Volume XXX, No. 1, February 2013


Dr. Daniel M. MarshallOld photograph circa 1858 of bearded Dr. Daniel M. Marshall, father of Thomas R. Marshall.
Author uncovered Dr. Marshall's original letters to Senator S.A. Douglas, located in the Regenstein Library, University of Chicago, Special Collections, Constituent Correspondence, Douglas Papers.





by John Knarr


The discovery in January 2013 of original copies of correspondence between Daniel M. Marshall and then U.S. Senator (Illinois) Stephen A. Douglas sheds light on the political convictions of various members of the Marshall families during a pivotal moment in our nation’s history, 1858-1860. Thomas R. Marshall’s Recollections referred to the Democratic partisanship of both his grandfather Riley Marshall and father Dr. Daniel M. Marshall. He mentioned little about his uncles. These letters to Senator Douglas offer additional texture and dimension to our understanding of these Marshall families. At the University of Chicago’s Special Collections, the author was able to handle and read this correspondence, first-person accounts in Marshall’s own handwriting. The Douglas Papers also includes correspondence written by two of Daniel’s brothers and a brother-in-law.  These letters were written while Milborn S. Marshall was North Manchester’s Postmaster in 1858-1860; druggist Ezra T. Marshall lived in Pierceton in 1860 and William T. Shively in Stanton, Kansas Territory in 1859. In early 1856 Tom Marshall and his parents Daniel and Martha migrated to Illinois and by 1858 the family was living in West Urbana (Champaign), IL. They then moved again westward and by 1860 were living in La Grange, MO on the banks of the Mississippi River.  This article reveals some excerpts and develops the political context for the Marshall-Douglas communications.


Tom Marshall’s father and uncles were staunch Democrats, dyed-in-the wool Democrats; that is to say they were fervent followers of Stephen Douglas, U.S. Democrat Senator from Illinois. They were also Unionists and critical of Buchanan-Breckinridge secessionists. An examination of their frequent correspondence with Douglas reveals the tenacity of their political beliefs. This study will show how Marshall family members approached important political issues of the day, covering slavery, state’s rights, Kansas constitution, partisan politics. They lived in Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Kansas, states central to the future of our nation and the presidency. While Douglas won his Senate seat in 1858 in Illinois, he was to lose the presidential election in 1860 to Abraham Lincoln. The only state carried by Douglas in the 1860 electoral college was Missouri. It took another fifty years before Thomas Riley Marshall in 1908, continuing the Marshall family Democratic tradition, was elected governor in Indiana, and served as Vice President under President Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921.

The study of 19th century politics is enhanced when one examines the important political roles of Postmaster and patronage. At the postmaster level the planting of political protégés and the rewarding of supporters and benefactors was frequently the formula for success in consolidating, holding and winning political power. Prominent persons and pioneer families often benefited from such a system of patronage. Thomas Marshall’s father, Dr. Daniel M. Marshall was appointed Postmaster of N. Manchester on June 11, 1853. Daniel’s two brothers succeeded him in that post during Democratic Administrations. Joseph C. Marshall was appointed Postmaster of N. Manchester on November 10, 1856, and Milborn S. Marshall was appointed Postmaster of N. Manchester on April 12, 1858. In 1857 Milborn had married Catherine Stratton, daughter of Mark Stratton and oldest sister of Gene Stratton-Porter. Daniel’s oldest brother Joseph C. Marshall had earlier served as Laketon’s postmaster, March 4, 1852-Oct 28, 1853. Daniel earned $109.20 in annual compensation as Postmaster in 1855, and such pay was increased in 1857 to $114.53. (Official Register of the United States, 1855, 1857).


In early American history, from 1775 until the early 1800s, postmasters in the U.S were appointed by the Postmaster General. An Act of Congress in 1836 provided where the annual compensation of the postmaster exceeded $1000 that the appointment be made by the President, “by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.” In 1864 the post offices were divided into classes. Postmasters of the first, second and third classes were appointed by the President. The Postmaster General continued to appoint postmasters of the smaller post offices. Since the Postmaster General was in the President’s Cabinet, the patronage system developed in significant ways. Postmasters were political appointees. In the nineteenth century, then, mass political purges were frequent whenever an incumbent party lost the national election. Over time, patronage in such appointments was lessened, but the positions of postmaster as well as the rural carriers were essentially political. It was not until 1969-1970 that appointments would be made on merit without the usual political clearance. Legislation was finally passed that intended “to prohibit political considerations in the selection or promotion of postal employees.” Political patronage in the Post Office was explicitly prohibited with the signing of the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970.

