Source: The Manchester Republican, June 5, 1873


Two years since John Tridle started his Lumber Mill with one large saw for logs and one small, or buzz-saw for ripping up lumber. His mill has facilities for cutting 20,000 feet of lumber per day, worth $20 per 1,000 feet. In connection with his mill he has a capacious dry-house where he thoroughly dries large quantities of lumber for the home trade. This spring Mr. Tridle leased Mr. Hively's Planing mill; he turns out 15,000 feet of dressed and matched lumber per day. His business furnishes employment for twenty-eight men, and can turn out over $100,000 worth of lumber annually a large per cent of it being used in the local trade. There is some difficulty in furnishing logs sufficient to keep the mill running at its full capacity every day in the year.

Source: The Manchester Republican, February 19, 1874

J.F. TRIDLE is still engaged in the lumber trade. His mill is situated between the south end of Mill street and the river. During the past year he had Mr. Hively's saw and planing mill leased, but the lease has expired, and the saw mill moved to the country. The planing mill will no doubt be kept hot the coming season, as there will be more building done here than ever before in the same time.