Press Release
Event Date:
December 10, 2016
Christmas at the Thomas Marshall House
The Thomas Marshall House, 409 N. Market Street in
North Manchester, will be open December 10, 2016
from 1 to 4 p.m.
The house will be decorated for Christmas as
it might have been in 1854, when Thomas Marshall was
The Marshall House is usually scheduled to be open
to the public the first Saturday of the month.
However, there are other numerous
Christmas-related programs scheduled for the weekend
of December 2-4.
The NM Historical Society invites everyone to
visit the Marshall House on a less-hectic weekend.
Local artist and historian Steve Batzka and
other docents will be available to guide people
through the house and provide information about the
Marshall Family.
The house itself harkens to a much simpler time.
“It will represent an old-fashioned
Christmas,” said Batzka.
“People didn’t observe Christmas like they do
Thomas Marshall was born in North Manchester and
became governor of Indiana and Vice President of the
United States.
His birth house, on north Market Street next
to the library, was completely restored and
furnished by the North Manchester Historical Society
to its 1854 condition.
It is open to the public on the first
Saturday of each month, but will be open this
December on the second Saturday.
After December 12, the house will remain
closed until next spring.
Source: NMHS Newsletter, August 2013, Submitted by
Nancy Reed
The Thomas Marshall birthplace house is once again open to the public
on a regular basis. Stop by
to visit on the first Saturday of each month, between the hours of 1:00 to 4:00
p.m. This living history
museum is open from April 1st through
December 7th.
In 2012, the N. Manchester Historical Society completed a 17 year
endeavor to restore this home to the 1850s era. Thomas Marshall was born here in
1854 to Dr. Daniel and Martha (Patterson) Marshall. The Daniel Marshall family
moved to Illinois in 1856 and later to Missouri when Tom was still a youngster.
In 1860, on the eve of the Civil War, the Marshall family returned once again to
Indiana, settling in Pierceton and later in Columbia City.
Marshall home, originally built right on Main Street in the center of town, has
been moved three times before reaching its current location
just north of the Manchester Public Library on Market Street.
The last move was documented
on video, including a documentary of how the home was restored to its original
look by a professional restorationist and many volunteers.
A fee of $1.00 will be charged as admission and you will be guided
through the home by knowledgeable staff who can tell you the stories of the time
period when the Marshalls resided there.
Special group tours may be arranged by calling the N. Manchester Center
for History at 260-982-0672.
Source: NMHS Newsletter, August 2012, Submitted by
Nancy Reed
Thomas Marshall House Opening.
After many years of preparation, the birthplace home of Thomas Riley
Marshall is now open. Dressed in
the period style of the 1850’s the home educates visitors on what it was like to
live during that period. The home
also features the doctor’s office of Tom’s father, Daniel, and the kitchen of
his mother, Martha. Steve Batzka
looked high and low for just the right period pieces to furnish this small
house. A donation from Evelyn
Niswander, a long-time member of the project, helped us purchase furniture.
You won’t want to miss viewing it when we open it during Fun Fest.
The hours will be published.

We thank all of those who worked on making this house museum become a reality
and would especially like to recognize the Community Foundation of Wabash County
for the grant we received to help furnish it.
The America In Bloom Committee made and installed the fence and
plantings, the Manchester Garden Club planted the herb garden, and Ryan Baker at
Manchester Greenhouse supplied planting materials.
Last year, the Rotary Club, capably led by Deb Brauneller, gave a fresh
coat of paint to the house and shutters.
Jim Mishler and Steve Batzka also had a big role to play in these

The North Manchester Historical Society anticipates having this historic home
open monthly if several more volunteers can be found to guide visitors through
while telling its rich history.
Please call 260-982-0672 or stop by the Center for History if you are interested
in being a Thomas Marshall docent.
Thomas Marshall House News
Submitted by Mary Chrastil, August 2011
spring, the North Manchester Rotary decided to paint
the Thomas Marshall House as its community project.
It had not been painted in several years, and
chipping and flaking were becoming more and more
Rotary members and a
group of Historical Society representatives met and
decided that the logistics of using all-volunteer
painters was just too complicated, as it would
involve constructing scaffolding and taking it up
and down over a period of several weeks while
volunteers painted.
