Prepared by Allan D. White and Gladys Airgood
Feb 2013 Release

Using this Index--NAME or TITLE; YEAR (last 2 digits); ISSUE NUMBER; PAGE NUMBERS (consecutive with hyphen between, other pages after commas. If in more than one issue, there is semicolon between. No hyperlinks provided.

A & P Grocery, 96, 2:14

A & Y Home Appliance, 08, 2:13

A Beautiful Flower Display, 08, 4:3

A Freshman's First Day, Violet C. Neher, 05, 2:12-14

A Thriving Industry, 08, 4:3

Abbott, (James) Jim, 02, 1:4;

  Roy, 02, 4:14

Abbott, George, 10, 4:10

Abbott, James Sr. and George, 02, 1:4; 02, 2:2-3,8,10

Abbott, James, 92, 3:2

Abbott, Paul, 08, 1:8

Abbott, Squire, 11, 2:2

Able, Virginia, 07, 2:8

Abshire, Abraham, 97, 1:14

Abstracts of Title, Irreplaceable key to early residents, 90, 3:10

Abstracts, finding, collection for historical society, 93, 3:14

Ace Hardware, Ivan Little, 95, 3:9-10;  08, 1:12; artifacts from Dave Tranter, 12, 3:14

Acme School, 97, 3:12-13

Adams, Dr.  Parks & Paula, 01, 4:2-3

Adams, Dr. Parks, Preservation Group, (Rice House), 04, 1:1-2; 05, 3:3-4; 09, 2:8

Adams, Jake, 95, 3:10

Adams, James R.C., “On George and Julia Gaddis", 91, 2:10-12, 13, 15

Adams, Jim, 11, 3:9

Adams, Paula, 84, 1:4, Parks, Paula, 84, 3:9

Adams, R.T., 11, 2:10

Addigton, Jonathan, Blacksmith,

  12, 4:9

Adelphian Literary Society, 85, 4:6-9

Advertisers "As You Like It,", 1904, 02, 1:7-9

Africa (Wood) School, 85, 3:7

African-Americans, Two Who Endured, 91, 4:13-14

Aged and Much Traveled Cookie,

  86, 3:4-5

Aggregated Census Data for Businesses, 12, 2:10

Agnew, Ralph, 07, 2:7

Airgood, Gladys, Servia, first 50 years, 86, 3:7

Airport, see North Manchester Airport

Aker, Ralph, 08, 2:9

Al Crow's barbershop, 08, 4:5

Albright, Mary, 09, 1:8-9

Alemanni, Evelyn, AIB judge,

  08, 4:1-3

Alexander, Veril, 87, 1:14

Alexandria Marble Co., 06, 4:10

Allen, George L. 02, 2:12

Allen, Max & Sally, 1993 photo,

  07, 2:1

Allen, Max, 07, 2:13; 2:1-4

Allen, Max, 96, 4:2; Max & Sally, Stefan & Edith Kaufman, 99, 4:8-14; organization of NMHS, 00, 4:10-14; 01, 1:9-11

Allen, Max, Sara (Mertz) "On the Life and Paintings of Daniel Garber", 87, 1:1-5; "Orpha J. Weimer", 92, 2:10: Sara, Max, 95, 1:8-9

Allen, Sally, 09, 2:13, 2:1-4

Allen, William Melvin & Eurilla Clara Fry, 07, 2:2

Alsap, John, United Brethren clergyman, 12, 4:9

Amberg, Russell, "Sam", 06, 4:9-10, 08, 1:13

Ambitious Agenda Faces Society,

   89, 1:4-5

Ambridge, Charles, Unsung Hero,

  86, 4:14-15

Ambridge, Sandra Lee, 10, 4:4

American Express Company, 84, 3:4; 06, 2:8

American Hotel, 92, 3:2, 93, 3:13-14

American Legion, photo, 02, 2:1

American Shoe Rebuilders, 08, 2:9

American Standard Corp. (Peabody), 90, 4:4

Americana Shoppe price list, 96, 4:13-14; Americana Gift Shoppe, items available, 12, 3:11

Amiss, Barbara, Americana Shoppe, 04, 1:3

Amiss, Bob, 10, 1:5

Among the Giants, Barbara Miller Neher, 97, 2:14

Andersen, Jeanne, 2001 House Tour, 02, 1:6; 2003 house tour, 04, 1:4-10

Anderson, Caroline, 07, 3:10

Anderson, Charlie, 85, 1:9

Anderson, Daniel & Jeanne, 89, 4:7-8

Anderson, John, 92, 3:6; Stockdale, 94, 2:6

Annual business meeting, 2001, 02, 1:5; annual report on museum,

  03, 1:5

Annual Fund donations, 2010, 11, 1:12-13

Annual Fund Drive contributors, 2011, 12, 1:12-13

Annual fund drive, 2011, 12, 1:12-13

Annual meeting, Church of the Brethren 1878, 85, 1:2

Antiques Appraisal, during Harvest Festival, 12, 3:12

Antiques of Northern Wabash County, 90, 2:7-13

Anvil's ring, 96,  2:2

Argerbright & Gift cigar makers, 08, 4:11-12

Argerbright, Mary Ann, 08, 4:10

Argerbright, Solomon A., 88, 2:11; 88, 4:12; 98, 1:1; 08, 4:10-11

Argie's Beauty Shop, 08, 4:4

Armey, Maurice, 08, 4:5

Armstrong Electric & Appliance Sales, 07, 2:11

Arnold Corp. 07, 3:14

Arnold, Amos, 09, 1:5

Arnold, Frazier, 11, 2:7-9

Arnold, Jesse, 88, 4:11

Arnold, Susannah Snep, 09, 1:7

Arnolt Corporation, 08, 1:10

Arnolt Motor Company, 88, 1:14

Arthur & Watkins, 06, 3:6

Arthur, Gene, 08, 1:14

Arthur, Thad, Clem, 86, 4:4

Arthur's Photography Shop, 08, 1:14

Articles of incorporation, 07, 2:13

Artist-Blacksmith's Association of America, 96, 2:1

As You Like It, advertisers, 1904 MHS publication, 02, 1:7-9

Aschliman, Elmer, 08, 2:13;  91, 4:11

Assembly of God, see Sweetwater

Atlas of Wabash County, 1875,

  03, 2:1-3

Atlas, 03, 3:1-14

Aubenaube, Chief, 94, 2:7

Aughinbaugh, Amanda Melvina,

  08, 1:4, 6

Aughinbaugh, B. William. (George Washington), Charlie C., Duff, Effie B., Franklin M., Hattie, A., Ida A., John R., Lucy, Mary Alice, Orpha Ellen, 08, 1:6

Aughinbaugh, Henry P., 08, 1:6;

  08, 1:4, 6

Aughinbaugh, John, 08, 1:4-6

Aughinbaugh, John, Tavern Keeper,

 12, 4:9; 12, 4:12

Aughinbaugh, Susanna Sieple,

  08, 1:4, 6

Auglaize Village, 10, 2:6

Auker, Hank, 95, 4:4

Auker, Tobias, 95, 3:15

Ault, D., photographer, 93, 1:9

Aunt Mary, Mary Smith Winger, 90, 1:12-14

Authors from N. Manchester, 09, 2:6

Auto Tire Shop, 09, 1:13

Auto, Leedy Motor, 87, 3:8-10; first Buick/Pontiac dealer, NM, 94, 1:13-14; On the Road in 1929, 95, 1:8-9

Baber General Store, 95, 4:2-3

Baer, Sam A., 06, 3:8

Baggott, Ralph, 09, 3:15; 09, 4:10

Bagwell, Lois, 92, 1:1

Bagwell, Mary Alice, 10, 4:4

Bain Wagons, 10, 2:4

Baker blacksmith shop, 08, 2:11

Baker Mr. & Mrs. Tom, 84, 1:1

Baker, Bill, 07, 3:5

Baker, Bill, Clara (Miller), Margaret Baker (Mrs. George Leonhard), Richard & Sally (Nichols), 88, 1:2

Baker, Fred, 02, 1:10

Baker, L.B., 08, 2:1

Baker, Lucile, 90, 1:12

Baker, Mr., wind engine, 08, 4:8

Baker, Mrs. Goldie, 85, 2:10

Baker, Noah, 08, 4:5

Baker, William, 08, 2:11

Bakery, It Was Fun at Grandpa's, 86, 3:12-13

Baldwin Handle Factory, 86, 2:3

Baldwin Tool Works, 02, 2:1

Baldwin, A. Ferne, President's Message, 91, 2:9; "Hoosier Lawyer Becomes Vice-President", 92, 4:1-5; "President Sets Some Goals for 1992", 92, 1:10; 93, 3:15; "The Bureau of Tests and Measurements", 94, 2:9-11; "Central School", 94, 2:11-12; "Famous North Manchester Storms", 94, 2:12-14; "Big Four Depot Fire", 94, 2:14-15; "Earthquakes in Indiana", 94, 3:2-5; "Wabash Erie Canal", 94, 4:1-4; "The Other Trip to Buffalo", 95, 2:10-12;  "Henry S. Hippensteel, Educator", 95, 2:13-14;  "A. Telephone History," 98, 1:4; "The Mighty Teays," 98, 2:8-10; "Lester Binnie", 04, 2:8-10; "Thomas Marshall Birthplace," 04, 3:11; "Louie's Candy Kitchen," 05, 1:9-11

Baldwin, Ferne, 07, 2:14; 3:9-10; 10, 1:5-6

Baldwin, Gladys, 96, 1:14

Ball, Mrs. Charles, 85, 3:3

Ball, Sophia, 10, 4:9

Ballenger, Mary Jane, 10, 4:4

Ballenger, Merritt, 09, 1:11

Ballenger, W.H., 92, 1:7

Ballinger, Daniel, 02, 2:12

Balsbaugh, Dr. G.D., 86, 2:3; 99, 2:14

Balsbaugh, Dr. George K., 90, 1:3; 91, 4:11; 07, 3:12, 08, 2:8

Band concerts, Wednesday night,

   90, 4:5, 9

Banks, Eugene, 96, 2:13;

  W.T., 00, 1:6

Banks, William T. 09, 1:8

Baptist Church, 95,1:7

Barber, Howard, 90, 4:3

Barbershops in NM, 86, 3:7

Bard, Carrie, 05, 2:8

Bare, Sarah, 95, 3:13

Barnes School, 85,3:6

Barnes, Barbara Olinger, 08, 1:10

Barnet, William, 95, 2:15

Barnett, Mrs. Bell, 99, 2:9

Barnhart, Vera, 88,1:7

Baseball, see Play Ball

Bash, Roscoe, 91,4:9

Bashore Feed Store & Hatchery,

  07 3:13

Bashore Feed Store, 06, 4:10

Bashore Filling Station, 07, 3:14

Bashore, Claude L., 06, 4:10;

  07, 3:13

Bashore, S.H., 85, 1:3

Batton, Ralph, 88, 1:6

Batzka, Stephen A., 84, 3:9; 97, 1:13; 07, 3:10; 08, 1:1; 10, 1:5; 09, 2:13; 11, 3:6

Baublit, Lucy Marie, 10, 4:4

Baugher (McCutcheon) School.

  85, 3:6

Baumgarten, Sidney, 08, 2:9

Baumgartner, Herbert H., 06, 4:12

Baxter's Dime Store, 07, 2:5

Bay View Reading Circle (photo),

  86, 4:4-5

Bazzoni, Leon, 08, 3:9

Bazzoni, Mary, 93,1:11,14

Beacon Credit Union, restoration of 1910 opera curtain, commissioning contemporary opera curtain,  

  12, 3:1, 4

Beam, Paul, 99, 3:1; 07, 2:9

Beaman (Beeman),Dr.Z(era) M., 86, 2:3; 86, 4:14; 06, 3:12

Bear Swamp, 03, 2:11

Bear, Adam, Norma Staver, 94, 2:15

Bear, Christena,95, 3:14

Bear, Killing a, 97, 2:8-10, near Acme, 97, 3:14

Bear, Rachel, 08, 3:2

Beard, Wayne, 06, 2:14

Beauchamp, George & Catherine, 90,1:4-6; 90, 3:15

Beauchamp, George, 92,1:2; 94, 2:9

Beauchamp, George, Jr., 09, 4:12

Beauchamp, Mrs. George,

  91, 2:13-14

Bechtelheimer, Mrs. John, 92,1:2

Bechtold, Frederick, J. 08, 2:4

Bechtold, Mrs. Joe, 96, 1:12

Bechtold, Raymond F., 08, 2:4

Beck, June, 88,1:7

Beechly, Emma, 94, 4:14

Beef Ring, Early Farm Coop, E. William Ranck, 86, 3:10-12

Beef Ring, The, Early Farm Coop, (E. William Ranck), 86, 3:10-12

Beeler, Emanuel, 06, 2:6

Beery, Dee, 96, 3:2

Beery, Glen, 84,1:4, blacksmith shops, livery barns, 86, 3:7

Beery, Glen, school consolidation article, 96, 3:1-9; Maurine, 96, 3:6; Beery's Apple Orchard, 10, 1:12

Beery, Irene Hoover, Childhood Episodes, 96, 3:9-14; Special Days and Events, 96, 4:9-13,

  Fred, 96, 3:13

Beery, Maurine, 10, 1:10

Beginnings of the Automobile Era, News-Journal,11, 4:5-6

Beigh, Eliza, 95, 3:13;

  Lyman, 95, 3:13

Beiswonger, Rev. George, 09, 3:11

Belsito Candy Kitchen & Soda Fountain, 06, 1:4

Bemis, Mrs. L.O.( Ruby Olinger),

  85, 2:3

Bender Funeral Home, 06, 4:6; 3:12

Bender Funeral Home, Garrett & Sloan, then Grandstaff & Hentgen, 03, 4:8

Bender, George N., 99, 4:5; 06, 3:12; 08, 3:12

Bender, George, Nina P., Todd B., Bender Funeral Home, 03, 4:4

Bender, Todd, 95, 4:5; 06, 3:12

Benefiel, Oscar, 88, 1:14

Benjamin Franklin Dime Store,

  07, 2:4

Bennett, David, 07, 3:9

Bennett, Pamela, Dir. Ind. Hist. Soc., 07, 3:9-10

Bentley, Charley, cigar maker, Warsaw, 08, 4:12

Benton, Herb, 96, 3:7-8

Bergen, Edgar, 09, 3:9

Berry, Bob, 96, 3:5

Berry, Dale, 02, 4:3

Berry, Mrs. Don, 08, 2:2

Berry, Mrs. Edmund, 84, 1:1

Berry, Thomas, 86, 2:3

Berry, Walter, 87, 1:14

Betton, Charles, 07, 1:10

Betty Jean Beauty Shop, 08, 2:10

Bible School Building, 95, 2:2

Bicewinter (Neiswender), Mary,

  08, 1:6

Bickel, William, 91, 4:9

Bicycle, Columbia ad, photo, 09, 4:11

Big Bake Sale, 11, 3:8

Big Canvas Tent for Chautauqua,

  09, 3:8-9

Big Four, 84, 3:10, Big Four Depot Fire, 94, 2:14-15; Tragedy from Memories of Manchester, 95, 2:4-5; Big Four Railroad, 07, 3:6;  Big Four, New York Central Station, 10, 8, 1:8

Biggest man in Whitley County, (Rays of Light), 95, 3:11-12

Bigler, Phoebe (Mrs. Michael Miller), 97, 2:14

Bilger, Delilah, 95, 3:12

Billings, William E., "Early  History of North Manchester", 86, 4:6-7; "Whistles of Our forefathers", manufacturing industries of NM, 87, 2:1-5; 97, 3:9;  "Liberty Mills & its Proprietor", 88, 1:17-18; "Today's Topics, 35 Years", 88, 4:13-15; "Plank Road and the $500 Bull", 88, 3:6-10; "Silent Family Circle in Greenwood", 88, 4:8-13; 01, 2:5; excerpt from Tales of a Hoosier Village, 01, 2:6-11; rephrased May 2002, 02, 2:6-8; Billings, W.E. (Josh), 07, 2:10; 10, 2:11

Bill's Grill, 96, 4:2; 06, 2:14

Billy Sunday, 96, 1:1-11

Bingham, Erastus, Farmer, 12, 4:11

Bink, Lucy, 94, 4:14

Binnie, Lester, "Some Memories of Laketon" (Ulsh), 86, 4:9-11; "Ethel Lonenecker Remembers" 87, 1:14-18; "Then and Now, 1834-1902," 92, 3:1-11, 93, 2:15 (corrections);

  04, 2:8-10; 04, 4:9

Bippus Bank, 06, 2:5

Bippus High School, Graduates Distinguish Old, 89, 3:3-6

Birdsell Manufacturing Co., 10, 2:4

Birk, Paul M., 89, 3:5

Bison for China, 89, 2:8-11

Bittinger, Richard, Lawrence Schultz interview 1975, 97, 4:1-9;

  98, 1:13-14

Bixler, Eva (Heeter), Lawrence, 86, 3:4; Lawrence, 86, 3:5

Bixler, J.B., 95, 2:2, William, 95, 3:15

Bixler, Maggie, 94, 4:13

Black, Samuel, 95, 3:11-12

Blackford, Amber, Russell, purchase Rice House, 05, 3:4

Blackmore Cigar Factory, 06, 2:1-2; 04, 2:8-10; 04, 4:9; history by John Knarr, 12, 4:6-8

Blacksmith shops, Livery barns, 86, 3:7, "Blacksmith or Farrier", 95,1:13-14; 95, 2:5-7

Blacksmithing, 96, 2:1-12

Blacksmithing, Wicks & Clary, 3, 2:8

Blalock, Willliam, 99, 2:13

Blickenstaff School inquiry, 03, 1:13

Blickenstaff School, 85, 3:7

Blickenstaff, "Buck the Barber", 94,1:11

Blickenstaff, Andrew, 94, 4:14

Blickenstaff, Austin, 91, 4:9

Blickenstaff, Charles, Esher,  Rosa, Wiladene, 09, 1:8; Hatie, Ora, Robert,  09, 1:9


Blickenstaff, Joe, Fruitt Basket Inn, 91, 4:9

Blickenstaff, Melissa (Mrs. Oliver Harter), 92, 1:5

Blick's Barber shop, 06, 1:1

Blocher, Anna, 95, 3:13,15

Blocher, Glen, 91, 4:11

Blocher, Sam, 91, 4:12

Blocher, Samuel S., 95, 3:14-15

Blough, Carman, 95, 2:4

Blount, Dr. & Mrs. R.F., 95, 2:15

Board of Directors, business meeting, 2004,  04, 1:1

Boardman, James, 06, 3:14

Bob Cook's Paint & Wallpaper,

  08, 2:13

Boblet, Mary, 95, 3:14

Boebel, Charles, collection of Bunker Writings, 00, 4:14; reprint of Sense of Place, 01, 2:13-14 ; 11, 3:5; 3, 3:9; Charles & Dagny, “Dolly’s Dilemma”, Firehouse Follies, 12, 3:6

Bok Singing Tower, 10, 3:7, 13

Bok, Edward W., 10, 3:8

Bolan, Lloyd, 87, 3:10; 08, 2:11

Bolinger Farm Equipment, 06, 4:11; 11, 4:8

Bolinger North End Grocery, 08, 2:11

Bolinger, Alvin, 06, 4:11

Bolinger, Eileen, 06, 2:7

Bolinger, Larry Lee, 10, 4:4

Bolinger, Russell, 91, 3:15

Bolivar, 94, 4:9

Bollinger Farm Equipment, 08, 1:10

Bollinger, A. L., 02, 2:12

Bollinger, Carl, 88, 1:2; 07, 3:5

Bollinger, Henry Groceries, 00, 2:7

Bollinger, Lorraine, 88, 1:7

Bonded Gas & Oil, 07, 3:14

Bone, Chelsey, 90, 4:2

Bone, Dewayne, 08, 1:8

Bonewitz cement factory, 10, 4:9

Bonewitz, Frank,  08, 4:4-5

Bonewitz, Marion, 88, 1:7

Bonham, Hattie Schilling, 89, 3:5

Bonner, J. H., George Bender undertaking, 12, 1:5

Bonner, Joseph H. & Sons, Blaine, John C., Will, Harry, 03, 4:7

Book, Orpha, "Literary Societies", 85, 4:6-9, "Ku Klux Klan Activities” in NM, 91, 3:8-12

Boom Has Started, 88, 4:11-13

Booth, Franklin, 09, 1:1-3; 09, 2:10

Borg, Sarah, 84, 1:2; 84, 4:11

Bottrell, Ralph, 94, 4:13

Bowen, Patt Hickman, 06, 4:10

Bower, Jacob L., 08, 1:10, 11, 4:7

Bowers John, 97, 2:12

Bowman, A. (Amos) W., 10, 2:11-12

Bowman, A. B., 06, 3:5, 8

Bowman, A.W.,  06, 3:5

Bowman, Clarence, 10, 2:12

Bowman, David & Sharon, 99, 4:2

Bowman, Mary Jane, 07, 2:8

Bowman, Mary, 95, 3:12;

