Source: The Manchester Republican, May 8 & June 26, 1873

R.A. Schoolcraft keeps constantly on hand, at his Lime House back of Lawrence & Whislers' Store, a supply of Huntington Lime, Plaster of Paris, Hair, for plastering, cement and Land Plaster. He also pays the highest market price for hides, pelts, and tallow. Call at Lowry & Brother or Lawrence & Whisler's.

Source: North Manchester Journal, March 14, 1878 (Correspondence)

MR. SCHOOLCRAFT: --I got the Medicine all right. My health is improving. I am able to do a good deal of work.--My heart is a good deal better; I don't have that fluttering, or miss-beating since I take your medicine. Send me some of your circulars and I will do the best I can for you. I have given the most of them out. I know of a few cases of Heart-disease, and I think some of them will send for your Medicine.  --MARGARET KOONS, North Lawrence, Stark co., Ohio, December 17, 1877

Source: North Manchester Journal, February 26, 1880

R.A. Schoolcraft, office first door west of Dan Lutz's grocery store, has now a fresh stock of Huntington Line, also keeps plastering hair, cement, etc.

Source: Wabash County Directory for 1894, Display Ad:

R.A. SCHOOLCRAFT (Successor to Quivey, Ridgley & Co.).
Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and Furnishing Goods.
Large Stock. Low Prices. See us and save money.
North Manchester, Ind.

Source: North Manchester Journal, May 30, 1895

A Rich Strike

One of the richest and most popular strikes made by any mercantile firm in North Manchester for many a day was made by R.A. Schoolcraft when he secured the agency for the International Manufacturing Co., the most extensive manufacturers and dealers in perfumes and toilet preparations in this country. The goods made by this company, now on sale at R.A. Schoolcraft's large dry goods house, are simply elegant, both as to appearance and quality. Mr. Schoolcraft has shown his business sagacity for securing the best goods on the market, and if you will call at his establishment you will be astonished, not only at the appearance of the goods, but also at their quality. Ladies especially invited.

Source: North Manchester Journal, December 17, 1896

FORCED SALE! THE STORE OF R.A. SCHOOLCRAFT, Has been transferred to D. Ginther, Trustee, and in consequence this immense stock of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Ladies' Cloaks, Notions, Etc.
MUST BE DISPOSED OF REGARDLESS OF COST, A great sacrifice in order that we may realize on same quickly.

SALE COMMENCED. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1896, And will continue from day to day until present embarrassment is satisfied.

D. GINTHER, Trustee.

Source: North Manchester Journal, January 14, 1897

R.A. Schoolcraft

The local public will bear out the writer in the assertion that there is no more popular business man in North Manchester nor one more deserving of the confidence and esteem of the community in which he lives than Mr. R.A. Schoolcraft, dealer in dry goods, clothing, notions, etc. Mr. Schoolcraft's handsome and well stocked establishment is located at No. 202 Main street, and is now daily thronged with customers seeking to take advantage of the low prices at which the stock is being offered for a limited time. The opportunity to obtain these phenomenal bargains in dry goods, clothing, etc., will soon have passed away, since it behooves all who would profit by this one chance of a lifetime to bestir themselves. The stock carried by Mr. Schoolcraft embraces only the best in quality and the best in pattern, so that the purchaser runs no risk whatever of exchanging his money for shoddy or self-worn goods.

Mr. Schoolcraft is a genial gentleman to trade with and it goes without saying in this community that any representation he makes with reference to the quality and cost of goods sold over his counters may be depended on as absolutely true.

Remember that right now is the time to secure unparalleled bargains at the Schoolcraft store. don't delay, as delay in this matter means a lost opportunity of saving from 25 to 50 per cent. on all goods purchased at this establishment.

Source: North Manchester Journal, June 16, 1898

It Pays to Raise Sheep.

Last Friday Hon. Calvin Cowgill, of Wabash, sold and delivered to R.A. Schoolcraft of this city 2,400 pounds of wool. Mr. Cowgill is the largest sheep raiser in the county and he finds his sheep among the most profitable investments he has. In the lot of wool sold to Mr. Schoolcraft were 276 fleeces and the actual weight was 2,423 pounds. Aside from this Mr. Cowgill had sold 140 fleeces from another flock amounting to about 1,200 pounds in Huntington some time ago, his wool this spring bringing him in round numbers about $700. Last fall he sold $1,000 worth of lambs from his flocks making in all a revenue of $1,700 from his sheep in one year. This is very convincing evidence, it seems to us, that sheep raising pays. Mr. Cowgill sold his wool in this city because Mr. Schoolcraft made him a better price on it than he could get elsewhere and proves the fact that this city has been a good wool market and has at least one hustling buyer.