Source: North Manchester Journal, April 1, 1886
Mr. Thrush has leased of Mr. Burdge the lot at the corner of Main and Mill streets, the corner formerly known as the "Bee-hive," for five years, and he will at once put up a brick shop fronting twenty-two feet on Main and sixty feet deep, with tin roof, where he will run a blacksmith and wagon shop.
Source: North Manchester Journal, November 25, 1909, Notice:
Ed Thrush, Blacksmith.
Has taken charge of the old Thrush shop on Mill street and invites all old
customers and friends to call. The best work at the right price.
Source: North Manchester Journal, June 23, 1910, Ad:
Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing.
Prompt Service and Best of Work.
New and Modern Shop.
Ed Thrush
North of Denney Feed Barn.