  S.D., 95, 3:12

Bowser, Lucinda, 94, 4:1

Bowser, Samuel F., 2, 2:13

Boy Scouts (Wabash County),

  84, 4:14-15

Boyer, Mabel Adele, 08, 1:7

Boyer, Susan, 97, 4:7

Boyer, Walter E, 07, 2:5;  08, 1:13

Boyer, Walter, 87, 3:9

Boyle, Harold V., 99, 3:14

Brady & Dubois Dry Kiln, 08, 2:1

Brady, Clarence & Kathryn (Harter), 92,1:6

Brady, Clarence, 07, 1:11

Brady's Men's Store, 06, 2:11;

  06, 3:1; 07, 1:11

Brake Band Factory, Walter Loucks, 94, 1:13

Brandenburg, Frances, 94, 4:13,

  95, 3:13

Brandenburg, Wayne, 06, 3:14

Brane, Ruth, 86, 2:12; 92,1:7

Brauneller, Deb & Brad, 11, 3:6

Breach of Promise suit, 08, 1:4-5


Breitmeier, Paul C.,  89, 3:5

Brelji, Catherine "Cate", intern, 09, 2:8

Brethren Annual meeting sign,

  07, 1:4

Brethren Historical Society & Archives, 06, 4:2

Brethrens Annual Meetings, 06, 3:8

Briarwood, 91, 4:12

Brick Mill, (photos, bibliography), Planing mill, Brake Lining, 90, 3:7-9

Bridal Parade, College Women's Club,1949, 92,1:1

Bridegroom, Ronnie, 02, 4:3

Bridge, Second Street photo, 02, 4:1

Brindel, Clyde, 02, 4:3

Brinkley, Douglas, 09, 1:2

Brookens, Fannie, 93, 3:15; Hannah, 95, 3:13

Brookins, Alonzo, 06, 2:5

Brookins, Mary, 85, 2:11

Brookover, W.L. & Bro., 00, 2:8

Brookover, Walter, 88, 4:11

Brookover, Wilbur, "J. Raymond Shultz," 95, 4:7-9

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 101-705  W. Main St., 06, 3:10-14

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 102-112 W. Main St., 07, 3:12-14

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 102-130 W. Main St., 07, 2:6-14

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 103-207 W.; 106-508 E. 2nd St., 09, 1:11-13

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 105-1007 N. Wayne St., 08, 4:4-6

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 106-1000 N. Market, 08, 3:11-14

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 107-129 E. Main St., 06, 2:6-14

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 112-904 Walnut, 08, 2:8-14

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 131-201 E. Main St., 06, 1:1-5

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 132-21 E. Main St. 07, 1:10-14

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 208 S. -715 N. Mill St. 08, 3:8-11

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 608-1210 W. Main St., 08, 1:8-11

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; 801-1209 W.; 218-228 E. Main St., 06, 4:8-13

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s; south side, east to west, 05, 3:6-7; 05, 4:3-10

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s;104-110 Walnut St., 08, 1:11-14

Brooks & Jefferson, N. Manchester in 30s & 40s;114-606 W. Main St., 04, 4:11-14

Brooks & Jefferson, Some Early Automobile Dealerships in N. Manchester, 11, 4:6-8

Brooks Building,  06, 2:9

Brooks, "Tater Filling Station",

  92, 2:14

Brooks, Ned, 93, 4:4; 07, 3:11

Brooks, R. Ned. (Raymond & Beatrice, Mary Jane Bowman, Nedra, David, John, Don Jefferson, Remembering North Manchester in the 1930s-1940s, 05, 3:4-5

Brooks, Raymond, 91, 2-7; 93, 4:5,7; 00, 3:11; 06, 2:9; 07, 2:5, 9

Brower, Elizabeth (Mrs. Joseph Harter, Sr.), 92, 2:4

Brown Motor Company, 11, 4:7-8;  06, 2:12

Brown, Etta, George Burdge, 87, 2:14 Electric Light Enterprise, George Burdge, 88, 4:2-6; Brown, Etta,

  07, 1:14

Brown, Jim, 95, 2:4

Brown, John, 09, 2:3

Brown, Mary, 11, 2:4

Brown, Ollie, 89, 2:15

Browne, J.A. & Co., 06, 2:5

Browne, J.A., 88, 3:6; 88, 4:14; 90, 3:8,9; 02, 1:11;  06, 2:5; 10, 2:13; Browne, J.A., Browne & Co., 00, 1:10; 02, 1:11

Browne, Sarah Kelton (Cline),

  91, 2:3; 07, 2:9

Brubaker, Berniece Sherburn, 06, 2:7

Brubaker, Dr. O.G., 07, 2:9, 08, 3:12

Brubaker, Lee, 91, 3:13

Bruce, H.C. (Indiana farmer), 09, 2:2

Brumbaugh, Dean, 93, 4:4

Brumbaugh, James, 06, 4:10

Bruner, Jas. R., 87, 3:11,15

Brunjes, John, JP, 91, 3:13; 06, 2:11

Bryan Manufacturing Company, United Technologies, 87, 3:10;

  08, 3:9

Bryan, William Jennings, 96, 1:2; 97, 4:2; 09, 3:7-8

Bucher, Darlene, 07, 3:9; 10, 1:6

Buck, Henry, 94, 4:14

Buckeye Cookbook, cream pie, iced apples, veal with oysters, mincemeat, roast tukey, gumbo, 89, 3:2-3; coconut drops, German cakes, popcorn balls, 89, 4:3; vanilla extract, mice, almond tarts, 90, 2:15; strawberry shortcake, lemonade, raspberry vinegar, cymlings, 90, 4:10; apple custard pie, 92, 2:5; fried mush, 92 2:9; mincemeat, 92, 2:11; picallili, 92, 2:15; pumpkin pie, 92, 3:15, oyster stew, venison, plum pudding, to clean silver, 92, 4:15; fruit vinegar, household hints,

  93, 2:15

Buckeye Hill, Eunice Cripe Ribley, 86, 3:8-9; E. William Ranck, 86, 3:10-13

Buckeye Pipe Station, (Laketon Refinery), (photo), 86, 4:10

Buckingham, John, 95, 3:14

Buckingham, Levi, 94, 4:14

Buckner, Dr. J.E., 07, 3:12

Buffalo, the Other Trip to, 95, 2:10-12

Bugby, Alvion, 84, 4:2; 05, 1:13;

  08, 3:10

Buick Dealers, 11, 4:7

Building Trades in NM, 91, 4:9

Bunce, George, 89, 3:5

Bundy, Charles, 93, 2:4; 07, 2:11;

  08, 2:13

Bunker, Dr. L.Z.,  Ret., "Search for Entertainment in 19th Century NM," 84, 3:4-8; interview, medical history of NM, 84, 3:9; 84, 4:1 : "Trail of Tears, Second Thoughts", 84, 4:3-8; 85, 1:8; 85, 1:12; "Noble Career of Martha Winesburg", 85, 2:1-5; Sense of Place, Trail of Tears, Five Flags, 86, 3:7; Sesquicentennial Chronology, 87, 1:18; "War is Over For Atlas Plant", 88, 1:13-15: "Small Town Boy Goes Wrong", 88, 2:20-22; "Dr. Bunker Responds," 88, 4:6-7; "Hamilton Opera House", 89, 2:1-6; "The Prairie Lives", 89, 3:1; "True Story," 89, 3:7; "Call Me Madame", 89, 3:9-10; "Holiday Stroll in NM:", 89, 4:10-14; "Snows and Cold of Yesterday", 90, 1:1-4; "Passed By Here", 90, 1:7-10; "Northern Wabash County Antiques", 90, 2:7-13: "Those Abstracts of Title; our irreplaceable key to early residents", 90, 3:10-12; "Indian Relics in Northern Wabash County", 90, 4:6-8; "The Indians Called It Kenapomoco", 91, 1:8-10; "The River in Art and Life", 91, 2:13-15; 91, 3:13; "100 Years of Housing in NM, 1891-1991", 91, 4:8-12; "Save The Wetlands!", 92, 1:11-14; "Young Hotel", 92, 2:1-5; "Five Flags Over This Land," 92, 4:11-15; Gaddis, 93,1:10-14; 93, 2:12-14; "Sense of Place," 93, 3:3-9; Ëarly Photography in NM,"  95, 2:1-4

Bunker, Dr. Ladoska Z. 99, 4:10; collection of writings (Boebel), 00, 4:14; Howe Vacuum Bait, (Eberly,) 01, 2:1,4; reprint Sense of Place reflections, (Boebel), 01, 2:13-14; 06, 3:11-12; 07, 2:13; home, 08, 3:10

Bunker, Frank Percy, 06, 3:13;

  08, 3:10

Burch, Elmer, 01, 1:13-14

Burch, Freda, 92, 2:15

Burd(g)e,  07, 2:6

Burdge, George, 86, 2:3; Etta Brown, 87, 2:14; Electric Light Enterprise, 88, 4:2-5; proposes lighting streets electrically, 02, 3:11

Burdge, George, 96, 3:14; 07, 1:14; 11, 2:10; 87, 2:14; 88, 4:2-6

Burdge's Drug Store, 85, 2:14; 96, 2:15; 96, 4:7;  07, 2:4

Bureau of Tests and Measurements, 94, 2:9-11

Burgess Funeral Home, Lewis P.,

  03, 4:9; 06, 4:6, 08, 3:11

Burgess, Irene, 84, 2:3

Burgess, Lewis R., 08, 3:11

Burket, Elma, 94, 4:13

Burkett, Simon, 91, 4:10

Burkett, Wilham (William?), Dreamland Cafe, 99, 2:14

Burkett, William, 08, 4:6

Burkhart, Abraham, 95, 3:14

Burkhart, Margeret, 08, 4:4

Burkhart, Mary Ellen, 91, 1:1-3

Burkhart, Ollie C. 91, 1:1-3

Burma-Shave, Allan Odell, 87, 2:8-14

Burr, Kenneth, 84, 4:1; 86, 2:12;

  92, 1:7;  03, 3,2:7

Burr, Scott, 07, 1:13

Burt, Carl, 92, 1:2; 95, 2:11

Burton, Arthur, Oscar (Photo) 86, 4:5

Bush, Madeline, 06, 3:12

Bush, Max, 86, 2:14

Bushemi, John, World War II Photographs, 11, 3:6

Business & Professional women,

  11, 3:9

Businesses: Finnell, I Remember, 96, 2:14-15; 99, 1:10-12; Wilcox, NM Once Upon a time, (Main Street),98, 2:4-8;Wabash County Atlas, 03, 3:13 -14, DeWitt Vehicle Motor Company, 04, 1:1-10; 1923-1928, 01, 1:12-13

Bussard, Naz Bussard Ashery,

  02, 2:6

Butler, Thelma, 87, 1:14


Butterbaugh, David, Phoebe (Harter), 92,1:5; Ed,  95, 3:5-6

Butterbaugh, Ed, 11, 1:4

Butterbaugh, Esli, Mrs. A.W. Cordier, 87, 1:6-7

Butterbaugh, J.H., Zero Creameries, 02, 2:4; 10, 2:12

Butterbaugh, Katharine, 94, 4:13

Butterbaugh, Leon, Phoebe Harter, 97, 1:11

Butterbaugh, Mahlon, 02, 1:11

Byer Brothers Poultry and Eggs, 91,1:1

Byerly, Stan, 92, 1:2

C. E. Ruppel's store, 09, 1:11

C.B. DeLancey & son, 06, 3:14

Cabinet Makers of early Chester Township, 02, 4:10-11; 04, 4:9

Caldwell, William, 02, 2:2

Calendar, 1994, 93, 3:14

Calhoun, Carl, 88, 2:22; 06, 3:1

Calhoun, Robert Johnson, 02, 2:2

Call Me Madame, 89, 3:9-10

Callahan, Brent, Michelle, 84, 2:1

Camp Fire cigars, 08, 4:13

Canal, see Wabash-Erie Canal

Card, Maynard, 08, 3:13

Card's Greenhouse, 08, 3:13

Care & Identification of Family Photographs, 11, 3:5

Carington, H., 97, 2:12

Carlson, Fran, Street name is Prompt Tribute to V.P., 85,1:6-10

Carmichael, Morris L. 07, 2:7

Carter, Arden, 87. 3:10; 07, 3:13; 

  11, 4:8

Carver, Bernice, 86, 1:6

Carver, Floyd, 87, 3:10

Cass, Lewis, 87, 3:4-7

Cassel & Goshorn moving picture machine, 00, 1:9

Cassel, Abraham Harley, 06, 4:2

Caswell & Runyon, J.W. Caswell, Win Runyon, 02, 1:11

Catch penny fakers, 88, 4:7

Cauffman, Wesley, 91, 3:14

Cemeteries: Chester Township, 04, 4:1-2, 7-9;

  Pleasant, PawPaw, 04, 4:2-6

Census images 1940, 12, 2:11, 14

Center for History activities, 2003,

  04, 2:2-6

Center for History awarded National CAP Grant, 12, 3:7-8

Center for History Cuts a Ribbon & Formally Opens, 07, 3:10

Center for History, 07, 3:11

Center For History, 2003 activities, 04, 2:2-6

Center for History, Second & third gifts, 07, 2:14

Central Asbestos Plant, 06, 3:14

Central Oil Company, 06, 3:13;

   08, 3:9; 09, 1:13

Central School (Merritt) 86, 3:7; Orrel Little Memories, 88, 1:4; Central School, Central High School, 92,1:8; 94, 2:11-12;  10, 3:9

Central Union Phone Company,

  07, 1:14

Chaplain, Harold, 03, 3:3

Chaplin, Joseph, 95, 3:13

Chapman Cigar Factory, 06, 2:4

Chapman, J. Wilbur, 96, 1:5, 22

Chapman, Michael  & Sue, 2003, house tour, 04, 1:4

Chautauqua Program, The, 09, 3:2

Chautauqua, (Schultz interview), 97, 4:1; commemorative stamp photo, 09, 3:13

Chautauqua, 84, 3:7,8; 89, 2:5;

  12, 1:4

Chautauqua's Roots, 09, 3:7-8

Checkerboard Store, 06, 4:10

Chester School (Frantz & Loucks)

  94, 1:9

Chester School hot lunch, 99, 2:5; dedication of Chester building 1930, 99, 2:11

Chester Township History from Helms, 94, 3:5-13; 94, 4:11-13

Chester Township, population by townships 1850, 1860, 1870, 03, 2:9;  land sales 03, 2:10; Chester School, 1902-1928, photo, history, 04, 2:1; cemeteries, 04, 4:1-2, 7-9; early residents, 05, 1:3-8

Chester W. Kilborn cigars, 06, 2:2

Chevrolet Dealers, 11, 4:7

Chicago Transformer Company,

  08, 3:9

Childhood Episodes, Irene Beery,

  99, 3:9-14

Children's pastimes, 88, 3:12-15

Chinworth, Debbie, assisted by Mary Bowman, Sheryl Bowman, fund drive, 03, 3:8; 04, 2:5; 07, 3:9; 10, 1:4-6

Chinworth, James & Debbie, 01, 4:4-5; James, “Dolly’s Dilemma” ,Firehouse Follies, 12, 3:6

Chrastil, Mary, 10, 1:6; president of Center for History board, photo,

  11, 3:1

Chrastil, Mary, Oppenheim Exhibit at Center for History, 11, 3:1-3; Center for History Highlights 2012, 12, 4:13-14istorical Society Highlights, 12, 4:13-14C

Christian Church, Congregational Christian, 95, 1:1,6; 06, 3

Christian Fellowship Church, 95, 1:12

Christian Science Church, 87, 2:14-15; Reading Room, 93, 1:14;

  93, 2:13

Christiansen, Glenda, 07, 3:10

Christmas in our Town, Jay Taylor, 96, 4:1-9; Irene Beery, 96, 4:11-12

Christmas Windows and Cookie Exchange, 12, 3:11-12

Church of the Brethren, first division of territory, 85, 2:6-7, 15; 95, 1:2-4; Wampler, 95, 3:1,2,7,8; annual conferences NM (1878, 1900, 1929), 98, 3:11-14; 1900, 00, 1:5; 1900, 00, 3:3-7;  06, 1:3-12

Çhurch of the Nazarene, 95, 1:6-7

Church, Freeman, 88, 2:10

Churches of North Manchester,

  95, 1:1-7

Cincinnati, Wabash and Michigan Railroad, 95, 2:9

Circle, Laurie, 95, 3:15

Circus came to town, (photo) 85, 2:10; Colgrove Circus, 89, 3:9-10

Cistern in front of fire station,

  99, 2:6-7

Cities Service Gasoline, 09, 1:13

Citizens for Better Schools, 96, 3:4

City Boot & Shoe Store, 06, 3:5

City Lunch, 08, 1:14

City Meat Market, 08, 1:14

Civic and Oratorical League, 95, 3:5

Civil War Letter, 87, 3:11,15; 47th Regiment history, first reunion a success, 88, 2:8-11,14-17

Clark grocery, 08, 2:11

Clark, Bob, 06, 4:12

Clark, George, 03, 3:3

Clark, Jeff  & Kim, 91, 4:6

Clark, T.B., see Oaklawn Association 99, 2:8

Class of 1913, 85, 2:11

Claypool, 94, 4:5

Clear, Anthony, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Clemans, F.B., 07, 3:7

Clemens, Captain B.F., 87, 2:3;

 88, 2:8; 11, 2:4

Clemens, Samuel, (Mark Twain),

  08, 4:9-10

Cleveland, Clarence, 08, 3:8

Clevenger and King real estate and insurance, 96, 2:15; 07, 1:13

Cline, Sarah Kelton, 07, 2:8-9

Clingerman, Henry, 97, 2:13

Clinker, Mrs. Warby, 88, 2:1

Cloverine Salve, 95, 3:11

Cloverleaf Creamery, 99, 2:10

Coast-to-Coast Store, 07, 1:12

Cobb, E.M., 94., 4:13

Cobble Shop, 08, 2:12

Coe, Gene, 02, 4:3

Coe, Lester, 88, 1:7

Coe, Mary Emma (Miller), 92, 1:8;

  95, 3:7

Coe, Mary Emma Miller,  92, 1:8;

  95, 3:7; Growing up in North Manchester, Robert M., Maude, Robert "Bob", John "Bud", 03, 1:6-9

Colclesser, Harvy, 95, 3:14;

  John, 87, 2:3; 95, 3:13

Coleman Manchester Printing,

  07, 2:11

Coleman Printing Co.,  06, 2:8

Colgrove, William & Mary (Travelbee), Colrove Circus,

  89, 3:9-10

Collamer Grist mill collapses, Elias Miller, Henry Wolfe, Sam Cummins, John Roush, Henry Haptmeyer,

  03, 4:13

Collamer, 94, 4:7

College Chime, Story of (Lila Hammer) 00, 1:1-5

College Club 500 Boosters, 98, 2:14

College Cupboard, 08, 4:6

College Woman's Club, 92, 1:1

Collelt, Aaron, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Collins, Charles, 03, 3:3

Colonial Flower Shop, 06, 3:12

Colpetzer, Charles, 11, 2:2

Comer, Gloe, 95, 4:10

Comer, Nettie Fern, 95, 4:10

Commencement, first MHS, 03, 3:6

Communications Building, Manchester College, 08, 2:6

Communion Meeting, 85, 1:2

Community Foundation of Wabash County, 12, 3:1

Comparison between the two trips, 09, 1:10-11

Comstock family members, 08, 3:3-5

Comstock, Ichabod, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Comstock, Jane, DIARY, 08, 3:4-8

Comstock, John, 84, 3:10; 88, 1:17-18; 88, 2:4,7,18-20; 88, 3:6-9; 88, 4:8-13; 02, 2:8-11; 05, 2:1-8; 09, 2:1-4, Farmer, 12, 4:11

Comstock, William, 08, 3:4-8

Concord School, 85, 3:6

Conestoga Wagons, 10, 2:6, 8-9


Congregational Christian Church, (Freeman), 04, 3:1-10; 95, 1:4, 6

Conkling, Fred, 87, 1:9; 90, 2:3;

