Source: North Manchester Journal, January 11, 1883

GOAT HAIRS, Swept up in the City Lodge Rooms

MASONIC--Deming Lodge, No. 88, have elected and installed the following officers for the ensuing year. The installation took place last Wednesday evening: B. Walter W.M., E.M. Rager S.W.; John Spurgeon J.W.; D. Frame Treas.; J.P. Naftzger Secy; Jno. Elwood S.D.; John Summerland J.D.; H. Sheller and W.E. Thomas, Stewards; Smith Horn, Tyler.

This lodge will give a large supper and banquet in their lodge room, over Noftzger's hardware store. The supper is for the purpose of having a good social time, and bringing together all the members and families.

The Northwestern Masonic Aid Association, of Chicago, is still pursuing its very successful course. It is now over eight years old, and on October 1st, 1882, consisted of over 14,000 members; and although it demands the most stringent examination, the increase amounts to from 300 to 400 per month.

INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS--A public installation of the officers of Meshekunnoghquoh Lodge, No. 75, at Liberty Mills, was held in their hall last Saturday evening. Several members of this place, with their wives, were in attendance. The officers installed were: H. Baysinger Noble Grand; Park McGinley, vice Grand; H. Comstock, Secretary; Jacob Ruse, Treasurer.

Subordinate Lodge, No. 264, on last Friday evening installed the following officers for the year 1883: John C. Summerland, Noble Grand; Charles Kosher, Secretary; J.J. Martin, Treasurer.

Rebecca Lodge, No. 98, installed, Monday night, the following officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. B.H. Clay, Noble Grand; Mrs. Charles Kosher, Vice Grand; Miss Sarah Abersohn, Secretary; Mrs. A.R. Powell, Treasurer.

A public installation of officers of the Lodge at Roann, was held Tuesday evening. Several members of this place were in attendance. The Lodge at Silver Lake installed its officers Saturday evening.

KNIGHTS OF HONOR--Orion Lodge, No. 1297, has a beneficiary membership of sixty-five. No death occurred in the past year. Ezra Leffel was elected representative to the Grand Lodge, which meets at Indianapolis in February; J.J. Martin, alternate. Dr. P. Shaffer was elected medical examiner.

The following officers for the ensuing term will be installed at their Lodge tonight: F.M. Heeter, D.; W.E. Thomas, V.D.; B.F. VanCamp, A.D.; Shelly Sexson, R.; J.B. Shuyler, F.R.; J.P. Naftzger, T.; T.B. Clark, G.; E.S. Bonewitz, C.; A.W. Weeks, S. This is the fifth term Mr. Sexson has held the office of Reporter.

GOOD TEMPLARS--Lodge No. 907 was organized about six months ago, and is now in a flourishing condition. It had a beneficiary of about fifty members at the last report to the Grand Lodge. The whole membership of the lodge aggregates about one hundred. There is some talk among the members of organizing another Lodge here, as the present one has such a large membership that it is rather unwieldy. Mr. Sexson, the Secretary, informs us that the lodge is in much better condition than it was two months ago.

Source: Harry Leffel, "Straws in the Wind," News-Journal, ca. 1965

...On the south side of the [Main] street are insignias of two fraternal orders on the walls of the third stories of two buildings. One is that of the Masonic order; and on the wall to the east is the insignia of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Both orders date back to the early history of the town.

The Odd Fellows, Meshekunnogquoh Lodge No. 75, was organized in December, 1849. Most of the members were from Liberty Mills, and within a year the lodge was moved to Liberty Mills. North Manchester members in November, 1866, were issued a separate charter. They met first in the upper rooms of the Henney building, at the northeast corner of Market and Main Streets, above the Michael Henney tin shop. Later the lodge was moved to the upper rooms of the Heeter block, on the site of the present Wendel Floor Covering business. It was in 1875, that the lodge obtained a lease from J.H. Straw to construct a third story on the south side of Main Street to be used as a lodge room.

