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North Manchester
Historical Society
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Source: NMHS Newsletter Nov 1998
Prices Advertised, February, 1940
- Regular Gasoline 72-74 Octane 6 gal. for
- 1940 Buick "Head of the Class and fit to
be Tried!" $996.00
- Valentine Bulk Candies
- Cocoanut Cream Hearts-1 lb 15¢
- Jelly Hearts-1 lb 10¢
- Chocolate Hearts- 1 lb 20¢
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- Boxed Chocolate Creams in Heart Shaped
Box 25¢
- Hybrid Seed Corn Troyer's Blue Ribbon
Grown by C.E. Troyer, Corn King of the World
Flats $6.00 per bushel at Bolinger Farm
- Grocery Specials
- Elf Prunes 2 lb. box 17¢
- Elf Raisins 2 l5 pkgs 17¢
- Evaporated Apricots lb 17¢
- Evaporated Peaches 2 lbs 29¢
- Elf Evaporated Currants 10¢
- Elf Mince Meat, pkg 10¢
- Little Elf Macaroni 3 / 8oz 22¢
- P & G Soap 3 bars 10¢
- Bisquick, box 27¢
- Elf Deluxe Plums, large 30 oz 141/2¢
- Elf Fruit Cocktail l5 oz 141/2¢
- Elf Peaches l5 oz 2 cans 25¢
- Sunrise Coffee l lb 15¢
- Elf Apple Sauce 20 oz 3 cans 25¢
- Elf Cut Green Beans 2 cans 25¢
- Gelatin Dessert 3 pkgs 13¢
- Elf Tomato Juice 3 cans 25¢
- Hominy 28 oz can 71/2¢
- Elf Pancake Flour, pkg 71/2¢
- Elf Wheat Puffs, pkg 71/2¢
- Post Bran Flakes pkg 9¢
- June Peas 20 oz 10¢
- Apples Washington Winesaps 25¢ for 4 lbs
- Apples, Virginia Varieties 25¢ for 6 lbs
- Head Lettuce 2 heads 15¢
- New Cabbage (lb) 5¢
- Carrots, bunch 8¢
- Potatoes, 10 lb bag 31¢
- Oranges large size, doz. 35¢
- Grapefruit, 6 for 25¢
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