In practice, during the nineteenth century, postmasters needed the support of the elected Representative and Senator. Procedurally, there was then  Presidential nomination to the Senate and finally Senate confirmation. Being ardent Democrats, Daniel, Joseph and Milborn were able to receive their appointments during successive Democratic Administrations under Pierce and Buchanan (1853-1861). They likely had the support of Indiana’s powerful Democratic U.S. Senator, Jesse D. Bright, who held that office between 1845 and 1862. In 1862 Sen. Bright was ousted from office for his pro-Confederate views.

When Dr. Marshall moved his family to Illinois in 1856, his prior experience continued to influence him. In Illinois he became once again immersed in post office politics. Daniel corresponded with Stephen Douglas and met him in West Urbana. Although Tom in his Recollections wrote (p. 52) that his father had taken him to Freeport, IL, for the Lincoln-Douglas debate, Daniel told Douglas he had seen Douglas in West Urbana, IL. This apparently occurred on September 23, 1858 between debates held in Charleston and Galesburg IL. Tom in his Recollections (p. 51) mentioned that his father “followed Douglas as blindly as any public man of recent years has been followed.” An examination of the Marshall Letters in the Papers of Stephen Douglas (Special Collections, University of Chicago) confirms this fervent attitude as expressed in the recently discovered correspondence.

Correspondence, D.M. Marshall to Sen. Douglas, May 24, 1858In a letter to S.A. Douglas, May 24, 1858 [Box 28, Folder 23], Daniel expressed his opposition to the political behavior of the Postmaster in West Urbana, IL.  Daniel’s fears that this Postmaster (appointed by a Democratic administration) was supporting Lincoln and Republicans were well founded.  This postmaster had called for “an Isaac Cook convention in this county.” Sen. Douglas had ousted Isaac Cook as Postmaster of Cook County, IL. Daniel asked Douglas whether they should circulate a petition to remove the Postmaster. Marshall assured Douglas that except for the Postmaster, “there’s nothing here but Douglas Democrats.”  But in fact the Urbana-Champaign area offered much support to Lincoln. Urbana was part of Lincoln’s judicial circuit. Lincoln had represented many  individuals where Marshall now was living. William O. Stoddard, the young newspaper publisher in West Urbana, was promoting Lincoln’s candidacy. Stoddard received appointments in the Lincoln Administration: clerk in Interior Department; White House staff assistant to John Nicolay and John Hay, secretaries to Lincoln and in 1864 Marshal for the Eastern District of Arkansas. The Stoddard Collection is in the Lincoln Library, Allen County Public Library.

In his letter to Douglas, dated January 28, 1860 [Box 31, Folder 16], Marshall proudly stated that “I am a Democrat of your Stamp and heartily wish you success in your efforts with Southern Democrats that have assailed you and your course. I will say I have no fears of your success and I hope you may get the nomination at Charleston for President.” He then requested Douglas to send him copies of Douglas’ speeches (“your reply to the Senators and any thing else”).  “I know the mass of the Democratic Party is with you and for you in 1860—for President. If you can distribute anything further do so to Dr. L. Avery, M. Doughty, S.M. Marshall, G.F. Hutton.” Daniel’s uncle S.M. Marshall was living in La Grange MO. In this letter Daniel said that he met Douglas in West Urbana and saw there the “memorable fight with Lincoln”. Daniel had moved his family to LaGrange, Lewis County, MO by January, 1860, so he was no longer an Illinois constituent of Sen. Douglas. Daniel’s reference to meeting Douglas in West Urbana does not corroborate Tom’s recollection of sitting on Douglas’ lap (and Lincoln’s) during that historic debate at Freeport, a considerable distance from the Marshall home. Tom’s “suggestive memory” regarding this incident strains credulity but does make a whopper of a story!