  95, 1:6; 96, 4:6

Conley, Amos, 95, 1:11

Connell, Rebecca, 95, 3:12

Connell, Robert Murray, 08, 1:7

Conner, L.L.,  08, 2:9

Conner, William, Henry, 87, 3:5

Connier, Louie, 87, 3:9

Conrad, Charlie, 02, 4:3; 08, 4:5

Conrad, Mrs. Lloyd, 96, 1:12

Consolidation of Schools, 96, 3:1-9

Contemporary Opera Curtain Commissioned, 12, 3:3-4; Manchester High School art teacher, Debra Kern, and students  made curtain with contemporary businesses. 12, 3:4; Businesses featured include: Beacon Credit Union, Manchester University, Poet Biorefining, Shepherd Chevrolet, Fine Arts Club, Peabody Retirement Community, Timbercrest Senior Living, McKee Mortuary, Harting Furniture, Riverbridge Electric, KenapocoMocha Coffee House, Fahs Brown Plumbing (Early Learning Center), First  Financial Bank, Newmarket, Creative Stitch Quilt shop, One World Handcrafts, Main View Restaurant, and Firehouse Theater, 12, 3:4; Students painting the curtain Katie Durden, Hannah Lochner, Tawni Kincaid, Paige Blocher, Krisy Mize, Evan Wilcox, Treya Paquera, Katie Floor, Madison Isbell, Brittani Weimann, Marret Metager, Bradley Miller, Mariah Mobley, Claire McLaughlin, Mick Avery, D.J. Norwood, Allissa Isley, Myra Long and Samantha Hall, 12, 3:4

Continental Limited, 90, 3:3

Cook School, 85, 3:10

Cook, Charles E., 92,1:7

Cook, Dr. C. Eugene, 85, 4:5,6; 94, 1:12; 06, 2:13; 07, 3:13, 08, 3:12

Cook, Dr. Jake, 85, 4:5,6; fox chase, 01, 1:7

Cook, Elizabeth, 06, 3:14

Cook, Harvey, 92, 3:2

Cook, Michael, Wagon Maker,

  10, 2:13

Cook, Peyton, 06, 3:14

Cookie exchange for December 2013, 12, 4:14

Cooley, Lucille, 08, 1:7

Coon, Lou, "The Grill," 91, 2:4

Co-op Grocery, 08, 2:11

Cordier, Andrew, Dorothy Butterbaugh, 87, 1:1; 87, 2:6-7

Cordier, Mrs. Andrew, 07, 2:3

Core, George, 88, 4:11

Cottrell, Eli, 94, 4:14

Courtner, Belle Smith, 90, 1:6

Covered Bridge, Cook article, 86, 2:14-15; "To an Old Covered Bridge" and  “Öur Old Covered Bridge", Gladys Fawley Scheumann poems, 90,1:11; Progress Report, 91,1:14; Covered Bridge (poem), 92, 3:11

Cow "Hunting," 03, 2:12

Cowgill, Benjamin W.,Farmer,

  12, 4:12

Cowgill, Catherine (Mrs. Jacob Harter),92,1:6; Rowena, (Mrs. Joseph Harter, Jr.), 92,1:6

Cowgill, Ethel, 07, 3:8

Cowgill, Joe, 07, 3:7

Cowgill, John, 06, 2:6, Boot & Shoe Maker, 12, 4:9

Cowgill, Phebe, 10, 4:8

Cox Showcase Company, 85, 3:3; 91, 4:10

Cox, Rufus, 08, 1:7

Cox's Farm Accounting, 10, 2:11

Cozy Corner  Grocery, 08, 4:4

Craft, G.R., 00, 2:6

Creager, Marie, 97, 3:4

Cridler, Iva, 94, 4:14

Crill, C.A., 86, 2:5; C.E., 95, 2:3; Jerry,  95, 3:15; Joe, 92,1:5; 92, 2:8

Crill, Joseph, 97, 3:13

Cripe Clara  A. 94, 4:13

Cripe Ellen, (Mrs. Franklin Reahard), 95, 4:1

Cripe, Daniel, David, Isaac C., and Mary (Frantz), David S., Eunice Cripe Ribley, 86, 3:8-9

Cripe, David C., 95, 3:13; Florence, 95, 3:1

Cripe, Henry, 86, 3:10; 08, 1:2

Cripe, Isaac C., 08, 1:2

Cripe, Isaac, 97, 3:13; 08, 1:2;  Jacob, 97, 3:14

Cripe, Iva, 88, 1:7

Cripe, Joseph, 07, 2:5

Cripe, Mary Frantz, 08, 1:2

Cripe, Mrs. Joseph, 09, 2:10

Cripe, Paul, 09, 1:13

Crogen, Herman, 85, 4:10

Crosley, 11, 4:8

Cross of Lorraine, scapular, 91, 2:14

Crow & Musser Radio Service,

  07, 3:14

Crow & Olinger, 08, 4:5

Crow, Al, 08, 4:5

Crow, Jim, 07, 3:14

Crow, Warder, Indians of Wabash County, 86, 3:7

Crown Hill Cemetery,  07, 3:9

Crystal Theatre, 12, 1:3

Culler, Jennie, 94, 4:14

Cunningham, Blanche (Shoemaker)(Mrs. N.F.), "Blanche Cunningham: Eyewitness 1900," 85,1:4-6; “Ï Guess They Hadn't Been Invented…" 85, 2:11-15

Cunningham, Emma, Frank, 08, 4:5

Cunningham, Joe A., Martha and Newton Dolby, 91, 4:13

Cupp family, Jacob, Daniel, Marcus, & Margaret, 01, 4:9-11; Amos B.  Miller & Sarah Elizabeth Cupp, 01, 4:10, 12-14

Cupp, Marcus, 97, 3:13

Curtis Grill, 07, 2:4

Curtis, Catherine, 95, 3:13

Curtis, Glen, Curtis Sea Plane,

  96, 1:2

Curtis, Lawrence, 07, 2:4

Custom Magnetics, Inc. 86, 2:3

Cuthbert, Mr. 07, 2:4

Daggett, J.W., 07, 2:13

Daisy Butter Company, 07, 3:6

Damron, Dr. William K. 91, 4:11; 

  06, 2:7

Daniel, 92 ,2:8; Don H. Garber, Harter article, 92, 1:4-6; Elzbie, 95, 3:14; Sam, Julia (Harter), 92, 1:5

Daniels School, 85, 3:6

Daniels, Peyton, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Dapp, Rev. J.S., 08, 1:7

Dare Irma, 92, 1:1

Darnell, Julia Marie, 08, 1:7

Darrow, James, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Daum, Henry, Wagon Maker, 12, 4:9

Dave's Restaurant, 12, 1:3

Davidson, Wendell, 84, 4:11

Davis, Beth, (doctor's office items), 09, 2:7

Davis, Bill, 07, 2:11

Davis, Catherine "Cat", intern,

   09, 2:7-8

Davis, Frank R., 08, 2:4

Davis, Helen, 07, 2:11

Davis, Servis, Chair Maker, 12, 4:10

Deardorff, Wayne, 92, 1:8

DeArmond, Whitey, 93, 4:5

Deaton, Mary, 94,1:4

Deavel, Charlotte Schutz, Äuntie Gardner," 92,1:1,2,7

Deck, James Madison, James Hurst Deck, Norma (Mrs. Addison Krom), Stockdale Mill, 94, 2:8

Deck, Norma, 87, 3:10

Dedication and Acceptance of the State Historical Marker for the Thomas Marshall Birthplace,

  07, 3:9

Deeter, Allen C., "Gladdys Muir in NM," 91, 3:1-7

Deeter, Joan, Sarah Righter Major (1808-1884), 06, 4:1-5

Defiance Machine Works, 10, 2:10


Defiance Motor Truck Company,

  10, 2:10

DeJong, Martina, 97, 3:13

DeLancey, C.B.,"Bert", 90, 3:9; 90, 4:2; 06, 3:14

DeLancy, Dewayne B., 06, 3:14

Delaney, Dennis, 07, 1:10

DeLaughter Mortuary, (Darwin & Valeria), 06, 4:6; DeLaughter-McKee (Michael & Kelly McKee), 03, 4:10

DeLong, Rev. A.W., 06, 3:5

Delvin, Dorothy, 92,1:8

Delvin, John, 07, 1:11

Deming, H.E., 08, 1:7

Dennie, Sarah, 95, 3:15

DePuy, Professor, 08, 3:5

Detrick, M.H.Detrick Company, 02 4:2

Detroit, Eel River & Illinois Railroad, 88, 3:7; Simons article, 90, 3:1-6; 95, 2:8-10

DeWald, Brian, 97, 1:9

Dewey, J.E., 03, 4:5

Dewey, Warren & Emma (Harter), 92,1:6

DeWitt auto buggy, V.L. DeWitt,

   86, 2:1-3

DeWitt Automobile Building, V.L. DeWitt, 02, 2:1-2

DeWitt Motor Vehicle Co., Virgil DeWitt, W. McIntyre, 00, 4:10;

  06, 4:8

DeWitt replica, photo, 09, 4:1

Diary, leaves from old (Strickler?) 1830-1850), 02, 1:1-5

Dice & Butterbaugh, land marker,

  08, 4:8

Dice, Mary, (Mrs. Henry Harter),

  92, 1:5

Dice, Noah, revolving provision safe, 08, 4:8

Dickerhoff, Max, 92,1:8

Dickerhoff, Virginia, 91, 3:13,15

Dickerson Wayside, Mrs. Leonard Custer, 03, 4:9

Dickey, Hazel, 87, 1:9

Dilling, Fern, 91,1:6

Dillinger, John, 88, 2:20-22

Dillman, Canby, 95, 3:13; David,

 95, 3-12

Dillman, Lloyd, Myrtle, Ruth, Tressa, 85, 4:10

Dillman, Sarah Saloma, 85, 4:14-15

Dillon, George, 06, 3:14

Dimout, practice 1943, 99, 3:1-3

Dionnels Creek Church, 06, 4:4

Ditto Flour, 02, 2:12

Division of Territory, Church of the Brethren, 87, 2:6-7,15

Dockter, Larry & Susan, 91, 4:6

Doddridge, Percy, 08, 1:7

Dodge-Plymouth Dealers, 11, 4:7

Dohner, Kellard, 85, 2:11

Dolby, Martha C., (Cunningham) "Mattie", 91, 4:13

Dome, John, 97, 4:7

Domer, John & Doretta (Harter),

92, 1:6

Domer, Mrs. Maxine, 92,1:2

Donaldson barn, 08, 2:1

Don't Worry Club, Ed Howe,

  05, 2:9-11

Dotterer, Dr. John, 91,1:6

Double Dip, 07, 2:4

Double Election Excitement (White), 89, 1:1-3

Douglas, Lloyd C., 88, 1:6-7; 88, 1:15-16; response to Ku Klux Klan, 91, 3:10-11, 95, 1:6; 06, 2:4, 3:10

Dow Flake dust preventative, 99, 2:8

Doyle, Edward, Edward Doyle Company, 89, 2:1

Drake, Clem, (J.T.), 11, 2:9-10

Drake, Kathryn, 08, 1:7

Dreamland Cafe, 99, 2:14

Dreamland Restaurant, 08, 4:5

Dreamland Theater, 06, 2:6

Drefkoff, Max, 87, 3:9; 02, 2:12-13; Mrs. 02, 1:13

Dreiser, Albert, 09, 1:3-4

Dreiser, Claire, Edward, Emma, John Paul, John Paul, Jr., Mame, Rome, Sylvia, Theresa, 09, 1:4

Dreiser, Theodore, 09, 1:4, 18; 09, 2:10-13; 09, 3:1

Drenau, Bertha, 08, 1:7

Dresher, Edith, 86, 2:12; 92, 1:7

Dresser, Paul, 09, 1:1

Drudge, Betty, 08, 3:13

Drudge, Catherine, 84, 4:14

Drudge, Delbert, 06, 3:13

Drudge, Martha, 95, 3:14

Drudge, Reva, 08, 3:13

Duff, Chad, 94, 1:2; Michael, Elsie, 84, 2:6; Sean, 84, 1:2

Dulabaum, Willard, 91, 3:15

Dunbar & Mathews manufacturers of butter tubs, 11, 2:5

Dunbar Heading buildings, 02, 1:11

Dunbar, Charles Franklin and Mabel (Johns), 92, 2:5; 94, 4:11, Mrs. Ida, 92, 2:13

Dunbar, Connie, 08, 2:4

Dunbar, Joseph, 08, 2:4

Dunbar, Mabel & Frank, 06, 3:10

Dunbar, Ruth Anna, 08, 2:4

Dunbar, Scott Heading Mill, move to Quigley, Arkansas, 87, 2:4; 88, 4:13

Dunbar, Scott, 07, 3:6

Duncan-Huse, Ramona, Conservation Assessor for CAP grant, 12, 3:8

Dunlavy, Elwood B., 91, 4:10:

  07, 2:10

Dust Storms Over Indiana, 1934,

  03, 4:12

Dwyer, Ellen, 85, 1:6; 88, 1:6

Dykeman, Judge D.D., 90, 3:4-5

Eads, Don, 93, 4:8

Eagle, Frances & Susan (Harter),

   92, 1:6

Eagle, Francis M.,  Fuller & Carder, 12, 4:9; 12, 4:12

Earl, Quincey, 87, 1:8

Earll Motor Sales, 09, 1:13; 11, 4:8

Earll, Walter, 09, 1:13

Early American Folk Tales (Jay Taylor), 01, 3:1-12


Early History of North Manchester, 86, 4:6-7

Early Photography in North Manchester, 95, 1:1-4

Early Wagon Makers in No. Manchester Area, 10, 2:12-13

Earthquakes in Indiana, 94, 3:2-5

East Ward School, 92, 1:7

Ebbinghous, Alfred, 88, 1:3

Ebbinghouse Brother's Shoe Store, 06, 1:3-4

Ebbinghouse, Albert & Mary, 99, 4:4

Ebbinghouse, Albert, 11, 2:8

Ebbinghouse, Ernest drowning,

  11, 2:6

Ebbinghouse, Ernest, 07, 1:14

Ebbinghouse, Mrs. Homer, 92, 1:2

Ebbinghouse-Thoss, mystery house from, 84, 2:4

Eberly, Eloise, 10, 1:2

Eberly, William R., 92, 3:15; director, 02, 1:5;  07,  3:9-10; 10, 1:2, 6

Eberly, William R., Howe Vacuum Bait Article, 01, 3:1-5; Thomas Marshall birthplace dedication noted, 05, 3:11; Indiana Recognizes Brethren's Annual Meetings, 07, 1:10; North Manchester Historical Society, 09, 4:1-7

Eby, Alice King, 97, 3:12

Eby, Enoch, 85, 1:3

Eby, John, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Eby, L.H., 94, 4:14

Eckart, Clyde, 91, 4:11

Ecology, Wabash County & Northeastern Indiana, 92, 1:11-14

Ed Thrush Blacksmith shop, 08, 3:9

Education in North Manchester, 92, 1:7

Eel River (Kenapocomoco), 91, 1:8-10; River in Art and Life, 91, 2:13-14

Eel River Choral Society, Firehouse Follies, 12, 3:6

Eel River of Northern Indiana (Jay Taylor), 01, 1:1-8; Geological Service, streamflow, cubic feet per second, 01, 1:7;  Eel River, 02, 2:13-14

Eel River Phone Company, 06, 2:8-9

Eel River Post, Fort, (Whitley County), 02, 2:4-5

Eel River Valley Planing Mill & Lumber Yards, 07, 3:6

Eel River Valley Railroad, 88, 3:7; Eel River and its Railroad (Simons), 90, 3:1-6; 95, 2:8-10

Egolf, Russell, 86, 2:3; 97, 1:9;

  00, 4:8

Ehrhardt, Barbara, 92, 3:15

Eichholtz, George, Brick Mill, 90, 3:7-9; 06, 2:5

Eichholtz, Perry and Valdenaire,

  96, 2:13

Eicholtz, J.F. Building, 06, 1:1

Eikenberry, A.R., 90, 1:5; 94, 2:9

Eiler, Cecil, 92, 1;8; Cecil, Mae, Suzanne Eiler Miller, "Home From the North Woods," 94,4:9-11

Eiler, Cecil, 99, 2:7; 07, 3:14; 11, 4:8

Eiler, Dr. Paul, 09, 2:7

Eiler, Elizabeth (Mrs. Christian Harter), 92, 2:4

Eiler, Ruth, Riverside Garden Club article, 96, 1:12-13

Eisenhour, Ira, 94, 4:14

Eisenhower, Lt. Col. Dwight D.,

  09, 1:2

Eisenstein, Rick, 11, 3:1

Electric Light Enterprise, 88, 4:2-6

Electric Light Plant, George Burdge, 96, 3:14

Electric lighting of streets proposed, 02, 3:11

Elko, 94, 4:8

Eller, Anna Belle, 96, 1:14

Elliot, Jane, 95, 3:12

Ellis, Grace, 08, 1:7

Embers: notes on fire and its significance to town, Eichholtz shoe store, E.A. Ebbinghouse & H.A. Mills, Harrel & Johnson, Haines, Stephan, Krisher's building, Marcus Harter & Wm. Woods, 12, 1:10; Hamilton, Harris, H.F. & Geo. C. Bacon of the Wabash Plain Dealer, Johnson's barn, J.M. Jennings, Mr. & Mrs. C.D. Johnson, 12, 1:11

Emerick, Etta "Emmy", 95, 4:10

Emerick, Lowell, 95, 1:11

Emly, B.F., 95, 3:14

Emmert, L.S., 07,1:11

Empson, Mattie, 88, 1:6

Entertainment, 19th Century, in NM, 84, 3:4-8; Hamilton Opera House, 89, 2:1-6; Passed by Here, 90, 1:7-10; Good Times in a "Gypsy" Camp, 90, 3:15; Wednesday night band concerts, 90, 4:5-9; 91, 1:11-13

Enyart & Son, Wagon Maker,

  10, 2:13

Enyeart, Lamoine, 87, 3:10

Erdman, David R., 95, 1:7

Erie Gardens, 06, 4:10

Erie Railroad, 07, 3:6

Eschbach, Ernest, 89, 2:6

Essex Wire, 08, 3:9; 11, 4:8

Estelle Peabody Memorial Home,

  10, 3:5

Eubank, John, 95, 3:14

Everett, Lucille, 07, 2:3

Examining Day, 87, 3:12-14,15

Excelsior Literary Society, 85, 4:6-9

Excelsior Manufacturing Co.,

  88, 4:12; 02, 1:13

F. & A. M., 06, 3:5

Fager, Samuel, 94, 4:13

Fair, Emma, 91,1:5

Fair, Reliving the Excitement of the North Manchester Fair, 03, 2:3-6

Fairchild, Scott, 97, 4:7

Fairgrounds, 85, 1:9-13

Faith Baptist Church, 95, 1:12

Fannin(g), Ackerless, Bryant, Sr. and Rachel (Pearson), Jesse, David, Polly, John, Bryant, Jr., Harriett (Nichols), John & Dimy (Nichols), 89, 4:4-6,15; Fanning, Deborah  (Mrs. Noah Lindsey), Fanning, Bryant, 95, 1:1

Fannin(g), Inna May, Jesse, Willie, Dimy, Bryan, 10, 4:10

Fannin, Ackerless, Jr. 10, 4:7-8

Fannin, Ackerless, Sr. (Jesse),

  10, 4:7

Fannin, Bryant, Sr., 10, 4:7-10, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Fannin, Charles, David b. 1833, Deborah, Hannah, Jesse b. 1820, John b. 1836, Polly d. 1839, Washington, 1828, 10, 4:8

Fannin, David, b. 1759, 10, 4:7

Fannin, Laughlin, b. 1660, 10, 4:7

Fannin, Rachel, b. 1830,  08, 1:6;

  10, 4:8

Fannin, Thomas Amis, 10, 4:7

Fanning, Charles, milk wagon,

  85, 2:13

Fanning, David, Wagon Maker,

  10, 2:13

Fanning, John, 07, 1:11

Fanning, Roy, 06, 4:13

Farley School, 85, 3:7

Farm life, see Buckeye Hill; see also sugaring-off, see also threshing ring.

Farmer, Martha Rupley, 84, 1:3;

  86, 2:14, 15

Farrier or Blacksmith, 95, 1:13,14;

  95, 2:5-7

Fashion Shoe Store, 06, 1:3

Faurot family, A & P Grocery,

  96, 2:14

Faurot, Norval, 07, 1:10

Felter  harness shop, 06, 2:14,

  08, 2:8

Felter, Charlie, 91, 2:2;  06, 2:14

Felter, Willard, 07, 1:11

Fensall (Fenzell), Louisa, 08, 1:4-5

Fenton glass souvenirs for NM sesquicentennial, 85, 1:14

Feree, Ray,  07, 3:12

Fern's Attic Gift Shop, 06, 2:7

Fike, Mary, 96, 1:14

Filling Station Restaurant, The

   06, 2:14

Final Survey on Road No. 2, 9-11-1927, 08, 2:4-5

Finkenbiner, Fred H., 99, 2:3

Finley, James B., 03, 4:8


Finnell, Martin C., Mid, Casey,

  95, 3:10

Finnell, Merlin C., I Remember, 96, 2:14-15; 99, 1:10-12

Finney, Charles, 96, 1:2

Fire Department, 06, 2:11-12

Fire engine not working, 12, 1:7,9

Fire Equipment, Hook & Ladder Company, 02, 3:8-10

Fire Henney corner, (1889), 99, 2:7

Fire losses, 12, 1:8-9

Firehouse Follies, The, 12, 3:5-6, David Lawrenz, emcee; Manchester Community band,  Casey at the Bat (Jim Smith), Canine Companion Tricksters, ( Marilyn Mason), Civil War Songs (David Moan), Ed “Strangler” Lewis (Toby Tobias), Kruschwitz Ukulele Choir, Eel River Choral Society, James Whitcomb Riley poems (Earl McKinley), the  Fiddling Kruschwitzes ((Brian, Harley & Owen), “Dolly’s Dilemma, or Who Will  pay the “Mortgage for the Farm?  (written by Charles & Dagny Boebel, performed by Sarah Hawkins Moan, David Moan, and Andrew Chinworth with Kathy  Hawkins cueing the audience.)

