The author uses Theodore Dreiser's observations in
North Manchester as a springboard to do further research on
"Tent Chautauqua" in North Manchester. See NMHS
Newsletter issues, May 2009 and August 2009.
PART TWO (1915)
By John Knarr
On Monday, June 21, 1915, Vice President Thomas Riley
Marshall, who was born in North Manchester, dedicated a new
stretch of the Lincoln Highway in northeastern Indiana.
Arches with lights had been erected in Fort Wayne at the
city limits marking the corridor. Signs on the high arches
proclaimed the population of Fort Wayne to be 80,000. [See
The Lincoln Highway Across Indiana, 2009] According to the
local newspaper, "The city was gaily decorated with flags
and bunting and the American flag waved from every public
building." [Fort Wayne News Sentinel, June 21, 1915] 769
decorated cars, not including motorcycles and bicycles, were
in a long parade. The famous Black Horse troop of Culver
Military academy made an appearance. V.P. Marshall rode with
his wife in the parade and it was reported, "all along he
was given a tremendous ovation." The route of the parade was
through the city of Fort Wayne, from Swinney Park to New
Haven over the Lincoln Highway. Marshall then delivered the
principal address on the campus of Concordia College, with
Judge Olds (Marshall's friend and former law firm mentor )
presiding. Marshall then paid tribute to the memory of
Abraham Lincoln, declaring that a more appropriate name for
the highway dedicated could not have been selected. [Fort
Wayne News Sentinel, June 22, 1915] The vision of a
transcontinental highway had been promoted by Carl Fisher,
the co-founder of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. [Barbara
Quigley, "Going West -- The 1913 Indiana-Pacific Automobile
Manufacturers Association Tour," Traces of Indiana and
Midwestern History (Winter 2006), p. 23] In the parade,
Fisher had ridden in the first automobile and Marshall and
wife Lois in the sixth car.
In all likelihood, Theodore Dreiser and his traveling
companions from New York City passed through the above
mentioned arches almost two months later in the summer of
1915. Rather than follow the early path of the Lincoln
Highway along what today is U.S. 33 in the direction of
South Bend, Dreiser and Franklin Booth headed for Warsaw,
and later North Manchester. As mentioned in Dreiser's A
HOOSIER HOLIDAY, some of his mother's Snep relatives lived
just north of North Manchester. [See NMHS Newsletter, Feb
2009.] Uncle Martin Fruitt and wife (sister to Dreiser's
mother) are buried just outside Liberty Mills. Martin had
died in 1899; Dreiser's aunt died in 1907. Uncle Martin's
brother Christian Fruitt died August 18, 1914. Christian's
wife Frances (Snell) died during Chautauqua Week on August
21, 1915, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Cripe.
While Dreiser did not elaborate on some family
connections in his writing, he did attempt a somewhat
colorful description on several pages in A HOOSIER HOLIDAY
of some encounters he had while passing through North
Encounter 1—Dreiser, pages 339-340: "To the curb in front
of another grocery store as I was coming back to the hotel
[Sheller]drew up a small, rickety buggy—so dilapidated and
antique, scarcely worthy or safe to be hauled about rough
country roads any longer. In it were "my Grandfather Squeers"—jackknife
legs and all—and his wife, a most spare and crotchety
female, in a very plain black dress, so inexpensive, a grey
linseywoolsey shawl and a grey poke bonnet. She looked so
set and fixed and yet humanly interesting in her way."
Dreiser and James Whitcomb Riley. Dreiser had a fondness
for Riley's poetry, but Riley never reciprocated an
admiration for Dreiser's writings. More than once, Dreiser
talked with regret that Riley did not regard highly his own
(Dreiser's) works. Dreiser's characterization of
"Grandfather Squeers" on the streets of North Manchester of
course recalled Riley's poem with that title:
"He still chewed a dime's worth six days of the week,
While the seventh he passed with a chew in each cheek….He
was fond of tobacco in manifold ways, And would sit on the
door-step of sunshiny days, And smoke leaf-tobacco he'd
raised strictly for The pipe he'd used all through the
Mexican War….No Old Settlers' Meeting, or Pioneers' Fair,
Was complete without grandfather Squeers in the chair, To
lead off the program by telling folks how He used to shoot
deer where the Court-house stands now'—How he felt, of a
truth, to live over the past, When the country was wild and
unbroken and vast, That the little log cabin was just plenty
fine For Himself, his companion, and fambly of nine!"