In yet another written communication with Douglas (March 30, 1860) while living in LaGrange, Daniel tried to intervene on behalf of an elderly woman who deserved a pension based upon her father’s Revolutionary War service. “Her father never got any thing before he died and she never has drawn any. This is the first time she has her application for it and she tells me there has not been an heir alive for the last 25 or 30 years but her self. She did not know that she has or could draw her father’s pension until I influenced her so.” [Box 31, Folder 16]

Daniel Marshall’s brother-in-law William T. Shively was living in Stanton, Kansas Territory, when Shively wrote the Hon. S.A. Douglas, Washington City, D.C. (Feb. 3, 1859): “Sir, Not having the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with you and not being one of your immediate constituents, I feel somewhat backwards in making my request of you whatever or of asking you to contribute beyond your own state. Yet I would take it as a great favor if you would mail to me at convenient seasons some of your speeches--reports and the matter pertaining to the doctrine you defend for which I will ever feel greatfull. Respectfully, W.T. Shively.”


Daniel’s brother Ezra Marshall also wrote (Sept 13th, 1860) to the Hon. S.A. Douglas, Washington City, D.C. [Box 36, Folder 1]: “For the advancement of the Democratic party, in this section of country, I thought it would be good policy to have you send me some good sound, Douglas Democratic speeches. I don’t want Breckenridge, so that I can distribute them, to men that appear to be setting on the fence & don’t know which way to fall. Remember me for I am in a hot bed of Abolishionists and have to fight with boath fists and tongue to keep the wooly heads at a distance. Therefore send me some speeches & I will make good use of them, & oblige yours. Fraternally, E.T. Marshall.”

Ezra’s remarks reflected the rougher edge of the Marshall psyche regarding the pivotal issues of the day. Such views were not well received among Lincoln’s supporters, particularly in an area where abolitionists and the “Underground Railroad” had been quite active.


Correspondence, Milborn Marshall to Sen. Douglas, May 23, 1860North Manchester Postmaster M.S. Marshall sent (May 23, 1860) the following request to the Hon. S.A. Douglas, Washington D.C. [Box 33, Folder 18]: “Dear Sir. Will you please send me six or eight copys of your Popular Sovereignty speech, delivered recently and oblige.” Lincoln had insisted that the Federal Government and the people could prohibit slavery in states such as Kansas. Douglas wanted the people to vote on the issue of slavery once a state constitution was in place. The Douglas approach did not necessarily condone slavery but represented an attempt to placate and retain support from those with Southern roots and sympathies.


Political divisions and ironies abound where the extended Marshall family members are concerned. The Marshall family did have deep family roots in the South, having originated in Virginia. Many related Marshall families were slave-owners in Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri. While Daniel favored the Union cause, he was “a cautious man and did not care to face unnecessary danger.” [TRM, Recollections, p. 58]

Daniel Marshall had left North Manchester in 1856, moving to Illinois. That state became the focal point of the Douglas and Lincoln debates over slavery and states’ rights. While siding with Douglas, Marshall, a former postmaster, confronted Douglas’ opponents in his new hometown. Marshall moved again, in 1859, to LaGrange, Missouri and that state was the only state that Stephen Douglas carried in the electoral college in the Presidential campaign of 1860. Being a Douglas loyalist, Daniel was by then surrounded by fellow political believers. But political outrage and concern about the family’s safety were to intervene and forever influence the future of the Marshall family. According to Tom’s Recollections (pp. 61-63), his father “being a Hoosier born, could no more keep silence than the sun could cease to rise.” He engaged in a heated political argument with “Duff Green” who was “among the outstanding figures of that community...a forceful, masterful character, with much ability.” Daniel’s uncle and cousins were present during this verbal altercation and they warned that “he had incensed one of the most desperate characters in the county; one who already had a band of followers, and one who would undoubtedly wreak vengeance upon him; that the chances were, if he remained in LaGrange that night, he would be taken out, horse-whipped, tarred and feathered, and perhaps would lose his life.” The Marshall relatives advised Daniel to  take his wife and his boy and “leave Missouri at once.”  “Duff” Green was actually Martin E. Green, a brother to Missouri’s U.S. Senator James S. Green. According to one of Daniel’s letters, they lived only seven miles distant from Green! [Box 28, Folder 23]

