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North Manchester
Historical Society
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Source: NMHS Newsletter Feb 1999
Peabody Retirement Community
Peabody Chapel was constructed in 1937 as a memorial
to James and Estelle Peabody by their son Thomas Peabody.
(Frances Kipp, Peabody Historian, wrote the first history
of Peabody for the 50th Anniversary. An updated edition
honors the 65th Anniversary. Much of the material for this
article comes from the 65th Anniversary booklet entitled
editor thanks the author and the administration at Peabody.)
James Peabody came to North Manchester in 1902 with his
[Continued on Page Two] Page One
Thomas to start a business. James was born in 1859 in
Allen County and spent his boyhood years there. His father,
John L. Peabody ran the Pioneer Sawmill at Arcola and James
B. and his brother, S. J. followed in the sawmill business
at Columbia City until 1881. At that time, James B. went his
own way, buying tracts of trees near Peabody, Indiana,
manufacturing buggies in Fostoria, Ohio and, later, spending
four years traveling in the Western States.
In July, 1899, he returned to the sawmill business,
purchased 500 acres of woodland in Wabash and Grant
counties, built a large band-mill at Lafontaine and sold
lumber on domestic and foreign markets. In April, 1901, the
company purchased the Hardwood Lumber Company in Wabash.
South House was the original building constructed in
1931 and transferred to the ownership of the Presbyterian
Synod of Indiana.
Page Two
North House was built in 1938 to provide space for
additional residents.
On April 6, 1931 a transfer of property (a residence
built on the former North Manchester fairground) was made to
the Presbyterian Church Synod of Indiana after the Trustees
accepted the Peabody gift. This is the building known as the
South House. The Reverend Edmund Lindsay became the
Superintendent. Construction of buildings has expanded the
facilities continually through the years since that time. By
1933, Superintendent Alexander Sharp was reporting to the
Trustees that the Home was filled and a waiting list
existed. A bequest from Simon Peabody, the brother of James,
made an addition possible in 1934 which doubled the size and
included an infirmary and a hospital.
After the death of James Peabody, Thomas constructed the
Chapel and the Memorial Tower which were dedicated in 1937
as a memorial to his parents. The Tower is constructed of
Indiana limestone and granite. It features bronze ornamental
grillwork at the top and a beautiful bronze door. The Tower
was rebuilt in 1994. It is the mausoleum for Estelle, James,
Thomas, Mary and Mary K. Peabody.
The North House, a mirror image of the first building,
was completed in 1938 to provide room for the increasing
number of
[Continued on Page Four] Page Three
applicants. In 1939, Dr. Hugh Ronald became
Superintendent and Mr. Peabody erected a home for him and
his large family on the grounds. It was occupied by the
family by Christmas, 1940.
In the beginning the Chapel was located on the second
floor of the South House, along with the dietary staff and
the administrative offices, while the residents lived on the
first floor. Long ago residents moved into furnished rooms
and shared a community bathroom located in the hallway. Now
the structure of the Home has changed and residents enjoy
the more personal touch of having their own furniture and a
private bath.
The increased longevity of members in the Home made a
nursing wing necessary. This wing was dedicated October 27,
1951 to Mary and Thomas Peabody. Another wing was added in
1960, and the Luse
Page Four
Wing was added in
1970. The Visser Wing dedicated in 1978 added 40 beds to the
Health Care program. It also provided temporary housing for
residents, making possible the complete renovation of South
and North Houses. The renovation made two rooms where there
had previously been three, reducing the occupany level. |
This remodeling took four years. A new color scheme was
chosen and the furniture was reupholstered to match. This
preserved the antique furniture and the general feel of the
rooms. Remodeling included the dining room. The formal
square tables were replaced by more gracious round tables
which made for easier conversation. In the past, a bell
would signal residents that it was time to dine. Now there
is no bell ringing and residents can come within an hour of
the announced time.
In 1987, a central nurses station was built in the Health
Center by Don and Billie Grubb Strauss as a memorial to
their parents.
With a developing demand for independent living units, a
series of garden homes were constructed from 1984 to 1993.