The most cost effective and simple way to
proceed was to do some volunteer work on the house,
but hire a professional painter to do the painting.
The total cost was a bit over what the Rotary
had budgeted, but the job was accomplished with
contributions from the Historical Society, a little
extra from Rotary, and a great price from the
painter, Historical Society Member Jim Mishler.
It looks great!
Some of
the work was done by volunteers.
Rotary arranged to have the house power
North Manchester Historical Society member Steven
Batzka was in charge of scraping and painting the
shutters, which are too delicate to withstand a
power wash.
Deb and Brad Bauneller from Rotary (and also
Historical Society Members) put the shutters back
We’re all set for many more years.
Another Thomas
Marshall House project will be taking shape this
America in Bloom plans to plant a garden of
old-fashioned plants around the house, such as day
lilies, peonies, and hydrangeas.
An herb garden is also being considered.
Watch for fall plantings and spring blossoms
next April.
Thank you
to Rotary and America in Bloom for adopting the
Thomas Marshall House and improving the property.
The Historical Society plans to open the
house with regular visiting hours in spring, 2012.
Our main concerns now are additional
furnishings, creating a small exhibit on Thomas
Marshall for the house, and securing docents who can
provide tours and information during open hours.
Your help with any of these areas would be
Call Nancy at 982-0672.
Stephen Batzka, January 7, 2010
The following work has been done on the Marshall
house since 2007. The interior has been painted-all
rooms are whitewashed as was appropriate in the era
of the 1840's. The wood trim upstairs has been
painted a soft dark green historic color. The
staircase and all downstairs woodwork has been faux
grained in oak pattern as was typical for this era.
The upstairs floors are painted a dark brown and all
floors downstairs have been faux grained in oak over
the original ash floors that were in bad shape. An
ingrain wool antique carpet has been installed in
the parlor. Window treatments have been completed
using a white muslin fabric in a simple style that
was copied from the window treatment used at Shaker
Village in Kentucky. The interior now waits to be
furnished in a simple way with period antiques. We
were able to secure a few needed pieces on loan from
the Wabash County Historical Museum. The parlor
needs to be wallpapered with historic reproduction
wallpaper and perhaps some simple stenciling may be
done in some of the other rooms. This summer the
exterior needs to be power washed and scraped and
repainted. The exterior shutters have been repainted
and are remaining in good shape. The America In
Bloom organization has future plans to install a
period garden and fencing around the property.
NMHS Newsletter Feb 2008--
Thomas Marshall House -2007, by
Stephen A. Batzka
It has
been a busy year at the Marshall house and it is
beginning to look more inviting on the interior.
However, there are several things that remain to be
done to make it ready for furnishings. The following
was completed this year:
Interior carpentry work is complete. This includes
placing of register covers, hanging a door upstairs,
placement of all the door hardware and placement of
the floor quarter round in place.
process of faux graining of all the woodwork is
continuing. Only one room, the office, remains to be
completed. This is a five step process and is very
labor intensive but the results are worth the
effort. The upstairs woodwork and the kitchen
woodwork is painted. The most difficult woodwork to
finish was the staircase due to the many spindles.
antique ingrain carpet was put down on the floor of
the parlor.The exterior shutters were repainted due
to failure of the original paint. Touch up painting
was done around several of the exterior doors.
August, during Fun Fest in North Manchester, we had
a dedication of the new state marker that was placed
in front of the house. A nice crowd attended and
several officials from the state Historical Society
late December three windows of old glass were broken
out and these will need to be repaired when the
weather is better. A supply of antique glass was
ordered several years ago and is stored in the
Source: NMHS Newsletter Aug 2007--
The Journey of the Marshall House
February, 1853 Daniel Marshall and his brother, Joseph,
purchased lot 23 in North Manchester. In June of that
year he was appointed Postmaster in North Manchester as
part of political patronage under President Franklin
Pierce. March 14, 1854 his son, Tom, was born in the
house on lot 23, which was probably built soon after
their arrival. Judging from a comparison of the value of
the property when purchased and when sold, it appears
that there was no house on it when the Marshalls bought
the lot.
