Source: North Manchester Journal, April 6, 1905

Remarkable Growth of North Manchester Institution.

Work was commenced Thursday on the foundation for an extensive addition to the Hoosier Skirt factory and within a few weeks the capacity of that factory will be doubled. A wing 30x60 two stories high is being built to the west of the present building and will be used for storage and packing rooms.

The growth of this institution has been such that it should be a source of pride to North Manchester. It was just a little more than four years ago that E.V. Isenbarger and M.L. Butterbaugh came into a local newspaper office and advertised for five seamstresses. The public wondered what they wanted them to work on, but in a few days they had commenced making union suits--overalls and waists. The factory was then in  small room east of the Vandalia track, and small as the room was there was no need to crowd it. The overall business flourished for a time but as the suits were all made to order the business had its limits. Then Mr. Isenbarger hit upon the idea of making skirts. He designed eight or ten styles and began manufacturing them. About this time Mr. Butterbaugh withdrew from the company, and J.W. Strauss became interested. The field promised well, and more energy and money were spent in pushing the sale of the goods. Since that time the growth has been steady, and almost marvelous in its size. The first skirts were put out in July, 1902, and the business was successful from the start. Traveling men were put on the road and the demand for the "Famous" skirts soon became such that more room was needed. A one story building was erected where the present factory stands. It was 30x60 feet with an engine room attached, and again there was more room than was used. But that place was soon crowded, and the building was enlarged by being lifted into the air, and another story built under it. Machine after machine was added until the engine balked, and a few weeks ago another was put in.

The rooms are now so crowded with stock and workers that the work is done under great disadvantage. The new addition will double the floor space, giving a working floor of 7,200 square feet. The demand for these skirts has been so great this spring that the factory is behind with its orders and will put in more machines as soon as the new room is completed so there may be space for them.

The factory employs from thirty to forty hands, and in its new quarters will give employment to more. It is, as was said in the start, an institution in which North Manchester people should take great pride. Incidentally, too, it might be said that it has been secured to the town without once cent of bonus, and for that reason if from no other it deserves the encouragement of North Manchester people. The management of this factory has at no time asked for financial assistance of any kind from the public, but it has made its growth entirely by its good business management.

Source: North Manchester Journal, August 17, 1905

Shipped Goods to Asia

The Hoosier Skirt company has filled several orders for the Sandwich islands, and also for the New Zealand Islands.

Source: North Manchester Journal, October 7, 1909 Ad:

At Hoosier Skirt Factory.
Commencing THURSDAY!
Come at Once as Stock will Soon Be Sold.