Source: NMHS Newsletter Nov 1998
North Manchester Businesses in 1920
The following is a list of the business
firms of the town whom we can recommend to you.
Lawrence National Bank, Capital and Surplus,
$125,000.; Union Trust Company, Banking,
Insurance, Notary Work.; Indiana State Bank
General Banking.; Heeter's StoreStaple and Fancy
Groceries, Meats.; M.W. Clark, 702 Walnut Street
- Pure Food Store.; Daniel Sheller Cash Grocery
and Bakery.; C.O. Warner Meat Market.; J. M.
Jennings and SonGroceries and Produce.; Wonderly
and ReiffGroceries and Meats; Stands Brothers
and LenwellThe White Grocery; J.K. Lautzenhiser
Meat Market.; The Morris 5 and 10 cent
StoreNotions, Aluminum and Granite Ware, Prices
Right.; H. E. Lautzenhiser Good Eats.;
Ebbinghaus Brothers Anything you want in
Footwear.; A. C. WolfeGeneral Footwear.;
Hiester's Dry Goods of Quality Main Street.;
Chas. Garber--College CampusEDESCO
Made-to-Measure Clothes.; B. Oppenheim & Co.Dry
Goods, Clothing, Shoes.; Gresso's Complete
Department Stores.; Manchester Bonnet Co.Full
Line of Millinery Stock.; The Tog ShopTailoring,
Cleaning and Pressing.; Urschel's Department
Store.; Ademar RufleJeweler and Optometrist.; J.
Lavey & SonJewelers.; S. BurkettReal Estate and
Farm Loans.; Clevinger & KingAll Kinds of
Insurance.; L. D. WrightReal Estate and
Insurance.; Isenberger & FlemingLaw and Real
Estate.; A.B. ThomasReal Estate and Insurance.;
Gump Bros. & PaulusFurnitureFuneral Directors.;
Geo. N. Bender Funiture DealerFuneral Director.;
S.P. Swank Modern Shoe Repairing.; Your money
brings the most in School Supplies, Drugs and
Music at Burdge's(Okeh Records, Famous Sonora}.;
A.F. Sala Drugs Rexall Store.; J.B. Williams
Drugs, Toilet Articles.; Naftzger & Co.Hardware,
Bicycles, Aluminum and Cutlery.; Frames' Quality
Hardware.; O.H. Bollinger & Co. Implements,
Hardware and Harness.; J.B. Lockwood Furnaces,
Sheet Metal Work.; Dr. Pinney, Osteopath, Walnut
Street, just off Main.; F. W. Walters, D.C.,
West Main; E. L. Lautzenhiser, Chiropractor, 610
Walnut.; Dr. G. E. Wright, Dentist; C. F.
Kraning, Dentist Modern Methods, X-Ray Service.;
Dr. Ralph E. Cottrell, Eye Specialist.; Dr. Emma
Holloway, Office West Main.; C. H. Risser,
Dentist and X-Ray Service, Office West Main.; G.
D. Balsbaugh, M. D., West Main Street.; Earl J.
Cripe. B. E., M.D., Physician and Surgeon.; The
R. L. Dollings Co. Investment Bankers
Represented by G. L. Allen,; Office Dr. Risser
Building.; Hotel Young, West Main.; Hotel
Sheller, Walnut Street.; Ohlinger & Warvel, FORD
Cars, Fordson Tractors.; Nichols City Transfer
Wabash Line 2 trips daily.; The Auto Tire Shop,
Second Street.; O. G. Haupert Auto Livery,
Accessories.; Conner & Fleck Garage, Walnut
Street.; Eel River Valley Creamery Co. Buyers of
Cream.; J. W. Strauss & Son Coal, Flour, Feed,;
Farmer's Elevator Co.; Acme Grain Co. Flour,
Feed, Coal.; Blick's Barber Shop.; V. S. Huffman
Bank Barber Shop.; Ulery Tyler Lumber Co.;
Frantz Lumber Co.; Manchester Lumber Co.;
Peabody School Furniture Co.; The North
Manchester Foundry.; S.S. Cox Showcase Co.;
Baldwin Tool Works.; The North Manchester
Concrete Co. Silos.; C.E. Ruppel Electrical
Work.; "The Syracuse Line," Cedar Chests; Harry
White Greenhouses Market Street.; Blickenstaff's
Studio, 107 Main Street.; Rice's Studio, Walnut
Street. |
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