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Source: NMHS Newsletter Nov 2002
Turtle, the Great Eel River Chief
One of the first references
in American history to the Miamis is a treaty
made by them and other Indians with the English
at Lancaster, Pa. in 1748. One of the chiefs to
sign that treaty was Aquenackque whose home was
on the Eel. In 1760 this Eel River chief and
others had a conference with Gen. George
Washington at Philadelphia. Some say that
Aquenackque was part French and that he married
a Mohican squaw. Others declare that both he and
his wife were full-blooded Miamis. Tradition
says that Aquenackque won his fame and
leadership among the Indians by his bravery in
the war with the Iroquois. When that fierce
tribe from the east made war upon the Miamis of
the west and had all but driven them from their
homes, it was Aquenackque who planned an ambush
of the enemy and so decisively defeated them
that they came no more on their marauding
Here on the bend of Eel
River, the Kenapocomoco, Aquenackque raised a
remarkable family. Me-she-kin-no-quah, the
Little Turtle was born here in 1751. Aquenackque
had a number of daughters. One of these,
Tacumwah, became the wife of the French trader,
Joseph. Richardville and the mother of the
famous chief, John B. Richardville.
We do not know the exact date
of the death of Aquenackque nor when Little
Turtle was recognized as chief of the Miamis.
Inheritance alone would not have made him chief.
Some great deed of valor must commend him to
this position. This he performed in the defeat
of La Balme in 1780 described in a previous
issue of this Newsletter. This
battle brought the Eel River
Indians into a determined conflict with the
Americans who after the end of the Revolutionary
war were moving in great numbers to the
Northwest. Little Turtle and all Indians began
to see what the inroads of the whites would
mean. Unless they could check the white man and
keep him out of this Northwest territory the
time would come when they would lose their
hunting grounds and their ancestral homes. So
with revenge for what they considered injustice,
they began a long series of attacks upon the
whites. Our view of Indian atrocities should be
considered in light of their love for and the
desire to hold their own country.
From 1780 to 1790 there was a
constant series of raids upon the white
settlements in Kentucky and wherever the whites
attempted to settle north of the Ohio River.
While many tribes and many chiefs participated
in these attacks no one was more active than
Little Turtle who led his Eel River Indians on
many successful expeditions. No doubt many white
captives were brought back to this place, and
perhaps some were executed here though most of
this terrible work was done at the main Miami
Town, Kekionga. Tradition records that Little
Turtle himself was always inclined to mercy. His
capture of the young boy, William Wells, in
Kentucky, adopting him as his son, and their
life long friendship is one example.
When George Washington became
president of the United States he at once
recognized the importance of the territory north
and west of the Ohio river. Due to the conquest
of George Rogers Clark this territory had been
granted to the United States by the treaty of
1783. However, the British continued to plot how
they might secure it and annex it to Canada.
They, no doubt, were back of many Indian attacks
upon the Americans. Washington realized that if
the Americans did not occupy this territory soon
it would be lost to the British. So he urged
congress to support him in his effort to confirm
the ownership of the United States to this great
Washington realized that the
strategic point in all this Northwest territory
was the Miami capitol, Kekionga where Little
Turtle, the Eel River Miami was the acknowledged
chief. To capture this place he sent Gen. Josiah
Harmar with an army in 1790. The two defeats of
Gen. Harmar at the hands of Little Turtle were
described in the last
[Continued on Page Eight]
Page Seven
issue. It was a sad thing for
the American cause that the American generals
did not realize the military genius of this
great Indian chief. But humiliated by their
defeat they gave some explanations other than
the real one. Washington, however, realized that
he had a great task on his hands and the next
year sent Gen. Arthur St. Clair with the largest
army ever sent against the Indians. It was so
large that when it marched through the
wilderness from Fort Washington, Cincinnati,
Gen. St. Clair and his men never dreamed that
the Indians would attack an army so large.
So sure were they that they
would capture Kekionga that some two hundred
women accompanied the expedition so they would
be there to start new homes at the new
settlement to be established in the wilderness.
