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Source: NMHS Newsletter Feb 2003
Growing Up in
North Manchester
by Mary Coe
I was born to Robert M and
Maude Miller on August 18, 1926. I was the third
child and the long hoped for daughter, so I was
named after my grandmothers, neither of whom I
ever knew since they had died before I was born.
They both knew of my coming, however, but could
not know in those days if the expected one would
be a boy or girl. My father was the pastor of
the Manchester Church of the Brethren. He had
returned from seven years in California where my
oldest brother, Bob, was born in 1917. My second
brother, Bud, was born in January of 1925 here
in North Manchester. They went by the nicknames
while here in school but became Robert and John
after College
One of my earliest memories
is being sent over to the church to get my dad
for lunch. His "study" was on the third floor of
the northeast
wing, up the flights of
wooden stairs. I would go in and begin to call
to him and he would answer me as we conversed
and I went up the 'dark stairs'. Those are the
same stairs which allowed the fire to get into
the wooden framing structure above the sanctuary
and cause the heavy damage to the west wall
early in the morning of the recent fire.
In 1929, my father joined the
faculty of Manchester College and we moved from
the parsonage to 703 College Avenue. During
those years we had a very large garden where
East Hall is now. My father was the gardener and
my mother was the preserver. She canned what he
grew. Many times there were no pay checks from
the Treasurer, or part ones only. Bud and I
spent most summers on my Grandfather Reiff's
farm. We thought it was for our fun, but as
adults we could see that it was for economics
mostly. When butchering or canning was done
Mother came down and we went home with our
share. The other thing that got us through those
really lean years was the kindness of J. K.
Lautzenhiser. He ran a grocery store on the
south side of Main Street next to Louie's Candy
Kitchen and carried a credit line for Dad that
he kept paying on up until WWII.
I never knew hunger during
that time. My husband could tell a different
story. His father worked as a molder at the
Foundry. I do remember Christmases with one gift
at home on Christmas Eve, but we knew that the
next day we would go to 'Grandpap's' and have a
big time, ending with the passing out of silver
dollars to all. I still have most of them. After
the dollars, Grandpapa would bring out a bushel
basket full of oranges, bananas, hard candy and
apples! What a thing to look forward to. It
almost made up for the collection of the Miller
family dollars by my dad!
In order to help with the
rent, the folks took in roomers. Most of the
time there were eight college boys and my
brothers upstairs. They had their own bathroom,
but I was not allowed to go up there. The usual
college pranks were played, blown fuses, loud
scary noises, short sheeted beds for my
brothers, etc.
I have been asked to compare
my life with 'the other side of the tracks'. I
think that one of the biggest differences was
the place of books in our budget. We have my
father's ledgers for those twenties and thirties
and many months more was spent on books and
educational journals than on food and clothing.
I was really lucky being the
[Continued on Page Eight]
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only girl, so no hand me
downs. Mary Neher, a local seamstress would
spent several months living at our house and
sewing for Mother and me. I thought she was a
really neat lady. She lived in a wheel-chair and
I could ride on the foot holder! I was in school
before I had any store bought clothes. She even
made coats.
The other adult, beside
family, who became really important in our lives
was Grace Miller. Her father owned the farm we
know as Eleanor Miller's farm. Grace was our
sitter whenever Mom and Dad had to be gone.
Also, in the days before WW II no substitute
teachers were supplied by the administration.
Many times my mother took over giving exams or
reading the lecture for Dad.
In 1935, through the support
of Ad Urschel, president of the Indiana Lawrence
Bank, Dad and Mom bought their house at 606 East
Ninth Street. He began digging out the basement,
bucket by bucket. When he got a section dug out
for a wall he would pour the wall with an old
cement mixer and a wheelbarrow. In 1939, the
basement was finished and that spring they moved
the family into the garage, a separate structure
facing west. They constructed a screened in
porch where my brother Bob slept unless it
rained. Mon and Dad slept in a double bed on the
south side with a single bunk built above them
for Brother Bud. I have a camp cot on the north
side with an aisle between wide enough to pull
Bob's bed in if it rained. The east end had an
old fashioned kitchen cabinet with clothes rods
above it. A table and chairs and several drawer
chests finished the furniture. We lived in there
for six months while the contractor finished the
remodeling of the upstairs. I can remember
hearing the news boys calling out the extra
edition of the News Journal announcing the
invasion of Poland by German forces and being
just into my new bedroom in the new house!!
I did not know that there
could be less than sixteen years to my
education. I knew from very early on that I was
to go to Manchester College. There wasn't free
tuition for faculty in those days. I don't know
what kind of ministerial discount there may have
been, but the school was very glad to have us in
the forties. As soon as we were old enough to
get a work permit, we went to work. Bob worked
for the grocery store, Bud worked for Card's
Greenhouse, where CVS is now on Market Street. I
worked for L. J. Yoder Insurance as the
clerk-receptionist until I got into college.
Then I worked for the bookstore
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in the basement of the Ad
building. We did not have to share for food, but
we were expected to clothe ourselves and save
some, THEN to run around money.
My parents instilled in us
that we made our own judgments. They made it
clear how they felt or believed, but we were
encouraged to think it out for ourselves. I am
certain that many times they were aghast and
wished we had done differently. I cam remember
Dad looking down the table and saying, "Maude,
where did we go wrong?" One of the best examples
for forgiveness that I have seen, was my
Mother's dependency, in her later years, on my
husband who had been a challenge for them to
accept as a son in law at first. And then there
was the time that my father told my mother that
Mary's mince pie tasted better than hers and he
knew it was the shot of Jack Daniels that got in
from my kitchen. So life goes.
They gave us a deep sense of
faith, family and fairness. We were taught that
all people bleed red and tears are all salty. We
were aware very early of the presence of God in
our lives, and for two of us that has developed
into the organized church. My brother Bud became
a doctor and met God on his own level. Because
both my husband and I were "natives" we felt a
calling to expand our world through travel and
cultural challenges. I have never regretted
being a 'small town preacher's kid'.