Encounter 2--Dreiser, page 339: "As I went up the street
this early morning with my letters I encountered an old man,
evidently a citizen of importance—present or past—being led
down by his daughter (I took her to be). …He was blind, and
yet quite an impressive figure, large, protuberant as to
stomach, a Henry Ward Beecher, long, snow white hair, a silk
hat, a swinging cutaway coat of broadcloth, a pleated
soft-bosomed shirt ornamented with a black string tie, and
an ivory-headed cane. Under his arm were papers and books.
His sightless eyes were fixed on nothing—straight ahead. To
me he looked like a lawyer or judge or congressman or
politician—a local big-wig of some kind yet stricken in this
most pathetic of all ways. The girl who was with him was so
intent on his welfare. She was his eyes, his ears, his
voice, really. …'Who is that man?', I asked of a grocer
clerk putting out a barrel of potatoes. `That? Oh that's
Judge Shellenberger—or he was judge. He's a lawyer now for
the Monon, a railroad that runs through here. He used to be
judge of the circuit court.' …Life is so full of great
tales—every life in its way a masterpiece if seen in its
entirety and against the vast background of life itself."
Dreiser Dissected. The author is obviously mistaken when
he references the Monon as a railroad running through North
Manchester. In 1915 the Vandalia and Big 4 Railroads, not
the Monon, passed through North Manchester. "Monon" was a
word used by the Potawatomi Indians to mean "to carry" or
"to run swiftly", but the Monon railway was no where close
to our community. Railroad historians inform us that the
Monon rail lines linked Louisville, New Albany, Bedford,
French Lick, Indianapolis, Delphi, Monticello, Rensselaer
and Chicago. Consequently the Monon connected several of the
state's colleges: Saint Joseph in Rensselaer, Purdue
University in West Lafayette, Wabash College in
Crawfordsville, DePauw in Greencastle, I.U. in Bloomington,
Butler in Indianapolis, but Manchester College was certainly
not in that loop! [see Barbara Quigley, "The Monon Railroad
-- 124 Years on the Hoosier Line," Traces of Indiana and
Midwestern History (Spring, 2007); also David E. Longest,
The Monon Railroad in Southern Indiana (2008).]
Dreiser's penchant for developing composite characters
contributes to creative, yet fictitious history. There was
no Shellenberger who was a local "bigwig" or member of the
bar at that time in Indiana. [See Courts and Lawyers of
Indiana, 1916] He perhaps did encounter sightless John
Ridgley who was a local Civil War vet, aided by his daughter
Audrey Henney. In any event, it seems odd that Dreiser chose
to couple a sightless person with an armload of papers and
Dreiser had arrived just before Chautauqua Week was to
start in our town. As a featured Chautauqua speaker,
silver-haired Ashton C. Shallenberger had been shown in
prominent photographs in the local newspaper, North
Manchester Journal (July 22 and August 12, 1915). In the
photos, Shallenberger fit Dreiser's sketch of the described
person, "quite an impressive figure, large, protuberant as
to stomach, a Henry Ward Beecher, long, snow white hair…and
an ivory-headed cane." But Ashton C. Shallenberger was not
blind! There was a noted blind speaker on the Chautauqua
circuit that summer, namely Congressman Gore from Oklahoma.
But Shallenberger was the one speaking in North Manchester,
not Gore. Ashton C. Shallenberger was then Congressman from
Nebraska. In 1908 he had been elected governor of Nebraska
receiving a majority nearly double that of William Jennings
Bryan. Shallenberger was the only Democrat ever elected from
his district to the U.S. Congress, and the second Democratic
governor of Nebraska. He was a noted orator, and had a knack
for getting the crowd with his first amusing story. He also
appealed to farmers because he supported the first rural
credits bill.
Dreiser's composite characterization was a creative
literary device. As readers (or residents of North
Manchester) we should not treat such as actual history.
Interestingly, a recent email that I received (March 18,
2009) from Nancy Masten, Archivist at the Miami County
Museum, appears to corroborate this very point: "I recently
found that he [Dreiser] had written a book about his
favorite people, and the first person he wrote about in the
book was my great, great grandfather, Dr. Amos Woolley. He
used a different name in the book for him, as he
incorporated another doctor in the story….Amos left Miami
County after the death of his wife, went on to Warsaw and
married again two times." Others have also observed that
Dreiser, in creating his characters often altered some basic
facts and misrepresented the real person(s). Consequently
there can be a lot of confusion between fact and fiction
when sections of Dreiser's book are incorporated into local
historical narrative. [See Tammy S. Ayer, "The Lake-Theodore
Dreiser's Journey to An American Tragedy," Traces of Indiana
and Midwestern History (Summer 2007), pp. 53-55.]
