Source: North Manchester Journal, September 9, 1909 Ad:

Piano Store Opening
We want to meet every reader of this advertisement at our new piano store on
Saturday Evening, Sept. 11, to see our new line of pianos.
We will have on display both the Corl and Baldwin Lines
The Norris Pharmacy Orchestra
Will Furnish Free Music During the Entire Evening.
Beautiful Souvenirs for all the Ladies.
Norris & Freeman.

Source: North Manchester Journal, September 16, 1909

Many People Visit Norris & Freeman's New Piano Store.

There were more people at the Norris & Freeman opening Saturday night than Mr. Freeman had expected, and some of the late comers among the ladies had to go home without the handsome souvenirs because the supply was exhausted before the crowd had all paid its respects to the new store. The crowd at the store commenced to come early, and kept it up until a late hour. All through the evening the people were well entertained by the Norris orchestra of South Whitley, which rendered an excellent program during the evening. On account of the absence of the regular first violin player, Albert L. Bolinger, of this city, played first violin for the evening. The crowd in the store was much too dense to attempt to talk business. The affair was really more of a social event, the firm using this means of getting better acquainted with the people of this vicinity, and of showing their new rooms. More than a dozen new instruments were on the floor. At a later date the firm expects to display a stock of the smaller instruments, and musical merchandise. Ora Taylor has accepted a position as salesman and general hustler for the firm, and commenced work Tuesday.

Source: North Manchester Journal, September 30, 1909 Ad:

Norris & Freeman,
The Reliable Piano Dealers, who sell the famous
Corl and Baldwin Lines.
Which Consist of the J.F. Corl, Bradley, Hamilton, Monarch, D.H. Baldwin, Ellington, Howard, Valley Gem and Player Pianos.
When in the market let us make you a proposition of trading your old piano or organ on a new piano and piano player. Don't fail to ask for terms. They are easy.
Leave orders For Tuning.
Both Phones.--Eel River 328, Rex 140.
Norris & Freeman
East Main Street, North Manchester, Indiana

Source: North Manchester Journal, December 9, 1909 Ad:

Make Your Gift This Year a
Christmas Piano

We challenge you to name one single article that will make a more handsome gift or one that will be appreciated more in your home by either your wife or your daughter than an Elegant Piano.
We realize that in the home dwells the real pleasures of life, especially when there is music to entertain, and have decided to assist our many friends in securing a piano at this happy time of the year by offering genuine
Special Christmas Prices
On all of our High Grade Pianos. In making these special prices we do not intend to import a lot of new untried unheard of pianos that we nor other persons know anything about and offer them to you at a high price. But we are offering you these special prices on our regular line of goods that we carry in our store at all times.
The Baldwin and Corl Lines
When we say special prices we mean it. It would be no benefit to us to pay for this advertisement in this paper if we did not do as we advertise, and all we ask is that you come to our store and investigate for yourself. We have originated a plan whereby every person who has a steady position can have a piano in their home, delivered on Christmas eve or Christmas day as preferred. Telephone us or come in our store and let us talk this matter over with you.
Norris & Freeman.
South Whitley, Ind.    North Manchester, Ind.

Source: North Manchester Journal, December 16, 1909

See the only reliable piano dealers in town for cut prices on holiday pianos. --Norris & Freeman.

Source: North Manchester Journal, January 13, 1910 Ad:

The Up-To-Date Music Dealers

For Pianos, Organs and anything in the musical line. We sell the celebrated Baldwin, Corl and Krell-French Pianos. Come in and tell us how you want to buy, cash or payments. It's up to you. Try us. Pianos rented. Tuning a specialty.

Norris & Freeman,
In the New Tyler Block, East Main St. Both phones, Rex 140, Eel River 328.

Advertising circa 1910 on Old Opera Curtain (After Restoration):

Advertising on Restored 1910 Opera Curtain, North Manchester