Source: The Manchester Republican, February 12, 1874

SHIVELY, EICHHOLTZ & CO. is the well known style of one of our leading mercantile establishments, and the model dry goods house of North Manchester. This enterprise was established in 1867 under the style of Rhodes & Shively. The present alliance was effected however about two years ago. The firm comprises J.H. & J. Shively and J.F. Eichholtz all well and favorably known to the public as among our leading businessmen and honorable upright citizens. Their saleroom is 125' in length by 24' in width with a cellar the same size. They also occupy the second floor 125x24 feet in size. Have all the available space of this entire building filled to its utmost capacity with a superb stock of goods. The stock embraces a general line of dry goods and notions, ready made clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, carpets, groceries, and crockery, and every department in the establishment is well represented. We venture to say that there is not a finer or better arranged store in Northern Indiana nor one whose popularity is greater. Underneath the building is a good well of water, and the establishment is supplied with a complete fire extinguishing apparatus with hose sufficient to reach all parts of the building. Messrs. Shively Eichholtz & Co are all old residents of Manchester and they have built up a trade of which the town may well feel proud. Few of our larger cities can lay claim to a better establishment.

Source: The Manchester Republican, March 26, 1874

NOTICE--The firm of Shively Eichholtz & Co. was dissolved by mutual consent, by the retirement of J.F. Eichholtz on the 19th. inst. The business will be continued at the old stand, under the firm name of Shively & Co. who solicit a continuance of public patronage. The books and notes of the old firm will be left at the store for settlement. J.H. Shively, J.F. Eichholtz, C. Shively.