Source: North Manchester Journal, January 7, 1886
'Round the Room on Rollers.
The Nickel-Plate skating rink was opened on last Thursday evening, with great eclat and was an unusually pleasant and auspicious event. There was an attendance of about 200 present, of which probably half were upon skates during the evening. Of these a goodly number were masked, and although there were no rich or elaborate costumes many of them were very neat and attractive. The prize, a handsome plush framed mirror, for the most handsomely dressed lady, was awarded to Mrs. Mattie Piatt, who was attired in a dress of navy blue, ornamented with gilt stars and crescents. Among the skaters there were many from other places and Wabash, Huntington, South Whitley, and Silver Lake were represented in the throng, the latter place by several young ladies who, by the way, were the best skaters on the floor. Although some of the more unfortunate ones who tempted the fates on rollers launched vigorous kicks at the ceiling and sat down very suddenly on the floor, there were no serious mishaps, considering the number of skaters on the floor. Many of those in attendance who have acquaintance with other rinks say the floor is one of the best they were ever on, and pronounce it a model rink in every respect, unless it might be in size. A very important and enjoyable feature of the evening was the music furnished by the bank, which rendered some of its best selections, and did much toward the enlivenment of the occasion. The best of order prevailed throughout the entire evening, and it was free from all those objectionable features usually accredited to rinks in general. The Nickel-Plate rink is now an established feature of the town, and a place where a gentleman or lady can spend an evening in pleasant and healthful exercise without any fear whatever. Mr. Hamilton deserves great credit for the excellent manner in which he is managing the rink, and the polite attention he is giving its patrons. The rink was open on Friday and Saturday of last week and Tuesday of this week, and did a good business at each time. Hereafter the rink will be open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week as follows: The forenoons will be devoted to ladies exclusively, when they will be admitted and instructed in the art of gliding around the room, free of charge; in the afternoon an admission fee of fifteen cents will be charged for gentlemen, ladies free, skates ten cents per pair; in the evening admission fifteen cents and skates ten cents for every one. Manager Hamilton is arranging to have special entertainments on certain evenings, and this afternoon a game of base ball will be played on skates by a number of young men.
Source: North Manchester Journal, April 1, 1886
After Saturday night the Nickle-Plate rink will be closed for the season, and all who want to take a farewell skate should visit it that evening. The work of refitting the opera house will be begun in a short time.