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North Manchester
Historical Society
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Source: NMHS Newsletter Feb 2000
North Manchester in 1900
The Last Turn of the Century
It was the best of times it was the worst of
times... In this small midwestern town of North
Manchester in 1900, the 2000 and some population
might have been rather evenly divided in their
opinion. Your newsletter editor sat down to the
task of reading somewhat carefully the issues of
the NEWS JOURNAL for the year to try to
understand the concerns and the events of the
year as we look at them 100 years later and
decided it was a very different town.
Rural mail delivery had the struggling days
of beginning during the year. The census was in
process and - not surprisingly- most towns in
the area were not happy with the final count.
Some were happy with the outcome of the national
election - some made it clear they were not. The
Big Annual Meeting of the German Baptist
Brethren was a major event of the year and the
paper thought it worthy of a daily issue during
that week.. No one finally decided how many were
attending but everyone agreed that the railroad
facilities and all the eating places and
sleeping arrangements were stretched to
At least four Physicians and Surgeons
advertised regularly one a woman -in the local
paper. In fact, maybe the advertisements were
most strange to our eyes. Prices were totally
unrealistic and the items advertised seemed to
be from another world. An auction of 60 horses
at the local livery needs translation for a
child of 2000.
The most noteworthy fire seems to have been
the one at M. Giek's brick kiln. Unfortunately
it was out of reach of the water works and when
they attempted to take out the old fire engine
which had'nt been used for several years, one of
the horses of the four-horse team refused to
pull and the front team broke loose and ran away
with Charley Ulrey riding one of the horses. As
the headline noted the whole thing "relieved the
monotony of a dull day" and with hard work, only
one shed was lost with an estimated value of
All in
all, maybe it was a very normal year with
columns discussing the progress of the crops,
the latest town scandal, school activities,
events at the young, struggling College,
marriages, deaths, a few crimes, condition of
the roads, illnesses, concerns about securing
factories for the town. So here's some of the
things that happened in our town - or nearby-
just l00 years ago.
A Landmark Removed
Tearing Down of an Old Corn Crib
Brings to Mind Days of Liberty Mills Former
A prominent landmark is this week being removed
from its place in the town of Liberty Mills and,
as one of the prominent citizens of the place
said to us, "you can't think what a vacancy its
removal makes." The building is nothing more
than the large corn crib built by Judge Comstock
in the year 1840, when that town was the big
torn in the Eel river valley. The voting done in
the township was done there, the biggest dry
goods store and the popular hotels were there.
Besides these a flouring mill, a sawmill, a
tannery, a wool carding machine, a coloring and
fulling plant, where farmers' wives could have
there home made cloth colored, fulled and
pressed, and also a distillery, where the men
could have their corn made into highwiner. The
crib was built to hold corn for the distillery.
It was two stories high, long and wide. Levi
Walters has bought the upper story and is moving
it to his farm and proposes to make a sheep
stable of it. The lower story W. T. Banks will
remove to his farm. This crib is the last one
representing the buildings of the various
industries, except the dry good store on the
corner, now used as a grocery and restaurant. |
Another Fox Chase Advertised
Fox chases seem to be a very popular sport with
the people of Pleasant township, notwithstanding
the two chases already held have yielded a very
limited quantity of foxes. Another chase is
advertised for next Saturday, Jan. 21. The
boundary lines will be as follows: North line
commencing at Dan Smith's corner on Manchester
and Disko road, thence west to Disko school
house, thence south on county line to Stockdale
thence east following the river to the Tryon |
Page Six
bridge, thence north to Smith's corner. The
meeting points for all who take part will be on
the crossroads on the different lines. Lines
will start at 9:30 a.m. sharp and center on the
S.H. Rager farm. No dogs or firearms allowed and
throwing of stones while fox is in the ring will
be prohibited. A liberal premium will be paid
for catching the fox alive. Special inducements
to bowlegged men for catching the fox. Jacob
Cook will be captain of the day assisted by a
competent corps of marshals. Every body is
invited to take part in the chase. |
Items From the General News Columns
An automobile in town last Thursday evening
created considerable interest on the part of the
public generally as it was the first one ever
seen in town. We understand the parties were
from Fort Wayne. They put up their machine over
night at Quinn's barn (paper dated June, 14,
The squirrel shooting season is now on. The
law which prohibits the killing of squirrels
during a certain part of the year is now out.