When Tom's
mother became ill and the decision was made to move west
in search of health for her, Joseph purchased the half
share and then his brother, Milburn, bought the property
from Joseph in March of 1863. Sometime during his
ownership, Milburn moved the house to the corner of
Third and Market and sold it to George and Ellen Cowgill
Rhodes who lived in the house until George's death in
As part of
the estate, the house was sold to John & Augusta Shively
in 1872 and they lived there until they built a much
larger house on the same lot in 1905. When the large
house was finished, they sold the small (Marshall) house
to Bartlet Krisher who moved it to a lot at the corner
of Ninth & Walnut. After various owners there it became
a rental property owned by Walter and Mary Jenet Penrod,
who decided to sell it in 1992.
The North
Manchester Historical Society had money in hand, hoping
that the house would eventually be for sale and bought
it. They began restoration at that site and arranged to
move the house in September, 1994 to a site on town
property at the southern edge of Halderman Cemetery.
There restoration continued; the random-width poplar
floors were exposed, the stairway was reset at the
original location, the woodwork was repaired and
restored, and shutters were repaired and all surfaces
inside and out were repainted. Materials suitable to the
period were used for most of the restoration.
The search
for furnishings and other materials for the house is a
long and difficult process. Slowly, as funds and
suitable items are found, we are adding to the things in
the house to show once more how the house might have
looked in the last half of the 1800s. We are pleased to
have this recognition of the significance of the
Marshall House through the State Historical Marker.
Dedication and Acceptance of the State
Historical Marker for the Thomas Marshall Birthplace.
On August
10, during Funfest, The Indiana State Historical Bureau
presented a Marker to the Town and the Historical
Society which has been placed in front of the house, now
sited on Market Street on the grounds of the Halderman
Cemetery. The text for the Marker is:
Side one
Thomas Riley Marshall
Born 1854
in North Manchester in this house on Main Street. Was
Governor of Indiana 1909 - 1913. Under his leadership,
Indiana General Assembly enacted legislation, called the
"Marshall Constitution," to improve government
efficiency by amending the Constitution. Indiana Supreme
Court declared the legislation unconstitutional, July 5,
Side two
Thomas Riley Marshall
He was
elected vice president 1912 under Woodrow Wilson.
Marshall generally supported Wilson's proposals. He
refused to assume powers of presidency after Wilson's
stroke in 1919, believing it would be unconstitutional.
Marshall was only the third vice president to serve two
full terms. He died 1925 and is buried in Crown Hill
Cemetery, Indianapolis.
The event
was chaired by Darlene Bucher, who directed the work of
the planning committee. Ferne Baldwin described the
various moves of the house, David Bennett , author of a
recent book titled, He Almost Changed the World: The
Life and Times of Thomas Riley Marshall, spoke of
Marshall's life. A community choir directed by Debbie
Chinworth and accompanied by Diana Bucher delighted with
a number of songs of the period .
The Marker
was presented by Pamela Bennett, Director, Indiana
Historical Bureau, with appropriate remarks and accepted
for the town by Carrie Mugford, City Clerk-Treasurer,
and for the Historical Society by William Eberly,
President. These three, plus Ferne Baldwin, uncovered
the Marker . A sizeable crowd then read the Marker and
toured the house which has been restored by the work of
many volunteers under the skills and leadership of Steve
Batzka, who completed much of the finishing work
A note
from Ms Bennett later said, "The ceremony was a model
for community participation, and a lot of fun. . . .
Please convey my thanks and appreciation to everyone for
the ceremony and the tour, as well as the preservation
of the Marshall home and your history. I'm glad we were
able to spend the additional time learning about your
NMHS Newsletter, August
Thomas Marshall
Birthplace Dedication 8/12/05
Good Morning!
For any of you who have
been out of town for a very long time, my name is
Marshall; Thomas Riley Marshall, and I was born in this
very house on March 14, 1854. Do the math: I'm a
certified Geezer! But I have also been a legal counselor
to small communities, a Governor serving all Hoosiers,
and the Vice President of all these 33 states ... yes,
Kansas and Nebraska have just been admitted, though the
news may not have reached this tiny town!
You may already know
that this birthplace home was located on Main Street in
1854, but I'll rely on someone much younger than I to
tell the travel tales of The Marshall Home.