Lindsay Place
has 22 two-bedroom homes with connected garages. During
1989 to 1992, additional renovation brought the resident
houses to modern standards, making some deluxe suites. New
elevators were also installed. In 1991, construction began
on a series of one and two-bedroom apartments. In 1994, the
last of 35 units was filled with new residents of the
Village of Peabody. The Director's Home became the "Craig
House", the hospitality house for residents and families, as
well as providing facilities for guests.
On August 21, 1994, Don and Billie Strauss and Joanne
Strauss Crown, participated in the dedication of the Strauss
Center built in memory of Daniel Arden and Eileen Mills
Strauss. Now Peabody Retirement Community has a new entrance
center which includes offices, a library, meeting rooms with
audio and visual aids, a bank and centralized planning and
administrative services. The Strauss Center has made it
easier for both Houses to get together for activities. The
aviaries in the Center donated by Ray DeLancey give joy to
both residents and visitors alike.
The Strauss family's involvement with Peabody Retirement
Community dates to the initial construction days and Don
Strauss remem-
[Continued on Page Six] Page Five
bers as a youngster crawling under the subflooring of the
still-under-construction Chapel in search of youthful
adventure. "I'm probably one of the only residents of North
Manchester who has been all the way to the top of the tower,
right to the limestone escarpments," reminisces Don. Joanne
Strauss Crown says "As a young girl I can remember visiting
my mother's aunt, Nora Brown, and my father's uncle, Frank
Strauss, who were Peabody residents." Later her father
became a resident of the Health Care Center.
Many special services have been added over the years as
Peabody developed. In 1940 the Circle in Oaklawn Cemetery
was purchased for burial of Peabody Home members who chose
that as a last resting place. A beauty shop began operation
in 1957, and creative and physical therapy was initiated in
1964. The first van, purchased in 1972, increased capacity
for transportation to stores, medical appointments and other
trips. The fleet now consists of one van, two station
wagons, two cars and one bus equipped for wheelchairs. Air
conditioning was completed in the spring of 1987 just in

An aviary was built as part of the Eden Way
alternative care concept.
Page Six
time for a very hot summer.
Programs and activities abounded through the years.
Sunday Chapel services and weekly Bible study have been
offered since the Home was built. Musical programs using the
organ and pianos are given by members and by visitors. A
variety of concerts and other programs are presented by many
community, church, school and club groups. Gardens have
always been around the Home, from the first experimental
vegetable garden, to the individual plots faithfully tended
by the members.
Crafts of all kinds have been important and bazaars were
often part of dedication programs and became annual affairs
after 1953. Now auctions are more popular. In March 1979, a
gift shop was opened so that handiwork of members could be
purchased at any time. For many years, members received and
dressed old dolls gathered by the Salvation Army of Ft.
Wane, so that needy children might have Christmas gifts.
Eleanor Steele Blocher endowed a fund so that each year
Peabody residents and staff can buy and wrap Christmas toys
for some children of North Manchester.
The Eden Way of Peabody is an alternative care concept
implemented in December, 1995. It seeks to create an
environment in which people can live and spiritually
flourish, creating a fertile soil for the human spirit to
grow. The Eden goal is to combat feelings of loneliness,
helplessness and boredom for nursing home residents by
surrounding them with pets, plants and children. Children
from the schools in the county have been interacting with
the residents for many years. The children from Blessed
Beginnings day care, just off the campus, are bi-weekly
visitors. The Adopt-A-Plant program helps to bring the
gardens indoors.
Finances are always a major responsibility. After the
original gifts and bequests of the Peabody family, large
additions to the endowment fund were rare. The annual
contribution of the Presbyterian Church Synod was based on a
percentage of the Synod's Benevolent Fund. This was divided
between operational expenses and a "Worthy Presbyterian
Fund.". established in 1947 to provide assistance to
Presbyterians who could not meet the entrance fee.
The Trustees released the Synod from on-going obligations
to the
[Continued on Page Eight] Page Seven
Home in 1968 but the Presbyterian Church Synod remains
committed to the Home because, "the Synod still has an
obligation to support the Home in light of the original
gift." Since 1957 the Smock Foundation in Fort Wayne have
given support and made contributions toward construction
The Trustees reluctantly changed the entrance policies to
meet the continual increase in costs of operation and life
care has not been offered since 1979. Entrance fees are now
computed on an actuarial basis, a "Pay as you Stay" plan.