Sportsmen state that there are a number of fox
squirrels this season, but that the grey and
back squirrels are seldom seen in this section
of the state.
Lessel Long, the defaulting town treasurer of
Andrews, has been placed under arrest. Mr. Long,
while holding office eight years ago, used $3000
in the treasury, set aside to redeem bonds. The
bonds were carried until recently, Mr. Long
meeting the interest payments and concealing the
fraud. Mr. Long has always been regarded as one
of the leading citizens of the town and his
trouble causes much regret and sympathy.
David Krisher, at his went end meat market,
is gaining a great reputation for the time he
has been in the business. Good meat and good
weight with fair prices is bound to win the
attention of the best customers.
Perry Williamson and wife were in town Monday
trying to buy a
[Continued on Page Eight] Page Seven
stylish driving horse. M. Williamson is a
wealthy farmer living near South Whitley and
knows when prosperity has struck him as well as
people generally.
Joseph Neher, one of the leading farmers and
stock raisers in this section, has just received
a fine Jersey bull calf to add to his herd. The
calf is six months old and cost quite a neat sum
of money. It is from the Brown Bessie Herd of
H.C. Taylor, of Oxfordville, Wis., and of the
best stock.
O.V. Lautzenhiser, who formerly was engaged
in the tailoring business in the Sala room,
re-opened a shop there last week. Mr.
Lautzenhiser formerly did a very good business
and there is no reason to believe but what it
will be better still. He is a popular gentleman
and it is to his credit that his customers have
always been perfectly satisfied with their work.
Gradually the old farms are passing from
their early owners into the hands of younger
man. The old Mason Kester place was sold by
Isenbarger & Arnold last week to Mr. Karl
Martinson, of Newton county. The price paid was
a little more than $30 an acre. This farm has
been owned by the late Mr. Kester and his heirs
for more than half a century. Messrs. Isenbarger
& Arnold inform us that the new purchaser will
not more his family to their new home until next
Several ice men have been putting up ice this
week, hauling it from Laketon. Ice on the lake
did not melt when it went off the river and a
very fine quality of ice is being secured.
Prof. George Byrd, the colored man at the
Sheller Hotel, took in a big cake walk at Marion
last Friday night. He says it was a very
brilliant event and that he had the
distinguished honor of leading the walk.
People who take a local newspaper want one
that gives the news. The Journal is such a paper
and it costs only $1.00 a year in advance.
Page Eight
If you
want the news take the Journal.
The Telephone Co. now has a line to Liberty
Mills in operation and people can converse
between the two towns for ten cents.
The farmers of Seward township, Kosciusko
county, have organized themselves into a
detective agency for the purpose of catching and
punishing evil doers of all kinds, and
especially the hunters. In the past months the
farmers over there have suffered all kinds of
depredations and the culprits go unpunished.
They have resolved to put a stop to it.
Messrs. Cassel & Goshorn gave an exhibition
in the Henney room Saturday evening with their
moving picture machine which was very
satisfactory to all who saw it. They have a very
fine machine, a number of good views and
altogether gave as good an exhibition as was
ever seen here. They expect to tour the
surrounding towns and will give an entertainment
worth attending.
Manager Hatfield fired a young man who goes
by the name of "Kickapoo" from the opera house
during the performance of "Ten Nights in a Bar
Room" last week. It appears that the performance
was so realistic that the young man imagined he
was in a bar room and persisted in smoking
cigarettes, which was more than Mr. Hatfield
could stand and he ejected the young man quite
G.B. Heeter, who has for some time been
clerking for Helm, Snorf & Co, resigned the
position this week. He has bought an interest in
the Manchester Marble Works and hereafter will
devote his time to that business. Mr. Heeter has
had some experience in that line and prefers it
to other business because it affords an
opportunity of being out of doors more than the
store. He is a well known and popular man and
there can be no doubt of the new monument firm
being very successful.
Mr Kilgore, government inspector of wagon
materials for the
Page Nine
Jeffersonville barracks, was in town this week
inspecting a lot of wagon stock being got out by
J.A. Browne and Co., for the government. This
firm has the contract for furnishing a part of
the timbers for l,000 wagons which are to be
sent to the Phillippines and the inspector
passed very favorably on the work.
