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GAZETTE, August 31, 1989)
Labor Day week-end means many things to our community, but, to Harry
and Eileen Swygart it means shutting down and preparing the Long
Lake Resort and Camp Ground for a quiet and more relaxed time for
the next eight months. You may think that is a long time for "R & R"
but, you must remember that the past four months have meant almost
24 hour days as they were caring for camp grounds; mobile homes;
picnic area (for families, companies, reunions, etc.); boat docking;
food stand and daily swimmers. Besides it will take several weeks of
preparation for winter and they must start early in the spring to be
ready to start a new season.
A business that has been a popular place in Pleasant Township and
has attracted young and old to this community from many miles since
Long Lake Beach was opened in 1926 by Bill Ulrey. Bill (Eileen
Swygart's father) and his father Harry Ulrey planted all the trees
that are in the picnic area and hauled water on flat bed sleds
pulled by a team of horses and pampered the trees to grow.
Bill passed away in 1946 at the early age of 46 years. Eileen being
the only child, immediately with her husband, Harry, took over the
ever popular landmark as they continued to grow with the times and
make the changes to meet the demands of the public.
Two of the biggest early day attractions to Long Lake was the 40'
Toboggan Slide into the water (discontinued in the middle 50's) and
Sunday night "Free Movies" (ended in 1948). From about 1930 to 1946
you could go inside a lunch room located near the picnic area and
sit down for lunch, this was shut down and moved to the present
Concession Stand.
The large bath house, (just beyond the Concession Stand) was lined
with shelves holding baskets to accommodate 500 swimmers on their
way to the beach area. This was moved to the parking area in 1974
and turned into separate dressing and shower rooms, to be shared by
the seasonal campers which has grown into 33 regulars, who open up
about May 15 and stay until September 15.
The Swygarts, with the help of their daughters Gloria, Chris and
Billie have built the resort and camp grounds into a beautiful
fun-loving summer time place that attracts campers from every state
across the nation, as well as well-known persons like Victor Locke
from Channel 21 and Bill Foster of Channel 33, who frequently enjoy
one of the 60 to 70 camp site accommodations now available.
Establishing a Trailer Court area 34 years ago that began with 3
trailers has grown to 30 as of this date.
In 1976 the Welcome sign was erected which was a compliment to the
lovely tree lined driveway escorting the visitors to the friendly,
clean and family-oriented resort and camp grounds.
The 1989 season closing will be the end of the 63rd season at Long
Lake Resort. |