Source: North Manchester Journal, February 8, 1883
Sheller & Weber opened their Restaurant and Bakery last
Saturday with flattering success.
Sheller & Weber made, this morning, a nice lot of popcorn
balls, butter scotch, candy, and taffy. 'Give the boys a chance'.
Sheller & Weber make the boss Butter Scotch. You bet--as good
as any ever eaten, by the girl, with eyes of jet, behind the garden wall.
Source: North Manchester Journal, January 12, 1888
Sheller & Weber will open their restaurant in Goshorn's new room in a short time and will put in stock of groceries in the room where they now are. Sheller will have charge of the new restaurant and Weber run the grocery. They will continue to do their baking in their present quarters.
Source: North Manchester Journal, November 10, 1904 Ad:
Good Eating
Can only be enjoyed when there has been discretion exercised in the selection of
the groceries. We exercise this discretion for you. We are careful that none but
Very Best of Groceries
Ever leave our store. We give you your money's worth of goods and full value in
Daniel Sheller
Source: Aurora (1910) Ad:
Sheller's Restaurant
For a Light Lunch or a Full Meal Well Prepared.
Ravelings (1942) Ad:
Not Home, But Like Home
Phone 520
Fountain Service