About the first of next month Emanuel
Grossnickle will begin soliciting and collecting
for the college. But a small part of the
territory tributary to it has been canvassed for
students and the faculty now feel that the
standing to which it has attained justifies them
in inviting others to its doors from greater
distances. It is probable that Mr. Grossnickle
will be in the field continuously and others at
times through the early spring.
Farmers say that the public highways were
never in a worse condition than they now are.
Wabash county has many miles of graveled roads
which have been constructed at a big expense to
the farmers and a great injustice is done to
them when heavy loads are hauled over the roads
in such times as these. Free pikes are a
blessing, but the law should be enforced on
those who persist in cutting them up.
Judging from the appearance of small pox at
so many places in this state we conclude that
now is the time to have all children vaccinated
before exposure to that terrible disease, a case
of which may appear any day when least expected.
Those who have had a case of it in their homes
will not be found opposing vaccination.
The young people of our city can again enjoy
their pastime in skating for "Old Man Winter"
has once more transformed the river into ice.
Ladies, why do you persist in washing your
hair with soap? It should never be done. Get a
bottle of "One Day Dandruff Cure" and the head
washing process will stop forever. It will grow
nice new heavy hair where only a thin patch
existed before. Fifty cents a bottle.
Page Ten
sale by George Burdge.
There will be a meeting of people interested
in North Dakota at the opera house Friday
evening at 7:30 o'clock. C. H. Shaw, emigration
agent of the Northern Pacific railroad, will
address the crowd.
Rural Mail Route Established
The Delivery of Mail Will Begin Next Saturday,
March 15, Providence Permitting
The free rural mail delivery route to the
south and east of this city, which was surveyed
some time ago, as all the readers of the JOURNAL
are aware, has been ordered by the postoffice
department at Washington, and if there is no
hitch in the proceedings from now on the first
delivery of mail on the route will be made on
March 15. This route covers a territory
estimated at forty square miles in which
something over 1,300 people reside. The number
of families is probably 300. The distance to be
traveled by the mail carrier is twenty-six miles
and he will make the trip every day, except
Sunday, leaving the postoffice here at 8 o'clock
in the morning.
Each patron of the route is required to put
up a substantial mail box on a post by the
roadside in front of his residence or at
whatever point he expects to get his mail. This
the only expense the people along the route will
be to. The mail boxes are to be put up in such a
way that the carrier can drive alongside and put
in or take out mail without getting out of his
rig. All who expect to receive mail on the route
should notify the postmaster of that fact.
According to the rules of the department people
living within a mile of the road traveled by the
carrier can be served providing they put up
boxes along the route. The carrier will both
deliver and take up mail.
Charley Taylor has been appointed carrier and
he will start out in grand style with his little
red, white and blue wagon. His salary will be
$400 annually. The first trip will be mainly
devoted to delivering the boxes which are sold
to the patrons who will put them up. It will
take a trip or two to get the route in good
working order.
[Continued on Page Twelve] Page
Rural Mail DeliveryExperience Where
it Has Been Tried Shows it to Be of Wonderful
The rural Mail delivery route in charge of
Charles Taylor is getting into shape as fast as
possible. Not all the people along the route
have their boxes up yet but he carries quite a
large quantity of mail already. The people along
the route are taking to the plan with pleasure.
Some of the numerous advantages of the rural
delivery are summed up as follows. The results
of the introduction of the rural delivery of
mail, as recorded by the postoffice department,
show that it is a great promoter of educational
influences. Not only does it increase the amount
of mail received in country districts, but it
greatly augments the number of letters written.
The farmer finds his letters at his hand each
day, and instead of waiting for the week to end,
he replies at once. His correspondents increase
in number, his interchage of letters become much
more rapid and he finds himself in closer touch
with the great world.
Newspapers reach him before the world has
speed by the events they record, and he feels as
if he were a part and parcel of the great
whirling stream of life, and he awakens to a new
consciousness of life.
The number of periodicals taken by farmers
has vastly increased in all places where the new
plan operates, and the education which comes
from contact with the outer world is gladly
absorbed. But there are other good results that
come and will continue to expand.
