Source: The Manchester Republican, June 5, 1873


In the spring of 1872, a company was organized for the purpose of manufacturing Staves, Heading and Shingles. Shortly after the business was started it passed into the hands of William Lesh, Christian Shively and John Metzger, under the firm name of Lesh, Shively & Metzger. The first year they confined their business to the manufacture of the three articles above named. They have a forty horse power engine and machinery capable of making 20,000 shingles, 6,00 barrel staves and 3,000 sets of heading per day. They buy timber in the log or by the bolt. They have recently put in one of the improved Planing and Matching machines with the capacity for planing 20,000 feet of lumber per day. The company furnishes employment for twenty hands and disburses about $2,500 a month (30,000 a year) for help and timber. The money to meet this demand comes almost entirely from distant points, very little of the material being consumed at home. Hence the Stave, Heading and Shingle Factory adds very materially to the cash income of Chester Township, and our citizens are very much interested in its prosperity.

 Source: The Manchester Republican, February 19, 1874

LESH & SHIVELY were burnt out since our last years report, but they immediately rebuilt and are better fixed than before. They manufacture shingles, staves and heading, and do planing and matching. They are situated on the north side of Main street, between the railroad depots. Their business adds largely to the interests of the town and surrounding country.