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Historical Society
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Source: NMHS
Newsletter Aug 2000
Grace Quivey Von Studiford
Grace Quivey who became Mrs. Von Studiford was
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quivey of
North Manchester. The Quiveys were part owners
of a general merchandise store in North
Manchester. Their five children were Maude,
Ralph, Grace, Claude, and Mary. The three
daughters of the family were involved with music
during most of their lives. Maude attended the
Conservatory of Music in Chicago and played in
the Thomas orchestra which became known as the
Chicago Symphony. She then played organ and
piano in the local Methodist Church. |
was the one known nationally. In the early 1900s
she starred in operas in Chicago, New York and
other major cities in the United States and
Canada. Notes about her appearances and at least
one feature article about her appeared in the
New York Times. The following was in the News
Journal in 1900:
Retires From the Stage
Mrs Grace Quivey VanStuddiford Said
to Have Resigned from the DeAngelis Opera
The following which is taken from Monday's
Chicago Record, will be of interest to many
people in this city.
Mrs. Grace Van Studdiford has surrendered her
position as prima donna of the Jefferson
DeAngelis Opera company, which served to restore
her to professional notice at the beginning of
the season, after the retirement consequent upon
her marriage. She is doubtless better remembered
as Grace Quivey, one of a number of beautiful
young women who, with Miss VanDresser and Miss
Methot, began their musical careers in Chicago,
and have attracted much attention within a
wonderfully short period.
At the time of Mrs. VanStuddiford's marriage
it was said her husband was a very wealthy and
aristocratic young man. However, her retirement
was brief, and last fall she announced that she
would go back to the stage in order to improve
her husband's financial condition. The
re-entrance upon her interrupted career has not
been without its storms. Last week when the
DeAngelis company was playing in St. Louis her
home town, Mr. DeAngelis' rule forbidding
flowers to be handed over the footlights
interfered with her and happiness and she
Studdiford returned to North Manchester not long
after her resignation. She lived with Maude in a
house on North Mill (later purchased by the
Hardmans) and soon was giving voice lessons to
students who were pleased to have lessons from
such a well-known person. Nothing further is
known about her husband but it is believed that
he had mis-represented himself and was not the
wealthy person he was thought to be. Mrs. Leigh
Freed is one of those who remembers going to the
house each week for a lesson. |
Page Twelve
Source: North Manchester Journal,
September 22, 1910
Mrs. Grace VanStuddiford Lost Money With Her Own Opera Company.
Information from the east is in effect that
Mrs. Grace VanStuddiford has filed a voluntary
petition in bankruptcy. She gives her liabilities as $20,901.10
with assets of $10, that sum being deposited with the Hudson
Trust company at New York. The petition is filed in New York.
Her statement shows that she owes John W. Thompson of St. Louis
$16,000, secured by a mortgage on two acres of land, buildings
and live stock, located in St. Louis county, worth $30,000, and
ninety-eight shares of the common stock of the Grace Van
Studdiford Amusement company; Reginald DeKoven, $850.25 balance
of royalties due on "The Golden Butterfly," and Charles Bradley
of Wantaugh, L.I. $420 salary as business manager.
Her financial difficulties seem to have come
about since she has been managing her own company. While a
success as a singer, always drawing a good salary herself, and
attracting good business to the shows she was with, yet it
appears that the management and work with the company was more
than she could stand, and the financial difficulties were the
result. She has never had any trouble getting the best of
positions with the best of companies, and will probably continue
in the profession with some one of the larger companies.