Source: News-Journal, May 11, 1936

Modern Refrigeration
This is Something Very Essential to the Health of Any Family Today

There are many makes of electric refrigerators on the market. Every salesman claims to have a superior machine. some claim long time guarantees. Some talk price and some talk trick door openers and various gadgets that after all have little to do with removing the heat from your refrigerator at a minimum cost for electricity.

Frigidaire was the first electric refrigerator built and sold. Frigidaire is the largest builder of electric refrigerators today. Frigidaire is owned by General Motors, one of the largest corporations in the world.

We are in our tenth year with Frigidaire. We will prove to you in your own home that Frigidaire will operate on half the current used by many of the highly advertized machines.

Frigidaire has every modern convenience. They are priced from $84.50 up, with a most convenient payment plan 6% interest on the balance. You can buy a five cubic foot Frigidaire for $10 down and $4.54 per month.

At least do not buy any refrigerator until you have investigated the new 1936 meter miser Frigidaire.

We also have the agency for the Electrolux Kerosene Refrigerator for homes without electricity.

105 West Main St.   North Manchester, Indiana

Source: Ravelings (1946) Ad:

1,000 Locker Capacity
FRIGIDAIRE Sales and Service
105 West Main    Phone 73