Press Release: April 2013, Volunteer Recognition
Sixty volunteers to the North Manchester Historical Society
and North Manchester Center for History were honored at the reception at the
Center for History on April 23.
The volunteers have served as docents,
researchers, program committee members, board members, and in many other
capacities. Those present were
honored for their work in 2012.
The Volunteer of the Year award was given to Steve Batzka.
He is the chief person responsible for furnishings and wall treatments
for the Thomas Marshall Birth House on Market Street.
The house was constructed in 1852, and has been restored to its original
condition. It opened to the public
last summer the first Saturday of each month.
Batzka also serves as a docent there.
Special recognition was also given to
Ferne Baldwin, Evelyn Niswander, and Karl Merritt. Each
received recognition for Lifetime Volunteer Service to the Historical Society.
Merritt has arranged excursions twice a year for Historical Society and
Shepherd Center members for approximately 20 years.
Baldwin served as President of the Society for many years, edited its
newsletter for 11 years, and continues to serve on its board.
She and Niswander have arranged the monthly dinner meetings of the
Society for decades; Niswander also served on the Board and as Secretary.
Both recall keeping the Historical Society going in years when there was
not much interest. Mary Chrastil,
current Historical Society President, thanked them all for laying the foundation
for what the Society has become today.
Volunteers who have accumulated 100 hours of
service received a polo shirt with the North Manchester Center for History logo.
Those achieving this milestone this year were:
Gladys Airgood, Eloise Eberly, Joan Fahs,
David Hippensteel, Mike McKee, Loree Pritchard, Dave Randall, Carolyn Reed,
Nancy Schuler, and Sally Welborn.
Chrastil noted that people volunteer for many
reasons, such as helping others, helping the community, and making North
Manchester a great place to live.
She noted that in 2011 volunteers gave 4,041 volunteer hours to the Center for
History. In 2012 the volunteer
hours increased to 8,894, more than double.
One reason for the increase is that the Center for History increased its
open hours in 2012 from eight per week to thirty three hours per week.
Another increase in volunteer hours has been from the opening of the
Thomas Marshall House.
Chrastil quoted figures from the Independent
Sector, an organization that tracks volunteerism nationally.
Using their guidelines for the value of volunteer hours, she noted that
volunteers gave the equivalent of $88,000 to help the Historical Society in
2011; in 2012 that value translated into $194,000.
The North Manchester Historical Society does
business as the North Manchester Center for History; both are not-for-profits
who depend entirely on volunteer support.
Without volunteers they would not be able to function.

Karl Merritt, Evelyn Niswander and Ferne Baldwin were honored
on April 23 for Lifetime Volunteer Service to the N. Manchester Historical

Steve Batzka receives has award for
2012 Volunteer of the Year from North Manchester Historical Society President
Mary Chrastil.