Both Riley and Ezra purchased Kansas land in 1857, but had returned to the North Manchester area by 1858-1860, as indicated by dates of their correspondence. Daniel’s family finally returned to the Hoosier bosom of the Marshall family in the Fall of 1860. At that time, Riley (Daniel’s father) and Ezra were living in Pierceton; Milborn and Joseph lived in North Manchester; another brother William was in Laketon; brother Woodson Marshall in Warsaw; a brother-in-law in Marion, Dr. James Shively. Two brothers-in-law remained in Kansas, John Lowe and W.T. Shively.

According to Tom (Recollections, pp. 70-71), “ bitter was the politics of the time that they had to undergo the suspicion of being disloyal to their country because they did not vote the Republican ticket. My grandfather and my father were notified by the Methodist preacher whose church they attended that he would have to strike their names off the roll if they continued to vote the Democratic ticket. My grandfather, as a fiery Virginian, announced he was willing to take his chance on Hell but never on the Republican party. My father compromised by joining my mother’s church.”


With the rise of the Republican Party, Douglas Democrats lost favor in political patronage. There would be no more postmaster appointments for Douglas followers. While Daniel’s Democratic allegiance was unshaken, and his son Tom later continued in that tradition, Daniel’s brother Joseph “broke the mold” in 1863, winning election as a Republican for state representative from Wabash and Kosciusko counties.  As for Tom, “My father was obsessed by a sense of party loyalty, and I have never been able to divest myself of it.” [Recollections, p. 89]


During the Civil War, Daniel and Ezra both lived in Pierceton, a town named after President Pierce who was responsible for the political patronage appointments held by the Marshall brothers during the 1850s. Ezra held the liquor license for Pierceton during the 1860s. He apparently had some kind of retail business, probably a drugstore. Daniel was listed as “physician” in the 1870 census. Ezra moved into Fort Wayne and was listed as a “Druggist” in the Fort Wayne City Directories for 1868, 1869 and 1870.  In the 1870 census “Esra Marshal” was listed as living in Fort Wayne Ward 2, Allen Co. Ezra’s listed occupation was “Druggist.” Living in the same household was Fredrick Miller, age 17, an “apprentice druggist”. Tom Marshall recalled the time that he clerked in uncle Ezra’s Fort Wayne drugstore while attending high school, and before going to Wabash College.


Tom also recalled (Recollections, p. 25) that one neighbor had “predatory wealth”. The 1870 Census shows that on one side of the Dr. Marshall household lived a “shoemaker”, a “grocer” and a “butcher”. The real estate values and valuation of personal property of these three households were much less than that reported by Marshall. Dr. Marshall, age 47, had declared on the census forms--$4,000 (real estate value) and $5,000 (personal estate value). By comparison, the household on the other side of the Marshall property did show relative wealth. Watson Conant owned real estate worth $34,500 and personal property valued at $66,000. Daniel’s wealthy neighbor was identified in the census as a “furniture manufacturer”.



Why “Manchester”?      by John Knarr


North Manchester’s Postmaster in 1860 in his letter to the Hon. S.A. Douglas used “North Manchester” as his address. Manchester did not officially become “North Manchester” as the postoffice until the town of North Manchester was incorporated in 1874. But it was often common practice to refer to “North Manchester” well before the 1870s. Early Indiana state gazetteers also referenced “North Manchester” even before the Civil War.


When the town was originally platted in 1836-1837, the name of “Manchester” was chosen. Consequently the early deeds make reference to “Manchester”. There was already another “Manchester” in southern Indiana, Dearborn County. Therefore the post office insisted in 1874 that our newly incorporated town would be known as “North Manchester”.


As to why Peter Ogan chose “Manchester” for the name of our village along the Eel River, we can today only conjecture. There was a habit for towns and counties to be named after communities in states that the pioneers had departed from. We therefore find today “Manchester” in several states, including New Hampshire, North Carolina, Kentucky, Michigan, Iowa, etc.


