Source: The Manchester Republican, March 6, 1873

Lowry & Brother have just opened, at the Shalenberger corner a fine assortment of goods, consisting of staple and fancy dry goods, clothing, glassware, queensware and groceries, all of which they are offering at a small profit. They propose to build up a trade by fair dealing.

Source: The Manchester Republican, February 12, 1874

LOWRY & BRO. is the style of one of our leading dry goods firms composed of William & J.B. Lowry. This house established about a year ago has assumed a prominent position among our best mercantile interests. The stock is large and complete and embraces a general line of dry goods and notions, also groceries, hats, caps crockery, &c. The salesroom is 75 feet in length by 20 feet width and all the available space is occupied. Dry goods and notions are made a specialty, and superior inducements are offered to purchases in this department. Messrs Lowry Bro's. are both experienced men, and they have built up a trade second to none in this section of the State. Their house ranks among the best establishments of the place, and we cheerfully commend them to public notice.