  12, 3:5-6

Firehouse Theater, Firehouse Follies, 12, 3:5

First Brethren Church, 95, 1:3-4; 95, 4:8; 11, 3:7

First woman to fly solo in Wabash, Frances Jane Hayes, 94, 1:14

Firstenberger, Bill, museum consultant, 02, 1:6

Fisher, Carl, 09, 2:10

Fisher, Fay, 88, 1:6

Fisher, Frances, 97, 1:9

Fisher, Silas, 95, 3:14

Fisher, William H., 94, 4:13

Fitzgerald, Josh, 84, 2:6

Fitzwater, Dr. P.B., 97, 4:9

Fleming, Lon D., 07, 2:9

Fleshing Stone, Indian relic, 90, 4:6

Flook, Fred, 94, 1:5; 94, 4:11

Floor, Naomi Oldfather, 88, 2:1

Flower Shop, 08, 1:14

Flox, Jake, 07, 1:10

Floyd, Robert, 87, 3:10

Flueckiger, Nina, 90, 1:5

Fodge, John, 08, 1:6

Fogel & Walters, Jacob Fogel, Charles M. Walters, 03, 4:5-6

Folding Bathtubs, 87, 1:9

Folk Tales (Jay A.Taylor), 01, 3:1-12;

Ford Dealers, 11, 4:6-7

Ford Dealership, 06, 2:13

Ford, Bernice, (nativity scenes),

  09, 2:5

Ford, Dell, "Graduates Distinguish Old Bippus High School” , 89, 3:3-6

Ford, Tin Lizzy photo, 07, 3:1

Forrest, Blanche, 85, 1:4

Forst, Carl, Goldie, Zora, 85, 4:10

Fosnough, Ella Myrtle, Jane, 95, 3:15

Fox, Dolly, 06, 2:4

Fox, Freeman, 92, 2:2

Fox, O.H., Ollie, 99, 2:3

Fox, Oliver, 86, 2:3

Frame & Little Hardware, 08, 1:12

Frame Hardware, 08, 1:12

Frame, Benjamin, Dry Goods Merchant, 12, 4:10

Frame, Charles B., 07, 2:7

Frame, David, Gus, 02, 1:11; 07, 2:7

Frame, Gus, 95, 3:9

Frame, Mahlon C., Dry Goods Merchant, 12, 4:10; OP several lots,  12, 4:11

Frame, William, Dry Goods Merchant, 12, 4:9

Frances Slocum (Maconaquah),

  84, 2:2

Frantz  & Beam, 06, 2:9

Frantz and Loucks, General Contractors, Ezra, 94, 1:3-13

Frantz Lumber Company, 07, 2:13

Frantz, Bob and Alice's "Wildwood", Noah, Esther and Jacob, I.H.

  94, 2:9;

Frantz, Dick, 09, 1:12

Frantz, E.E., Christian, 97, 3:12-13; Nicholas, 97, 3:13

Frantz, Edward, 06, 4:4

Frantz, Elmer E., 86, 4:5

Frantz, Ezra, 91, 4:9

Frantz, Glen, 91, 4:12

Frantz, Jeremiah, 95, 3:14;

  Mary, 95, 3:13

Frantz, Nicholas, 87, 2:6

Frantz, Noah, 85, 3:3

Frantz, Richard, 07, 2:13

Frazier, Amanda, 11, 1:1

Free, Vance, 99, 2:2; 03, 3:2

Freed, Florence, 07, 2:13; 08, 4:6;

Freed, Leigh, orchard, 91, 2:4;

  09, 3:9; 11, 4:3-4

Freels' Grocery, 08, 1:10

Freels, Larry, "Care Givers of Long Ago, The”, 06, 4:6-8

Freeman, J.P. & Michelle, 89, 4:8

Freeman, J.P. , 95, 1:2; 11, 3:4;

Freeman, J.P. and Michelle, 2003 House Tour, 04, 1:5; History of NM Congregational Christian Church, 04, 3:1-10; restoration of 1910 opera curtain, 12, 3:1

Freeman, Minnie, 1910 opera house curtain, 12, 3:1

Freeze Jewelry Store, 06, 2:10

Freeze, Dewey, 06, 2:10

French, Harold, 93, 1:12-14

French, Howard, 06, 3:14

Freshman's First Day, Violet C. Neher, 05, 2:12-14

Friend, Esther, 07, 2:4

Friendly Hand, 86, 1:13-14

Frim, Marion, 91, 4:9

From an Inglenook cookbook,

  06, 4:13-14

Front Street, Locust Street, 88, 4:6

Frost, John, Carriage & Wagon Maker, 10, 2:13

Fruit Basket Inn, 09, 1:7

Fruit, Christian, 09 1:6; 09, 2:10

Fruit, Frances (Snell), 09, 1:6;

  09, 2:10

Fruit, George, Hannah or Annetta, Ludwick (Lewis),Valentine, 09, 1:6

Fruit, Joseph, 09, 1:5-6

Fruit, Martin, 09, 1:5-7; 09, 2:10

Fruitt, Randy & Sharon, 01, 4:5-6

Frye, Claud, 08, 3:8

Frye, Lester, 06, 2:14, 3:13

Fry's Grill, 06, 2:14

Fudgers, Charles, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Fuller, Howard, 91, 4:12

Fulton, Bertha, 95, 3:10

Fulton, Bill, "The Grill", 91, 2:3; 

  06, 2:14

Fulton, Mary (Mrs. Vernon Heckman), 86, 4:8

Fulton, Robert, Laketon Hardware, 03, 4:10

Fulton's Drive In Lunch, 06, 2:14

Fultz Motor Sales, 11, 4:7

Fultz, Elmer, 11, 4:7

Fultz, John, 02, 1:14

Funderburg, Daniel U., 86, 4:11 & Carrie Patterson, Jacob & Christina (Ulrich), Stella C., Lawrence J., Helen, Truth, 88, 1:9-11

Funeral Homes, (Mike McKee), comprehensive, 03, 4:1-11

Funkey, Rev. W.J., 06,  3:5

Furniture, Excelsior Manufacturing Co., 88, 4:12-13, 15; Peabody Impact, 90, 4:1-4

G.A.R. 06, 3:5

G.P. Wagner (Wagons), 10, 2:4

Gackenheimer, Emmanuel, 89, 2:15

Gaddis, George Fox(x) and Julia, 93, 1:10-14; 93, 2:12-14

Gaddis, George, 90, 4:9; 93, 2:12-14;  96, 4:6; feeding birds on Riverside, 99, 2:12

Gaddis, On George and Julia,

  91,  2:10-12

Gaines, W.S., 95, 1:10

Gamble Store, 06, 2:7

Gamble, Lulu, 85, 4:14; 10, 4:11, 14; Della, Lulu, Rosa, Thomas, (Oppenheim anecdote), 86, 2:13; Thomas Gamble Family, Thomas and Elizabeth (Miller), John, Steven, Henry, Susanna (Eichholtz, then Mrs. Robert Hitzler), Jane (Mrs. S.J.Stevenson), Thomas Jr. and Mrs. Eliza (Wertenberger Hill), Lulu, Rosella, Roscoe and Blanche (East), Orville, 88, 2:1-7; Thomas, 88, 1:17; 10, 4:11-12

Gamble, Orrie, 10, 4:11-14; 11, 3:13

Gamble, Rosie, 10, 4:11, 14

Gamble, Ross, 10, 4:12-14

Gara and Wise, Willis A. Gara, John K. Wise, 03, 4:4

Garbage collection weekly, 03, 3:3

Garber, Charles D., 08, 4:4

Garber, Dan, 07, 2:3

Garber, Daniel and May (Franklin), Tannis, John, Samuel, Mrs. Andrew (Dorothy Butterbaugh), Cordier, Don Garber, 87, 1:1-5; Daniel, Joseph, Samuel, Mrs. Henry Wright, 87, 2:6;

Garber, Don, "The Harter Family in Wabash County", 92, 1:4-6

Garber, Donald, 07, 2:13

Garber, Geraldine, 99, 2:6

Garber, Jim, 97, 1:9

Garber, Mrs. Hayden, 96, 1:12

Garber, Noah, 88, 4:11

Garber, Roscoe, 87, 2:7

Gardner, Mrs. M.R., 95, 2:15;

  94, 4:9-10

Garman, Wayne, 96, 4:3; 07, 2:5-6

Garmarry, Eli, Blacksmith, 12, 4:10

Garner, Helen, (quilt by school class), 09, 2:5

Garrison, Amanda, Arthur, Gerald, Ruth, 09, 1:8

Garrison, DeWayne, 94, 4:13, 14

Garrwood, Isaac I., Physician, 12, 4:9

Garver, Earl, 91, 3:2

Garver, Suzana, 95, 3:12

Gary, Susan, 08, 1:4, 6

Gaskins, Don Carlos, 08, 1:7

Gates, Lloyd F., 07, 2:9

Gathany, Andrew, 95, 1:12

Gazebo, sesquicentennial, 96, 1:9

Geible, Merrell and Lois, "O.C. Burkhart Poultry and Eggs", 91, 4:7; 95, 1:4

Geik, Michael, 87, 2:2

Gem Theatre, 96, 2:15; 07, 2:5;

  06, 2:6

Genealogy, Anyone? (Virginia Glist), 86, 3:14

General Store (Ulsh at Laketon),

   96, 4:8-11

George, mascot of Main Street,

   02, 4:11

George, Rev. T.E., 99, 2:2

German Baptist Brethren Church, see Church of the Brethren, Old German Baptist Brethren

German Baptist Church, 08, 3:3

Geyer, John, 92, 2:5

Gibson, Bob, Bud, Harold, 93, 4:4

Gibson, Bud, 06, 3:11

Gidley, Robert, 95, 1:12

Giek's brick kiln fire, 00, 2:13

Gift & Henney, Another Cigar Factory 06, 2:3-4

Gift, Charles Calvin (Cal), 08, 4:11

Gift, Daniel, 06, 2:3-4

Gift, Frank M., 08, 4:10-13

Gift, William Milton, 08, 4:11

Gilbert, Arthur, 84, 1:6; 84, 4:1; Art, 10, 1:6

Gilbert, Emma, 92, 2:4, Jonas,

  95, 3:13

Gill, Bill, Raymond, 03, 1:3

Gill, Charles, 08, 1:6

Gill, Ira, 96, 2:14

Gill, Jacob, 92, 3:3

Gill, Maude, 06, 3:2

Gingerick, A.D., L.E., 02, 2:12

Gingerick, Fred J., 02, 1:14

Gingerick, Isaac E., 06, 3:6

Gingerick, Julia, 84 4:1; Fred, Julia, Virginia, 89, 4:1, 7; Fred, 90, 4:2; 91, 4:10

Gingerick, Kent, 11, 2:8

Ginter, Emma, 08, 4:10, 13

Ginther, David & Laura, 07, 1:12

Ginther, Dr. D., 86, 2:3; 88, 4:11

Girard, Charles, 02, 4:14

Glade, Shirley Hathaway, "Paul Hathaway, Our Enterprising Marshal," 91, 2:1-7; 91, 3:12-15

Glass Show Case, 06, 4:11

Glist, Virginia, 85, 1:8; "The  Paving of Main Street" 86, 3:6; "Genealogy, Anyone?", 86, 3:14

Godfrey (Godfroy), Francis, 02, 2:8

Gold Fish, 94, 4:13-14

Golding, Steve & Valerie, 99, 4:4

Good Old Days Over Dinner, 90, 1:4

Good Times in a "Gypsy" Camp,

  90, 3:15

Good Times of Young Pioneers,

  88, 3:12-15

Good Upholstered Furniture, 02, 1:12

Good, Greg, 84, 1:2

Goodman's, 06, 1:3

Goodwin, C.O., 07, 3:12

Goodyear Service Store, 06, 4:9

Goose Heaven School, 87, 1:14

Gordon, Dr. William, 09, 2:8

Gordon, Harry, 09, 3:11

Goshern Chemical Laboratory,

  06, 1:9

Gospel Messenger, 06, 4:4

Gottschall, O.A., Ralph E., Alpha (see also Mike McKee), 03, 4:6

Goudy, Thomas, 94, 2:6-8

Graduates Distinguish Old Bippus High School, 89, 3:3-6

Graham, Billy, 96, 1:2

Graham, Bobbie, 97, 1:9

Grandstaff David, 84, 1:1; 91, 4:12; Paul, 91, 4:12; "Grandstaff Rendering," Oren, Paul, David, 93, 4:7-15; David, 97, 1:10; Grandstaff, David, Thomas Marshall Birthplace, 04, 3:11; Dedication 12 August 2005, 05, 3:11; other program notes (William R. Eberly), 05, 3:11; notes on the house, (photo), 05, 3:12

Grant, David and Patty (Strauss),

  89, 4:8-9

Grant, Ulysses S. , 08, 4:10

Gratz, Fran, 99, 4:3

Green Furniture, 07, 1:10; 08, 1:12; 08, 2:9

Green Lantern Gift Shop, 06, 2:10

Green Valley Express, (photo near Liberty Mills), 90, 3:1

Green, Libbie, 95, 3:13

Greengard, Jerome, 85, 3:14

Greenwood, Silent Family Circle in, 88, 4:8-13

Greenwood, William, 95, 1:10

Greer, Helen Johnson, 90, 1:6

Gregory, Chart, 11, 1:3

Gregory, Patricia, 97, 1:10

Grenfell, Sir Wilfred, 91, 1:11-13

Gresso Building, 08, 1:13

Gresso Department Store, 08, 2:12-13; Gresso's, 96, 2:15

Gresso, E.W., 02, 2:12; 07, 1:13

Gresso, Gordon, 07, 1:13

Gribben, Rexall Store, 12, 1:5

Griffin, Mark, 07, 3:14

Grill, The, 06, 2:14

Grimes, Dekalb Martin, 08, 1:7

Grimes, Rufus, 08, 2:10

Grimley, Mildred H., 91, 4:13

Grimm, Marion V., 06, 2:1-2

Grisso, Aaron, 95, 3:15;

  Samuel, 95, 3:13

Grist, Paul, 03, 3:4

Groninger, Hen Lou, red hogs,

   00, 1:12

Groninger, Willie, Arthur, 87, 1:14

Grossnickle, Bernice, 86, 3:5; Emanuel, Jonas and P.E., 88, 4:11; Ira, 85, 2:11; Otto, 90, 4:2; Warren, 85, 2:11

Grossnickle, Edwin and Fern (Dilling), 91,1:4-7

Grossnickle, Emanuel, 00, 1:10

Grossnickle, Gail, 06, 3:2

Grossnickle, Gorman, 11, 4:10-11

Grossnickle, Jim, 91, 1:2

Grossnickle, Jonathan, 95, 3:15

Grossnickle, Mrs. Sam (Minnie John), 11, 4:10

Grossnickle, Retta, 11, 1:7

Grove, Jennie, 09, 1:7

Grove's Grocery, Clark Grocery,

  93, 3:1; 08, 2:11-12

Grow, Daniel F.,  95, 3:13

Grubb-King, Jean Loucks, "Frantz and Loucks, General Contractors”, 94, 1:3-13

Guenette, Lillian, 84, 2:3

Gump, Marjorie, 88, 1:7

Gump, S.S., 03, 4:5; Gump & Walters, 03, 4:5; Gump Brothers & Paulus, 03, 4:5

Gunder, Henry, 03, 3:6

Guthrie, Dallas, 08, 3:14

Guthrie, Dr. J.W., 08, 1:7

H. M. &M. Cafe, 07, 2:9; 06, 1:2

Hackleman, Elijah, 09, 2:1

Hager, Matilda, 10, 4:9

Haines & Son, Melvin O. Haines, Alfred Haines, 03, 4:5

Haines, A. Haines & Son furniture, 00, 2:10

Haines, George, 96, 3:5

Haines, Melvin, 86, 2:3

Haines, Stephen, 94, 4:14

Halderman Cemetery plaques, 84, 1:5; park dedication, 86, 1:10; memorial being  completed, 86, 2:4-11, dedication, 86, 3:9; 07, 3:8

Halderman, Allen, 86, 2:4,5,7;  92, 3:3; Cornelius, 92, 3:3;

  Richard, 92, 3:6

Hale, Milo F., 94, 4:13

Hall, Chester, 07, 1:11

Hall, Nitus, 05, 2:8

Halladay, Paul, 92, 1:2

Hallmark Card Store, 07, 1:13

Hamer, O. Stuart, 94, 2:9

Hamilton, Jonathan, 06, 3:14

Hamilton, Samuel, David, 02, 2:12; 12, 1:1

Hamilton's Opera House, 84, 3:5, 7, 8; Otto, Samuel, 86, 4:4; 88, 1:5; 89, 2:1-6; 92, 3:12-14;  photo, 02, 2:1

Hamm, Byron drowning, 11, 2:6

Hamm, M.A., 11, 2:8

Hammer's Blow, Story of College Chime, 00, 1:1-5

Hamtramck, John Francis, 88, 3:2-3

Hannaford, Daniel and Jerry, 2003 house tour, 04, 1:5

Hanson's, 06, 1:3

Hapner, George, 02, 2:2

Hardman, Thomas, Rolland, 86, 4:4

Hare School, Whitley County, 07, 3:3

Hare, Conrad, 88, 1:7

Hare, Josephine, 86, 3:5

Harmar, Gen. Josiah, 02, 4:7

Harmer, Charles J., 88, 3:2

Harriman, Mary H., 86, 3:5

Harris School, 88, 1:1

Harris, C.A., 86, 2:3

Harris, Chad, director, 02, 1:5

Harter Flouring Mill, Joseph Harter, Eli Harter, Jacob and Joseph B. Harter, 02, 2:12;  Eli, 08, 4:10

Harter Grove, 10, 3:6-7

Harter,  Israel, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Harter, Emma, 06, 3:11; 08, 1:12

Harter, Israel, 87, 2:6; Joseph, 87, 2:6; obituary of Joseph B. (Schmedel), 86, 3:7 Phoebe, Dorothy Butterbaugh, 84, 3:10; Jacob, 88, 4:12; Harter family in Wabash County, 92, 1:4-6; Andreas, Christian and Elizabeth (Eller), Joseph Harter Sr., and Elizabeth (Brower), Eli and Julia Ann (Young), Elizabeth, (Mrs. Joseph Lautzenhiser), Amziah, Lincoln, Oliver & Melissa (Blickenstaff), Elliot, John, Joseph, Julia (Mrs. Sam Garber), Ovid, Minerva, Henry & Mary (Dice), Phoebe (Mrs. David Butterbaugh), Henry, Julia (Mrs. John Shively), Esli, Eli, Joseph,

(Go to next page)

   Doretta & John Domer, Emma (Mrs. Warren Dewey), Walter, Elizabeth, Mrs. Abram Switzer), Frank Switzer, Susan (Mrs. Francis Eagle), Jacob & Catherine (Cowgill), Dayton, Mrs. Mita Martin, Mrs. Mary Hidy, Kathryn (Mrs. Clarence) Brady, Joseph Jr. & Rowena (Cowgill), Emma & Grace (Mrs. Art Smith), Israel and Charlotta (Kitson), Henrietta (Mrs. Peter Swank), Patterson, Stephan, Margaret (Mrs. David M. Shively), Martha (Mrs. Samuel Miller), Tabitha (Mrs. Charles Smith), Elia 92, 2:8; Rosa, 85, 3:14

Harter, Joseph  Sr., Jacob, Joseph Jr. biographical outline, 01, 3:15; 01, 4:8; Jacob, Blacksmith, 12, 4:9; John, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Harter, Joseph B., 06, 3:11; Dry Goods Merchant, 12, 4:9