When I was born in this
little house, there was no Historical Society, much less
a Public Library, Manchester College, Peabody Home,
Timbercrest, or Fun Fest. My parents' idea of a Fun Fest
was hearing a horse draw up in front of the house with a
rider that was NOT about to deliver a baby! You do
recall that my father, Daniel, was a doctor, don't you?
Anyone looking out the
front door of this simple frame house would have seen an
unpaved street where dust choked the traveler in the dry
days of summer, where hogs and dogs and the occasional
mule were free to wallow after a rain. Do I understand
that travelers today can choose among The Treeway, The
Hospitality House, and the Fruitt Basket? My, how North
Manchester has grown!
We were a hardy
population of 400 in 1854. If one looked down from a hot
air balloon in those days, we'd see the cross-hatching
of a few streets, a few thread-like roads winding among
the trees; a few plumes of smoke; the gleam of sunlight
on the river; we'd hear the distant thud of an ax; the
sound of children shouting and laughing at play; a
horse's whinny; a creaking cart; and all around this
scene lies a vast forest, like an emerald ocean,
stretching to the horizon.
Here and there we'd see
open spaces, like islands, that indicate the feeble
beginnings of agriculture. My father, Daniel Marshall,
told me that he had cut down walnut trees that were six
feet in diameter at the stump and soared a hundred feet
into the sky before there was a limb! Those mighty trees
were logged and burned to gain ground for growing crops!
My, how we have wasted the resources of nature!
Well, it's nice to be
back in North Manchester! From this gathering, I surmise
that people here do recall that I got my humble
beginnings here! I recall another visit, that time to
Columbia City, to visit friends and family. I was vice
president at the time and Mrs. Marshall and I came in on
the night train. Unannounced. Unrecognized. As we were
riding from the station to the hotel in the town hack, I
thought I'd have a little fun with the driver.
"I hear Thomas Marshall
once lived in this town. Is that right?" I asked.
"Yep," said the
loquacious man, shifting his chaw of tobacco.
"Isn't he vice
president of the United States?" I continued.
"Yep," replied the man,
growing ever more eloquent.
"Well, what do they say
here in Columbia City about Vice President Thomas
"They don't say
nothing," the driver said. "They just laugh!"
On that humbling note,
and given my bland ambition toward high places, I will
dispense with my political rise and address what I see
as the needs of your times.
Yes ... I know ... you are expecting me to say that,
"What this country really needs is a good 5 cent cigar."
However saddled with
that offside commentary I remain, I would today suggest,
"What this country really needs is lasting and loving
And so, we are gathered
here today at this old home.
This house became
"home" to me in 1854. That was just 20 years after
Richard Helvey became the first white settler to find
the solace and promise of this place beside the
meandering Eel River compelling enough to make it his
Indeed, I have often
speculated within the dusty reaches of my own mind, if
this place has some cosmic connection to another home
that became famous in 1854? That famous retreat and home
belonged to Henry David Thoreau and sits beside Walden
Pond. I suggest that one might draw more than a few
parallels between the lessons of Walden and life beside
the Eel.
My father was a doctor,
so this house dispensed care and healing even before I
came along. After we moved on to Pierceton and
ultimately Columbia City, this old home provided warmth
and shelter to a succession of people in a succession of
In my reading of the
Holy Scriptures, I was always reminded that "As ye sow,
so shall ye reap." Thus, it is entirely appropriate that
this old home, having given care, comfort, and love for
so many years, is now the recipient of this community's
care and labors of love.
It is good to see your
efforts and your continued commitment to being a
community of lasting and loving homes.
It's been 19 years
since I first returned to this town to participate in
your sesquicentennial celebration in the play "Memory
Speaks." As I did on that stage, I ask you to remember,
"Friendship and goodwill. Friendship and goodwill."
David Grandstaff
The Marshall
birth-house Dedication
With the dedication of the Thomas Marshall
Birth-House on August 12, 2005 we have marked the
completion of the first phase of this significant
project. We have rescued the house, moved it to a secure
location, and restored the basic structure to its
original form. We have recovered its "architectural
integrity". This has been a long and time-consuming
It was exciting to have Thomas Marshall himself
(a.k.a. David Grandstaff) bring some remarks at this
dedication ceremony. President Ferne Baldwin gave a
history of the house itself. There was special music by
Terry McKee, Marilyn Mason, and Debra Lynn. The Rotary
Gazebo provided a beautiful setting for the program.