It is reported that Charley Swank, mail carrier
on rural route No 1 out of this city has had his
salary increased to $500 a year. Heretofore
carriers received $400 per annum for their work
which is about $l.25 per day. They must furnish
a horse and buggy and drive from twenty-five to
thirty miles a day, and their compensation is
very small for the services rendered. They are
compelled to go over their routes in all kinds
of weather. |
Groninger's Red Hogs
A breed of red or sandy colored hogs has been
the rage with some farmers of late and the
report comes to us that Hen Lou Groninger, the |
Page Twelve
Pleasant township farmer, has a little bit the
reddest hogs of any red hogs in the country. It
appears that at the sale of a neighbor a week or
two ago, Mr. Groninger made some purchases among
which were a couple of pigs and a bucket partly
full of red paint with which was a brush. He put
the pigs in a box in the hind end of his wagon
and on starting home several of his neighbors
got in to ride. On the way his friends used the
paint on the hogs and when Mr. Groninger got
home he had a pair of the most beautiful red
hogs you ever saw. The boys think they have a
great joke on Hen Lou, but he says he has been
wanting red hogs for a long time and never knew
he could get them so easily before.
Farmers who feed pumpkins to hogs should see
that the seeds have been extracted. At several
points over the state, hogs have been dying off
by the hundreds on account of indigestion caused
by pumpkin seeds. Cholera was supposed to have
been the cause of death, but a post-mortem
examination of several porkers disclosed the
fact that the stomach was packed with undigested
A Case of Reckless Driving
The JOURNAL is in receipt of a communication
which says that last Sunday at the Ulrey church
(Eel River) north of town, while Ford Landis and
Lizzie Miller were driving away from the church
after services they were run into by Elmer
Burch, who came driving up at right angle toward
them, his horse going at high speed. The buggies
came together with a crash damaging both of them
to some extent and pitching Landis to the
ground, Miss Miller remaining in the buggy.
Landis' horse became frightened and ran at full
speed down the road but Miss Miller by presence
of mind gathered up the lines which were
dragging under the buggy and succeeded in
stopping the animal after he had run almost a
quarter of a mile. Young Burch, who has the
reputation of being a very careless and reckless
driver, had another wreck in the afternoon of
the same day while racing. In this wreck the
buggies were upset but so far as we have learned
no {one} was hurt. If all this story is true the
young man had been mend his ways and be a little
more careful in his driving.
And then in the next issue...
Page Thirteen
Always Two Sides to a Story
Last week on the authority of a gentleman who
vouched for the absolute truth of his statements
the JOURNAL published a story about "a case of
reckless driving" in which Ford Landis and Elmer
Burch were the star actors, the blame rather
being placed on young Burch. Now comes the other
side of the case and with all due solemnity
vouches for the entire truth of their side of
the story. They claim that the accident was as
much the fault of Landis as of Burch and that
both were driving out of the church yard in a
frantic endeavor to see which could get to the
road first. Also that Landis is as reckless a
driver as Burch.
So you see it is all a matter of personal
opinion after all, and as some wise man once
said, this is evidently a case "of which much
might be said on both sides." The JOURNAL has no
desire to decide the respective merit of these
young men as reckless drivers and haven now
given both sides of this controversy the public
and those interested can "pay their money and
take their choice" and settle the matter as they
see fit.
College President Resigns
It will no doubt be a surprise to many people to
learn that Mr. H. P. Albaugh has resigned the
presidency of the college in this city to take
effect at the end of the school year in June.
Mr. Albaugh has found college work not
altogether to his liking and has decided to
reengage with his former employers, Powers,
Highley & Co., educational publishers, in
Chicago, at a salary of $2,500 a year. He has
done good work in the time he has been connected
with the college and it is a matter of regret to
his friends to see him leave although they wish
him success. He expects, however, to retain his
residence here
As to his successor nothing definite is known
at this time. The college trustees have in mind
some men for the place of wide experience and
learning, who cannot help but satisfy the most
fastidious minds, and probably by the time Mr.
Albaugh's year is up they will have filled his
place to the satisfaction of all. The college
authorities tell us that the outlook for the
future of the institution is very bright and
eminently satisfactory.
Page Fourteen
of the North Manchester Historical
Society, Inc.
News from 1900
The articles in this issue of the
Newsletter are taken from the North Manchester
Journal and give a glimpse of life in North
Manchester at the turn of the last century. Sit
back, put your feet up, and put yourself in the
mind of a resident in the year 1900.