Harter, Joseph, Farmer, OP 21-22, 12, 4:11

Harter, Phoebe Ann, 08, 4:10

Harter's Grove, 06, 3:9; photo, 07, 1:1

Harting, Byron, 93, 4:4

Harting, Clayton Byron, 06, 4:12

Harting, Harry Blaine, 06, 4:12

Hartman cigars, 06, 2:3, 8

Hartman, Ed. C., 06, 2:8

Hartsough, Rev. H.L., 91, 1:6

Hatfield, Bill, 94, 4:14; W.G., 89, 2:4

Hatfield, Donald, 07, 1;10

Hatfield, W.G., 02, 1:10

Hathaway & Kreamer, 06, 2:13; 11, 4:7-8

Hathaway Brothers Grill, 06, 2;14

Hathaway, Durwood, 06, 2:14

Hathaway, Paul, 06, 2:10-14;

  08, 3:8, 10; 11, 4:8

Hathaway, Paul, Our Enterprising Marshall, (Glade), Homer and Myrtle (Angle), Betty, Ted, Shirley (Glade), Durwood, 91, 2:1-7; 91, 3:12-15

Hathaway, Shirley (Glade), 06, 2:14; 10, 4:4


Hathaway's slaughter-house & frozen food locker, 06, 2:13

Haugen, Constance, 97, 3:4

Hawkins, Kathy, “Dolly’s Dilemma”, cuer, 12, 3:6

Hawley, Elaine, 07, 2:13

Hay, David, 87, 1:9

Hayes Motor Co., 09, 1:12; 06, 2:12;  11, 4:7-8

Hayes Motors, Inc., 94, 1:13-14

Hayes, Daniel, Samuel, Rutherford Birchard, Oliver  Warren, Abiel, Luther Calvin, George McPherson & Lola Gertrude (Sweet), Gordon Sweet, Raymond Elton, Frances Jane, (Mrs. Dan Meloy), Dorothy Marie  (Mrs. Chester Hill), George M. Jr., 94, 1:13-14

Hayes, George, 09, 1:12

Hayes, Gordon, Sr., 09, 1:12

Hayes, Harry, 07, 1:12

Hayes, Michael R., "Pioneer, Preacher, Abolitionist: Bryant Fannin Brings the Word," 89, 4:4-6, 15; "Noah Lindsey: Early Wabash County Pioneer,"  92, 2:8-9; "Hayes, Motors, Inc."  94, 1:13-14; “Bryant Fannin: Wabash County Pioneer”. 10, 4:7-10

Hayes, R.F., 07, 1:12

Hearn, Emera & Isabel, 99, 4:4

Hearse, 1982 Buick, photo, 06, 4:7

Heck, Allen, 86, 2:3

Heckathorn Woods, 91, 4:12

Heckathorn, Jacob, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Heckathorn, Martha, 95, 3:15

Heckman Bindery tours, 07, 2:13

Heckman, Vernon & Mary (Fulton), 86, 4:8; Steve Heckman, "Heckman Bindery", Samuel & Anna, Vernon & Izetta (Eikenberry) and Mary (Fulton) (later Mrs. Perry Sanger), Paul & Sarah (Studebaker), Paul, Kay Heckman, 93, 2:1-12

Heeter (Hidy) School, 85, 3:7

Heeter, Abner & Sarah (Lantz), Eva, Lucinda, 86, 3:4

Heeter, Earl, 91, 2:6; 06, 2:10

Heeter, Edna, 85, 2:1-5; Speed Shoe Repair, 87, 2:5; "First Division of Territory, Church of the Brethren”, 87, 2:6-7, 15; "Snows and Cold of Yesterday," 90, 1:1-4; "Recollections of a Fine Blue Platter," 90, 2:9,13

Heeter, Elizabeth, 95, 3:15; Enos, 95, 3:14; Henry, Abraham, 92, 3:7; Samuel, letter, 95, 2:9

Heeter, G.B. 00, 1:9

Heeter, Glen, 06, 4:13

Heeter, Henry & Hanna, Christina, (Mrs. Jacob Ulrey), 86, 3:1-4

Heeter, Henry & Hannah Vaniman, Sebastian & Elizabeth Rarick Heeter, 97, 2:6-8; Abraham Heeter, 97, 2:7; Allen Heeter, 97, 2:8

Heeter, Jacob, 08, 3:2

Heeter, John, Jesse, Mahlon, Charles, Lydia, Gorman, Dale &  Edna, 87, 2:6-15; Stephen, 87, 2:2; "Framer John" Heeter, 89, 4:8

Heeter, Melvin, 85, 1:10; 87, 3:10

Heeter, Minerva Miller, 09, 1:10

Heeter, Miss M. Stephen 08, 3:2

Heeter, Perry, 09, 1:10

Heeter, Vic, 06, 4:9

Heeter, Virginia, 08, 4:4

Heeter's High Quality Foods, 08, 2:11

Hein, Jennifer, 11, 3:4; restored  1910 opera house curtain, 12, 3:1-2

Heisler, Virginia Dickerhoff, 91, 3:15

Heller's Corner, 02, 2:2

Hello, Central (A. Ferne Baldwin article), 98, 1:1-4

Helm, Snorf & Co., 00, 1:9; Brethren's Plain Clothing, 00, 2:5

Helman, Pat(ricia) Kennedy, 96, 1:3

Helser,  A.D., 03, 1:4

Helvey, Clarence, 07, 2:5

Helvey, Richard, 92, 3:2-3;  02, 1:3; 02, 2:2; tavern stand, 03, 2:9; 08, 1:5

Helvey, Richard, OP 140, 141, 149, 12, 4:11

Helvey, Robert, Carpenter, 12, 4:10

Henckel Furniture, A.F. Henckel, 02, 1:9-10, 12

Hendricks, Ellizabeth L. "Two Who Endured", 91, 4:13-14; "Koinonia,", 92, 3:15-16; "Romeo and Juliet, 20th Century”, 93, 3:9-11

Hendricks, John, 92, 3:1

Henney corner fire 1889, 99, 2:7; Michael Henney, Charles Henney, 99, 4:4; Cassel & Goshorn moving picture machine exhibition, 01, 1:9

Henney, Audrey, 09, 2:12

Henney, C., 06, 2:3; Henney family, 12,1:3; Michael, Charles & Elizabeth (Lizzy), 12, 1:3-4

Henney, Michael, removed old Lutheran Church (old paint shop), 03, 3:4-5

Henry Thrush & Son, Wagon Makers, 10, 2:13

Hercules wagon factory, 10, 2:5

Hero Worship, 91, 1:11-13

Hettler, Mary Lou, 10, 4:4

Hevel, Mary, 86, 1:13-14; 93, 4:6

Hewett, John, 02, 1:13

HHPS upgraded and sold two more homes, 12, 4:14

Hickman & Huffman Restaurant,

  08, 1:12, 14

Hickman & Maybe, 07, 2:10

Hickman, Fred, 07, 2:9-10; 

  08, 1:12, 14

Hidy Barber Shop, 06, 2:9

Higgins, Robert, 95, 3:10

Highways, Early highways of commerce, (Helms), 95, 2:7-10

Hill, Charles, 10, 4:5

Hill, Dean, 87, 3:10

Hill, Eliza Wertenberger, Mrs. C.C. Weimer, 88, 2:5

Hill, Iva, 95, 2:15

Hill, Otho, 08, 2:13

Hill, Titus, 85, 3:2

Hillis, David, 92, 3:2

Himebaugh, Eleanor Schmedel,

  89, 2:8-12

Hines, Asa, 87, 1:11; 07, 3:14

Hinkle, Grace, 85, 4:10

Hinkle, Milma, Henry, Sarah, Grace (Frank R. Davis), Georgia (Benjamin H. Willis, 12, 4:6-7

Hippensteel, Alice, 06, 3:11; 4:10

Hippensteel, C.E., 06, 2:5

Hippensteel, Dave, (Boy Scouts),

  09, 2:8

Hippensteel, Elizabeth,  10, 4:8

Hippensteel, Henry S., educator, Laura, Clark, Vincent, 95, 2:13-14

Hippensteel, Mrs. Elbert, 96, 1:12; H.W., 00, 2:12

Hippensteel, Roy, 02, 4:3

Hippensteel, Russell, 88, 1:5

Hire, Jeff & M.A., 99, 4:5

Hirsch, P.N. store, 07, 1:12, 14

Historic American Buildings Survey in Indiana, 84, 1:5

Historical Society, 08, 4:2;  Web Page, 96, 4:14; Wins Spirit of the Community Award, News-Journal, 10, 1:4-6; honored for Service, News-Journal, 10, 1:2; Programs, 2012, 12, 1:14

Hite, Charlie, 06, 2:11

Hitzler, Robert & Susannah (Gamble)(Eichholz), 88, 2:5

Hobo on train tracks photo, 06, 3:1

Hoboes, "hotel de hobo", 91, 2:6;

  91, 3:12

Hockett, Leola, 92, 3:12

Hoff, Dr. Lloyd M., 95, 3:4-7

Hoffman, Arthur & Mrs., 92, 1:2

Hoffman, Fred, 89, 2:15

Hoffman, Merilee, 07, 2:8

Hoffman, Vernon S., 07, 2:5, 8

Hogan, Dr. Herbert, 91, 3:2

Holderman graveyard, 08, 3:13; photo, 08, 3:14

Holderman, see Halderman

Holiday Stroll in North Manchester, 89, 4:10-14

Holinger, Merton, Mollie, 94, 4:14

Holl, Dr. Carl Waldo, 96, 3:3; 08, 2:2

Hollenbeck, "Dad", 08, 2:13

Hollinger, Curt, David, H.R., 94, 4:14

Hollinger, Reuben, 94, 4:13

Holsinger, Franklin, Harley, L.T., Ada, 94, 4:14

Holsinger, Henry R., 06, 4:3

Home Stores, 06, 2:6-7

Honius grocery, 08, 2:14

Honius, John, 08, 2:14

Honius, Theodoshia, 08, 2:14

Hook, John Hooks first entry into NM, 86, 1:11-12

Hooper, Catherine, A.Y., 86, 1:1

Hoopy Doodle, 11, 2:1-2

Hoosier Brake Lining, 06, 3:14

Hoosier Friction Products Co.,

  06, 3:14

Hoosier Skirt Factory, 02, 2:7

Hoosier-Dixie Highway, bridge, 86, 3:15; 92, 2:4

Hoover, Don & Bessie, 90, 3:15

Hoover, George, 87, 1:4

Hoover, James, 07, 1:11

Hoover, Martin, 94, 4:12

Hoover, Mrs. Robert, 07, 2:13

Horn, J. & S., Carriage & Wagon Manufacturer, 10, 2:13

Horn, Smith, Wagon Manufacturer, 10, 2:13

Hornaday, Alfred, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Hornaday, Dr. Forrest A., 07, 2:9

Hornaday, John V., 00, 2:8-10;

   06, 2:11

Horne, Fred, 86, 2:2; 01, 3:4

Horne-Kaplan, Denise, 01, 4:6

Horning, David O., 07, 1:14

Horning, Emma, 94, 4:13

Horning, Ervin E., 95, 3:15

Hostetler, Paul, Vern, 87, 3:10

Hostettler, Richard & Jane, 91, 4:12

Hotel Central, 07, 3:6

Hotel Sheller, 07, 3:6; 06, 2:4-5

House Tour, 1986, 86, 1:7; 1989, 89, 4:7-9; 2003, 04, 1:4-10; 04, 2:3

House, Walter, 95, 1:3

Housing in NM, 100 years, 1891-1991, 91, 4:8-12

Howe Vacuum Bait, Francis "Frank:" O. Howe, David N., Bruce, (William R. Eberly), 01, 3:1-5

Howe, Ed, Saturday Review of Literature, Atchison Globe, "Story of a Country Town," "Don't Worry Club”, Sage of Potato Hill, 05, 2:9-11; 05, 3:1-2

Howe, Prof. D. N., 07, 3:7

Howenstine, Albert Filson "Bert",

  06, 4:10

Howenstine, Uriah Raymer, 06, 4:10

Hower, Catharine, 95, 3:13

Hower, Charles, Henry, 91, 4:9

Howland, Edna M. 08, 1:7

Hubbard, John, 02, 2:4

Hudson, Essex, Terreplane dealer, 07, 3:13-14

Hudson, James, 08, 2:13; 11, 4:6,8

Huffine, Robert E., 06, 4:9

Huffman, Cecil, 08, 1:12, 14

Huffman, Helen, 87, 1:9

Huffman, Jesse "Sarge", 91, 2:6;

  06, 2:11

Huffman, William B., Farmer, 12, 4:12

Huggins Grocery Store (Laketon),

  87, 1:14

Humke, W.S., 02, 2:12

Hunt, Frazier, "Spike", 11, 1:1-11

Hunt, Frazier, Return to N. Manchester in 1947, 11, 4:9-11

Hunt, Frazier, writes of Russia, 99, 2:13, photo, 11, 1:1; 11, 2:1

Hunt, Jasper Newton, Jr., 11, 1:1, 4; 11, 4:10

Hunt, Jasper Newton, Sr.,  11, 1:1;  11, 2:10-11; 11, 4:10

Hunt, Luke (taxidermy), 09, 2:4

Huntington, Rev. A.H., 08, 1:7

Huntsman, Benjamin, 96, 2:9

Hutchinson, Charles A. 08, 1:8

Hutch's Cloverfarm Market, 08, 1:8

I Remember (Merlin C. Finnell), 95, 3:10-11; 96, 2:14-15; in 1920, 98, 4:13-14; 99, 1:10-12

I.O.O.F., 06, 3:5

IGA Grocery, 08, 1:12, 14, 08, 2:12

Ijamsville Cemetery, Laketon Cemetery Association, 86, 4:11

Ikenberry, L.D., 87, 1:2; 91, 1:7; 07, 2:3; Mrs. Ida Dunbar, 92, 2:13

I'm going to buy this here house of yours, 86, 1:5

Immel, LaVeta, 94, 1:8

Immortal J.N., 84, 3:5; 89, 2:4

Important Business - 1972 style, 07, 1:13-14; 07, 2:13

Indian Doctors, Woodward & Simon, 03, 2:1

Indian Relics in Northern Wabash County, 90, 4:6-8

Indiana Authors and Their Books,

  88, 1:16

Indiana Bank, 09, 2:5

Indiana Blacksmithing Association, 96, 2:1

Indiana Gas & Water Co., 06, 3:7

Indiana Historical Bureau, 06, 3:8

Indiana Lawrence Bank  & Trust Co., 07, 2:5; 09, 2:5

Indiana Motor Bus Company,

  06, 3:11

Indiana State Bank, 07, 2:5

Indiana Territory, Travel Accounts of, 88, 1:7-9

Indiana Through the Map-Maker's Eyes, 11, 3:5

Indiana Trustee Association, 96, 3:1

Indiana University, 06, 1:7

Indiana Volunteers, 47th (Regiment) Reunion Success, 88, 1:8-11, 14-17; 88, 4:6-7

Indiana's largest cities, 1970, 08, 2:2

Indians Called it Kenapocomoco, 91, 1:8-10; 91, 2:13-14

Indians of Wabash County, (Warder Crow), 86, 3:7; Trail of Tears, 84, 4:3-8; Treaty of Paradise Springs, 84, 4:5; (land acquisitions from Indians) 87, 3:1-7

Industries, 84, 4:9; Whistles of our Forefathers, 87, 2:1-5

Inglenook Cookbook, Bread & butter soup, 06, 4:13

Ingraham, Harry, 84, 1:3

Inquiry in research: Rex Windmill, Syracuse Screen, band/music group, Louie's Blickenstaff School, 03, 1:13

International Sunday School Lesson Quarterly, 94, 2:10

Inyard, Benjamin, 02, 2:12

Ireland, Asa, 87, 1:15

Isaiah Wright's Feed Store, 07, 2:12

Isenbarger & Arnold, 00, 1:8

Isenbarger, John, 86, 2:3; candidacy as state treasurer, 89, 1:1-3; 97, 4:2; 07, 2:9; 08, 2:9; 09, 1:12

Isenbarger, John, Paul, Bland,

  02, 2:12

Isenberger, Charles, 95, 3:15, Walty, 95, 3:15

Island, Indian ceremonial ground near Col. City, 02, 2:14

It is No Myth, Journal Item, 96, 3:14

Izaak Walton League, 99, 2:3

Jackson, Laura, 10, 4:5

Jackson, Marjorie Gump, 88, 1:7

Jacob Oppenheim Store, 07, 2:9

Jacobs, Henry, 94, 4:13

Jacobs, Jake, 88, 2:9

Jail, 06, 2:12

James, Jesse, Frank, 85, 1:10

Jane Anne Beauty Shop, 08, 4:6

Jaynes, Dr. Frank E., 85, 1:10

Jefferson Customized Service,

  06, 2:12-13

Jefferson, Beverly Bowman, 07, 3:11

Jefferson, Don, 07, 3:11; 08, 2:9; 3:11, 13

Jefferson, Don, R. Ned Brooks, see Remembering North Manchester in the 1930s-1940s

Jefferson, Lawrence, "Cap", 06, 2:12-13; auto repair shop, 07, 3:14; 09, 1:13; 11, 4:8

Jefferson, Ollie, 89, 2:2, photo, 89, 2:7

Jefferson. W.O., photo, 02, 3:1; 

  11, 2:3

Jelinek, John, 06, 3:5,7

Jenkin's Barber Shop, 08, 2:8

Jenkins, John N., 08, 2:8

Jenks, Warren, 03, 2:7

Jenney Electric Company, 07, 3:5

Jennings Building, (early 1900's photo), 90, 1:3

Jennings, J.M., 89, 3:11; 96, 2:13; 07, 1:10; Grocery, 07, 3:12; 08, 4:4-5

Jennings, William, 03, 2:7

Jerew, Donna Mae, 87, 3:10

Jerew, Thelma, 07, 2:8

Jerome's Ladies Wear, 06, 1:3

Jerry's Grocery, 06, 3:13

Jim & Jim Barber Shop, 07, 3:14

Jinks, Gideon, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Jinks, Jesse, Farmer, 12, 4:11

Jinks, Stephen, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Joe Ziker cleaners, 07, 3:12; 06, 2:7

Joe's Radio Service, 06, 2:13

John Deere Comes to NM, 95, 4:1-7

John Deere Wagon Works, 10, 2:4

John Paul grocery, 06, 2:14

John, H(oward) C. Cloverleaf Creamery, 99, 2:10

John, Julia (Harter), 92, 1:5

Johns, Mabel (Mrs. Charles Franklin "Frank" Dunbar), 92, 2:2-5

Johnson & Huffman bakery, 06, 4:13

Johnson Bakery, 08, 1:14

Johnson Hat Shop, 08, 3:11

Johnson, Bus, livery stable, 12, 1:1,3

Johnson, C(yrus).D., 89, 2:6;  Livery/Feed, 03, 2:10; 11, 2:3

Johnson, C.J., Elmer, 11, 2:3

Johnson, Carl "Lank", 06, 4:9

Johnson, Flo, 08, 3:11

Johnson, Frank, 08, 1:14

Johnson, Helen (Greer), 90, 1:6

Johnson, Jerry, 09, 3:11

Johnson, Kathryn, 86, 3:5

Johnson, Louie, 07, 2:11

Johnson, M. Irene, 92, 2:14

Johnson, Thomas C., Pump Maker, 12, 4:10

Jones Home & Auto Supply, 06, 4:12

Jones, Edward, K., Jr. "Pete,"  05, 2: 9-11; 05, 3:1-3

Jones, George R., Blackmore cigars, 12, 4:6

Jones, Rich & Marcia, 2003 house tour, 04, 1:6

Jones, Robyn, 84, 1:2; 84, 2:6; 84, 4:11; 85, 1:8

Jones, Spleer, 88, 2:11

Jordan School, 85, 3:6

Joseph, Dorothy, 85, 2:3; “Life and Times of the Early Vet; B.E. Stauffer," 85, 4:1-5; "Riverside and Wednesday Night Band Concerts," 90, 4:5, 9; Dorothy, 95, 2:15

Joseph, J.E., 94, 4:13

Journal (forerunner of News-Journal 1882, news items, 96, 2:13-14; It is no Myth, 96, 3:14; 1893, 99, 1:13-14; 1900, 00, 1:5-14; More 1900, 00, 2:1-14

Journey of the Marshall House, The,  07, 3:7-8

Joy, Joyce & Dale, (tractors), 09, 2:4

Joy, Joyce, archivist, CFH Accessions Report, 09, 2:9; 10, 1:6; Office manager of Center for History, photo, 11, 3:11

