in our larger cities. The stock is large and full and complete in every department. The sale of books and stationery, wallpaper, notions &c., form an important item in trade. Messrs. Harter Bro's are among our oldest business men and have done much towards advancing the interests of the town.

Source: North Manchester Journal, January 19, 1893

  Jacob Harter has for the past year had a workshop in the rear of their drug store where he has made many useful and ornamental things. The latest addition to his list of tools is the receipt, this week, of an Egan mortising machine. It is a fine piece of machinery and weighs 500 pounds.

Source: North Manchester Journal, October 31, 1912

The Harter drug store, a landmark in the business history of the town and the oldest established business house is being closed this week and its existence ended. Joseph B. Harter, the surviving partner in the business being too old to continue active business life and besides the room which the store occupies was sold a few weeks ago and possession has to be given. Mr. Harter and his brother, Jacob Harter, established the business here forty-four years ago in a room on the Henney corner. Afterward in 1867 they built the present room which was the first brick business house in North Manchester. During all these years they have continued in the general drug business, Joseph devoting a great deal of his time to notary public and legal work. A little more than three years ago Jacob Harter died and on account of his advanced age Joseph has been compelled to retire from work although much against his will and inclinations. The room will be remodeled by its purchasers and given a more modern appearance but at this time it is now known, what will occupy it.