The Masonic Lodge, Deming Lodge No. 88, F & A.M. was organized December 28, 1849. Early meetings were held over the Lantz & Davis store, on the south side of Main Street, and over David Frame's Store, also on the south side. In 1857, a third story was built over T.I. Silings cabinet shop, which later became the Young hotel, now the site of the Lutheran parsonage. In 1872 the lodge acquired permission of L.J. Noftzger to guild a third story over his hardware store, this being just west of the Odd Fellows room, and connected by a central hallway.

It was in 1907 that a building boom was starting on Walnut Street. George Burdge had acquired a double lot just north of the private alley; and the Lawrence Bank had acquired a lot along the south side of the public alley, next north of Burdge. Burdge wanted to build only one story, and he entered into an agreement with the Odd Fellows whereby the lodge would build the second and third stories. The bank had planned a two story building, but was willing to permit the Odd Fellows to build a third story above that room. The Odd Fellows then sold their room on Main Street to the Masons. Edmund Ruppel, William H. Hapner and Jacob W. Ream were the Odd Fellows trustees. In November, 1914, a deal was made whereby the Masons acquired the Odd Fellows Hall on Walnut Street, and the Odd Fellows returned to Main Street, acquiring the two rooms originally occupied by the two lodges.

Source: North Manchester Journal, January 7, 1909

Work is going on rapidly this week on the new Odd Fellows rooms that until the last few weeks had been at a stand still. Arrangements were made whereby the members donated work on the interior of the building, and as there are representatives of nearly every needed trade inside the lodge the work will soon be completed in this way. When these rooms are ready for occupancy the lodge will have the most pleasant home of any organization in the country.

Source: North Manchester Journal, December 28, 1893, Notice:

The Knights of Pythias lodge has rented the front office room over Ginther's drug store and now occupy the whole second floor of that building. The front room will be fitted up in good style as a reception room for the accommodation of the members. The lodge is prospering in fine shape and hopes to have as fine a lodge room as there is in the country.

Source: North Manchester Journal, December 27, 1888

For some time there has been talk of organizing a Temple of the "Pythian Sisterhood" in this place and the committee having the matter in charge has called a meeting of the ladies for Saturday evening at the K. of P. hall. Only wives, daughters and sisters of Knights of Pythias are eligible to membership, and a good attendance of the ladies who wish to go into the order is desired. The meeting is to determine upon the proposition of establishing a Temple here.

Source: News-Journal, June 2, 1947

Knights of Pythias 60th Anniversary

When the lodge was first chartered sixty years ago, it met in rooms over what is now the Marks Drug Store. Later, the lodge built its own quarters as the second floor over what is now the Little Hardware Company and the Overholt Tin Shop.

Source: North Manchester Journal, January 6, 1887

At the regular meeting of Olympian Lodge 147 K. of P. on last Thursday evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing term and they will be installed at the meeting this evening: W.H. Shaffer, C.C.; J.A. Browne, V.C.; Esta Crill, Prelate; J.A. Barsh, K. of R. and S.; H.B. Sheller, M. of F.; Ben Oppenheim, M. of E.; Walter Laidlaw, M. of A.; Dan Sheller, Trustee.

Source: North Manchester Journal, January 25, 1894

John M. Curtner was given the Knight's rank at the K.P. lodge last Thursday night and is now a full-fledged member.

Source: North Manchester Journal, June 12, 1902

The K.P.'s Visit Andrews. About thirty Knights of Pythias, of this city paid a fraternal visit to Golden Rule lodge at Andrews, last Monday night, the degree team of Olympian lodge in this city having gained quite a reputation for the excellent manner in which it confers the ritualistic work. The Andrews lodge invited them to pay a visit to that city and confer the third rank on three candidates. The invitation was accepted by the above number. After adjournment about midnight a banquet was served with a very elaborate menu to which the hungry knights did as ample justice as they did to the candidates earlier in the evening. Eleven members of the Rathbone Sisters, of this city, were also present and spent the evening visiting the Sisters of that city until the hour of serving the banquet. The entire party on their return home made a unanimous report of the royal manner in which they were entertained by the Andrews people and in fact all have been so lavish in their praise that those who did not attend are sorry that they missed the occasion. The ladies also report an especially fine time. The trip was made in rigs, the party reaching home early the next morning.