Juniata College, 06, 1:9

Kahn, Nettie (Mrs. Ben Oppenheim), 85, 3:13

Kaiser-Frazier Automobile Dealership, 07, 3:13; 11, 4:8

Kampen, G.G. filling station, 09, 1:11

Kanower,  O.A., 99, 3:1

Karns, Catherine, 06, 2:5

Karns, Jacob, 87, 2:6

Kauffman, Raymond, 91, 4:12

Kaufman, Stefan, artist scientist friend (Allan White), 99, 4:8-14

Keagle, Levi, 99, 4:3

Keck, Charles, Lincoln Statue, Wabash, 89, 2:14-16

Keel, Bill, 92, 2:3

Keeley, Thomas, 84, 4:9

Keelin, Olive M. 08, 1:6

Keim, C. Ray & Annie, 99, 4:6

Keim, Dora, 95, 3:15

Keim, Mrs. C. Ray, 91, 3:12

Keller Hotel, 92, 2:2

Keller, Anthony, 97, 2:8

Keller, Edward, Paul, 93, 4:4

Keller, Paul, Billy Sunday article,

  96, 1:1-11

Keller, Thomas, 03, 3:5

Kelsey, Dale, 95, 1:12

Kelton & Kline, 07, 2:9

Kelton, John F., 07, 2:8-9

Kenapocomoco (Eel River) 91, 1:8-10; 91, 2:13-14

Kennedy Tire Service, 07, 2:12

Kennedy, Arthur, Saddler, 12, 4:9

Kennedy, C.O., 07, 2:12

Kennedy, Hugh L., 02, 2:12

Kennedy, Rose, 85, 2:11

Kentucky Wagon Works Company, 10, 2:10

Kern, Debra, Manchester High School art teacher, and students  made opera curtain with contemporary businesses. 12, 3:4

Kerr, Homer, 02, 4:3

Kessler, Agnes, 91,1:5

Kessler, Ervin (DeWitt strike), 00, 4:4

Kessler, Irvin, 86, 2:2

Kester, Mason, 00, 1:8

Kester, Max, "Kester Talks About Goals," 90, 1:2; 91, 2:11

Keyser, Rev. Peter, 06, 4:2, 4

Kiblinger, W.H., Auburn, 86, 2:1

Kilborn, Chester, 06, 2:2; cigar business, 12, 4:8

Killing a Bear, 97, 2:8-10

Kimbel, J.H., 95, 1:10

Kimmel Radio Service, 08, 3:11

Kimmel, Bill, Bob, 93, 4:4

Kimmel, Robert, 08, 3:11

Kimmel, Ruth, 85, 2:11

Kimsey, William, Lois, (Mrs. Thomas Marshall), 85, 2:6-7; 86, 1:1-6

Kindergarten at Laketon, 08, 2:2

King, Alice, 94, 4:13; 95, 3:15

King, Cade, 02, 2:13

King, Ira L., 07, 1:13

King, Jean Loucks Grubb, "Frantz and Loucks, General Contractors”, 94, 1:3-13

King, Mitchel, 92, 2:2

King, Peter, 02, 2:12

Kinney, John, Shoe Maker, 12, 4:10

Kinsey, H., 86, 2:3; Horace, 85, 1:4

Kinzie, Sarah, 95, 3:15

Kipp, Frances, Peabody Retirement Community, 99, 2:1-8

Kiser, Col. Sherman L., 89, 3:5

Kissinger, Fred, 92, 2:5; John, 95,1:7; Van, Tom Sittler, Tom Kissinger, 94,1:7

Kissinger, John R. and Ida (Johnson), 91, 1:1-2; 4-5, 15

Kitchel, Joe, 97, 1:13

Kitchen, Wyatt C., Tailor, 12, 4:10

Kitsen, Dr. F.S., 86, 2:3;  99, 2:4;

  99, 2:14

Kitson, Charlotta (Mrs. Israel Harter), 92,1;6

Kitson, Frank S. & Verna, 06, 2:9

Knarr, Bea, Quilts on display at the Center, 09, 2:13

Knarr, John, 10, 1:6

Knarr, John, Comstock's Cattle Drive to New York City, 1855, 09, 2:1-4; Frazier Hunt Remembers, pt. 1, 1893-1903, 11, 1-11;  pt. 2, 1893-1903, 11, 2:1-11; NMHS Website, 10, 1:7; Railroad Scrapbook, 10, 1:13; Stokin' on Stogies, 08, 4:9; Theodore Dreiser in N. Manchester, pt. 1, 09, 1:1-8; pt. 2,  09, 2:10-13; pt. 3, 09, 3:1-13; Wagon Makers & the Wheels of History, 10, 2:2-7

Knarr, Richard, Kelly, 86, 2:12-13

Knecht, Lyman, 88, 1:7

Knights of Pythias, 06, 3:5;  08, 4:13; Hall, 09, 3:9

Knocking machines, 88, 4:7

Knoop, Michael, Farmer, 12, 4:11


Knull Motor Company, Karl and Franz Krull, 87, 3:8

Knull, Franz, Karl, 08, 3:9;  11, 4:7

Kohser, Charles, 91, 4:9

Koinonia, 92, 3:14-15

Kolbe, John, 88, 1:14

Koller, Joan, "Memories of Jacob Ulrey, 86, 1:4; 90, 4:5

Kolster-Frye, Christa, 08,  4:1

Koons, Kelly and Wendy, 91, 4:7

Ko-We-Ba (Kothe, Wells, & Bauer) groceries, 12, 1:5

Kramer the Kleaner, 08, 2:11

Kramer, Bruce, 93, 4:4-5

Kramer, Philip, 08, 2:11

Kraning, Dr. C.F., 08, 2-10

Kreamer, Russell, 87, 3:10; 06, 2:13; 07, 3:13; 09, 1:12-13; 11, 4:8;  Mary, 91, 3:12

Kreider, Mary A., 08, 3:2

Kreig, Samuel, 06, 2:5

Kreis Grocery, 08, 4:5

Krichbaum, Moses, 08, 1:6

Krider, Wilbur, 86, 4:14

Kriebel, C.E., 07, 3:7

Kriegbaum, Charles, 95, 2:4

Krisher cemetery, 10, 4:9-10

Krisher millinery shop, 06, 2:8

Krisher School, 85, 3:7

Krisher, Barlet, moved Marshall birthplace, owner, 05, 3:14

Krisher, Barnett, 07, 3:8

Krisher, David, 85, 1:6; 87, 2:3; 

  00, 1:7

Krisher, Henry, 08, 1:6

Krisher, Maude, 06, 2:8

Krisher, Rudolph, Farmer, 12, 4:12

Krisher, William, 02, 4:11; Cabinet Maker, 12, 4:10

KRIT automobile, 09, 1:11

Kroft, Norma P. (Deck), Stockdale Mill, 94, 2:5-9

Kroger Super Market, 07, 3:12;

  08, 1:12

Kruschwitz, “Fiddling Kruschwitzes, David, Harley & Owen, Firehouse Follies, 12, 3:5-6; Kruschwitz Ukelele Choir, Firehouse Follies,

  12, 3:5-6

Kugler Furniture, 06, 4:11-12

Kugler's Furniture Exchange, 06, 4:11

Kuhnle, John, 08, 1:6

Kunkle, Laura, AIB spokesperson, 08, 4:2

L.J. Miley Co., 06, 3:14

La Balme's (Auguste de la Balme) Massacre, 02, 2:3

Labas, James, 11, 4:7-8

Lafontaine Farmers Cooperative Elevator, 08, 2:2

LaFontaine, 94, 3:13

Lagro, 84, 3:10; 94, 3:13; 94, 4:4;

  95, 2:7-8

Lagros road to Eel River (document), 02, 2:11-12

Lahman, Robin, 10, 1:5

Lahr, Herbert G., Paul, 89, 3:5

Laidlaw, Albert "Beany", 11, 2:8

Laketon Hardware, Howard W. Rager, Robert Fulton, 03, 4:10

Laketon Herald, 08, 2:1

Laketon Memories (Howard Ulsh), 86, 3:7; Some Memories of Laketon, 86, 4:8-11; Ethel Longenecker Memories, 87, 1:14-18, Laketon Bank (photo), 87, 1:18

Laketon Tool Works, 06, 4:9

Laketon, 94, 3:15

Lamb, D.C., 00, 2:6; 02, 1:11

Lambert, Bill, 91, 2:6; 91, 3:14-15;

   06, 2:11

Lancaster, Robert F., Marshall anecdote (two chairs), 98, 1:4

Land, Helen Augustus, 08, 1:7

Landis Drugs, 09, 4:9

Landis Walgreen Drug Store,

  08, 1:11

Landis Winnie Baker, 93, 2:4

Landis,  Polly, 94, 4:13

Landis, Ford, 00, 1:13-14

Landis, Paul, 03, 4:7

Landis, Sam, 11, 2:10

Landis, Virgil & Winifred, 07, 1:14

Landmark Apostolic Church, 95, 1:7

Lanky Johnson's Mobile Station,

  11, 4:2

Lantz, Sarah (Mrs. Abner Heeter),

  86, 3:4

Last program at Opera House, Vernelle Price company, 12, 1:3

Laurien, Jack, 96, 1:7

Lautzenhiser & Domer auto sales,

  09, 1:11

Lautzenhiser grocery, 06, 2:6

Lautzenhiser Restaurant, 07, 2:11

Lautzenhiser, "Aunt" Kate, 86, 3:2; Hank and Kate, 90, 4:5,9

Lautzenhiser, 95, 3:13

Lautzenhiser, A.G. , 86, 2:3; 88, 4:11; 08, 2:9; & Co., 10, 2:3, 11-12

Lautzenhiser, Catherine, 95, 3:13

Lautzenhiser, Dennis, 86, 4:11

Lautzenhiser, Esther, 85, 2:11

Lautzenhiser, H. E., 07, 2:11

Lautzenhiser, Hank, 11: 2:2

Lautzenhiser, Hazen, 07, 2:9; 08, 4:6

Lautzenhiser, J.K. & Co., H.E.,

  02, 2:12

Lautzenhiser, J.K., 06, 2:6-7

Lautzenhiser, Joseph, Elizabeth,

   92, 1:5

Lautzenhiser, Newt, 88, 2:22; 89, 2:4

Lautzenhiser, O.V., 00, 1:8

Lautzenhiser, Sarah, (Mrs. John F. Reahard), 95, 4:2

Lautzenhizer, Kenneth, 06, 2:11

Lavengood, Bert, 07, 2:10

Lavey Jewelry Store, 06, 2:9-10

Lavey, Frank, 06, 2:10; 11, 2:2

Lavey, John, Sr., 06, 2:9-10

Lavey, Joseph, 06, 2:9

Lavey, Melvin, 06, 2:10

LaVogue Beauty Salon, 07, 2:8

Lawrence National Bank, (photo),

  85, 1:7; 07, 2:5; 07, 3:6

Lawrence, Cash, 94, 1:5

Lawrence, George W., 88, 4:7,12;

  99, 4:5

Lawrenz, David, emcee for Firehouse Follies, 12, 3:5

Lawyer Takes a Bride (Thomas Marshall) 86, 1:1-6

Layman Appliance, 07, 2:11

Layman, Zainard P., 07, 2:11

Leckrone, Anne, 84, 4:11

Leckrone, Bell, 95, 3:15

Leckrone, Mary Louise, 84, 1:6

Leedy Motor Company (Howard Warren) Harry, Homer, Elda Leedy, 86, 3:7; 87, 03:8-10; 08, 3:9

Leedy, Harry E., 08, 3:9; 11, 4:7

Leedy, Homer W., 07, 1:10

Leedy, Irene, 87, 3:10

Leffel, Harry L., Pioneer Reminiscences reprint from News-Journal 1940, 98, 4:1-4, 00, 3:10

Leffel, Harry, 06, 2:6; 07, 1:10;

  07, 2:10

Leffel, Harry, Straws in the Wind, "Bay View Reading Circle,"  86, 4:4; 94, 4:11; 02, 3:12-14

Leffel, Herschel, 02, 1:13; 06, 3:5, 7

Leffel, Mannie, 87, 3:9

Lefforge, Mae, 88, 1:7

Lehmer, Phebe, 95, 3:13

Lennon, Jack, 02, 2:1

Leonard, Margaret, Reflections on the Church, 04, 3:3-10

Leonard, R.R., 06, 3:6

Leonard, Samuel, Foundry, 12, 4:10; 12, 4:12; OP 148, 150, 12, 4:11

Leonhard, George and Margaret (Baker), 88, 1:2; Margaret Baker, (Mrs. George), 07, 3:5

Leprosy, True Story, 89, 3:7

Lewis & Lewis Firestone, 06, 4:12

Lewis, Dorothy, 00, 2:11

Libbey, Sylvester, 92, 3:3-10

Liberty Mills and Its Proprietor (Billings), 88, 1:17-18

Liberty Mills, 84, 3:10; Centennial,

  02, 2:8

LifeMed Ambulance Service, 06, 4:6

Liggett, Ralph, 02, 4:14

Lightner, Sophia, 06, 4:2

Lincoln Fraternity (Society), 85, 4:6-9

Lincoln Highway, 09, 2:10

Lindsay, Howard, 06, 3:2

Lindsey, Bill, 06, 3:12

Lindsey, Jeremiah, Wagon Maker, 12, 4:10

Lindsey, Joe, 08, 2:1

Lindsey, Noah, Deborah (Fannin), William H., Mary E., Joanna, Rachel, Edward, Martha, David L., 92, 2:8-9

Lindsey, William, 06, 3:14; Wagon Maker, 12, 4:10

Linemuth, Roy, 93, 4:4

Linholm, Earl, 08, 3:9

Linsey, David, Edward, Joanna, Martha, Mary E., Noah, Rachel, William H., 10, 4:8

Linton, Indiana, cigar manufacturing, similarity to NM, 12, 4:6-7

Liston House, 97, 1:11

Literary Societies (book Article)

   85, 4:6-9

Little Charley, 02, 2:8

Little Duke cigars, 06, 2:2

Little Elf Groceries, 06, 2:6-7

Little Hoosiers, 84, 1:2-4; 84, 2:6-7; 84, 4:2, 11; reception, 85, 1:8

Little Turtle, (Meshekinoquah),  87, 3:1-7; 02, 2:13-14; 02, 3:2-8; 02, 4:6-10; Treaty of Greenville, 03, 1:9-10; works of peace, traveler, 03, 1:10-13; last ten years, 03, 2:13-14

Little, H.B., 07, 3:3

Little, Hubert, 07, 3:3

Little, Ivan B., 99, 2:3;  07, 2:7;

  07, 3:3; 08, 1:12

Little, Margaret, 97, 3:10

Little, Mary Louise, 84, 1:3; “Orrel Little, Early Education, Family History," 86, 3:7; 88, 1:7; H. B. and Stella Little, Thurle, Ivan, Wayne, Hubert, Orrel, 88, 1:1; Thurl Little tailor shop, 90, 4:9; Mary Louise, 95, 3:9-10;  07, 2:13; 10, 4:4; Roxy, 95, 3:10

Little, Orrel, Early Education and Family history, 07, 3:3-5

Little, Stella, Thurle, Wayne, 07, 3:3

Livermore, Harriett, 06, 4:2

Livery/Feed, C.D. Johnson, 03, 2:10

Lockwood, John, 89, 3:11; Lockwood Hardware, Carrie Lockwood, 90, 4:9

Lockwood, John, 96, 2:14

Lockwood, Mrs. John, 11, 2:10

Loester, Julius C., 10, 3:3, 10

Logan Ulrey Building, 08, 2:9

London Pattern (anvil), 96, 2:3

Long Time No See: Burma-Shave (Weimer), 87, 2:8-14

Long, A.W., 88, 1:4

Long, L. Russell, "Play Ball,"  94, 1:1-3; "Gold Fish", 94, 4:13-14; "Blacksmith or Farrier," 95, 1:13-14; 95, 2:5-7

Long, Rose, 94, 4:14

Longenecker, Ethel, Mrs. Randall), E.L. members, 86, 3:7; 87, 1:14-18

Lorenze, Jacob, 07, 2:8

Loucks, Walter, Jean Loucks Grubb-King, 94, 1:3-13

Louie's Candy Kitchen, 03, 1:13; "Bay View Reading Circle,"  86, 4:4; 94, 4:11; Kyle, Kelly Penrod, 05, 1:9-11

Lowder, Edwin, 84, 1:4; 86, 3:7

Lowman & Harter, 06, 3:5,7

Lowman, Artie, 87, 3:1; 91, 2:6

Lukens, Matthias, 92, 2:3

Lutheran Church parsonage, 06, 3:11

Lutheran Church, 06, 3:5

Lutheran, Evangelical, German Reformed, see Zion Lutheran

Lutheran, old frame church, old paint shop, (Henney), 03, 3:4-5

Lutz and Rager General Store (photo), 89, 4:13

Lynch, Charley, 10, 4:11-14

Lynn, Dr. Debra, Manchester College students, one-act comic opera,

  12, 3:3

Maben's Laundry, 08, 2:10

Mack, Alexander, Jr., 06, 4:2

MacMahn, Ruby, 86, 4:14

Macy, John, 08, 4:3

Mahoney, Fr. Robert, 95, 1:11

Main Street Hardware, 07, 2:7, 9

Main View Tavern, 06, 1:1-2

Majestic Furnace (Peabody), 90, 4:4

Majestica, 85, 4:6-9

Major, Annie Marie, 06, 4:4

Major, Samuel, 06, 4:4

Major, Sarah Righter, 85, 1:3;

  photo, 06, 4:1

Major, Thomas Elwood, 06, 4:3-5

Maloney, Lannie, 84, 2:8-10

Malott, Eleanor, 85, 1:8; 86, 3:7

Malsburg, J.O. & Alberta, 07, 1:11

Manchester Appliance Co., 07, 2:11

Manchester Bible Church, 95, 1:7

Manchester Bonnet Company,

  02, 2:7

Manchester Builders, 07, 2:13

Manchester Christian School, 95, 1:7

Manchester Church of the Brethren, fire destroys, outline of history, 97, 4:7-9; 06, 3:8

Manchester Clinic, 09, 2:7

Manchester College, Manhattan Project (Weimer), 85, 3:1-5,15; Thomas Marshall school role, 86, 2:12; North end students assigned to college classrooms, 91, 1:4-7; Gladdys Muir, Peace Studies, 91, 3:1-7; African Americans, Joe A. Cunningham and Martha Cunningham Dolby, Two Who Endured, 91, 4:13; 92, 1:1, 7-9; Campus Memory Article, 92, 2:12-15; 93, 1:8,15; Bible School Building (photo), 95, 2:2; The Other Trip to Buffalo, 95, 2:10-12; Henry Hippensteel, educator, 95, 2:13-14;

  Thomas Marshall's Last Speech, 95, 2:14; Sadie Wampler, 95, 3:1-8;

Manchester Community Band, 12, 3:5

Manchester Double Dip, 06, 4:12

Manchester Hassock Manufacturing Co., 06, 4:12

Manchester Heating & Plumbing,

  07, 2:12

Manchester Herald, 06, 2:8

Manchester High School Commencement Program, 1914,

  08, 1:7

Manchester Marble Works, 00, 1:9

Manchester Sales, 06, 4:10

Manchester Schools, (Fun Fest presentation 2003), 03, 3:5-7

Manchester University, restoration of 1910 opera curtain, commissioning contemporary opera curtain,

  12, 3:1, 4

Manhattan Project, see Harry Weimer, 93, 4:6

Manifold, Orrin and Rosemary, 84, 1:4, 84, 3:9; Rosemary hats, 85, 1:8; Orrin, "North Manchester's Automobile Factory," DeWitt article, 86, 2:1-3; "Old Sorrel," 86, 4:1-3; Rosemary, "Create the Kind of Museum You Want, " 91, 4:15; "Churches of North Manchester," 95, 1:1-7

Manya or grinder stone, Indian relic, 90, 4:6

Maple Leaves, 1903, MHS publication, 02, 1:1-5

Marathon Service Station, 06, 4:9

Marble Fever, 90, 2:4-7

Marble, Rev. N.S., 06, 3:5

Marden, Parker and Ann, 2003 house tour, 04, 1:8

Marks Drugstore, 09, 4:8-10

Marks, Biddy, 09, 2:13

Marks, Harold L. Sr., 07, 1:12

Marks, Harold, Jr.  07, 1:12; 09, 4:10

Marks, James Benjamin, Lillian A., 07, 1:12

Marks, Louise, Marks Drug Store, 85, 1:8; 86, 3:7; 06, 2:8; 07, 1:12-13

Marshall Constitution, 07, 3:9

Marshall Theater, 96, 2:15; 07, 2:6, 06, 2:7; 09, 4:9

Marshall, Calvin, 87, 3:4-5

Marshall, Daniel, 07, 3:7; 08, 4:10;  Woodson, Ezra, 12, 4:8, 10

Marshall, Joseph, Milburn, 07, 3:8

Marshall, Mrs. Tom (Lois Kimsey), her part in his election, 12, 4:2-5

Marshall, Thomas birthplace restoration, 92, 2:6-7; 92, 4:1, 5-6; 93, 1:1-3; 94, 3:1-2; 94, 4:11-12; Thomas Marshall birthplace, 04, 3:11; dedication 12 August 2005 (David Grandstaff), 05, 3:8-11, other program notes, (William R. Eberly), 05, 3:11; notes on the  house (photo), 05, 3:12