But Little Turtle was watching the approaching
army every mile of the march. He collected a
large body of Indians from many tribes, trained
them thoroughly and calmly waited for the best
time and place to strike. This came at what is
now the site of Ft. Recovery, Ohio, in the early
morning of November 4, 1791. With fewer men he
attacked the army of St. Clair and within a few
hours his men killed more than half of the force
and sent the rest in wild flight back to the
protecting forts. Some nine hundred out of a
force of about fourteen hundred were killed,
besides many of the women. Little Turtle had
completely destroyed the army of Gen. St. Clair.
This was the greatest defeat ever inflicted upon
the whites by the Indians.
The defeat of St. Clair had a
great effect upon President Washington and the
American people. Many now favored surrendering
completely this great northwest territory,
making the Ohio river the boundary line between
the United States and the Indian Country. But
Washington would not listen to such proposals.
With great difficulty he persuaded congress to
vote more money for another army to conquer the
Indians. He made a careful study of all American
generals that he might get the best for his
hazardous enterprise. He finally chose the hero
of Stony Point, General Anthony Wayne.
General Wayne did not
underestimate the difficulty of his work nor the
military genius of the great Indian chief. With
great care and skill he collected and drilled an
army for the struggle with the Indians. He spent
two years getting his army in readiness before
he started
Page Eight
northward from Fort
Washington, October 7, 1793 over the same route
taken by Harmar and St. Clair in their
disastrous attempts. Wayne moved cautiously,
determined that he would not be taken unaware as
had the generals before him.
Little Turtle knew Gen. Wayne
and had great respect for his ability. He was
ever ready to harass the American army wherever
possible. While Gen. Wayne was at Fort
Greenville, Little Turtle attacked a baggage
train near where Eaton, Ohio, now stands, on
October 17. He inflicted great damage but could
not long prevent supplies from reaching Wayne's
army. During the winter Gen. Wayne sent men to
build a fort at the place where St. Calir had
been defeated. The first work of these men was
to gather up hundreds of skulls and many bones
of those who had been killed two years before
and bury them. The new fort out here in the
wilderness was called Fort Recovery indicating
that the lost ground had been reclaimed. Here on
June 30, 1794, Little Turtle led a large body of
Indians and British sympathizers in an attack
but he was disastrously defeated. He now began
to see the futility of further resistance by the
Indians. During all of these months he had been
trying to surprise Gen. Wayne but he could not
do it. And now since Wayne was offering
honorable terms of peace, Little Turtle advised
his people to listen to favorable overtures,
for, said he, "The Americans are now led by a
general who never sleeps." But the Indians,
overconfident because of the previous victories
and, encouraged by the British, refused to
In the meantime Gen. Wayne
was advancing northward, building forts at
Greenville, Fort Recovery, St. Marys and
Defiance. The Indians were retreating down the
Maumee to some favorable place where they hoped
to inflict another serious defeat upon the
Americans. They also had hopes of help from the
British who had built a fort on the Maumee some
ten miles from its mouth. In a final conference
of the Indians Little Turtle again advised
peace, but the Indians accused him of cowardice,
deposed him from leadership and elected Blue
Jacket as their leader. They would not listen to
Little Turtle's advice as to the plan for the
battle, He as a brave and true soldier, fought
with his people in the battle of Fallen Timbers,
August 20, 1794. The Indians were completely
defeated. Gen. Wayne then
Page Nine
marched up the Maumee,
destroying Indian towns and cornfields on the
way to Kekionga where he erected the fort that
bears his name, Fort Wayne. It was completed
October 22, 1794. Little Turtle accepted the
Indian defeat as final and was ready to make
From NMHS Newsletter Feb
Little Turtle at the Treaty of
by Otho
Winger in The Kenapocomoco -
The Home of
Little Turtle
During the summer of
1795 Gen. Wayne met the Indians in a
great peace council at Fort Greenville.
Several hundred Indians from many
tribes, led by their greatest chiefs,
were present. But the greatest of all
these chiefs was Little Turtle, the Eel
River Miami Indian. Most eloquently and
fervently did he plead the cause of his
people. When it became apparent that
Gen. Wayne would demand the cession to
the United States of much of the present
state of Ohio, Little Turtle made this
memorable speech:
"The prints of my
ancestors' houses are everywhere to be
seen in this region. It is well known to
all my brothers present that my
forefathers kindled the first fire at
Detroit; from thence he extended his
line to the head waters of the Scioto;
from thence to its mouth;
thence to Lake
Michigan.I have now informed you of the
boundaries of the Miami nation where the
Great Spirit placed my forefathers a
long time ago and charged him not to
sell or part with his lands but to
preserve them to his posterity. This
charge has now been handed down to me."
