Source: The Manchester Republican, April 30, 1874, Ads:

Five hundred Hats at Mrs. N.J. Ridgley's, at all prices. A splendid late style hat for fifty cents.

Go to Mrs. N.J. Ridgley's to get your Lace and Fancy Bonnets, of the very latest style.

Ladies come and examine my well selected stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, as I have just returned from the City, and have the latest novelties of the season. My goods are at the very lowest prices. I am able to offer superior inducements to my customers. To satisfy yourselves call and see. Don't hesitate to come up stairs, for it will pay you well. The way to make money is to save it by buying your goods of Mrs. N.J. Ridgley.

Source: North Manchester Journal, January 11, 1883, Ad:

A fine stock of jewelry in fancy patterns; ladies' fine gold neck chains, bracelets, rings &c., &c. Call and examine our stock. Mrs. N.J. Ridgley.

Source: North Manchester Journal, April 26, 1883

Mrs. N.J. Ridgley -- We are the only firm in North Manchester that carry a full line of ruching; lace, linen collars, ties, fichus; lace linen and silk handkerchiefs. Prices defy competition.

...For the handsomest silk and satin parasols and fans of all kinds call on Mrs. N.J. Ridgley.

Source: North Manchester Journal, January 12, 1888

The damage suit of Mrs. N.J. Ridgley against Geo. W. Lawrence, Aug. C. Mills, John Spurgeon and others, growing out of the attempt to move the building owned by the first two gentlemen while the goods of the plaintiff were still in it some months ago, the particulars of which will probably be remembered by our readers, is now in progress in the circuit court at Warsaw before Judge Olds, whither it was taken on a change of venue by the plaintiff. Mrs. Ridgley has been on the stand the greater part of the time since the trial began last Friday, invoicing her stock of goods which she stated under oath was worth $6,000 before the attempted removal of the building and was only worth $600 after. Aside from a few exhibitions of temper by the plaintiff the trial has progressed without anything worthy of notice. Messrs Biggs, Wood and Gingerick appear for the plaintiff and Cowgill, Haymond and Royse for the defendants. Quite a number of people from this place have been in attendance and every point will be warmly contested by the opposing counsel. The case will probably be decided in a day or two.