Many early families who migrated to Manchester (1836-1840) originated from the Richmond, Indiana area (Wayne County). Several families belonged to the Society of Friends or had Quaker roots. Some of them had been disfellowshipped because they married outside the faith, or had served in militias in North Carolina or elsewhere. There was often a strong motive in migrating where ostracism resulted. Families having Quaker ties or former association with Friends meeting houses included: Ogan, Beauchamp, Place, Frame, Thorn, Willis, Williams, Cowgill, Bond, Holderman and others. Some of these families can be found to be listed in the 1839 Ledger of Maurice Place (Richmond) that was recently donated to the Center of History by Scott Schmedel. The Neffs came out of Preble County, Ohio, next door to Wayne County, Indiana. Allen Holderman’s grandmother married a Neff, living in Eaton, OH. Allen Holderman’s mother Sally Neff Holderman, came to his home when he was taken ill and insisted that he be bled and this supposedly caused his death. [Mrs. Alberta Bond Laufman in Feb. 15, 1940 letter to News-Journal]. William Thorn, one of Manchester’s leading merchants in the 1840s and 1850s married Elizabeth Neff. The Quaker Thorn family originated in Clark County, OH.


In Recollections of the Early Settlement of Carroll County, Indiana: “The Quakers near Richmond had made up their minds to make a settlement on this part of the Wabash. They made a mistake in the order in which the land was to be sold, which accident prevented Carroll from being a Quaker County.”  We have no evidence that a similar effort was made here on the Eel River. But we do naturally wonder what were the thought processes of our early pioneers. Any effort at a homogeneous community would have failed. The frontier offered up pressing responsibilities and enticements. Marriages outside the faith took place. The German culture of the Dunkards also was an important presence. Quakers became Methodists--Maurice Place’s daughter married a Methodist minister, Will Comstock. It is nonetheless significant that many of our earliest settlers had this Irish-English-Quaker background. Such folks believed in education, mercantile interests, literacy, professional development and fundamental human rights. Abolitionism and Underground Railroad activities resonated with their views and values.. An early school was the Quaker school conducted by Maurice Place. The first doctor in Manchester was William Willis. The Williams and Cowgill families were traders and prominent in business. Peter Ogan and his brother were millers, as were the Harters, also from Richmond, IN. The German Baptist Harter brothers, while originating in Richmond, went their different directions in setting up mills in Churubusco, Collamer, Laketon, Lafayette as well as Manchester.  When the town founder Peter Ogan left the area in the 1840s, he landed first in the Monticello area, and later lived near the George Harter mill on the Wildcat river south of Lafayette.


Since 1823 the monthly business (Quaker) meetings in Richmond were known as “Chester Monthly Meetings.” The Allen County Public Library has several volumes of these minutes. “Chester” conjures up something special in Quaker heritage. After William Penn founded Pennsylvania, there was a clustering of Friends in Chester County, PA. Quaker families who accompanied Penn included Wilson, Jennings, Williams, and Tomlinson. Tomlinsons had roots in Manchester, England. [R.R. Buell, The Tomlinson Book, 1956] It is therefore not surprising that “Chester Township” was a preferred name for English-speaking settlers in our neck of the woods.


It may be difficult to understand why an Irishman would name our town “Manchester”, after an English settlement. But if one understands that Manchester (England) consisted of a large number of Irish emigrants who  sometimes were Friends one starts to understand a possible underlying attraction of the name “Manchester”. In 1835 a book was published in Manchester, England: A Beacon to the Society of Friends.


To understand why Manchester, England was originally called Manchester, a lesson in etymology is helpful. “Chester” derives from Old English term meaning “town”. There is also the Latin name Mamucium, Mancunian or Mancunium applied to Manchester. Etymologists point out that “Man” derives from the root “Mam” as in “mammal” or “mammary”. Topographical features can also elicit a name. For instance, it is suggested that England’s Manchester was named for “breast-like” hill or topography. Eel River’s curvilinear lines might similarly have suggested anatomical analogies.