No one can read this
passionate appeal without high regard
for this Indian who with patriotism for
the land of his fathers had done his
best to preserve the sacred trust. But
the onward march of civilization was
against him and he knew it. He could not
move the great American general from his
purpose to demand large cessions of land
in Ohio and some in Indiana, including
the ancient capital of the Miami nation,
Kekionga. Little Turtle signed the treat
reluctantly and as he did so remarked:
"I have been the last to sign the
treaty; I shall be the last to break
it." And he never did. He left the
treaty grounds with no bitter resentment
but really proud to have as his
conqueror a hero so great as General
Little Turtle
and Works of Peace
From the treaty of
Greenville, Little Turtle returned to
his home on Eel River, the Kenapocomoco.
Realizing that the Indians were bound to
lose their hunting grounds before the
onward march of the white people he saw
that they must depend on something else
besides hunting for a living. The United
States government was friendly to him
and ready to help. It made him a gift of
a thousand dollars with which to build
him a house more in keeping with the new
life that he was to live. There is some
question whether Little Turtle built
this house at his old village or at the
Eel River Post. Evidence rather favors
the latter place for it is certain that
there he spent his last years.
The government also
made him a grant of twelve hundred
dollars with which he attempted to teach
his people the art of agriculture. With
the money he received he had cleared
some two hundred fifty acres of land,
but the enterprise was doomed to
failure. The braves were not inclined to
work and the squaws complained that the
cleared land about their village made it
necessary for them to carry their wood
too far. In this work for agriculture
Little Turtle likely received help from
the Quakers who also made an attempt at
an agriculture school on the Wabash, but
likewise failed to induce the Indian men
to work.
The greatest scourge
of disease among the Indians was
Page Ten
Its ravages among
them at times had been frightful. In
some cases whole villages had been wiped
out. This had been one of the causes why
the Indians could not muster a greater
force of fighting men. Little Turtle had
heard of vaccination. When on a visit to
Philadelphia he learned how to vaccinate
and returned to his people to help them
fight off this terrible disease by the
white man's method
Little Turtle is
entitled to great praise in another and
unexpected effort to help his people.
The worse of all scourges among the
Indians, greater than war or smallpox,
was the curse of drink. Unscrupulous
white traders had been active in selling
the Indians bad whiskey at outlandish
prices. The Indian was fascinated with
the white man's firewater, but under its
influences he degenerated into a brute,
ready to slay his best friend or
continue in drunken brawls until he died
or met violent death. Little Turtle
declared that whiskey had killed more of
his people than all the wars that they
had had with the white man or with one
another. In vain did he plead the cause
of total abstinence among his people. He
was the first great prohibition worker
in Indiana. He visited the state
legislatures in Kentucky and Ohio,
beseeching them to prevent unscrupulous
white men from selling his people
intoxicating liquors. He visited the
national capitol calling on President
Adams and later on President Jefferson,
pleading that laws should be passed to
protect his people. President Jefferson
received his petition kindly and
recommended to congress some favorable
action on restricting the sale of liquor
among the Indians. But in all his
efforts to secure reform he received
very little help from the government.
His later years were saddened by seeing
his people degenerate under the
influence of drink.
Little Turtle
as a Traveler
Little Turtle was
really a great traveler for that day.
Before he made peace with the white man
he was familiar with every Indian trail
in the Northwest Territory. From his
home here on Eel River he made trips to
almost every important Indian Village.
He had gone as far northeast as Montreal
and as far south as New Orleans.
Beginning with the treaty of Greenville
in 1795 he attended most all of the
treaty meetings during the next fifteen
years. He visited the capitols of Ohio
and Kentucky and made at least three
visits to the national capitol.
Shortly after the
treaty of Greenville, Little Turtle
visited the
Page Eleven
national capitol
which was then at Philadelphia. Here he
met President Washington himself who
presented him with a handsome sword in
recognition of his great genius and the
high esteem in which he was regarded by
the leading Americans of that day.
President Washington also presented him
with one of the best guns to be had at
that time. Little Turtle prized this
very much for he was fond of hunting.