Special guests included Mr. Stephen Berrey from the
Indiana Historical Bureau and Mr. John Harris of the
Indiana Historical Society, both from Indianapolis.
The second phase will involve the final refinishing
of the interior in a somewhat original form. This
involves painting, finishing the floor and woodwork and
installing floor coverings.
The third phase is the furnishing of the house and
creating displays of Marshall history. Since we have no
original furniture from this house from the time of the
Marshalls, we need to acquire various pieces from that
general time frame. I am suggesting the period from 1850
to 1900. If we want to include the time span of Mr.
Marshall's life, we would extend this to about 1925.
It will be doubly significant if furniture and other
household articles have a North Manchester connection.
We already have a cast iron stove made in North
Manchester. We also have a dresser that was purchased by
Amos B. Miller of rural North Manchester for his
daughter, Bertha, on her 18th birthday, February 8,
1891. The Manchester merchant who sold the dresser was
J. Straw, whose store was located in the building now
occupied by John Knarr's book store. The shipping tag is
still attached to the back of the dresser. A penciled
notation in one of the drawers indicated the price at
$10.00. There is also a small collection of doctor's
supplies, including medicine bottles and a satchel
carried by an early physician on his home visits. A
committee has been working for some years on identifying
items for the house. Our staff at the Center for History
can develop exhibits and photographs for display.
We have applied for an official Indiana Historical
Marker for the Marshall House. If this is approved, we
can expect the marker to be installed sometime late
summer or fall of 2006. It would be desirable to have
most of phase three completed by this. This will call
for another ceremony when this marker is installed.
William R. Eberly
The Story of
the Thomas Marshall House
Told at the
Dedication of the House
Riley Marshall grew up
in Virginia, in what is now West Virginia. In 1818 he
and his family came to the newly admitted state of
Indiana and settled in Randolph County. Then they moved
to Grant county and later sold his land there and moved
to Wabash County. In the fall of 1848 he purchased 142
acres of farmland west of Lagro and soon original plat
108 in Lagro. In the late 1850s Riley moved to Kansas
near his married daughters.
Daniel Marshall, one of
Riley's nine children, became a physician. He married
Martha Patterson who had come to visit her sister in
Marion, Indiana and met him there. They located in North
Manchester in 1848 and Daniel established a medical
practice. They lived in a house on Original Plat 24 on
Main Street which the Thorne family had purchased from
Peter Ogan in 1839. The Thornes probably built the house
sometime between 1839 and 1848.

Thomas Riley Marshall
was born in North Manchester in this house March 14,
1854. When he was two years old, his mother developed
tuberculosis. Daniel determined to treat her with what
was called the open-air treatment and they moved
westward near Urbana, Illinois where Martha was put on a
diet of raw eggs and milk. Her health did not improve so
they moved to Kansas near others of the family.
Kansas was in a turmoil
with the struggle between pro-slavery and free state
settlers. The Marshalls soon moved to La Grange,
Missouri and there Martha regained her health. But Dr.
Marshall had become involved in the political
controversy and his life was being threatened. They fled
at once: by sundown the family was on a boat headed for
Quincy, Illinois. By November Dr. Marshall was
practicing medicine in Pierceton, Indiana.
The Marshall House was
moved about 1870 to the northwest corner of Third and
Market Streets, probably by M. S. Marshall who owned the
house from 1866-1872. His relationship, if any, to
Daniel Marshall is unknown, but during the restoration
of the building a business card for M. Marshall was
found in the wall. George and Ellen Cowgill Rhodes were
owners and occupants after the house was relocated to
Third and Market. After George Rhodes died the property
was sold to John and Augusta Shively. In 1905 they
completed the building of a residence on the property
and sold the building to Bartlet Krisher. Bartlet moved
it to the northwest corner of Ninth and Walnut.