Erie Railroad Excursions
Homeseekers excursion tickets will be sold at
all stations Feb. 20, March 6 and 20, April 3
and 17, at low rates to various parts in
Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North and South
Dakota, also to points in the southern, western
and northwestern states. Stopovers will be
allowed in homeseekers territory for fifteen
days. New York excursions, account of Merchants |
Association on the certificate plan tickets will
be sold on Feb 3 to 17 and March l to 4 with
thirty days limit. New Orleans and Mobile Ala.,
excursion tickets sold Feb. 9 to 26, at one fare
for round trip good returning March 15. For
information call on Chicago and Erie agents or
address, W.S. Morrison, traveling passenger
agent, Huntington, Indiana. |
[Continued on Page Two] Page One
Startling Sight Witnessed in the Town at a Late
Hour One Night Last Week
That the Bippus ghost or some other mysterious
nocturnal visitor has taken up its abode in
Servia seems to be an undeniable fact. Some
startling things have come to pass in Servia
lately which seem to be explainable by no other
means. The latest spiritual demonstration is
said to have occurred at a late hour one night
about a week ago.
Some belated pedestrians on the street
hurrying to their homes saw a most startling
sight which made their hair raise in a
perpendicular position. Coming down the middle
of the street was the figure of either a
disembodied soul or a disrobed human. It had the
shape of a young lady of surpassing beauty clad
in a very diaphanous costume. In spite of the
chilly air the apparition continued to flit down
the street until it disappeared and those who
witnessed this sight stood rooted to the spot
unable to move hand or foot or wink an eye, an
operation which some of the spectators felt very
much inclined to indulge in.
As near as can be learned this ghostly
visitor came from the direction of the mill
yard, but where it went is still a mystery. Some
of those who feasted their eyes upon the sight
declare that it was
Page Two
certainly a ghost, while those who are less
superstitious claim that there were human
agencies at work. Some of them go so far as to
say that the ghost was simply a young lady
walking in her sleep and her airy costume
consisted of a corset which she carried on one
arm and a garment whose name and use was unknown
to the spectators who were men, which rested on
the other arm. At any rate the matter seems to
have caused considerable talk and the ghost side
has the most adherents because of the
"spirituous" odor which is said to have pervaded
the atmosphere at that time.
A Very Small Gain
The Census Shows that North Manchester has a
Population of 2398, a Gain of 14.
The census bureau gave out the figures last
week for Indiana towns above 2000 and under
5,000 in population, which includes North
Manchester. The report will be rather
disappointing to our people, who have had their
minds set on a very considerable increase in
population, as it shows a gain of but fourteen
over ten years ago. The census of 1890 gave us
2,384 and that of 1900 shows the population to
be but 2,398. According to these figures the
town has simply held its own.
It is a very popular and at the same time
entirely useless piece of business to register a
"kick." Nearly every town and city has found
fault with the census figures in their own
places, but laughed at their neighbors for doing
the same thing. So if there are any disappointed
people and no doubt there are, for many thought
there must be at least 1,000 more inhabitants in
the city the best thing they can do is to grin
and bear it. If the enumerator did miss a few
people it is hardly possible that he could have
overlooked 1,000 or more, hence take the matter
We will give the figures on a few of our
neighbors from which, it may be, some
consolation may be derived. Columbia City has
2,975, a loss of 52; Rochester shows 3,341, a
gain of 874; Warsaw has 3,987, a gain of 413;
the city of Wabash has 8,618 as compared with
5,105 in 1890.
Little Fire ExcitementBurning of
[Continued on Page Four] Page Three
the Shed over Gieks Brick Kiln
Relieves the Monotony of a Dull Day
Considerable excitement was caused Tuesday
afternoon by the ringing of the fire bell but it
was found that the fire was in the shed over M.
Giek's brick kiln about a mile south west from
town and consequently out of reach of the water
works system. For a time the fire threatened to
wipe out all the sheds on Mr. Giek's yard and
the fire department decided to give all
assistance possible by taking out the old fire
engine which has not been used for several
Quite a lively time was had in getting the
old engine started. A four horse team from
Jefferson's stable was hitched to it but one of
the horses refused to pull and when the whip was
applied the front team broke loose and ran down
the street. The engine was finally started but
before they reached the fire word was sent that
it would not be needed. Charley Ulrey was riding
one of the runaway horses and for a few seconds
the runaway was quite exciting.