Editor's Note: Dreiser wrote a sketch about his own
generous and kind family physician, Dr. Amos Woolley of
Warsaw, IN. The sketch was a composite based on the lives of
two different physicians, and the subject was given the
fictitious name of Dr. Gridley. The Dreiser family had moved
to Warsaw in 1884; Theodore was then 13 years of age. The
Dreisers stayed in Warsaw for three years and then moved to
Chicago. Dr. Woolley was their family physician while in
Warsaw. In 1884 Dr. Woolley was 55 years old and had been
practicing medicine in Warsaw for fifteen years. In
Dreiser's sketch, "The Country Doctor", there is the
anecdote where the doctor prescribes an unusual remedy for
Dreiser's ill father that cost nothing and that resulted in
an apparent cure for his father's gall-stone
malady—amber-colored tea brewed from fresh peach sprigs.
Also described is the doctor's medical assistance for one of
Dreiser's sisters, and the doctor's willingness to make
house calls in the middle of the night. [See A Theodore
Dreiser Encyclopedia, ed. Keith Newlin, 2003, pp. 73-74;
also "The Country Doctor," Harper's Monthly, July 1918, pp.
(To be continued—Part III to cover Dreiser's observations
on the 1915 Chautauqua events in North Manchester)
Newsletter of the North Manchester
Historical Society, Inc.
Volume XXVI Number 3 August 2009
By John Knarr
In correspondence sent to the Chautauqua booking agency,
dated January 9, 1915, A.L. Ulrey, Superintendent of the
North Manchester Public Schools, and Secretary of the local
Chautauqua Committee, requested that the seven-day
Chautauqua in North Manchester be scheduled after the date
set for the Wabash Chautauqua (August 8-15). Ulrey also
requested that the closing date not be later than August 29
on account of the number potentially drawn from the College,
and also on account of Teacher's Institute which came the
following week and "of course would deprive us of a lot of
people."1 Chautauqua Week in North Manchester in 1915 was
consequently scheduled for the week of August 19-26.
Theodore Dreiser had come to town just prior to the start of
the events, and banners and posters all over town were
promoting this popular cultural event. [See Newsletter, May
2009; Dreiser, A HOOSIER HOLIDAY.] Dreiser made the
following observations in his autobiographical account:
Page 341: These streets of North Manchester were hung
with those same triangular banners—red, white, blue, green,
pink, orange—which we had seen in the East and which
announced the imminence of a local Chautauqua. …In the store
windows were quite striking pictures of Stromboli, the
celebrated band leader, a chrysanthemum haired, thin bodied
Italian in a braided white suit….And adjoining him in every
window was the picture of Madame Adelina Scherzo, the
celebrated soprano prima donna straight from the
Metropolitan Opera House, New York.
Page 342: Madame Scherzo was in black velvet, with bare
arms, shoulders and throat, an entrancing sight. She was
rather pretty too, and a line under the picture made it
clear that she was costing the management "$800.00 a day," a
charge which interested me, considering the size of the town
and county and the probable audiences which could be got out
to see anything.
While Dreiser was buying some picture cards at the local
bookstore, he learned that a tent was brought for these
Chautauqua entertainments. The good-sized tent could hold or
seat about fifteen hundred people. The seats were running
fifteen, twenty-five, thirty-five and fifty cents. "A
thousand is a good crowd for a fair night," he was informed.
Moreover, they played to two audiences a day.2
The Chautauqua Program. The traveling Chautauqua was a
new kind of show business, blending education and
entertainment.3 The seven-day program was promoted and
printed in the North Manchester Journal (July 22, 1915):
Drama Night: William Owen and cast in a modern play, "The
Servant in the House."
Health and Happiness Day: Lectures by Dr. Charles E.
Barker, who was physical adviser to President Taft during
his administration in Washington.
Band Day: Francesco Pallaria, dynamic, dramatic and
spectacular director and his band.
Popular Science Night: Wrestling gyroscope, monorail car
in action, handwriting on the wall by ultra-violet rays. A
thrill and surprise every minute.