The day to day operation and care of residents has always
depended on the employees of the home. In 1931 Peabody
opened with a total of six employees. Today there are more
than two hundred dedicated workers. An Indiana State Nursing
Home license was received in 1958. Medical Service was
contracted with Manchester Clinic in 1977 and there are now
consultants in Pharmacy, podiatry and optometry.
The Peabody Retirement Community Mission Statement
summarizes the story well: We provide gracious service for
older adults and selected services to others with compassion
and respect for the dignity of individuals, their families
and the communities we serve, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Peabody, Traveler
In 1902, Thomas Peabody drove into Indiana with the first
automobile for this section of the state. Thomas, who was an
automobile enthusiast, enjoyed motoring about North
Manchester in his Oldsmobile "one-lunger." This was back in
the days when all the horses one met on the road would
either get up on their rear legs and paw the air, or even
worse, turn from side to side and upset the buggy and its
In later years, he discovered an almost duplicate model
of his car. Pleased with himself for restoring the new car
into good running condition, he occasionally dressed in a
linen duster and goggles, which were the style of the time
and drove the new model 1903 Oldsmobile about the town.
(That duster and the goggles, along with
Page Eight
Thomas's gloves and gold-headed cane are all in the local
The 1903 Oldsmobile was willed to the Smithsonian
Institution following Thomas's death in 1944. The car, which
is in very good condition, is on permanent display as a part
of the Road Transportation Home. "There are still quite a
few of these cars in existence, but not as many as the
Model-T, which was made in greater numbers," said Roger
White, Division of Transportation of the Smithsonian. "The
car, when bought brand new in 1903, retailed at $650."
The Thomas Peabodys were also global travelers and made
many voyages. So many, in fact that when they returned to
their home, Mary would mail out cards announcing they were
at the "Journey's End." This was their name for the
homestead in North Manchester.
One of Thomas's earliest foreign tours was to the old
world. On this trip he visited Italy, Austria, Switzerland,
France, Germany, Belgium and the British Isles. While this
four-month journey was primarily for pleasure, Thomas also
devoted some of his time to the interests of the Peabody
desk factory. (Our local Historical Society Museum also
holds one of the steamer trunks used on his overseas
The next voyage that Thomas set out on was a tour around
the world. For this trip, he and five hundred others
chartered the steamship 'Cleveland' and set out to visit
Gibraltar, Italy, Egypt, India and various other points of
interest. While in Egypt he saw many interesting sights,
among them the Sphinx and the pyramids. Perhaps the most
interesting to him, however, was the mummy of Rameses II.
"This trip was made for recreation and education," Thomas
commented in 1909. The steamer concluded the
circumnavigation of the world in San Francisco, after being
at sea for nearly four months.
Yet another voyage was made for their honeymoon, as a
young Thomas and Mary traveled to New York by Manhattan
Flyer and left for South America on the steamship
"Laurentic.' On this trip in 1912, they first visited
Havana, Cuba, then traveled to points in the West Indies,
the Isthmus of Panama and other regions, expecting to be
gone for at least five weeks. The couple saw the newly
installed Panama Canal and reported that it was a gigantic
project and quite a sight to
Page Nine
see. They also visited the ruins of Mt. Pelee on
Martinique Island, which had erupted a few years before in a
great volcanic explosion. The family also made seasonal
trips to Los Angeles, California, (January to April or May)
and to Walloon Lake, Michigan (June through August). They
enjoyed their winter months basking in the brilliant
California sunshine with James and Estelle Peabody, Thomas's
parents. Walloon Lake, Michigan, is where the family stayed
in their lake-front cabin for summer vacation..
On one particular trip through Southern California, a
hair raising incident occurred in the auto. Thomas logged
the event in his travel journal as follows:
"Before reaching San Luis Obispo, we crossed four
mountain ranges, each of most wonderful scenery. There were
scarcely two straight roads in one place, a constant turning
of sharp curves with a mountain on one side and a steep
precipice on the other. The road was scarcely wide enough
for one auto, with only two feet of space on either side of
the wheels. Another auto met us as we were coming down grade
and they were coming up.
