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North Manchester
Historical Society
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of the North
Manchester Historical Society, Inc.
(FEBRUARY, 2002)
Excerpt from
The Maple Leaves
a N.M.H.S publication dated
June, 1903
Leaves from an Old
Lulu L. Strickler - believed
to be a member of this class)
(The following leaves are
supposed to have been taken from the diary of an
old man, one of the first settlers of Chester
township, Wabash County, Indiana. Although the
date of the months may be incorrect, the dates
as to years are history.)
I just returned home from
Shippensburg from muster-day. I heard them
discussing this new country west of the
Allegheny mountains, and I was so impressed by
the talk that I intend to look into the matter.
Brother John expects even to start soon.
I went as far as Carlisle
with Brother John and his five companions who
are on their way to Ohio. On account of father's
health, I am forced to remain here.
Just received a letter from
Brother John. He says: "I am located in Richland
county, Ohio, some few miles southeast from
Mansfield. Here the land is very rich, though
the country is broken; even the chestnut ridges
produce great trees from three to five feet in
diameter. The bottom lands are so fertile that
the timothy grass grows about four feet tall,
and the other products grow in the same
proportion; the beets weigh about one hundred
and fifty pounds and the potatoes are so large
that a man may sit upon one end of it while the
other is in the fire roasting." These few items
together with our eagerness to investigate the
territory for ourselves soon caused father to
want to come out as far as Johns, if not
We started early today on our
journey. Father, Betsy and the little ones rode
in the wagon, which carries our necessities; and
the boys and myself armed with the rifle and
some axes, walked along urging the team over the
rough ground, and provided food both for them
and for ourselves. We camped at night, hobbling
the mules to keep them from straying.
How relieved we feel! We have
reached brother's in safety. Father, who has
been rather downhearted, has cheered up upon
finding John's all healthy and in good spirits.
We leave the things in the wagon until we
located for ourselves. Today father seems
interested in everything; he admires the large
chestnut trees, and when, after asking about the
beets, John told him that they were dead-beats
he couldnot conceal his surprise and distrust.
Then he asked about the potatoes. John seems not
to understand him, for he asked, "What
potatoes?" "Oh, those like you wrote about that
you can sit on one end of while the other's in
the fire roasting." "Oh, that is nothin; just
cut them in two."
I am tired of trying to farm
this broken and hilly country and as there is an
opening of lands in Indiana to be had at a
dollar and a quarter an acre, I will sell out
and investigate that.
The day is favorable for the
journey to Indiana. I have sold my land and with
Mike Secrist and Mr. Clever start on foot to see
the new country. We carry an ax and a rifle
apiece but very little money and little more
We had traveled for three
days and for about a hundred or a hundred and
thirty miles we had to follow our way along a
line made by the surveyor's blaze, until we came
to a large river which we learned from an Indian
was the Wabash. He showed us a trail which soon
brought us to a village which boasted one store
and a tavern and a few dwellings. The little
postoffice is called the "Treaty Ground
Postoffice". The settlers here are hospitable
and prevailed upon us to
Page Two
stay and view the land in the
neighborhood and north for about fifteen miles.
We put up at David Cassett's Tavern, where we
obtained a guide. He says the land south of the
river is hilly, and rather rolling, but as he
describes it, it does not form what I call good
farm land, and so we will turn our attention to
the north.
We traveled about four days,
examining the land, before we came to the
water-way our guide called the River Eel; and we
had gone about twenty miles, though the direct
distance is said to be but twelve. After
ascending the bluff at Wabash Town, we
immediately entered level country, which
continued up to within about a mile from the
River Eel. All this land is well timbered and
full of underbrush. Our guide says there is a
clearing several miles up the river where a Mr.
Helvie is wintering; and so we forded the river,
ascended the bluff on the other side where we
were surprised to find the barrens so much
talked of in Ohio; and then followed the river
until we found the opening. Mr. Helvie says the
lands we passed through near the river are the
best in the locality, for they are well drained.
Our guide returned to Wabash Town, convinced
that we would locate here, instead of near his
town. We went with him until he struck our trail
and then we followed the river up its east side.
About two miles from Mr. Helvie's we found a
good spring and a good place for a cabin. I,
then and there, made up my mind that that land
was to be mine. Mike will enter his land about a
mile up from mine, but Mr. Clever don't like the
place and is anxious to return to Ohio, and so
we will start back in a few days.
All three of us kept together
until we reached the land office at Ft. Wayne,
where Mike and I entered our lands. Clever got a
horse and went on, but we followed on foot and
beat him here by two days!
We got to our lands early
this morning and unloaded near the spring. I
felled an oak about four feet in diameter, which
had several large branches, one high enough for
us to stand under. Then I placed elm bark from
the ground to the top of the branches so that it
makes a tent-shaped shelter, which will be our
home until I can get a cabin.
[Continued on Page Four]
Page Three
Yesterday the neighbors, with
a man from LaGros, came in to help build my
cabin, and tonight I have a double cabin, with
two good fire-places. I put Pete Ogan, Jesse
Moyer, Teal and Mr. Lukens in the fatigue party,
and Jim Abbot and John Ogan hauled the logs to
the site and assorted them. Mr. Harter, Simonton
and Mr. Comstock hunted the roofing and fixed
the puncheons for the floor. Sam Thurston, Cox,
Gill and Anderson were the corner men, and
everything was in readiness this morning for the
Our crop of corn has done
well and will furnish meal for us throughout the
winter, and the fodder will keep the oxen in
good condition. I have just returned from
registering the stock, so that I may let them
run at large until cold weather, feeding on the
nuts and acorns. My herds are marked by a hole
in the left ear and a slit in the right one.
Neighbor John just came from Richmond with his
load of salt for the neighborhood. I got about
two barrels of it, paying twenty-five dollars
for it. I poured a small bucketful of it into a
springy place down near the river to make a
Neighbor John came over this
morning and said that this is the time for
butchering and that the other neighbors, ready
for work, would soon be down to the river. I
made all haste to get there in time to help with
the catching of the cattle and swine. They
fenced in a large pen near where the animals
spent the night and tolled them into it with
grain. The hundred and seven head which entered
made us a good day's work, John got fourteen but
only twelve of mine entered, although I had
wanted fifteen.
We have just been to Neighbor
John's to a husking bee, given for the new
neighbors. Some of those there were James Abbot,
Col. Helvie, Mr. Ogan and his brother John, Mr.
Harter, Mr. Halderman and John Wesley Williams.
John Ogan says his new corn-crcker is now almost
ready to grind; and this means no more trips to
Bristol for meal. The last part of the evening
was spent in the telling of their various
experiences, especially of those with the
Indians. We had not
Page Four
all told our experiences when
a big chief came to the door calling for the "jenup
-man." He had a squaw and a papoose with him
which he placed by my side. Then he would walk
part way from us with little Conrad, our
black-eyed and black-haired boy. He would bring
him back and start away with his squaw; then he
would repeat these actions. When I saw he wanted
to trade his squaw for my boy, I shook my head
and said, "no, no," and the Indian,
understanding me better than I did him, walked
away with his squaw, all the time saying, "You
no jenup-man", evidently thinking that any
gentleman would trade.
Today I have worked as usual
on the new Methodist church at North Manchester,
and we now have it almost ready for dedication.
It will be one of the best and most comfortable
churches around, for it is large, roomy and well
lighted, and the benches are well finished and
(Note) Evidently each student
was allocated a certain space and that
allocation ran out here...I wished for more