Patriotic Day [August 25]: Ex-Governor Shallenberger of
Nebraska, newly elected member of Congress, in a great
address on "political Patriotism."
Joy Night: Rollicking fun, music and enthusiasm. Don't
miss this feature.
Alice Nielsen Day [August 26]: Recital by Prima Donna
Soprano of the Metropolitan and Boston Opera Companies.
Greatest musical feature ever announced on a Chautauqua
The play, "The Servant in the House", had just been
introduced in the 1915 Chautauqua circuit. This play was
first produced in 1908 and had been a long-run hit on
Broadway. William Owen was the leading man in the wholesome
Chautauqua drama; he was twenty-three years of age. Owen and
the other actors were acclaimed and seasoned actors; Owen
had established a reputation playing Mephistopheles in Faust
on the Great White Way. Written by Charles Rann Kennedy,
this play was known as a modern morality play in five acts,
Stressing wholesome values, humility and the love of a
father for his child, the play's words and themes did not
upset or undermine the values of the Chautauqua belt,
including those of North Manchester.
There were never very many athletes represented in the
Chautauqua troupes which travelled the country. A fast
runner once talked on the subject of The Spirit of
Sportsmanship. Baseball owner Branch Rickey on one occasion
covered Business and Baseball. "Farmer" Burns, former
heavyweight champion wrestler of the world, gave talks on
good health and clean living. John L. Sullivan, the former
heavyweight boxing champion spoke on Temperance. Such
celebrity appearances took place in other communities. Here
in North Manchester in 1915 Dr. Charles Barker, a former
gymnast, showed up and reportedly could jump over a pile of
chairs on the stage. Barker went on to demonstrate with
exercises, dumbbells and chairs what he had prescribed as
physical adviser for President Taft to lose weight!
Musical Entertainment. Besides educational programs,
drama productions, speechmaking, orations [For information
on A.C. Shallenberger, see the May 2009 issue of the
Newsletter.], elocutionists, the Chautauqua programs always
included popular musical groups, bands and singers. Local
amateur talent was seldom tapped, so as to ensure a
professional and higher quality show. Dreiser playfully
described Alice Nielsen as "Madame Adelina Scherzo" and the
popular band leader Francesco Pallaria as "Stromboli…thin
bodied Italian in a braided white suit." Stromboli probably
was a reference to an Italian volcano with energetic motion.
In 1907 and again in 1912 the Italian volcano Stromboli had
erupted north of Sicily. The well-known Bohumir Kryl Band
had played during the previous summer in the 1914 local
Chautauqua. As for
Madame Adelina Scherzo, the name was possibly another
playful Dreiser reference to the remarkable musical talents
of this singer. "Sweet Adeline" was a popular tune (1903)
shortly after Dreiser placed lyrics to his brother Paul's
music (1897) "On The Banks of the Wabash."
The parents of Alice Nielsen had met in South Bend,
Indiana when her mother Sara Kilroy was studying music at
St. Mary's College. Born in Nashville, TN, on the seventh
day of the month, the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter
(as she liked to recall when interviewed), Alice Nielsen
became a Broadway musical star around the turn of the
century, eclipsing her friend Lillian Russell. She studied
opera, made her grand-opera debut in Naples (Italy), sang
opposite Caruso in London, and debuted in major American
cities, including Boston and New York City. Nielsen then
began participating in the popular Chautauqua tours, singing
to more people than could be gathered in an opera house.
Wikipedia: "These outdoor concerts took place under a big
tent, moving from town-to-town by rail. The circuit ranged
from Florida to Chicago. Nielsen was the highest-paid
performer on the circuit. The week-long Redpath Chautauqua
series closed in each town with Alice Nielsen Day." James
Redpath was the successful agent, originator and promoter of
the lyceum-lecture bureau that paved the way for the genesis
of traveling Chautauqua. And Redpath's name was bequeathed
to the Chautauqua tent circuits. So the banners in North
Manchester proclaimed "Redpath-Chautauqua" week. It was
written of this lyric soprano, America's queen of song, "To
hear her soar in the upper register of sympathetic, clear,
interpretive tone, that reaches the heart as well as pleases
the critical ear, is an experience not to be forgotten." 4
Communities were required to guarantee a large number of
ticket sales to assure that the show would come to town.