The history of the
house during its life on Ninth and Walnut has not been
documented. By 1992 it was a rental property owned by
Walter and Mary Jenet Penrod. That year it was acquired
by The North Manchester Historical Society and the
restoration began. Additions to the house were removed
there, a new roof was put on and the house was prepared
for another move. On September 30, 1994 the house moved
slowly a block west to Market and down Market to a site
at the south end of Halderman park where a basement had
been prepared. There the restoration continued.
NMHS Newsletter, September 2004
The Thomas Marshall Birthplace
Ferne Baldwin
The Thomas
Marshall House, now located on North Market next to the
Public Library has traveled a long journey from its
original home on Main Street at the site of the History
Center. When the Historical Society became owners of the
building it was located at Ninth and Walnut on the
northwest of that intersection. What followed was the
long process of finding another site, preparing the site
and planning the move. Eventually the day came, and with
lots of school children and other lining the streets,
the house moved slowly down Market to its new and final
home north of the Library.
Since the
time, for more years than we hoped, we have worked
within the limits of funds and time and energy to
restore the house to the period of the 1850s when it was
built. Before it was moved we replaced the roof and tore
of a shed-like addition which had been built on the
rear. Since we have rebuilt the rear wall (where the
shed had been removed) replaced the stairway to its
original position, replaced and restored windows,
painted the exterior, took out added floors, wired the
house, dry walled all walls.
summer we have been working to bring the renovation to
completion. Shutters are restored and painted. The
exterior and the interior have been painted the final
coat. Authentic hardware for new doors and for the
shutters has been secured through the hard work of Steve
Batzka. One of the most difficult tasks has been the
restoration of the interior woodwork. It had been
modified and cut up through the years. By the close of
this season we hope to have the restoration complete and
be working on the furnishing of the house with period
furniture. That, too, is a difficult task.
We have
been encouraged by the promise of a matching grant, and
are beginning fund raising efforts to meet that
challenge, and would be grateful for any help. We are
eager for the day when we can open the house as one of
the interesting and educational sights in North
Source: NMHS Newsletter, February
Thomas Marshall House
End of Year Report for 1997
These items of construction were accomplished:
Removal of front half of the first layer of flooring
boards revealed the original floor boards had been
painted which, in turn, outlined the position of the
original wall locations and stairway location.
Removed and replaced in the original location, the
stairway to the second floor. The railing spindle's
original location were discovered by locating the holes
in the original floor boards and were replaced
accordingly. Both railing and spindles in some locations
had to be reproduced to match existing.
New walls have been framed in their original locations
in the Entry and Living Room.
The exterior wood siding for the most part has been
completed and some of the windows have been restored.
New wood siding that was installed last summer was prime
painted this fall.
There is low heat in the building and it will be
maintained as necessary.
Items still to be done:
In the back half of the house the rest of the newer
floor boards must to removed. It is hoped that this will
reveal the rest of the original wall locations.
Portions of the second floor must be replaced and/or
renewed where the stairway was taken out and framing
must be stabilized.
Front door assembly and side lights installed and
All plaster walls and ceilings except for observation
areas to be removed.
All floors sanded and refinished, stairway stripped and
refinished, and wall paneling, wainscoting and trim
stripped and refinished.
Painting inside and outside completed.
We thank Joe Kitchel for his restoration work and Steve
Batska for helpful consultation. The Boy Scouts and
Robert Pittman deserve special thanks for their scraping
and painting and Mr. Taylor for the use of his
woodworking shop and tools in recreating and matching
existing stairway parts and other wood trim. This has
saved the Historical Society hundreds of dollars in
millwork costs.
The following article is from the
NMHS Newsletter Feb 1993--
Historical Society
Undertakes Preservation of Marshall House
The Thomas Marshall house was purchased with Historical
Society funds which had been held for several years for
that purpose. The total project of moving the house to a
permanent site, renovating it, restoring it to the
period of the 1850's securing funds to endow the
operation as an educational center and museum is now
The Community Foundation is playing a major role through
the assistance of the Lilly Endowment. This Endowment
fund will match one dollar for every two contributed to
the Community Foundation for the Marshall project up to
$12,000. Lilly Endowment has already contributed $10,000
to enable the town to purchase the Tyner house which
will be moved and eventually sold for endowment funds.