I was going to take no risk, but put my right front wheel
within two feet of the edge, and cleared him in the front,
but raked him with my rear fender. My fender was in bad
shape and I lost my rear hub cap, but this, I thought, was
better than going down the bank. As neither of us stopped, I
do not know what I did to his car, but, as my Rambler
resembles a battleship in weight, it is safe to guess that
he got what was coming to him."
(Much of this article comes from PEABODY RETIREMENT
COMMUNITY, The Enduring Committment by permission of
North House was built in 1938 to provide space for
additional residents.
On April 6, 1931 a transfer of property (a residence built on the
former North Manchester fairground) was made to the Presbyterian
Church Synod of Indiana after the Trustees accepted the Peabody
gift. This is the building known as the South House. The Reverend
Edmund Lindsay became the Superintendent. Construction of buildings
has expanded the facilities continually through the years since that
time. By 1933, Superintendent Alexander Sharp was reporting to the
Trustees that the Home was filled and a waiting list existed. A
bequest from Simon Peabody, the brother of James, made an addition
possible in 1934 which doubled the size and included an infirmary
and a hospital.
After the death of James Peabody, Thomas constructed the Chapel
and the Memorial Tower which were dedicated in 1937 as a memorial to
his parents. The Tower is constructed of Indiana limestone and
granite. It features bronze ornamental grillwork at the top and a
beautiful bronze door. The Tower was rebuilt in 1994. It is the
mausoleum for Estelle, James, Thomas, Mary and Mary K. Peabody.
The North House, a mirror image of the first building, was
completed in 1938 to provide room for the increasing number of
[Continued on Page Four] Page Three
applicants. In 1939, Dr. Hugh Ronald became Superintendent and
Mr. Peabody erected a home for him and his large family on the
grounds. It was occupied by the family by Christmas, 1940.
In the beginning the Chapel was located on the second floor of
the South House, along with the dietary staff and the administrative
offices, while the residents lived on the first floor. Long ago
residents moved into furnished rooms and shared a community bathroom
located in the hallway. Now the structure of the Home has changed
and residents enjoy the more personal touch of having their own
furniture and a private bath.
The increased longevity of members in the Home made a nursing
wing necessary. This wing was dedicated October 27, 1951 to Mary and
Thomas Peabody. Another wing was added in 1960, and the Luse
Page Four
Wing was added in 1970. The
Visser Wing dedicated in 1978 added 40 beds to the Health Care
program. It also provided temporary housing for residents, making
possible the complete renovation of South and North Houses. The
renovation made two rooms where there had previously been three,
reducing the occupany level. |
This remodeling took four years. A new color scheme was chosen
and the furniture was reupholstered to match. This preserved the
antique furniture and the general feel of the rooms. Remodeling
included the dining room. The formal square tables were replaced by
more gracious round tables which made for easier conversation. In
the past, a bell would signal residents that it was time to dine.
Now there is no bell ringing and residents can come within an hour
of the announced time.
In 1987, a central nurses station was built in the Health Center
by Don and Billie Grubb Strauss as a memorial to their parents.
With a developing demand for independent living units, a series
of garden homes were constructed from 1984 to 1993. Lindsay Place
has 22 two-bedroom homes with connected garages. During 1989 to
1992, additional renovation brought the resident houses to modern
standards, making some deluxe suites. New elevators were also
installed. In 1991, construction began on a series of one and
two-bedroom apartments. In 1994, the last of 35 units was filled
with new residents of the Village of Peabody. The Director's Home
became the "Craig House", the hospitality house for residents and
families, as well as providing facilities for guests.
On August 21, 1994, Don and Billie Strauss and Joanne Strauss
Crown, participated in the dedication of the Strauss Center built in
memory of Daniel Arden and Eileen Mills Strauss. Now Peabody
Retirement Community has a new entrance center which includes
offices, a library, meeting rooms with audio and visual aids, a bank
and centralized planning and administrative services. The Strauss
Center has made it easier for both Houses to get together for
activities. The aviaries in the Center donated by Ray DeLancey give
joy to both residents and visitors alike.