According to the memoir of someone who was involved
financially with the 1915 Chautauqua tour: "Sending Miss
Nielsen on the kind of tour we did was big business for us
and hard, weary business for her. In one hundred and
eighteen days the dark-haired soprano from the Metropolitan
and Boston Opera companies, travelling with her own piano in
her own private [railroad] car, sang one hundred and
eighteen consecutive concerts in one hundred and eighteen
packet tents, in the most pretentious musical effort any
circuit ever had attempted….Alice Nielsen received the
highest salary ever paid up till then in the tents, a
whopping fifteen hundred dollars a week, plus expenses. The
private car made her daily life a bit easier though even a
plush private car, standing all day in a smoky Chattanooga
railroad yard (those were the days when air-conditioning had
not yet been dreamt of) left something to be desired." 5
Nielsen's tour in 1915 was given the widest publicity.
Photographs 18 x 30 inches, framed and under glass, were
displayed in ten conspicuous places in each city. Also
displayed were posters and automobile pennants bearing the
words "Redpath Chautauqua, Alice Nielsen Day." With much
fanfare, on August 26, 1915, Nielsen performed on stage
under the big tent in North Manchester. She had signed on
February 11, 1915, a contract with Redpath Chautauquas for a
period of 20 weeks of performances. She agreed to furnish an
accompanist and violinist, and to give six full programs a
week of not less than one hour and thirty minutes each. Miss
Nielsen received a total of $30,000.00 for the 20 weeks,
being paid in weekly installments of $1500.00. Redpath also
agreed to pay Nielsen one-half of the single admission fees
charged for her performances (once the initial $30,000 was
recovered from the admissions for her concerts in the
scheduled 118 towns and cities). Nielsen's expenses for the
1915 Chautauqua season included: $5000.00 rental on a
private railway car; $400.00 for maid; $2000.00 for
assisting artists; $2000.00 for manager of her tour;
$4425.00 for Redpath commissions on summer bookings.6 The
day before Nielsen performed in North Manchester, she had
sung in Waukegon, Illinois; the following day she found
herself in Logansport. During the summer of 1915, Alice
Nielsen performed in 25 different Indiana communities. This
peripatetic, prima donna soprano, traveling in her private
railway car, also performed in other states on the circuit:
Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, North and
South Carolina, Illinois, Michigan.7
1915 Contract between Redpath Chautauqua and North
Manchester. Those who signed the contract for North
Manchester agreed "To subscribe and pay for seventeen
hundred and fifty dollars ($1750.00) worth of season tickets
of admission to said Chautauqua Assembly at two dollars and
fifty cents ($2.50) per ticket, on or before one day prior
to the opening of the Chautauqua Assembly." The season
ticket enabled the purchaser to attend any or all the
sessions. Tickets for children between the ages of six and
fourteen could be sold for one dollar and fifty cents
($1.50) each. Without the season pass, one could pay
admission for single events, as had been mentioned by
North Manchester's guarantors (leading citizens and town
boosters) for the seven-day Chautauqua in 1915 who signed
the binding written contract included: Geo. Burdge, Isaac
Oppenheim, Geo. L. Shoemaker, A.C. Wolfe, A.L. Ulrey, H.
Kinny, J.C. Bonner, Calvin Ulrey, A.I. Urschel, J.B.
Williams, Chas. Wright, S.S. Gump, C.E. Sexton, Mel
Blickenstaff, C.M. Comer, Dr. W.H. Shaffer, Geo. D.
Balsbaugh MD, W.M. Jennings, Ira E. Perry, Daniel Sheller,
A.B. Babcock, Geo. B. Frame, Charles B. Frame, W.H.
Ballenger, E.A. Ebbinghous, H.B. Sheller, W.E. Billings,
J.W. Domer, J.D. Lautzenhiser, Geo. D. Garber, Frank Humbert,
R.A. Schoolcraft, M.F. Adams, Emma G. Holloway, Paul M.
Browne, J. A. Browne, A.B. Thomas, C.F. Kraning, Otho
Winger, L.D. Ikenberry, C.H. Olinger, John H. Winesburg, Ira
Mummert, J.B. Lockwood, Thurle Little, F.P. Freeman, C.M.