Mr. Giek had started the day before to burn a
large kiln of brick and the fire caught in the
shed over it from the fire in the kiln. For a
time it looked as though all the mammoth sheds
on his yard would be burned but by hard work of
those who gathered at the fire the rest of the
sheds were saved. The kiln shed was a very large
one and Mr. Geik estimates his loss at $400. As
he is in danger of further loss by damage to the
burning brick in the kiln it will be rebuilt as
soon as possible.
Page Four
Good Shows Coming to Opera House
Manager Hatfield of the Opera House, Announces
Some Splendid Attractions for the Coming Season
People here are always talking about good
shows and they will have an opportunity of
seeing some of the best on the road in the next
four months. Manager Harfield tells us that he
has booked several attractions of the very first
grade and if the public are not satisfied with
them he hardly knows how they can be suited. The
first play of the
season will be "A Woman in the Case," a
political satire which is said to be very funny
and comes highly recommended by the press. This
company appears here next Monday night, Sept.
Sept. 18, E. J. Carpenter's famous
production of "Quo Vadis;" Nov. 17, "A Terrible
Kid;" Nov. 22, "A Breezy Time;" Dec. 20,
Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Mr. Hatfield says
that all these companies are playing the best
towns in the country. It is his intention to
furnish the best shows obtainable in towns of
this size and the patronage of the public is
solicited with the understanding that he is
doing his best to give all patrons satisfaction,
but like all other people he is liable to be
mistaken in a show once in a while.
Play of the Season
"Hearts of the Blue Ridge" at the
Opera House Tomorrow Night a Fine Play
Miss Dorothy Lewis, the winsome comedienne,
will appear here at the Opera House, Friday
evening, April 6, in the beautiful pastoral
play, "Hearts of the Blue Ridge," by Mr. Hal
Reid, author of "Human
Hearts," etc., whose standing as a leading
writer of the sturdy, big
[Continued on Page Six] Page Five
hearted, rugged folks of the Southern hill
country is undisputed. Mr. Reid has made the
effort of his career in this beautiful pastoral
play written for Miss Dorothy Lewis in which she
appears as "Missy Carter," the typical, big
hearted, fearless little mountain girl. The play
deals with a long established feud existing
between two families living in the picturesque
Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, and the
theme thus afforded makes "Hearts of the Blue
Ridge" a deep heart interest story, presented by
a strong cast thoroughly fitted to portray the
several characters in as nearly perfect
naturalness as is possible, and admirers of the
domestic style of plays should not miss |
dramatic treat.
The JOURNAL believes theatre goers will find
this a good play. The company has been playing
in the larger cities and has the most flatter
ng press notices. If our readers will hunt up
an Indianapolis Journal of a few weeks ago -
March 16 if we remember correctly they will find
where this company appeared there with great
success. People here have long wanted to see a
good show and we believe they will not be
disappointed in this one.
of a Bright Life
Tribute of Respect to a Well Known
Chester Township School Teacher
John V. Hornaday, whose serious condition was
mentioned last week, passed away early Thursday
morning. His funeral took place at Fairview
church on Friday under the auspices of the I. O.
O. F. of which he was a member. The sermon was
preached by Rev. Wooten to a very large
congregation. The following biography and
tribute to his memory was written by Prof. H. S.
Hippensteel, a life-long and intimate friend:
John V. Hornaday was born near Columbia City,
Indiana, Novem
Page Six
guidance and from that time he lived for the
most part away from the home of his mother with
other relatives and friends. Then a mere boy, he
firmly resolved to devote himself to some sphere
of the utmost usefulness and to efforts to help
others. In 1887 he began, as he thought, to
realize his purpose by entering upon the work of
a teacher. From that time until his death, he
devoted all his time, when physically strong
enough for any labor, to the work as teacher or
student preparatory to teaching. |
Whether as teacher at Concord, Pleasant Grove,
Servia or North Manchester or as a student at
Terre Haute, Mr. Hornaday always entered
heartily into the church and social life of the
community and his influence was always
recognized and appreciated. At Terre Haute, he
was elected president of the Young Men's
Christian Association in 1894 and was sent by
this organization to the summer school at Lake
Geneva, Wisconsin, from which place he returned
as a sufferer from the disease which blighted
his hopes and destroyed his vitality.
Ambition and zeal for school work has
prompted him to teach a part of the time during
the six years of suffering. He spent two years
in the Kansas schools, one more year at
Pleasant Grove and he had
Page Eight
part of the present year as the Township
Principal at Liberty Mills.
