Source: The Manchester Republican, July 3, 1873

Levi Reed commenced manufacturing harness, in this place, in 1857, and has followed it, with little intermission, since. He occupies a neat little shop, with two rooms, on the south side of Main street; works three or four hands during the busy season, and makes only custom work. He, also, does a great deal of repairing. He makes everything in his line, and warrants it to be as represented, and as cheap as can be bought anywhere in the west.

Source: The Manchester Republican, September 11, 1873, Display Ad:


The undersigned has removed his Harness Shop from the upper room, corner of Main and Walnut Sts., to his NEW ROOM, south side main St., two doors east of the Bank.
He keeps on hand a Large Assortment of WORK and MATERIAL ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY
Which he offers for sale a little lower than can be bought elsewhere.
If You want good set of HARNESS, SADDLE, COLLAR or WHIP, or anything else in that line, give him a call.
Levi Reed.

Source: The Manchester Republican, February 19, 1874

LEVI REED is the pioneer saddle and harness maker of the town. He commenced here in 1858, and with slight intermission has continued in it ever since. He occupies his own room on the south side of Main street, third door west of J.W. Williams & Sons, and manufactures all articles in his line which the wants of the community demand.