Walters, F.B. Sorg.8
According to Redpath Chautauqua's financial records, the
total ticket sales in North Manchester for August 19-26,
1915, were $2268.10, including advance season tickets of
$1750.00 and single tickets totaling $518.10. The original
signed contracts and financial records are located in the
Archives at the University of Iowa, Iowa City. During the
month of August in 2009, ninety-four years after Theodore
Dreiser's visit to our town, my wife and I were privileged
to view and research the nearly 700 linear feet of
Chautauqua Circuit files, the nation's largest collection of
its kind. These records include the office files of the
commercial lecture bureau and booking agency for Chautauqua
and Lyceums throughout the U.S. and parts of Canada. The
Redpath Chautauqua Collection in the Special Collections
Department, University of Iowa Libraries (Iowa City)
consists of talent files, correspondence, contracts,
publicity brochures, advertising flyers, business files,
location files with materials about sponsoring cities and
towns;, photographs, daybooks and cash books, reports by
platform superintendents and advance men; etc.
Chautauqua's Roots. The Chautauqua experience had
developed from the Lyceum movement of the nineteenth
century. The first Chautauqua Assembly was held in western
New York in 1874. President Grant was present for the second
Assembly in 1875, and his presence gave impetus to ensuring
prominence for the Chautauqua movement. In 1876 the
Chautauquan, a monthly magazine, was established.
Chautauqua's founders believed that education must be
exalted: "The whole of life is a school. …Education, once
the peculiar privilege of the few, must become a valued
possession of the many."9 The North Manchester Journal (July
22, 1915), as reprinted from the Merchants' Trade Journal
(Des Moines, Iowa): "…The original idea of the Chautauqua
movement was to bring noted teachers, men and women who have
accomplished things into the community where the people
might receive teaching and inspiration from them first hand.
But this movement has grown until now our Chautauqua has
become the great American forum, where the public meets to
hear discussed problems and questions of moment. It has
become a place where the reformer, the politician, the
educator, finds open minds to receive his teaching and
Even though Methodists founded the Chautauqua movement,
nondenominationalism or what William Jennings Bryan once
called "a sane catholicity"10 was a striking characteristic
of the Chautauqua platform and the operative principle in
its development. Bryan appeared on more than three thousancd
Chautauqua programs and was paid up to $25,000 per season.
In some ways, the movement served as a secular extension of
the earlier religious camp-meetings. "Saving souls",
unreasonable sectariansim and razzle-dazzle evangelism were
not identified with Chautauqua. On the Chautauqua circuit,
the citizens were not urged to "walk down the sawdust trail"
in a tent. Billy Sunday's evangelistic tours were
independent of Redpath-Chautauqua booking.
Stimulating the mind was ultimately Chautauqua's secular
function, offering exposure to education, the arts, music,
poetry, recitations, the latest developments in the
sciences, politics, travelogues, the world of ideas,
patriotism, peace and social issues such as suffrage,
temperance and prohibition, child labor, racial and economic
divides. President Theodore Roosevelt once called the
Chautauqua "the most American thing in America." William
Jennings Bryan considered Chautauqua as a "potent human
factor in molding the mind of the nation." The Chautauqua
movement combined education with entertainment in the form
of concerts, plays, lectures usually held in a large outdoor
tent. Americans were thirsty for culture, hungry for
information, and looking to be entertained. They wanted
edification, they wanted to be uplifted, they wanted to
laugh, they wanted to be festive. Moreover, the merchants
welcomed the crowds! Chautauqua was a much anticipated
annual summertime event in communities such as North
Manchester, and the local newspaper always promoted the
event several weeks in advance.
The Big Canvas Tent. The large brown tent was erected
usually on the grounds (northwest corner) of the Central
School. An exception was made in 1922 and 1923 while a new
building was being constructed. The grounds chosen in 1925
was land owned by U.R. Young, southeast of Bond and Third
Streets. The Chautauqua tent was made of heavy duty brown
canvas material. The tent size was 70' x 140'. Since the
stakes extended 10 feet on the sides beyond the tent, the
minimum lot size needed was 90' x 160'. When it was
impossible to get everybody into the tent, the canvas sides
could be rolled up and hundreds more sat outside. In raising
the tent in the outdoors, the people no longer were confined
to a church building, the Knights of Pythias hall on Walnut
Street or the opera house on Main Street. The stage was set
outdoors under the "big top" canvas.
The extensive railroad system facilitated the transport
of Chautauqua troupes and Chautauqua ideas from state to
state, town to town. The traveling Chautauqua circuit had
commenced in 1904 in Iowa under the business tutelage and
management of Redpath's successor Keith Vawter. These
records for the traveling circuit were eventually bequeathed
to the University of Iowa.