Marshall, Thomas R., 84, 2:8-10; Columbia City home to be restored, 84, 3:3; Scottsdale, Carleson article, 85, 2:6-10; The Lawyer Takes a Bride, Clarence Ignatius "Iggie" Morrison, 86, 1:1-6; 89, 1:1-3; Marshall, Thomas Riley and Lois I. (Kimsey), Daniel M. and Martha (Patterson), Hoosier Lawyer Becomes Vice President, 92, 4:1-5; 93, 1:4-8; Widow dies, 93, 1:15; Marshall, Thomas Riley, 06, 3:10; 07, 2:6; 07, 3:7-9; 08, 4:10; 09, 2:10; 09, 2:10; 09, 3:9-10; 10, 2:6; Elected 100 years ago & drawing by Launer, 12, 4:1; see also Marshall birthplace

Marshalltown, Iowa, 96, 1:3

Martha Marie's Beauty Salon, 07, 2:8

Martin & Sons, 06, 3:5

Martin J.J., 91, 2:13

Martin,  Ed, 85, 3:15

Martin, Duane, 84, 1:6

Martin, Eva, 08, 1:7

Martin, Grace, 88, 1:6

Martin, Herman Harrison, 06, 4:9

Martin, Ida, 08, 1:6

Martin, Ivy, 94, 4:14

Martin, J. J. & Son, 06, 3:5

Martin, J.C.F., 02, 4:1

Martin, J.J., Photograph gallery, 02, 3:11; 12, 1:5; 06, 3:7

Martin, John, 08, 4:3

Martin, Robert, 06, 2:9

Martinson, Karl, 00, 1:8

Martyr to Science, 91, 4:1-3, 4-5, 15

Mason, Marilyn, Canine Companion Tricksters, Firehouse Follies, 12, 3:5

Mason-Hamlin pump organ, first gift, 07, 2:13

Masonic Hall, 92, 2:1; Masonic Lodge, 06, 1:3;

Massision, 94, 4:9

Masten, Nancy, 09, 2:12

Mathews House, North Mill, photo, 11, 1:4

Mathews, "Posey", 11, 1:5; 11, 4:10

Mathews, Joseph, Martha, 11, 1:2

Mathews, Lloyd, Tillie, 11, 1:3

Matlock Plow, Jefferson Matlock, 93, 3:12-13

Maurer, Albert, strawberries, 95, 3:10

Maurer, Charity (Mrs. Michael Miller), 97, 2:14

Maurer, Peter, 11, 2:2

Maurer, William, 92, 1:8

Maxwell, Bob,  91, 1:2

May Start Work on No. 24 Soon - 1928, 08, 2:5

Maybe, Sam, 07, 2:9-11

Mayer, Leroy, 08, 2:9

Maynard's Men's Store, 07, 1:14

McAdams, Roy, 06, 2:10

McBride, Alva, Orrel, 88, 1:4

McCafferty, Michael, How the Wabash River Got its Name,

   01, 2:11-12

McCann, Marvin, 95, 1:5

McClure, 86, 3:5

McClure, Arden, 06, 2:13

McClure, Fred & son, 06, 4:11

McClure, Fred, Lona, 06, 4:11

McClure, Mrs. Harry, 96, 1:12

McConnel, Wm, Farmer, 12, 4:11

McCreary, Frances Waneta, 08, 1:7

McCrory, Thomas J., 08, 4:13

McCutcheon (Baugher) School,

  85, 3:6; 85,4:10

McFadden, Dr. Wilbur, 09, 2:7

McFarland, John, 07, 3:12

McFarland, Lloyd, 87, 3:10

McIntyre, W.H., DeWitt Motor Vehicle Co., 00, 4:1-2, 7-8

McKee, Mike, North Manchester undertakers, 03, 4:1-11; 10, 1:6

McKinley, Earl, James Whitcomb Riley poems, Firehouse Follies,

  12, 3:6

McLallen, Walter F., 86, 1:6

McMann, Ruby, 06, 2:8

McNear, Grace, 93, 2:4

McPherson College, 06, 1:10

McPherson, Clure, 88, 1:7

McPherson, Ethel, 85, 2:11

Mead & Oakham, salesmen, 09, 2:2

Medary, Milton B., 10, 3:8

Meggison, Annette, 07, 3:10

Meisner, Jacob, 03, 4:4

Members of N.M. Historical Society, 2010, 10, 1:8-9

Membership benefits, 10, 4:1-2

Membership levels, 10, 4:3

Membership, 2004, 04, 2:11-14

Memo From the Teacher's Desk,

  92, 4:6-11

Memories of Manchester, 06, 1:12

Memories of Mr. Ben (Oppenheim) and Lulu, 86, 2:13

Memory of Man Hazy Despite Cigar, 86, 2:13

Memory Speaks, 86, 1:8

Menken, H.L., 12, 1:3

Mentoring another museum, 12, 4:13

Merritt, Herschel and Mary Ellen (Burkhart), 91, 1:1-4; 84, 4:7

Merritt, Karl, 10, 1:6;

Merritt, Mrs. 06, 2:8

Merritts, Mrs. Millinery Shop, 06, 2:9

Mertz, Charles & Elizabeth, 07, 2:1

Mertz, Sally, 07, 2:1

Messmore, Henry S., 08, 1:6

Messmore's Café, 12, 1:5

Methodist (Episcopal) Church NM, 95, 1:2-4; (pertains to Henry Strickler from Strickler diary),

  02, 1:5;  06, 3:5

Metzger blacksmith shop, 08, 1:10

Metzger, David, 95, 3:13

Metzger, Eldon, 09, 2:6

Metzger, Ellen, 94, 4:13

Metzger, Joseph, Martha, 85, 3:2

Metzger, Leesa, 08, 4:1

Metzger, Robert, 95, 3:14

Metzger, Ruby Ulrey, 86, 3:7

Metzger, Walter, 87, 3:10

Meyer, J.G., 94, 2:9

Meyer, Mrs. Herman (Beulah), 84, 1:3

Meyers, Sarah Saloma (Dillman),

  85, 4:14-15

Miami Indians of Indiana: a persistent people, 1654-1994 (Rafert), review, 96, 2:12

Miamis, 84, 4:3-8; 87, 3:1-7

Michael, Russ, Helen, interview, 84, 3:9; (photo) 91, 1:3; 92, 2:14; Mike's Diamond, 94, 1:2; 

  Russell L.,  07, 2:12

Michaels, Mrs. Rosa, 86, 3:7

Michelle Shoe Repair, 07, 2:9

Mida, Nannie G., 94, 4:14

Mike's Standard Oil Station, 07, 2:12; 09, 1:11

Miley, L.J., Hoosier Brake Lining Co., 90, 3:9

Miller School, John Miller Farm,

  5, 3:7

Miller, A.B. correction (Andrew B. Miller letter to Amos B. Miller)

  02, 2:5

Miller, A.B., 10, 2:12

Miller, Abe, Grace, 94, 4:14

Miller, Abraham, 97, 3:13

Miller, Ada, 95, 3:14-15; Bertha, 95, 3:15; Fern, 93, 2:4; John, 95, 3:14; Joseph, 95, 3:15; Kenneth, 92, 1:1

Miller, Amos B. & Sarah Elizabeth Cupp, 01, 4:10, 12-14; Andrew B. Miller, Ida, Gracie, Hazel,

  01, 4:12-14

Miller, Bill, 08, 1:14

Miller, Clara (Mrs. Bill Baker), 88, 1:2;  07, 3:5

Miller, Curtis, 90, 4:3

Miller, Daniel, Raymond, 99, 2:14

Miller, Dr. Ed(ward) and Martha,

  99, 4:6

Miller, Elizabeth, 08, 3:3

Miller, Ellis & Harold, A Trip to Niagara Falls, 1925, 09, 1:8-10

Miller, Ellis, 09, 2:7; 09, 1:8-10

Miller, Elmer, 94, 4:13

Miller, Emanuel, 96, 2:14

Miller, Esli, 91, 1:1

Miller, Grace, 09, 1:8-9

Miller, Harold, 09, 1:8; & Eleanor (farm museum) 09, 2:7; 10, 1:3; family, 11, 3:3; Miller Family donation ribbon cutting ceremony photo, 10, 2:1

Miller, Hugh, 86, 3:7;  02, 2:13

Miller, J.H., 02, 2:12

Miller, Jack,  84, 1:4; 84, 2:2-3; 85, 2:3;  Mission Church, 03, 1:1-5; Reliving the Excitement of the North Manchester Fair, 03, 2:3-6; Remembering Rosehill, 04, 1:10-12; The Old Iron Bridge, 04, 2:6-8; She’s Pot Bellied but Beautiful, 05, 1:1-3; Remembering West Ward, 05, 2:8-9;  "Fordy" First Psalm, 07, 3:1-3; "Those Hobo Days", 06, 3:1-2

Miller, Jesse Foundry and Pump Factory, 87, 2:1

Miller, Jim, 08, 2:8

Miller, John E., 94, 4:12

Miller, John, 87, 2:6; 88, 4:11

Miller, Joseph, 97, 2:12

Miller, LaVeta (Mrs.  Woodrow Immel), 94, 1:8;

  Woodrow, A., 95, 1:5

Miller, Levi, 08, 3:3

Miller, Lizzie, 00, 1:13; 09, 1:8

Miller, Martha, 07, 2:14

Miller, Mary J., 08, 3:3

Miller, Michael, Charity Maurer,  Phoebe Bigler, 97, 2:14; Amos Miller, Sarah E. Cupp, Bertha Cupp Miller and Levi Neher, Lev, 97, 2:14; 97, 3:12; Ida Miller & Otho Winger, 97, 2:14; 97, 3:12; Edith Miller, 97, 2:14; LeRoy  Miller and Olive A. Deardorff, 97, 2:14

Miller, Myris, 08, 1:14

Miller, Nancy J., 93, 1:9

Miller, Nathaniel, 95, 3:13

Miller, R.H., 85, 1:3; 90, 1:6; 95, 3:12

Miller, Ramona, 84, 4:1

Miller, Ruth, 09, 1:8

Miller, Susie, 94, 4:13

Miller, Suzanne Eiler, "Cecil Eiler, Home From the North Woods," 

  94, 4:9-11

Miller, Wayne, Owen, 95, 3:12;

  95, 4:12

Miller's Café, 06, 2:7

Mills, A.C., 10, 2:12

Mills, Augustus C. (A.C.), 99, 4:5;

   02, 1:13

Mills, John, 02, 1:14

Mills, Mrs. Elizabeth, 86, 3:6; Augustus C., 88, 4:12

Minear, Charles, 06, 2:13; 11, 4:7

Minear, William, 06, 2:13

Mineer, Mr. , 08, 3:5

Minerva Club, 92, 1:1

Misener School, 85, 3:6

Misener, Harvey, 94, 4:14

Mishler, Daniel, 95, 3:14

Mishler, Jim, painter, 11, 3:6

Misner, Jesse, 10, 4:8

Misner, Martha, 10, 4:9

Miss Dare Dared, 92, 1:1

Mission Chapel, 06, 1:9

Mission church, 03, 1:1-5

Missionary Church, 95, 1:10

Moan, David, “Civil War Songs”, Firehouse Follies, David & Sarah, “Dolly’s Dilemma”, Firehouse Follies, 12, 3:5-6

Moffat, Paul, blacksmithing article, 96, 2:1-12

Mohler, Rebecca, 10, 2:12

Money Makes the Mare Go (Billings), 88, 4:1-2

Money, early Indiana, canal scrip,

  02, 3:14-15

Monon Railroad, 09, 2:11-12

Montel, Earl and Phyllis, 89, 4:8;

  1, 4:12

Monthly programs, 2010, 10, 1:14; 2:14; 3:14

Moody, Dwight L. 96, 1:2; Moody's "Notes from my Bible," 00, 2:6

Moore School, 95, 3:6

Moore, Ermina, 88, 1:6

Moore, Gilbert, Delilah, John,

  6, 4:1-3

Moreland, Charles, 95, 4:2-3, 6

Morey, A.L. & Son,  07, 2:11

Morris Dime Store, 07, 1:11;  08, 2:9

Morris, Karl, Blackmore cigar factory history; Mrs. Milma (Hinkle), Karl, Sr., Max, 12, 4:6-7

Morrisey, Art, 87, 3:10

Morse, Betsy, 97, 1:9

Mort & Son, 12, 1:5

Moser, Jacob, Tippecanoe Co.,

  09, 2:2

Mosier, Joe, 07, 1:10;  07, 2:9-10

Mote, Donald E. 08, 1:13

Moyer, Charles and Edna (Mylin), Ethel (Mrs. Randall Longenecker) 87, 1:14-18

Moyer, Matthias, John Sr., Mary, Elizabeth (Stauffer), 92, 3:6-7; Mathias, 97, 2:12

Moyer, Reuben, 06, 3:3-7

Moyers, (Myers), Jesse, 92, 3:3

Mt. Morris, 06, 1:10

Mugford, Carrie, 07, 3:9

Muir Peace Garden, 98, 3:1-11

Muir, Gladdys, 91, 3:1-7

Mulholland, Wilma, 08, 1:6

Murphy, Joseph, stolen slot machine, 99, 2:14; prosecutor, 03, 3:3

Murphy's Dime Store, 08, 2:9

Museum Advisory Committee,

   97, 1:12

Museum to town hall, 84, 2:1; volunteers donate 250 hours, 84, 3:1-2; 1984 acquisitions, 84, 3:2; 84, 4:1; 86, 4:13

Museum, named NM Center for History, committee, assessment by Pyramid Architecture/Engineering, first annual operating fund drive,

03, 1:5-6

Musical entertainment, 09, 3:3

Musselman, Benjamin, 97, 2:11

Myers, Anna E., 95, 3:14

Myers, David, 06, 2:5

Myers, George, Nora, 95, 3:13; Letta, 95, 3:14; Sarah Ann, 95, 3:13

Mylin, John, Carder & Fuller, 12, 4:9

N. M. Historical Society sets new membership levels & benefits,

  10, 4:1-3

N. Manchester Historical Soc. Recipient of Indiana Historical Society's Annual Award in 2009,

   10, 1:1

N. Manchester Public Library, 10, 3:9

N. Manchester Wins America In Bloom Contest, 08, 4:1-4

Naber, A.E., 86, 2:3

Naber, Ethel, 85, 2:11

Naber, Frederick, 09, 1:6-7

Naber, Harmon, 86, 2:3

Naber, Lewis, 86, 2:3; 11, 2:10

Nabor, Catherine (Fruit), 09, 1:6

Naragon, Dan & Willoughby, 01, 4:6

Naragon, Ralph, 10, 1:6

Nash automobile, 11, 4:8

Nathan, George L. 12, 1:3

National Grant from IMLS, 12, 4:13

National Register of Historic Places in North Manchester, 10, 3:11

Neal, Eichard, Pauline,  08, 1:14

Neal's Tasty Ice Cream Shop

  08, 1:14

Neander Brothers, 06, 4:11

Neer, Hugh, 06, 4:13

Neher, Joseph, 00, 1:8

Neher, Paul, 84, 2:3; 10, 1:10

Neher, Robert, 10, 4:5

Neher, Simon, 91, 2:5; pheasants, 99, 2:9; 10, 1:10

Neher, Violet C., A Freshman's First Day, 05, 2:12-14

Neiswender, (Bicewinter), Mary,

  08, 1:6

New Castle Products (Peabody),

  90, 4:3

New Hotel Sheller, 08, 2:10

New Madison School, 85, 3:6

New Madison, 10, 4:9

New Office downstairs, Reed, Nancy, 12, 3:8

New State Market, 06, 3:8-10

New York Cheap Store (Oppenheim), 84, 3:11-14

New York Store, The, 06, 1:3

New, Alexander, Isaac, and Henrietta, Charles, Joseph, Theodore, Henry and Martin, Hanna N. Barth, Nell N. Livingston, Rosetta N. Myers, Jeannette N. Blumenthal, 89, 2:13

Newberger. Meyer, 85, 3:13

Newcomer, Hubert, 92, 3:14

News Notes, 11, 3:11-12

News-Journal, 07, 2:10

Newspapers, 84, 4:9

Newton, 94, 4:9

Newton, L.H. (Chester Township),

  09, 2:1

Niblett, A.R., 07, 2:12

Nichols City Transfer, 08, 2:10

Nichols, Harriett, 10, 4:10

Nichols, Roy, 87, 3:10

Nichols, Sally (Mrs. Richard Baker), 88, 1:2

Nickel Plate, 07, 3:6

Nick's Restaurant, 08, 3:11

Niconza, 97, 1:14; 97, 2:11-14

Niconza, Chief, 92, 3:6,10; Stockdale, 94, 2:6

Nielson, Alice, opera star  09, 3:2-5; photo, 09, 3:5

Niswander, Emerson, Evelyn, 87, 1:1; 90, 1:6; 91, 4:12; Niswander, Evelyn & Emerson (collection of thimbles & sewing notions), 09, 2:5

No Fairer Place, 85, 1:9-13

Noftzger & Kreig, 06, 2:5

Noftzger and Son, 96, 2:14; L.J. Noftzger, 97, 4:11-12; 01, 4:3

Noftzger Machine Works, 07, 3:6

Noftzger, J.L. building, 06, 1:2-3

Noftzger, J.P., 06, 3:5, 8

Noftzger, Jehiel & Anna, 99, 4:2

Noftzger, L.J., 88, 4:8; 89, 3:11; 92, 2:2

Nordman, Bill, 93, 4:4; 7, 1:10

Nordmann, Albert, Jr. 91, 4:12

Norman, Noreen, 92, 1:1

Norris, Lina, 95, 3:12

North Central Association (college), 06, 1:11

North Manchester Airport, 93, 4:1-7

North Manchester Auto Laundry,

  09, 1:11

North Manchester Automobile Factory, 86, 2:1-3

North Manchester Bridge Website, 08, 4:14

North Manchester Canning Company, 06, 3:5; 07, 3:6

North Manchester College, 07, 3:6

North Manchester Commercial Center, 1950 census

North Manchester Depot, 84, 3:5

North Manchester Fair, 1914 (photo) 85, 1:11; Reliving the Excitement, 03, 2:3-6; traveling exhibit, 04, 2:2

North Manchester Foundry, 97, 1:5; 02, 4:1-4

North Manchester Fruit Preserving and Canning Co., 88, 4:11

North Manchester Hatchery, 06, 4:12

North Manchester Historical Society, 2012 Highlights, by Mary Chrastil, President, Technology improvements, Thomas Marshall Birth House, Year of the Opera Curtain, National Grant from IMLS, Mentoring another museum, 12, 4:13; Second furnace & air conditioning, Reinstated volunteer recognition program, Reinstated antique appraisal program, HHPS upgraded and sold two more homes, Produced three videos for sale, Revised & improved programs for 2nd & 3rd grade students,

  12, 4:14

North Manchester Historical Society, membership 1984, memorials, 84, 1:1; 1984 leadership, Oral History Committee, 84, 1:6; 84, 2:10; 84, 3:9; 86, 3:7; museum to town hall, 84, 2:1; tour Frances Slocum trail, 84, 2:2; newsletter's purposes, 84, 2:4-5; 1984 committee chairpersons, 84, 2:7, 1984 acquisitions, 84, 3:2; 84, 4:1; 1985 officers, 84, 4:1; sesquicentennial souvenirs from Fenton, 85, 1:14; 1985 committee chairpersons, 85, 1:14; Holderman Cemetery memorial, 86, 2:4-11; 1987 officers & chairpersons, 87, 1:6; 1988 officers & chairpersons, 88, 2:12; bylaw amendments, 88, 2:13; 1989 officers, 89, 1:3; and chairpersons, 89, 1:14; 1989 House Tour, 89, 4:1, 7-9; 1990 officers, 90, 1:9 and chairpersons, 90, 1:12; collectors coffee mug, 90, 2:15; first edition Christmas ball, 90, 3:4; museum new quarters, Town Life Center, 90, 3:13-14; Rosemary's New Hat, 90, 4:10; holiday heritage gift ideas, 90, 4:11; 1991 House Tour, 92, 4:6-7; Creating the Kind of Museum You Want, 91, 4:15; web page, Americanna Shoppe, 96, 4:13-14; summary of events 1996, 97, 1:9-12; Museum advisory committee, 97, 1:12; report of work on Thomas Marshall house project 1996, 97, 1:13; restoration committee, house markers, 97, 1:13; new directions: family history, 1997 house tour (Dotson, Eckert, Macke, Olinger, Quick, Robison, Daggett, Schlitt & Stoops) 97, 4:13-14; Thomas Marshall house project 1998, 98, 1:12; 1998 House Tour, candlelight tour, (Golding, Hire, Miller, Pattison, Tate, Taylor, Grandstaff-Hentgen/Bender), 99, 4:1-8; contributes to town, 00, 3:1-3; organization of NMHS, 00, 4:10-14; finalizes purchase Oppenheim buildings, 01, 1:14; Streator-Scheerer performance, Walrod medical donation, consultant's survey, reprint 1875 Atlas, 01, 3:12-14; 2001 house tour, candlelight tour (Adams, Chinworth, Fruitt, Naragon, Siebrase, Thomas, 01, 4:1-7;  located in Oppenheim building, 07, 2:7; 07, 3:8, 10;  "Outstanding Historical Organization Award", Nancy Reed, William Eberly, photo, 10, 1:1; Highlights of 2011, 11, 4:12-14;  members for 2012, 12, 2:12-13; survey, reprint 1875 Atlas, 01, 3:12