While at Wabash College, Thomas Marshall became a member
of the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. While vice-president,
he noted that this fraternity was one of the major
contributing influences in his life. When a member of
this fraternity at Wabash College learned about the
project the Historical Society was starting with the
Marshall house through an article in the New-Journal,
support for the project by this fraternity was
undertaken in several ways. First, they have provided
direct hands-on labor-- a major and encouraging
contribution. Second, they have started a fund raising
effort to support the project with dollars and have
worked to enlist the national fraternity organization to
assist in that effort.
The end result of this campaign will be to provide a
legacy for future generations to learn about North
Manchester's favorite son, who became Indiana's governor
and then vice-president for two terms. The house, as a
museum, will also provide an ideal place to learn about
the 1850-1900 time period in U. S. history.
To be able to renovate and restore, to provide an
endowment for maintenance and funds to purchase period
pieces as they become available, and to provide free
admission to school children, the Historical Society is
launching the Thomas Riley Marshall Commemoration
Current estimates of expenses include:
Marshall House Purchase $20,000
Moving two houses 20,000
Renovation 20,000
Restoration of Marshall house 25,000
Endowment for Operation 70,000
Campaign Expenses 2,000
Total Project 162,000
From the town- share in cost of Tyner property 20,000
Lilly Endowment match for Tyner 10,000
Possible further matching funds from Lilly Endowment
The Challenge for the Campaign $120,000
We believe this is a worthy project for your
contribution. It will benefit the town by adding an
important attraction to Market Street which is currently
part of the focus of the trees project and which already
includes the swimming pool and the sports complex. It
will benefit the children of many coming generations by
providing a setting for a better understanding of their
history. It will provide a unique commemoration of an
important historical figure who was born in our town.
How much are you expected to give? Only you know your
financial capabilities. We hope that with all of
us-members and non-members, town supporters, and members
of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity family-we can reach
the goal of $120,000. We want to do an authentic and
professional job that will make us all proud, and
that will cost money. We also want to
have enough endowment that the house can be well
maintained without constant worry.
The house is currently being restored to its former
configuration by the removal of "fake" siding, porches,
a dormer and modern bath and kitchen appliances. If you
are close enough, drive by and note the progress. A new
old-fashioned shingle roof may be the next special
project. Some utilities have promised free wire removal
as we prepare to move the houses- another major
There are many details. Several members of your
historical society have and are giving major amounts of
time and work to the project. Your money contributions
are and will be essential to our success.
Proper recognition of donors will be made at the
restored home. Special consideration will be given to
gifts of larger amounts. Multi-year pledges can also be
given. All contributions should be sent to the Community
of the North Manchester Historical
Society, Inc.
Thomas Marshall Birthplace
Moved to "Final" Location
by Ferne Baldwin
September 30, 1994 was the big day. Once more the
birthplace of Thomas Marshall was loosened from its
moorings and for the third and, we hope, final time it
was maneuvered down the street to its new niche on
Market Street. Ninth Street between Walnut and Market
was closed in the early morning. Market was closed as
the school-bus morning runs were finished.
The utility companies were most cooperative as they took
down lines and then replaced them after the house passed
through. The entire process of moving the house five
blocks required about two and a half hours. Many school
children and adults lined the streets to watch.
The new location is just off the southern end of
Halderman Cemetery/Halderman Park on property owned by
the town. Nearby the standpipe casts its shadow on the
house and soon the new town library will be a newcomer
amid these historic structures. Since Market Street is
increasingly one of the town's main thoroughfares it is
an appropriate location for the birthplace of a former
Indiana Governor and a two term Vice President of the
United States under President Wilson.
The Tyner house, formerly located at this site, has been
moved to a location in the 800 block of North Walnut and
may soon be listed for sale. The lot where the Marshall
House recently stood may also be listed for sale. Both
properties will provide funds for an endowment for the
maintenance of the Marshall House.
Restoration of the Marshall house is underway. Now, for
the first time, there is a basement under the house. It
will be used for storage and for utility needs. A dormer
and other recent additions have been removed. The new
shingle roof draws the eyes and lends an air of
Further restoration and interior work will progress
slowly. If anyone has suggestions of authentic
furnishings from the 1850's the committee is eager to
have information about them.