What we do know is that both Ogan and surveyor Tomlinson were knowledgeable millers and they were most practical when they viewed prospects of developing mills at the Eel River bend. Peter Ogan hired young John J. Tomlinson (age 24) as the surveyor of the original plat of Manchester. On the original plat, Tomlinson identified himself as “Surveyor of Fulton County”. Although Fulton County’s historians, museum staff and the Rochester Surveyor’s Office find no record for Tomlinson, he might have been hired by Abner Van Ness to assist in surveying that county and towns such as Rochester. On the original plat on file at the Wabash courthouse, “J.J. Tomlinson” was unfortunately transcribed in error as “J.L.” and “I.I. Tornlinson”.


Born in Maryland on March 1, 1812, Tomlinson came from a long line of surveyors in his family. Tomlinson’s father and grandfather had both surveyed the frontier in Maryland and Pennsylvania. When the National Road was first surveyed in 1812-1813, “Tomlinson’s” was used as a reference point. [History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, Chapter 15.] John J. received his training as a surveyor and civil engineer, and then ventured westward. During 1835-1837 he was in Indiana. His brother George Washington Tomlinson was a pioneer in Marion County, and George’s house built in 1862 is listed today on the National Register. While George remained in the Indianapolis area, John migrated to Iowa. There he surveyed a number of towns in Cedar County, including in 1840 Rochester and Tipton, Iowa! Daniel Comstock, related to the Liberty Mills Comstocks, was a leading pioneer in Cedar County. Such family connections probably facilitated getting the surveying services of Tomlinson. Tomlinson also laid out the town of Canton in Jackson Co., Iowa. During the 1860s John remarried, joined a wagon train and left for Yellowstone Territory, Montana, and the gold fields. His 1864 diary has been reprinted in Journeys to the Land of Gold: Emigrant Diaries From the Bozeman Trail 1863-1866, Vol. 1 ed. by Susan Badger Doyle. [See also Leeson’s History of Montana, Vol. 2.] Tomlinson surveyed Yellowstone City and platted Salesville, Montana. Surveyor Tomlinson was also a very successful miller and even acquired in 1871 Patent No. 111,277 for “Improvement in Millstone-Drivers”. [Tom Haines, Flouring Mills of Montana Territory, 1984.] John J. Tomlinson, Peter Ogan’s and Manchester’s first surveyor, is buried in Gallatin Co., Montana.


2012 Annual Fund

Thank you to the people who supported the North Manchester Historical Society and the North Manchester Center for History with cash gifts to our 2012 Annual Fund.  The Annual Fund pays our on-going operating expenses each year.  We cannot serve this community with our museum, educational programs, research, and artifact collecting without your help.  Please let us know if there are any corrections to be made, and we will be happy to make them. Thank you!


Covered Bridge Guild  $2,500+

The Paul L. Speicher Foundation

Evelyn Niswander

Ralph and Becky Naragon

Jim and Debbie Chinworth

Community Foundation-Wabash Co.