The circuit Chautauquas and their booking agencies were
independent of the Chautauqua Institution on Lake Chautauqua
in western New York. As I was delving (July 13, 2009) into
the research files at the Oliver Archives Center on the
beautiful grounds of the Chautauqua Institution, Jon
Schmitz, the archivist, pointed out that a split had
developed between the two in their respective approaches or
emphases. Those associated with the parent Chautauqua
Institution often considered themselves more urbane,
articulate and cerebral, while frequently viewing several of
the circuit performers as "bumpkin entertainers."
I did find relevant research materials in the McClarran
Collection (Box 463) along with an unpublished manuscript
having excellent information on the Hoosier "tent
chautauquas". Interestingly, I discovered typed
correspondence by Liegh Freed recalling his memories of
seeing Edgar Bergen and a "chalk talk" at one of the
Chautauquas in North Manchester circa 1923 when he attended
Manchester College.11
Vice-President Thomas Riley Marshall occasionally
expressed favorable sentiments toward Chautauquas—"There is
no place where more good can be done to the government and
to the cause than upon the chautauquan platform. …The people
who need information will be there, and more and more as the
years go by, persons who can get it are availing themselves
of that avenue."12 On one occasion, local conservative
values and a high moral tone were reflected in Otho Winger's
written protest (December 2, 1921) to the Chautauqua booking
agency when some female performers appeared on stage in
North Manchester in "décolleté" (strapless, low-cut)
dresses. President Winger's correspondence on college
stationery is at the archives of the University of Iowa.13
As a side note, in the 1920s the College frequently
contracted with the Redpath Lyceum Bureau to schedule
speakers, performers and productions to be held on campus.
Vice President Marshall augmented his own governmental
salary by being under contract to Redpath. It was reported
in the North Manchester Journal (August 27, 1914) that
Marshall's fee for a single speaking engagement was $300.00.
A later contract called for 24 lectures, November 2-December
2, 1920. Marshall received $250.00 plus expenses for each
The political orator A.C. Shallenberger's contract with
Redpath in 1915 called for seven lectures per week for
eighteen weeks. Shallenberger received $250.00 per week plus
expenses for railroad transportation and hotels. According
to Redpath's business records, Shallenberger earned $4554.98
for the 1915 summer Chautauqua season.15
The annual traveling Chautauqua appeared in North
Manchester continuously from 1913 to 1930. The 1913
inaugural season was booked with the Lincoln Chautauqua
group; for the other years, the booking agency used by the
town was the bigger Redpath-Chautauqua agency in Chicago.
The seven-day events were usually held during the latter
part of July or August. With just a couple of exceptions,
the large Chautauqua tent was located east of Market Street
on the northwest portion of the Central school ground and
just south of the railroad track. Rain, leaky tents and
trains would sometimes ruin performances. The reports to the
Redpath Bureau by the platform superintendents suggested
that the tent was near the railway tracks and could be "very
disturbing at night account of shifting cars etc." [August
4, 1923 report]
The Chautauqua folks often competed with the scheduling
of the local North Manchester Fair and Exposition. Whenever
there was a scheduling overlap, attendance at the Chautauqua
events was adversely impacted. Other reports suggested that
the size of North Manchester (about 3000 people) was rather
small for a Seven-Day Circuit.16 Moreover, the farmers were
often too busy during July and August. Blocks of "industrial
tickets" were sold at discount to factories and business
establishments. There was some concern expressed that
Manchester College's calendar could conflict with
Chautauqua. It was felt that the college student body
boosted admissions. If students were absent due to the
closing date for the summer school at the College or if
students were just starting their classes at the College,
Chautauqua attendance would likely suffer. Dr. E.J. Cripe,
chairman of the local Chautauqua committe, estimated in 1924
that the college student body "furnishes us with one third
of our support."17
In 1918, World War I notwithstanding, Rev. George
Beiswonger of the Zion Lutheran Church observed, "Over 400
autos were in this town at one time last Saturday
evening."18 Ten years later, though, deficits ensued and
enthusiasm ebbed. The platform superintendent made the point
that the contract was going to be difficult to get with the
town: "Tickets (season) have been sold here, at reduced
rates. Thus, weakening the Chautauqua spirit—It will be a
miracle if we rebook." Jerry Johnson, the Chautuaqua
superintendent, did remark in his written report (July 18,
1928): "This is a fine cultured community and a delight it
is to be here." The 1927 superintendent, C.B. Sullenger,
commented in 1927 that North Manchester was "a nice little
Chautauqua town." Chautauqua's Advance Man (Harry Gordon) in
1927 had this to say about North Manchester: "The town is a
good one, full of good people. All indications would suggest
this town the best small town in the state. No empty stores,
and no one complaining of hard times—The College must be
worked hard owing to fact they are going to charge them 3.00
same as others."19
Demise of the Cultural Caravan. The 1920s represented the
zenith in tent chautauqua's popularity. In 1921 the
Chautauqua caravans visited 9,875 towns! Audiences in 45
states totaling 45 million people were exposed and
stimulated by this cultural phenomenon. But its popularity
waned in the late 1920s. In his letter dated August 8, 1928,
Otho Winger commented, "The attendance was not so good this
year…." As a guarantor Winger had to pay "about $15.00."
