Source: North Manchester Journal, January 14, 1897

Lawrence, Snorf & Co.

The mammoth store owned and successfully conducted by the above named firm is indeed strong evidence that the country tributary to North Manchester is not excelled by any in the grand old commonwealth of Indiana. If all the manufacturing industries and all the mercantile establishments in the city of North Manchester were by some strange chance eliminated from the commercial and industrial world, with the single exception of the store of Lawrence, Snorf & Co., the citizens of North Manchester would still have an institution to which they could point with pardonable pride, realizing that it was one of the most complete and fully stocked mercantile establishments in the state.

It was founded nearly fifty years ago by Messrs. William Thorne and John Whisler, both now deceased. In 1851, at the early age of fifteen years, the late Geo. W. Lawrence entered the employ of Messrs. Thorne & Whisler as clerk. Seven years later Mr. Lawrence became sole proprietor, and from that date until his death, a few years ago, his was the head that guided the concern through all its many years of unvarying success.

The store at present is owned by the Lawrence estate, M.H. Snorf, Lewis Signs and B.A. Helm. Messrs. Snorf, Signs & Helm are worthy representatives of the founders of the establishment, and under their capable and popular management business is increasing rather than falling away.

The stock carried consists of dry goods, clothing, cloaks, boots, shoes and carpets. Each department is carefully looked after and kept supplied with the latest and best quality of goods belonging to it. It is natural that the writer should think well of Wabash and seek to glorify its business establishments, but there is not even the shadow of untruth in the statement that Wabash cannot boast of a store so complete in all of its several departments, and carrying so large a stock in each, as the Lawrence, Snorf & Co. establishment in this city.

A store of such magnitude could not exist in a town or city surrounded by a poor farming country, and the presence of the Lawrence, Snorf & Co. establishment in North Manchester stands as incontrovertible evidence that the farmers who favor North Manchester with their patronage are as prosperous as any on earth and that the lands they till cannot be excelled for fertility.

North Manchester is indeed fortunate in being able to boast of a mercantile enterprise of such magnitude as that conducted by Lawrence, Snorf & Co., as it gives the town a metropolitan and inviting feature which is invaluable in spreading its fame abroad.

Source: North Manchester Journal, September 23, 1897

The Largest Show in Town

Without doubt the largest show in town of its kind is the stock of hats and caps at Lawrence, Snorf & Co's store. If there is anything in which men and boys are hard to suit it is in buying a hat or cap, but the person who cannot find what he wants in this stock is a hard customer to please. While in the store the other day our reporter was shown this line of goods and to tell the truth it looked more like a wholesale establishment than a retail store. This stock was made especially for this store by an eastern manufacturer and in order to get the prices down they had to buy an immense stock. In soft hats will be found all the staple styles and shapes together with a full line of Fedoras, Cubans and Planters shapes. In stiff hats the reigning colors are blue, brown, black and olive. The prices range from $1.00 to $3.00 for a fine hat, and such brands as Youmans, Dunlaps, Youngs, Blocks and others form a large part of the stock. These are a few facts learned by our reporter and we give them as a pointer to our gentlemen friends who are thinking of buying a new hat or cap.