North Manchester housing  1940,

  12, 2:8-9

North Manchester in the 1940 census (John Knarr), 12, 2:1-11, 14

North Manchester Industrial Association, 86, 2:1

North Manchester Loan Agency,

  06, 3:6

North Manchester Original Plat sales, by  John Knarr, 12, 4:10-11

North Manchester Planing and Band Saw Mill, "Brick Mill", 06, 2:5-6;

  90, 3:7-9

North Manchester Public Library,

  97, 3:1-6; 84,1:5

North Manchester Realty, 06, 2:13

North Manchester Rotary Club,

  11, 3:6

North Manchester Telephone Company, 84, 3:12; 06, 2:9,

  08, 2:13

North Manchester undertakers, Mike McKee, 03, 4:1-11

North Manchester Woman's Club,

  92, 1:1

North Manchester, paving of Main Street, 86, 3:6; naming streets, 86, 3:7; 88, 4:6; original plat map, 86, 4:7; manufacturing industries (Billings), 87, 2:1-5

North Manchester: Merlin C. Finnell, I Remember, 96, 2:14-15; 99, 1:10-12; Wilcox, Shirley, NM Once Upon a time (Main Street), 98, 2:4-8;, businesses in 1920, 98, 4:13-14; Huntington Canning moving to city, 00, 2:4; 1900 census, 00, 2:5; 1900 school report, 00, 2:12-13; Main Street 1928-1938, 01, 11:12 -13; Howe Vacuum Bait, 01, 3:1-5; NM ephemera, 01, 2:13

North Ward Elementary School, photo, 07, 4:2

Northern Indiana Telephone Company, 06, 2:8

Northern Wabash County Antiques, 90, 2:7-13

Northfield Furniture Company, 02, 1:9-10, 12; 08, 1:9

Notes on the College Library, 08, 3:3-4

Oak Leaves article about Frazier Hunt in 1947, 11, 4:9-10

Oak Park Addition, Walter Loucks, 94, 1:12

Oak Street Barber Shop, Union Hall, 12, 1:5

Oakland Division of General Motors, 06, 2:12

Oakland, 11, 4:8

Oakland-Pontiac dealership, 07, 3:13

Oaklawn Cemetery, 94, 4:14;

Oaklawn Cemetery Association,

  99, 2:8;  07, 3:11

Ober, Arthur, 88 1:7

Occidental, 96, 2:13

O'Dell, Allen, Clinton, Burma-Shave, 87, 2:8-14

Odum & Reisinger, auto body shop, 07, 3:14

Ogan, Peter, 84, 3:10; 86, 4:6; 02, 1:4; 08, 3:8; 10, 4:9;  John, 94, 3:2; 95, 1:2; 02, 1:4; 03, 2:6

Ogden, Henry, son of Elihu, cabinet maker, coffins, 03, 4:11

Ogle, Homer, 95, 1:6;  06, 3:10

Ogle, Tom, Dick, Harry, 91, 1:2

O'Hara, Mary, 88, 3:1

Ohmart, Adam, 97, 3:13

Ohmart, Ernest, 86, 4:8

Ohmart, Junius Vern, 95, 3:15; Loren, 95, 3:15

OK Barber Shop, 06, 1:1

Oke, Prof. Ejinoba, 09, 2:8

Old German Baptist Brethren (Old Order Church), 94, 1:4; 95, 1:5

Old Sorrel (Manifold), 86, 4:1-3

Oldfather, Naomi, 88, 2:1

Oldfather, Samuel, Sarah, 87, 2:14

Olds, Gail Stephens, 90, 1:12

Oldsmobile Dealers, 11, 4:7

Olinger & Ulrey Garage, 08, 1:9

Olinger & Warvel bicycle shop, 07, 2:9; 12, 1:5

Olinger & Warvel Garage, 86, 2:3; 08, 2:13-14; 12, 1:5

Olinger Fruit & Vegetable Market,

  08, 2:14

Olinger, C. Dayton, 09, 1:12

Olinger, Charles H., 08, 2:9, 13;

  09, 1:12; 11, 4:6

Olinger, DeVon, 08, 1:10

Olinger, Edwina, 99, 2:13

Olinger, Rosemary, 97, 1:11

Olinger, Ruby, (Mrs. L.O. Bemis),

  85, 2:3

Olinger's Bowling Alley, 12, 1:3

Ollinger, Albert, 90, 4:2

Ollinger, Dayton, 08, 2:14

Olmstead, Frederick Law, Jr., 10, 3:8

On the Road in 1929, 95, 1:8-9

Onstott, Andrew, 97, 2:13

Opera Curtain 1910, photo, 12, 3:2

Opera Curtain Restored, 12, 3:1-3

Opera house fire,  92, 3:12-14; photo,  Oct. 12, 1885, 12, 1:6; Fiendish Flames (News-Journal), 12, 1:6-11; Jenning's grocery, Hamilton's saloon, Krisher's meat market destroyed; J.F.  Eicholtz shoe store, G.W.  Eichholtz warehouse, Johnson's horse stable damaged, 12, 1:7

Opera House, good shows coming, 00, 2:11; & Advertising Curtain, Opera Curtain to be Restored, 11, 3:4-5; painting, 12, 1:4; interview with Dr. L.Z. Bunker (Steve Batzka) 12, 1:1-5, photo, 12, 1:1; advertisements, 12, 1:5; Fiendish Flames, 1885 fire, 12, 1:6-11; photo of fire, 12, 1:6

Operating Fund Drive contributors, 2002-2003, 03, 3:8-10

Oppenheim building, NMHS finalizes purchase, 01, 1:14

Oppenheim Department Store, 07, 2:6; 07, 3:10; 10, 3:9; 11, 3:1-3

Oppenheim, 84, 2:1; Jay Philip, (Phil, Jacob, Ike, Fanny, Ida, Elta, Ben  & Nettie (Kahn), Jean & Valerie, Barbara (Mrs. Albert B.  Eisenstein), Oppenheim's New York Cheap Store, 11 Decades Great, 85, 3:11-14; Gene (Jean?), 87, 3-8; Ben, Isaac, 87, 3:9; Ben, 88, 4:12; Philip, lake property realty, 91, 1:4; Jean, 91, 3:15; Ben, 91, 4:11; Oppenheim, Ben & Isaac, 12, 1:5; 06, 2:9; 07, 2:6-7; Oppenheim, Gene J., 07, 2:7; Oppenheim, Jacob Benjamin, 07, 2:6; Oppenheim, Philip A., 07, 2:7, 13;  11, 3:1;  Pat, 11, 3:1;  family, 11, 3:3

Oppenheim, B.  & Co., 07, 2:7

Oppenheim's New York Cheap Shop, 07, 2:6

Opperman, Atlis, Effie, Owen,

  94, 4:14

Opperman, Virgil, 91, 3:13

Oral History Committee, 84, 1:6; 84, 2:10; 84, 3:9; 86, 3:7

Ordinances, early, 02, 4:12-13

Orpurt, Philip, Tree City USA,

  97, 3:7-11

Orr, Heather, Trevor & Tyler, 09, 1:8

Other Trip to Buffalo, The,

  95, 2:10-12

Otho Winger and Manchester College 06,1:5-12

Overholser, Clyde, 99, 2:7

Overholt, James, 95, 1:6; 09, 2:8

Overhulzer, Susan, m. Stephen,

  08, 3:2

Overman, Dr. R.E., 09, 1:11

Packerton, 94, 3:13

Palmer, A.B., 02, 2:12

Park, Paul, 87, 3:10

Parker, Jerry Sr., 08, 1:12-13

Parker, Jerry, 06, 2:14, 3:13

Parker, Peg, 08, 1:13

Parks, David, 09, 1:5

Parmerlee, Otto, 94, 4:14,  02, 1:14; John H., William, 95, 1:13; Viola, 95, 2:15; John, 90, 4:9

Parrett, Andrew D., Farmer, 12, 4:12

Parrett, Andrew, Jennie,  09, 1:8

Passed by Here, 90, 1:7-10

Patent Activity 1886, 08, 4:8

Patents, Scientific American, Munn & Co., 00, 2:9

Patterson, Joseph & Mary or Estella (McFarren), 98, 1:10

Patton, G.A., 08, 1:7

Paul Speicher Foundation, 11, 3:4

Paul, Earl P.  03, 4:8; 06, 4:11

Paul, John Eugene, 06, 2:14; 07, 2:4; 08, 1:12; 10, 4:4

Paul's Double Dip, 07, 2:4

Paul's Old Stand, 06, 4:12

Paulus, Arthur C., 03, 4:5

Paulus, Bonnie Shock, 88, 1:7

Paving of Main Street, 86, 3:6

Peabody Mansion, 08, 3:14; “Building of Peabody Mansion” available on DVD, 12, 3:13: photo, 12:3, 13

Peabody Memorial Tower and Chapel, Physical appearance of property, 10, 3:2;  Narrative statement of significance, 10, 3:5; photos, 10, 3:1, 10

Peabody Retirement Home,  (Frantz and Loucks), 94, 1:11; Fairgrounds, 95, 3:11; Peabody Retirement Community, (Frances Kipp),

  99, 2:1-8; 10, 3:6

Peabody Seating Company, 02, 1:14; 02, 4:2; 10, 3:5; Peabody School Furniture Company, 10, 3:6

Peabody Seating Factory Payroll 1940, 12, 2:5-7

Peabody, Dr. Mary K., 07, 2:13;

  10, 3:7


Peabody, James B., 97, 4: 9-11; 99, 2:1-8; 10, 3:5;  Mary Peabody Foundation, 97, 1:9; Traveler, 99, 2:8-10; Howe Vacuum Bait, 01, 2:5

Peabody, James, Peabody Retirement Community, 85, 1:13; 86, 2:3; Peabody Seating, 87, 2:1; Peabody impact beyond NM and School Seating (Walker), 90, 4:1-4; house, 91, 4:10

Peabody, Simon, 10, 3:5

Peabody, Thomas & Mary Peabody home, 10, 3:9

Peabody, Thomas, A.,  86, 2:3; 87, 2:1; Tom's Speeding Ticket, 91, 3:13; 99, 2:1-8; 08, 3:14; 10, 3:6

Peabody's Singing Tower on Nat'l Register of Historic Places,

  10, 3:1-13

Peddlers, itinerant, gypsies, 85, 2:11; 87, 1:16; 91, 2:7

Peerless Bakery, 06, 4:13

Penrod, Joe, 88, 2:7

Penrod, Kyle, Kelly, Louie's Candy Shop, 05, 1:9-11

Penrod, Walter & Mary Jenet, 07, 3:8

Penrod, Walter, Mary Jenet, owners Thomas Marshall birthplace,

  05, 3:14

Perry Township, Niconza, Beulah Smith (1933), 97, 1:14, 97, 2:11-14

Perry, Dr.  Ira, 84, 1:1; 86, 2:3; Otto, 87, 3:10

Perry, Jim, 07, 3:14

Perry, Mrs. Ira, 99, 3:14

Peters, W.W., 95, 2:4

Petiford, Calvin, 08, 3:10

Petry, Louis, 90, 3:7-9

Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, Wabash College, 97, 1:9

Philips, Lyman, 91, 4:10; 02, 4:14

Philomathea, Philoethea, Philorhetoria, Philophhronia societies, 85, 4:8;

  Philomathea, 95, 3:5

Photography, 86, 3:7

Pierce, Pres. Franklin, 07, 3:7

Pierceton, 94, 3:14

Pierish, Indian chief, 84, 3:10

Pierson, Rachel, b. 1800, 10, 4:7

Piloting Assessment Program,

  11, 3:10

Pinney Brothers, 08, 2:9

Pinney, Frank, 86, 2:3

Pinney, Jack Chevrolet Dealership, 09, 1:13

Pinney, Jack, 11, 4:7

Pinney, Jack, Jr., 09, 1:13

Pinson, Tom & Grace, 01, 3:1

Pioneer Days reprint from T.B. Helm, 97, 2:1-4

Pioneer Reminiscences (Harry Leffel), reprint, News-Journal 1940, 98, 4:1-4

Pioneer Trouser  Company, 08, 2:9

Pioneer, Preacher, Abolitionist: Bryant Fannin Brings the Word,

  89, 4:4-6, 15

Piros, R.J. 90, 4:3

Pittman, Robert, Eagle Scout designator, 97, 1:11; 98, 1:12

Pizza Restaurant (East of Chicago), 07, 1:14

Place, Isaac, 10, 4:10; OP 165,

  12, 4:11

Place, Maurice, Elizabeth, 03, 3:5

Place, Maurice, Teaching School, 12, 4:9; 12, 4:12; Underground Railroad, 97, 2:2-4

Place, Mrs. Effie, Mrs. Edmund Berry, 84, 4:1

Place, Wilbur, "Isaac Place: Hunter-Pioneer," Isaac and Miriam (Lindsey), Guilford, 89, 1:6-10; Maurice, 89, 4:6

Plan Memorial Tower & Chapel, News-Journal, 10, 3:12-13

Planing Mill, The,  06, 2:5-6

Plank Road and the $500 bull (Billings), 88, 3:6-9

Plat Map, North Manchester, 86, 4:7

Platt, Cora, 08, 1:7

Play Ball, Long article, 94, 1:1-3

Pleasant Grove School, 85, 3:6

Pleasant Hill Cemetery, 97, 3:13-14


Pleasant Township, one way to find home -- cow hunting, 03, 2:12

Plymouth-Desoto Dealers, 11, 4:7

Poet Biorefining, restoration of 1910 opera curtain, commissioning contemporary opera curtain,

  12, 3:1, 4

Police Force, 06, 2:10-11

Polk Oil Company, 06, 4:9

Pontiac Dealers, 11, 4:7-8

Porter, Jennie, 08, 1:6

Post Office, 07, 2:9;  08, 1:12

Post, Emily, 09, 1:2

Poston, William "Bill", 07, 2:13;

08, 2:8

Pottawatomies, 84, 4:3-8; 87, 3:1-7; earliest settlers, 01, 4:8-9

Pottenger Ford Agency, 07, 3:3; 08, 2:14

Pottenger, Art W., 08, 2:14; 11, 4:6

Pottenger, Lizzie, 96, 1:12; Pottenger, Mrs.  Will, 96, 1:12

Potts, Estella, 08, 1:7

Prairie Lives, 89, 3:1

Prairie Schooner, 10, 2:9

Pratt School, 85, 3:7

Preble County, Ohio, 08, 4:11-13

Preservation Group (Rice House), 04, 1:1-2; 05, 3:3-4; Amber, Russell Blackford purchase, 05, 3:4

Price, John, 87, 1:15

Price, Weidner, Plasterer, 12, 4:9

Prices Advertised, February 1940,

  98, 4:9-10

Priser & George, 06, 2:9

Priser Auto Sales, 06, 2:12; 06, 4:8; 08, 2:14; 11, 4:7

Priser, D.F. family, 96, 2:15

Priser, David, 06, 4:9

Priser, Kenton, 06, 4:8; 08, 2:14;

11, 4:6-7

Priser, Kenton, Priser Chrysler Products, 86, 2:3; Herb, 86, 4:14

Priser's Chrysler Products, 02, 2:2

Produced three videos for sale,

   12, 4:14

Prof. J. Raymond Schulz, 94, 4:7-9; 06, 3:8;  College Club, 98, 2:14; Muir Peace Garden, 98, 3:1-11; roisters damage building, 99, 2:10; President Albaugh resigns, 00, 1:14; Business College, 00, 2:14; Librarians, 03, 3:8; and Manchester School (North Ward), 03, 3:1; 03, 3:6; move for new gym, 05, 1:12-13;  06, 1:3-12; 09, 3:10-11; Communications Building razed, 08, 2:6;  Payroll 1940, 12, 2:2-3; Science Bldg, 08, 2:2

Programs for 2011, 11, 1:14

Programs inspired by Restoration:

  Tinsley, Katherine, Importance of opera houses in small town America, 12, 3:3; Lynn, Dr. Debra, Manchester College students, one-act comic opera, 12, 3:3;

Progressive Dunkard Church, 06, 3:5

Progressives, see First Brethren

Proposal--Organization of a Historical Society, 1887, 08, 4:6

Public School Payroll, 1940, 12, 2:3-4

Public Service Company of Indiana, 07, 2:7

Publication of Diary, 1903, (Lulu Strickler ancestor), 02, 1:1-5

Puff, Deacon, 07, 3:7

Pugh, Tobias, 91, 4:10

Pyramid Oil Company, 08, 3:9

Quality Bakery, 08, 1:14

Quick Islands, 88, 4:7

Quintana, Enrique, 91, 4:12

Quinter, Rev. James, 85, 1:3

Quivey family, Grace Van Studdiford, 97, 1:10; 00, 3:11-12

Quivey, Ralph, 11, 2:6, 8

Quivey, Robert, Maude, Ralph, Grace, Claude, Mary, 86, 4:12

Radabaugh, L.F. Coop Store, 91, 2:3

Radio Electric Theater, 06, 2:7

Raffensbarger, Ella, 94, 4:14

Rager, Cletus, 99, 4:6

Rager, Glenn, 08, 2:11; 09, 1:13;

  11, 4:8

Rager, Howard, 87, 1:7; Laketon Hardware, 03, 4:10


Rager, Laura, 2001 house tour, 02, 1:6; 2003 house tour, 04,1:4-10;

   07, 3:10

Rager, Oliver, 91, 4:9

Rager, S.H. fox chase, 00, 1:7

Rager, William, 97, 3:14

Rager's Motor Sales - Studebaker, 08, 2:11;  09, 1:13

Ragged Jack, 85, 2:13

Railroad Hotel, 07, 3:6

Railroad, see Detroit, Eel River and Illinois; see also Big Four

Railroads & German Baptists, 1886, 08, 4:7

Ramey, W.G., 06, 4:9

Ramond, Owen, 94, 4:13

Ramsey Pantry, The, 08, 4:4

Ramsey, Ruth, Voyle,  08, 4:4

Ramsey's Grocery, 09, 4:8

Ranck, E. William, "The Beef Ring," 86, 3:10-12; "It Was Fun at Grandpa's: the Bakery,"  86, 3:12-13

Ranger, Lorraine Bollinger, 88, 1:7

Ranger, W.J., 02, 4:1

Rank, Marvin, 94, 4:13

Rapp, W.A., 00, 2:6

Rarick, Henry & Catherine, Elizabeth Rarick Heeter, 97, 2;6

Rarick, Jacob W., 94, 4:13

Rarick, Ralph G., Vinna (Harshbarger) step by step progress in building house, names of workers, suppliers, Gladdys Muir Peace Garden, 98, 3:11

Rationing, Ration Book 1, Ration book 2, canned food, meat, national food situation 1943, 99, 3:3-7; see also War

Ray, James M., 87, 3:4

Reahard Farm Implement, 06, 3:13; 08, 1:10

Reahard, Daniel, 87, 1:8; 88, 1:6

Reahard, Rex, "John Deere comes to North Manchester," Catherine and John F., Sarah (Lautzenhiser), Franklin & Ellen (Cripe), Russell "Rick", Rex, Reahard Implement Company, 95, 4:1-7

Reahard, Rex, 06, 3:13

Reahard, Russell, 06, 3:13, 4:11;

08, 1:10

Reber, Bill, 03, 1:3

Recipes: see Buckeye Cookbook

Recollections, Thomas R. Marshall, 92, 4:2

Reconstruction after fire, Lew Russell sold ground to Milt Jennings, P.D. Young, Jesse Tyler, 12:1:10; D. Hamilton rebuilding, 12:1:10

Recreation Room, 08, 1:11

Red Ribbon Ceremony for Miller Farm Equipment, 10, 2:1

Redpath Chautauqua, 09, 3:5-7

Redpath Lyceum Bureau, 09, 3:10

Reed, Bob, 93, 4:4; Nancy, 92, 2:7