Source: Notarized Certificate of Partnership Engaged in Business in the Name of The Peerless Bakery, Wabash Co. Partnership & Firm Record Book 1, p. 70, May 16, 1925:

Glen Heeter, being duly sworn upon oath says that he is a member of the firm and partnership of Glen Heeter and Clara Neer, doing business under and by the firm name and style of The Peerless Bakery, having its place of business at 208 Walnut Street in the Town of North Manchester in the County of Wabash and State of Indiana. That it is engaged in conducting a bakery and that the names of the members of the firm and partnership are:
Glen Heeter who resides at 706 North Sycamore Street, North Manchester, Indiana, and
Clara Neer who resides at 406 North Sycamore Street, North Manchester, Indiana
And none others. That no other person has any interest in said business or is a member of said partnership directly or indirectly but the above named are the sole and only owners of said business.

Source: Aurora (1925) Ad:

The Bakers of America
are endeavoring to make white bread a perfectly balanced ration for young and old.
With plenty of Shortening, Sweetened Condensed Milk, and Good, High-Grade Flour we are making that kind of bread.
Peerless Bakery

Source: Aurora (1929) Ad:

We expect your regular business.
We solicit your special business!
We're for you thru thick and thin
We're for you though you lose or win.