Mr. Hornaday was an efficient and thoroughly
conscientious teacher. He filled a school room
with the atmosphere of industry, earnestness,
and nobility and his pupils will always remember
him on account of the interest he took in them.
He seemed never to forget that his pupils were
soon to fill places in the pursuits of life and
he followed them with words of cheer and earnest
inquires concerning their success after they had
passed from his own school.
Among the teachers his influence was felt in
shaping the policies of the schools and in
securing efficiency of work. In their councils
he was listened to as one whose knowledge and
earnestness entitled him to be a leader.
A Factory At Last
The Rex Wind Mill Plant Soon to be Rejuvenated
into a Lively Manufacturing Plant
For some time past it has been an open secret
that a factory had been secured through the
efforts of the Commercial club to take
possession of the Rex Wind Mill plant, which has
been lying idle for several years past, but the
JOURNAL has been requested to say nothing about
the matter until the new occupants were ready to
take possession of the factory. This bond of
secrecy was loosened a day or two ago by G. R.
Craft, the secretary of the Commercial club, who
informed us that everything had been properly
arranged and that the new concern expects to be
here by May 15. The new factory comes from
Syracuse, Ind., and is known as the Syracuse
Manufacturing Co., although, we are informed,
some change may be made in the title after
Page Nine
location here.
The Syracuse Manufacturing Company is
composed of Messrs. Win Runyan, W. A. Rapp and
D.C.Lamb, and they have been in business at
Syracuse for several years in the manufacture of
various woodwork novelties such as fire screens,
parlor easels, hall trees, grill work, child's
folding beds, etc., in which they have built up
a very large business, which has of late been
largely in excess of the capacity of their
factory at that place. Some time ago they became
aware of the advantages of this place as a good
location for their business and the fact that
the Rex plant was lying idle. They made
overtures to the Commercial club which have
finally resulted in their location in this city.
In order to secure the concern about $3,000
was raised, by voluntary contributions of the
business men, which was used in buying the Rex
plant which has been turned over to these
gentlemen under condition that they operate a
factory in it for a period of ten years, and
employ not less than an average of thirty hands
during that time. As they have had nearly that
number on their pay roll at Syracuse
some time and intend to largely increase their
business, there seems no doubt about their
complying with the requirements and that the
location of this factory here will be of great
value to the town.
The JOURNAL welcomes these gentlemen to our
city. They are very business-like appearing men
and leave the impression with all who have made
their acquaintance that they thoroughly
understand their business, and will be valuable
additions to the business interests
of the town. As stated above they expect to
have their business moved
Page Ten
here and be in operation the 15th of next month.
Besides the members of the firm they will bring
with them half a dozen families. The remainder
of their employes they expect to secure here.
The factory promises to furnish employment to
quite a number of people and will therefore be a
very welcome thing indeed to our town. |
School Report
Report of public schools for first month ending
October 12, 1900:
Enrolled first day
................................. 564
Enrolled last
day.................................. 586
Number belonging last day ............. 569
Days attendance . ..........................
Days absence
.................................... 319
[Continued on Page Twelve] Page
of tardiness ............................... 8
Minutes lost by tardiness ...................
The best record is shown by Miss Baer's room
in central building. She has had no tardiness
and only six days absence. I trust parents will
pay more attention to the matter of sending
children at proper time. We should have no
H.S. Hippensteel, Supt.
Reports of Student Disobedience
There were some very wild reports in circulation
last week in regard to a fourteen-year-old pupil
in the Laketon school administering a severe
whipping to Prof. Kerr who had called the boy to
account for disobedience. >From a gentleman who
is in position to know the facts in the case we
learn that the affair has been greatly
exaggerated. It seems that the boy had failed or
refused to do some of his school work and Prof.
Kerr told him to stay in after school, but the
boy jumped up and attempted to run out when the
Professor grabbed him and a souffle(sic) ensued
in which both fell down. The boy was afterwards
reproved, but the affair was magnified into a
great slugging match which resulted in not less
than half a dozen pairs of black eyes for the
Professor besides various other pugilistic
embellishments. While the story may be the means
of getting the Laketon schools into bad repute
people who know Prof. Kerr will be slow to
believe that a fourteen- year-old school boy
could so easily do to him what Jeffries done to
Sharkey. |
Page Twelve