The Strauss family's involvement with Peabody Retirement
Community dates to the initial construction days and Don Strauss
[Continued on Page Six] Page Five
bers as a youngster crawling under the subflooring of the
still-under-construction Chapel in search of youthful adventure.
"I'm probably one of the only residents of North Manchester who has
been all the way to the top of the tower, right to the limestone
escarpments," reminisces Don. Joanne Strauss Crown says "As a young
girl I can remember visiting my mother's aunt, Nora Brown, and my
father's uncle, Frank Strauss, who were Peabody residents." Later
her father became a resident of the Health Care Center.
Many special services have been added over the years as Peabody
developed. In 1940 the Circle in Oaklawn Cemetery was purchased for
burial of Peabody Home members who chose that as a last resting
place. A beauty shop began operation in 1957, and creative and
physical therapy was initiated in 1964. The first van, purchased in
1972, increased capacity for transportation to stores, medical
appointments and other trips. The fleet now consists of one van, two
station wagons, two cars and one bus equipped for wheelchairs. Air
consitioning was completed in the spring of 1987 just in

An aviary was built as part of the Eden Way alternative care
Page Six
time for a very hot summer.
Programs and activities abounded through the years. Sunday Chapel
services and weekly Bible study have been offered since the Home was
built. Musical programs using the organ and pianos are given by
members and by visitors. A variety of concerts and other programs
are presented by many community, church, school and club groups.
Gardens have always been around the Home, from the first
experimental vegetable garden, to the individual plots faithfully
tended by the members.
Crafts of all kinds have been important and bazaars were often
part of dedication programs and became annual affairs after 1953.
Now auctions are more popular. In March 1979, a gift shop was opened
so that handiwork of members could be purchased at any time. For
many years, members received and dressed old dolls gathered by the
Salvation Army of Ft. Wane, so that needy children might have
Christmas gifts. Eleanor Steele Blocher endowed a fund so that each
year Peabody residents and staff can buy and wrap Christmas toys for
some children of North Manchester.
The Eden Way of Peabody is an alternative care concept
implemented in December, 1995. It seeks to create an environment in
which people can live and spiritually flourish, creating a fertile
soil for the human spirit to grow. The Eden goal is to combat
feelings of loneliness, helplessness and boredom for nursing home
residents by surrounding them with pets, plants and children.
Children from the schools in the county have been interacting with
the residents for many years. The children from Blessed Beginnings
day care, just off the campus, are bi-weekly visitors. The
Adopt-A-Plant program helps to bring the gardens indoors.
Finances are always a major responsibility. After the original
gifts and bequests of the Peabody family, large additions to the
endowment fund were rare. The annual contribution of the
Presbyterian Church Synod was based on a percentage of the Synod's
Benevolent Fund. This was divided between operational expenses and a
"Worthy Presbyterian Fund.". established in 1947 to provide
assistance to Presbyterians who could not meet the entrance fee.
The Trustees released the Synod from on-going obligations to the
[Continued on Page Eight] Page Seven
Home in 1968 but the Presbyterian Church Synod remains committed
to the Home because, "the Synod still has an obligation to support
the Home in light of the original gift." Since 1957 the Smock
Foundation in Fort Wayne have given support and made contributions
toward construction projects.
The Trustees reluctantly changed the entrance policies to meet
the continual increase in costs of operation and life care has not
been offered since 1979. Entrance fees are now computed on an
actuarial basis, a "Pay as you Stay" plan.
The day to day operation and care of residents has always
depended on the employees of the home. In 1931 Peabody opened with a
total of six employees. Today there are more than two hundred
dedicated workers. An Indiana State Nursing Home license was
received in 1958. Medical Service was contracted with Manchester
Clinic in 1977 and there are now consultants in Pharmacy, podiatry
and optometry.
The Peabody Retirement Community Mission Statement summarizes the
story well: We provide gracious service for older adults and
selected services to others with compassion and respect for the
dignity of individuals, their families and the communities we serve,
in the name of Jesus Christ.