While on his visit to
Philadelphia he had many unique
experiences. Here he met the
philosopher, Volney, with whom he had
many conversations. Here too he met the
famous general Kosciusko, who presented
him with a brace of pistols and an
elegant robe made of otter skin, worth
several hundred dollars. While there the
noted artist, Gilbert, painted the
picture of Little Turtle at the
arrangement of President Washington.
Perhaps he painted two pictures, one
showing the great chief in his Indian
costume and the other showing him as a
man of peace. In each he is shown with a
necklace of bear claws and a medal said
to have been given him by President
Washington. The original painting was
carefully kept by the government but was
burned when the British burned the
Capitol building at Washington in 1814.
Little Turtle visited
President John Adams in Philadelphia and
President Jefferson in Washington hoping
to secure some laws that would protect
his people from liquor. In 1807 he
visited Baltimore to see about securing
a mill for Fort Wayne. In all of these
visits he was received with much respect
and was entertained by some of the most
noted persons of the day. As a rule he
dressed in American fashion and always
showed himself the equal of the best in
good manners and gallant decorum. Gen
John Johnson said of him: "He was a man
of great wit, humor and vivacity, fond
of the company of gentlemen, and
delighted in good eating."
Many stories are told
of his wit and repartee. When the
philosopher, Volney, asked him what he
thought of the theory that the Indians
had sprung from the Tartars of Asis,
Little Turtle replied with a question:
"Why not think that the Tartars
descended from us?" On one occasion a
friend of Gen. St. Clair said in Little
Turtle's presence that St. Clair's
defeat had come because of a surprise
attack. Quickly Little Turtle replied;
"A good general is never taken by
surprise." In
Page Twelve
his later days he was
troubled with gout. Some one jokingly
said to him that gout was a gentleman's
disease, whereupon Little Turtle
replied. "I always thought that I was a
Newsletter May 2003--
Little Turtle's Last Years
The Kenapocomoco by Otho Winger
Continued from February 2003
From each of
these long journeys, Little
Turtle returned to his home here
on Eel River. His home at the
Eel River Post has already been
described. Here he evidently
lived in ease and comfort, but
always concerned about the
events of the day and the
welfare of his
own people.
He made frequent trips to Fort
Wayne and to other places where
treaties were being made with
the white men. His last days
were saddened by the oncoming
conflict which he saw was
inevitable. On the one hand he
was true to the peace treaty of
Greenville and refused to have
anything to do with the attempts
of Tecumseh and the Prophet to
stir up another war. In this way
he incurred the displeasure of
the Indians and lost much of his
prestige as a leader among them.
On the other hand he saw the
selfishness and unfairness of
many of the whites in their
dealing with the red men.
General Harrison in his letters
to the war department often
complained of Little Turtle and
even doubted his integrity. But
after the death of the great
Indian chief, when Gen. Harrison
had learned the full truth about
the matter, he wrote in highest
terms about little Turtle,
admitting his faithfulness and
help to the American cause: "He
continued to his last moment the
warm friend of the United States
and during the course of his
life rendered them many
important services."
Little Turtle
did not live to experience the
events of the War of 1812,
though he was preparing to help
the American cause. At least he
would have done all possible to
keep the Indians faithful to the
treaties with the Americans. He
had long been afflicted with the
gout, though it developed into
what we know as Bright's
disease. In order to receive
medical treatment he went to
Fort Wayne where he died at the
home of his son-in-law, Capt.
William Wells in July of 1812.
He was buried with great honors
by the officials of that day,
but his grave was unmarked and
was almost unknown for a
century. It was discovered in
1912 near the west bank of the
St. Joseph river. In his grave
were found the sword and gun
presented to him by President
Washington. Also many other
relics, all of which are now in
the Fort Wayne Historical
Museum. Only a small slab marks
the place of his burial. In Fort
Wayne there should be a suitable
monument to the greatest chief
of a vanishing race. The fitting
inscriptions on the beautiful
monument erected on the
battlefield of Fallen Timbers
gives to Little Turtle due
credit and honorable mention
along with Gen Wayne and the
brave pioneers of the west. A
memorial equally fitting should
be erected in the former capital
of the great Miami Nation where
once their great chief reigned
Fourteen May, 2003