Source: The Manchester Republican, September 11, 1873

IF You want to Save Money! If you want to buy cheap, And get Pure Goods, go to the Old Reliable Drug Store of
Where you can find everything usually kept in a well regulated, first class Drug Store, and at prices which defy competition.

Source: The Manchester Republican, February 12, 1874

J.W. WILLIAMS & SON is the style of one of our leading drug establishments, and an enterprise worthy of a prominent position among the best mercantile establishments of Wabash county. The enterprise established by Mr. W. 17 years ago has ever stood in the first rank of the Business Interests of our town. And today we find in this house a store that will compare favorably with those of our larger cities. The stock is large and complete in every respect embracing everything in the line of drugs, medicines, perfumeries, toilet articles, paints, oils, glass &c. J.W. is one of the very first settlers of the town having come here in 1837, and has been identified with its interests ever since and none have done more to advance the interests of the place than he. The present firm was organized about two years ago, and there is no establishment in the place more popular or one more worthy of success.

Source: North Manchester Journal, December 2, 1880


Twenty-five year's experience, and close application to business, in the Drug and Fancy Goods trade, warrants us in stating that we thoroughly understand the wants of the people, and how to supply that want with the very best and most choice goods in our line of trade, and we carry a very large and extensive assortment of everything you want. We have not space to mention one article in fifty that we have constantly on hand. Such as drugs and medicines, foreign and domestic paints of all kinds, colors, tints and shades, varnish, of the very best made, all kinds of oils, machine, engine, lubricating, harness, neatsfoot, sperm whale, lard, castor, olive, etc., etc. Headquarters for brushes, paint varnish, white-wash, and all kinds, wall-paper, border, and window shades of the latest and most beautiful patterns. Perfumery, hair oil, soaps,
In great abundance, the finest and cheapest cigars, tobacco, etc., in the village.
Thankful for past favors, we solicit your patronage, and to our old customers and friends that have stood by us all these years, we pledge you the advantage of our long experience in trade, both in quantity and quality.
Come and see us, and be convinced that we will not be undersold by any House in the County.

Source: Aurora (1910) Ad:

"For That Article You Couldn't Find"
Headquarters for SOUVENIR POST CARDS

Source: Aurora (1925) Ad:

"The Old Reliable"

Candy    Toilet Articles    Sundries

Source: Aurora (1927) Ad:


The J.B. Williams Drug Store is operated by Mary Fern Forsyth, daughter of the late J.B. Williams. A complete line of gifts, greeting cards, place cards, and quality drugs is carried. Mr. J.K. Kohser, a former student of M.C. and graduate pharmacist of Purdue U. is in charge and you will always find him glad to serve you.