Over the years, this college president was a leading
supporter of Chautauquas, and indicated, "…I am very much
interested in the work. I think it is splendid that these
good programs can be brought to the people."20
Tent chautauquas finally lost their luster. Financial
underwriting was a challenge. It became increasingly
difficult to maintain a high level of quality in the talent
pool. Too many tents contributed to a shallow talent pool!
The Cultural Caravan fell victim to the Great Depression and
other competing attractions such as the automobile, radio,
Hollywood and the movies. School associations drained
Chautauqua-type talent when they started to send speakers,
artists and performers into the primary and secondary
schools. The Chautauqua Cultural Caravan was challenged by
the fierce economic downturn in the 1930s, and also by new
technologies, new organizations and changing interests.
Researching Chautauqua. It was reported in the North
Manchester Journal (July 30, 1914) that postal card views of
Chautauqua were distributed along with a liberal supply of
banners, pennants, window cards and programs. I have not yet
found postcards or photographs of the local annual
chautauquas. The Center for History has been given some
Chautauqua ephemera in scrapbooks (from the collections of
Liegh and Florence Freed) including a few original printed
programs. Please notify the Center should you happen to know
where other items exist pertaining to the Chautauqua
phenomenon, including photographs, sketches or other artwork
of the Chautauqua tent, trains, banners, posters,
performers, audience and festive crowds in North Manchester
during the period of 1913-1930. Uncovering additional
details from diaries, written correspondence, or first-hand
memories would also be greatly appreciated!
1 Ulrey's letter, January 9, 1915, in Redpath Chautauqua
Collection, Special Collections Department, University of
Iowa Libraries, Iowa City.
2 See Dreiser, A Hoosier Holiday, Chapter 42, "In the
Chautauqua Belt."
3 James R. Schultz, The Romance of Small-Town Chautauquas,
4 Guy Templeton, "The People's Prima Donna" in Redpath
Chautauqua Collection.
5 Harry P. Harrison, as Told to Karl Detzer, Culture
Under Canvas
—The Story of Tent Chautauqua, Hastings House, 1958.
6 Redpath correspondence, July 22, 1916, in Redpath
Chautauqua Collection.
7 Alice Nielsen's contract, 1915 photograph of her on
steps of private Pullman car and itineraries in Redpath
Chautauqua Collection.
8 Town contract with original signatures in Redpath
Chautauqua Collection. Contracts between the town of North
Manchester and Redpath Chautauquas were found in the
archives/special collections of the University of Iowa for
the following years: 1914, 1915, 1918, 1922, 1923, 1924,
1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929.
9 John Heyl Vincent, The Chautauqua Movement, 1881.
10 W.J. Bryan, "The Nation-Wide Chautauqua," The
Independent, July 6, 1914.
11 McClarran Collection, Box 463, Oliver Archives Center,
Chautauqua Institution, New York.
12 North Manchester News, July 11 and 18, 1918.
13 Letter, December 2, 1921, in Redpath Chautauqua
14 Redpath Chautauqua Collection.
15 Redpath Chautauqua Collection.
16 South Whitley hosted five-day tent chautauquas for
several years.
17 Redpath Chautauqua Collection.
18 Letter, July 2, 1918, in Redpath Chautauqua
19 Gordon's Report in Redpath Chautauqua Collection.
20 Letter, August 8, 1928, in Redpath Chautauqua
