Press Release


For further information contact Mary Chrastil, 260-982-0672,; or



Historical Society to Present “Girls Sports at Manchester High School”


Long-time Manchester High School teacher and coach Jim Myer will present a program on girls sports at Manchester High School as part of the North Manchester Historical Society’s monthly lecture series.  The program will take place at 6:40 p.m. on Monday, April 14, in the Assembly Room at Timbercrest Senior Living Community, 2201 East Street.


The program will focus primarily on girls basketball, which Myer coached for 9 years.  He also coached girls golf for 20 years, with shorter stretches as coach for football and boys and girls tennis.  A few questions that will be answered are:  What is the most number of points scored by 2 teams in one game?  What is the most number of 3 point shots in one game?  What is the MHS’s winning percentage against county teams?  Against conference teams?  Who holds the record for the most number of points scored in one game by an individual?


Myer retired from MHS in 2013, where he taught chemistry and physics for 46 years.  He was inducted into the Manchester Jr.-Sr. High Athletic Hall of Fame this February.  Besides his coaching duties, Myer served for 30 years as a helper for the MHS Cross Country Invitational and the Basketball Scorebook, and 40 years manning the football clock. 


The public is also invited to come to the Assembly Room at 6 p.m. for a meal prior to the program.  For those who wish to attend the dinner, reservations must be made no later than noon on Friday, April 11.  The cost of the meal is $8.50, $3.50 for those on the Timbercrest meal plan.  Reservations may be made by calling Evelyn at 260-982-6777, Mary at 260-982-1813 or the Center for History at 260-982-0672.  There is no cost for the program, which is free to the public.  All are welcome.