You’re Invited

to a Special Joint Program with Indiana Landmarks


May is National Preservation Month, and this year members of the North Manchester Historical Society and members of Indiana Landmarks are invited to a program celebrating their collaboration on renovation projects in North Manchester.


On Tuesday, May 13, Paul Hayden of Indiana Landmarks will tell us about “Historic Exterior Paint Colors” at 6:30 at the Center for History.  At 7:15, attendees can consult individually with Mr. Hayden, or go on to tour the two homes currently being renovated. 


The Historic Homes Preservation Group (HHPG) of the NMHS has been renovating homes in North Manchester for the past several years.  They have renovated and sold 6 buildings, and currently own two homes under construction.  The one at 404 W. 2nd Street is close to completion, and one at 110 N. Mill Street has been unoccupied for several years and is still in rough shape.


Indiana Landmarks is the state-wide organization that promotes the preservation of historic homes, businesses, neighborhoods, bridges and other structures. Through a partnership with the Efroymson Family Endangered Places Loan Fund, Indiana Landmarks has provided loans to the HHPG to cover renovation costs for two properties.  The loans are interest-free for a year;  HHPG has repaid its first loan (in record time!) and will repay the second as soon as the 2nd Street property is completed and sold.


We are delighted that expert Paul Hayden will be part of the program (an excellent speaker for a town with so many lovely Victorian homes) and think you will enjoy seeing the two current renovation projects.