Source: North Manchester Journal, April 11, 1901

In a Tight Box

J.A. Calvert, the genial and popular grocer, seems to have called down the wrath of a lot of the Rathbone Sisters on his head and had a very narrow escape from "white capping" a few nights ago. It seems that the degree team of the Rathbone Sisters had decided to hold a secret meeting for practice in order to perfect themselves in the work and surprise the lodge with their ability. On the night of the meeting some of the other Sisters dropped into Mr. Calvert's store and asked him the innocent question where his [wife] was. Mr. Calvert let the whole cat out of the bag by telling the ladies she was at the lodge room practicing. The Sisters went up to see what was going on but the Sisters on the inside refused to open the door. What followed, of course, is a lodge secret but we understand that a very "warm" session was held at Calvert's store later in the evening and he was "re-obligated" in the most approved style. He will keep a secret the next time.

Source: North Manchester Journal, October 7, 1909

Fixing K. of P. Hall

The Knights of Pythias lodge has begun refitting the room over the Young & Shupp store adjoining the lodge room which the lodge purchased some time ago. The partitions in the room have been torn out and a new re-arrangement made so that the entire floor will be of easy access from the lodge room. There will be a kitchen in the rear where banquets can be prepared, with a large room in the center which can be used for dining purposes. There will also be a reception room and a lounging or reading room where the members can congregate for social purposes. These rooms will be nicely furnished and fitted up in becoming style and when they are done the lodge will be as well equipped for social entertainments and large gatherings as any lodge in the country. Some time ago the lodge voted on the question of placing billiard tables in the reception room and the decision was that for the present at least this feature would not be added although it is quite popular in many other places.

Source: North Manchester Journal, November 18, 1909

Painters and paper hangers are this week fitting up the dining hall and club rooms attached to the Knights of Pythias hall. The rooms are commodious and will greatly aid in caring for big meetings of the lodge on social and other occasions.

Source: North Manchester Journal, October 14, 1909

Indiana Domain Wealthiest in the Supreme Jurisdiction

O.H. Fox and A.C. Willis came home last week from Indianapolis where they attended the Knights of Pythias grand lodge. They say it was a very large meeting and all had a good time, there being about 1,5000 representatives in attendance. The grand lodge officers were all advanced one station according to rule, Arla M. Brown, of Winchester, being elected grand chancellor. John M. Lewis, of Seymour, was elected grand outer guard, the position which is always fought for. Mayor Bookwalter of Indianapolis, and Merrill E. Wilson of Goshen, were elected supreme representatives. Handsome gold and diamond badges valued at $100 were given the pat grand chancellors of the state.

The report of the grand keeper of records and seal showed 491 lodges of good standing now in the state, with a total membership of 63,699 and total assets of $984,291.08, making Indiana the wealthiest state in the supreme domain. During the term ending December 31, 1908, the order had a loss of membership in the state of 418, the only term showing a loss for many years. In the term ending June 30 the record shows a gain of 881 members, which is not large in comparison with the gains in former years. The total resources of the lodge of the state are $1,948,683.05.

Source: North Manchester Journal, June 12, 1912

Big Gathering for Sunday Service at Oak Lawn Cemetery.

More than a hundred of the members of Olympian lodge of Knights of Pythias lodge marched to Oak Lawn cemetery Sunday afternoon to pay respect to the memory of departed lodge members by decorating their graves with flowers. The parade was headed by the Akron band, and was witnessed by hundreds of people who gathered for the occasion. The day was also observed by the members of the Pythian Sisters who decorated the graves of their dead at the same time as did the Knights, though they went to the cemetery in automobiles, choosing that way rather than walking there through the dust. There are eighteen graves of Knights in the Oak Lawn, and five in cemeteries near this city. These were decorated Sunday morning by committees sent from the lodge. There are nine graves of members of the Pythian Sisters, including that of the late Dr. M.O. Lower, who in addition to being a Knight also belonged to the Pythian Sisters. The parade was marshaled by John Lockwood and Fred Horne. Before and after the parade the Akron band rendered a number of choice selections.