Tom Peabody,
In 1902, Thomas Peabody drove into Indiana with the first
automobile for this section of the state. Thomas, who was an
automobile enthusiast, enjoyed motoring about North Manchester in
his Oldsmobile "one-lunger." This was back in the days when all the
horses one met on the road would either get up on their rear legs
and paw the air, or even worse, turn from side to side and upset the
buggy and its passengers.
In later years, he discovered an almost duplicate model of his
car. Pleased with himself for restoring the new car into good
running condition, he occasionally dressed in a linen duster and
goggles, which were the style of the time and drove the new model
1903 Oldsmobile about the town. (That duster and the goggles, along
Page Eight
Thomas's gloves and gold-headed cane are all in the local
The 1903 Oldsmobile was willed to the Smithsonian Institution
following Thomas's death in 1944. The car, which is in very good
condition, is on permanent display as a part of the Road
Transportation Home. "There are still quite a few of these cars in
existence, but not as many as the Model-T, which was made in greater
numbers," said Roger White, Disivion of Transportation of the
Smithsonian. "The car, when bought brand new in 1903, retailed at
The Thomas Peabodys were also global travelers and made many
voyages. So many, in fact that when they returned to their home,
Mary would mail out cards announcing they were at the "Journey's
End." This was their name for the homestead in North Manchester.
One of Thomas's earliest foreign tours was to the old world. On
this trip he visited Italy, Austria, Switzerland, France, Germany,
Belgium and the British Isles. While this four-month journey was
primarily for pleasure, Thomas also devoted some of his time to the
interests of the Peabody desk factory. (Our local Historical Society
Museum also holds one of the steamer trunks used on his overseas
The next voyage that Thomas set out on was a tour around the
world. For this trip, he and five hundred others chartered the
steamship 'Cleveland' and set out to visit Gibraltar, Italy, Egypt,
India and various other points of interest. While in Egypt he saw
many interesting sights, among them the Sphinx and the pyramids.
Perhaps the most interesting to him, however, was the mummy of
Rameses II. "This trip was made for recreation and education,"
Thomas commented in 1909. The steamer concluded the circumnavigation
of the world in San Francisco, after being at sea for nearly four
Yet another voyage was made for their honeymoon, as a young
Thomas and Mary traveled to New York by Manhattan Flyer and left for
South America on the steamship "Laurentic.' On this trip in 1912,
they first visited Havana, Cuba, then traveled to points in the West
Indies, the Isthmus of Panama and other regions, expecting to be
gone for at least five weeks. The couple saw the newly installed
Panama Canal and reported that it was a gigantic project and quite a
sight to
Page Nine
see. They also visited the ruins of Mt. Pelee on Martinique
Island, which had erupted a few years before in a great volcanic
explosion. The family also made seasonal trips to Los Angeles,
California, (January to April or May) and to Walloon Lake, Michigan
(June through August). They enjoyed their winter months basking in
the brilliant California sunshine with James and Estelle Peabody,
Thomas's parents. Walloon Lake, Michigan, is where the family stayed
in their lake-front cabin for summer vacation..
On one particular trip through Southern California, a hair
raising incident occurred in the auto. Thomas logged the event in
his travel journal as follows:
"Before reaching San Luis Obispo, we crossed four mountain
ranges, each of most wonderful scenery. There were scarcely two
straight roads in one place, a constant turning of sharp curves with
a mountain on one side and a steep precipice on the other. The road
was scarcely wide enough for one auto, with only two feet of space
on either side of the wheels. Another auto met us as we were coming
down grade and they were coming up.
I was going to take no risk, but put my right front wheel within
two feet of the edge, and cleared him in the front, but raked him
with my rear fender. My fender was in bad shape and I lost my rear
hub cap, but this, I thought, was better than going down the bank.
As neither of us stopped, I do not know what I did to his car, but,
as my Rambler resembles a battleship in weight, it is safe to guess
that he got what was coming to him."
(Much of this article comes from PEABODY RETIREMENT COMMUNITY,
The Enduring Committment by permission of Peabody)