Thomas Marshall Circle  $1,000+

Mary Chrastil

Eloise Eberly

Ford Meter Box Foundation

J. P. and Michelle Freeman

Manchester University

McKee Mortuary

Poet Biorefining

Viv Simmons


Benefactor  $500+

Gordon and Darlene Bucher

Bob and Sally Krouse

Robert and Mary Martin

Suzanne McClure

North Manchester Rotary

Shepherd Chevrolet-Oldsmobile

Connie Vinton


History Sponsor  $250+

Judy Boyer

Herb and Arlene Chinworth

Louis Dreyfus Holdings, LLC

John and Gayle Forrester

Warren and Helen Garner

Art and Ellen Gilbert

John and Bea Knarr

Karl and Lois Lemna

Manchester High School Class-1962

Karl and Bonnie Dee Merritt

Roger and Jill Morphew

Daniel and Tracy Myers

Joe and Mary Vogel


Patron  $100+

James Adams and Thelma Rohrer

Barb Amiss

Ferne Baldwin

Steve Batzka

Don Billmaier

Mary Louise Briner-Reist

Andy Brown and Jan Fahs

Tom and Eloise Brown

Dennis and Rosemary Butler

Creative Stitch Quilt Shop

Daniel and Marsha Croner

Bertha Custer and Conrad Snavely

Barry and Arlene Deardorff

Stan and JoAnn Escott

Joan Fahs

Fine Arts Club

First Financial Bank

Richard and Nancy Frantz

Dave Friermood

Judy Glasgow

David and Patty Grant

Betty Hamlin

Steve and Lila Hammer

Harting Furniture Gallery

David Hippensteel

Dale and Joyce Joy

KenapocoMocha Coffee Shop

Donn Kesler

Charles and Joan Koller

Jeanette Lahman

Richard Livingston

Main View Restaurant

Manchester Veterinary Clinic

Wilbur McFadden

Richard and Mary Miller

Jim and Shirley Mishler


One World Handcrafts

Phil and Mary Orpurt

Dorothy Parsons

Brian and Jennifer Pattison

Peabody Retirement Community

Mark Philabaum

Carolyn Reahard

Wayne Rennaker

Jean Renschler

Riverbridge Electric

Nancy Sensibaugh

Jon and Susanne Siebrase

Earl and Glenna Singer                      

Dan and Barbara Speicher

Roger and Marcheta Tate

Tim and Jenny Taylor

Timbercrest Senior Living Community

Kent and Lisa Ulrey

Doretta Urschel

Robert Vanlandingham

Robert Weimer

Shirley Wilcox

Keith and JoAnn Wing

Roland Young and Mona Harley


Donor  $50+

Kay Batdorf

Charles and Dagney Boebel

Mary Lou Brown

Eunice Butterbaugh

Randy and Sharon Fruitt

Anne Garber

Tim and Roberta Hoffman

Melba Holmgren

Kappa Kappa Kappa

Charles and Susan Klingler

Elaine Leonhard

Clyde Lovellette

Metzger Landscaping and Design

Ron and Sue Pence

Walter and Mary Jenet Penrod

Roger and Kathy Presl

Keith and Susan Ring

David and Shirley Rogers

Jim Ross

Jo Ann Schall

Brian and Heather Schilling

Scott Schmedel

Robert and Robin Shepherd

Joanna Smith

DeWayne and Doris Snell

David and Becky Waas

Helga Walsh

Dorothy Weldy

Jack and Shirley Williams

Janice and Eddie Wood

Frances Wright



David Bagwell

Leland and Angilee Beery

Drs. J.R. and Barbara Damron

Carol Davis

Bob and Lois Dowd

Alma Eiler

Julia Felgar, Manchester Realty

Ed and Margaret Goerlitz

Alberta Giegold

Ken and Kathy Grandstaff

Ruth, Patricia and Paul Hauser

Stewart and Ruth Hawley

Bill and Jo Hayes

Michael and Julia Hayes

Russell and Joann Hoover

Grace Kester

Avonne Lee Knecht

Sam and Carol Leckrone

Wilson and Mary Lutz

Harold and Elizabeth Marks

Mike McLaughlin

Robert Moery

John and Debbie Mugford

Walter and Marie Niccum

N.M. Chamber of Commerce

Diane Dewey Norvell

Donald Olinger

Roger Parker

Carolyn Reed

Doug Rice

Annabel and Esther Rupel

Theron Rupley

Barbara Shoemaker

Eldon and Marjorie Sincroft

Larry Tracy

Grace Vorheis

Rodney and Susan Warren

Dorotha Williams

In-Kind Gifts

James R. C. Adams

Black Box Theater Group

The HF Group

David Hippensteel – Riverbridge Electric

Debra Kern and Manchester High School Art Students

Al Schlitt

Cheryl Wilson, Tri-Oaks Realty


Memorial Gifts

In Memory of Carol Jennings:

Ruth, Patricia and Paul Hauser

Carolyn Reed

Barbara Shoemaker


In Memory of Harold and Midge Sensibaugh and Max and Connie Boyer:

Judy Sensibaugh Boyer


In Memory of Thomas McClure: Suzanne McClure




Mary Chrastil, President; Mike McKee, Vice-President;

Ralph Naragon, Treasurer; Karen Hewitt, Secretary; Nancy Reed, Center for History Director; Joyce Joy, Collections Manager

Directors--Ferne Baldwin; Tom Brown; Darlene Bucher; Jim Garman; John Knarr; Dave Randall; Tim Taylor; Joe Vogel; David Waas.

NMHS Newsletter Editor--John Knarr, assisted by Bea Knarr