Ceremonial Knights of Pythias Sword & Scabbard

Knights of Pythias Lodge SwordKnights of Pythias Ceremonial SwordKnights of Pythias Sword

Source: North Manchester Journal, December 23, 1880

The Knights of Honor of this city celebrated their anniversary Friday evening last with a splendid supper, gotten up by the wives of the members, and others; the affair was a delightful one, and a large attendance was present not only of the membership, but their families, together with friends of the order. This order is in splendid operation. ...

Source: North Manchester Journal, April 19, 1894

Knights of the Maccabees

Another secret society was added to the already long list in this place Tuesday night by the organization of North Manchester Tent of Knights of the Maccabees. Some time ago Messrs. Schuler and Miller, of Roann, came to this place to get up a lodge and they were abundantly successful the lodge having been organized with thirty-three charter members.

The Maccabees is an insurance and beneficiary order, quite strong in some parts of the country, every popular and has a good record. The headquarters of the order is at Port Huron, Mich. George H. Turpeny, of New Carlisle, Indiana, Supreme Chaplain of the order, was present and had charge of the organization of the lodge. The initiatory work was conducted by the Roann tent and representatives were present from the tents at Roann, Disko, Urbana, Wabash and Laketon, the latter being accompanied by their band. The ceremonies took place in the opera house and lasted until a late hour. At their conclusion an elegant banquet was served at Lautzenhiser & Sheets' cafe, to which 160 hungry Knights did ample justice. The new tent starts out with a large and thrifty membership and has every indication of a prosperous future. The following officers were elected and installed:

Past Commander, P.W. Needham.
Commander, Jacob Ohmart.
Lt-Commander, W.Z. Taylor.
Record Keeper, N.E. Lautzenhiser.
Finance Keeper, J.S. Lautzenhiser.
Chaplain, George Hidy.
Sergeant, M.M. Johnson.
Physician, Dr. S.C. Hamilton. A., Guy Weeks.
First M. of G., Frank Messmer.
Second M. of G., Wm. Hapner.
Sentinel, Silas Walters.
Picket, Samuel Baker.
Trustees, Jacob Ohmart, Jacob S. Lautzenhiser and W.Z. Taylor.

Source: North Manchester Journal, October 8, 1896

Everybody will remember the time when the Grangers came forward with an elaborate system of economics. The leading principle was to do away with the "middleman" and deal at first hands with manufacturers for whatever the members of the organization wanted to buy. another and very commendable policy was the educational feature, requiring some one or more of the members to prepare and read papers before the society, treating upon subjects of interest to the members. The meetings were times of much sociability indulged in by the wives and families of members. The business of the societies was managed by a board of trustees elected each year. The grange organization proved a failure from a business standpoint and is not a thing of the past. The Liberty Mills Grange was one of the last to hold out, but now a sale of its effects is advertised.

...The trustees of Chester Grange, at one time a very strong organization that owned a very large and well equipped hall in Liberty Mills, have advertised the fixtures of the hall to be sold at auction at the hall door on Friday, Oct. 9, at 1 p.m.

Source: North Manchester Journal, January 15, 1914

The Loyal Order of Moose
Will institute a lodge in North Manchester in the near future.

The Moose pays the Following Benefits:

$100.00 for death of member.
$7.00 per week sick or accident.
Furnishes to the member and his entire family a physician's services free of charge.

The initiation fee while lodge is being instituted is $5.00, after charter closes the initiation fee will be $25.00.
We now have 873,000 members in good standing throughout the United States.
Dues are $10.00 per year with no assessments.